mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 10:11:37 +03:00
Accessing and modifying description and labels of Enso Cloud assets (#11255)
- Closes #11227 - Additionally, it should fix #11278 by ensuring that every scheduled message goes to the desired endpoint, by splitting each batch by endpoint.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,8 +11,11 @@
- [The `enso://~` path now resolves to user's home directory in the
- [The user may set description and labels of an Enso Cloud asset
[11235]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/11235
[11255]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/11255
# Enso 2024.4
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import project.Data.Numbers.Integer
## Represents a color.
type Color
## A color represented in the HCL color space.
HCL hue:Integer chroma:Integer lightness:Integer
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import project.Any.Any
import project.Data.Color.Color
import project.Data.Json.JS_Object
import project.Data.Numbers.Integer
import project.Data.Text.Encoding.Encoding
@ -138,12 +139,126 @@ type Enso_File
ICON metadata
Gets the last modified time of a file.
last_modified_time : Date_Time
last_modified_time self =
asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for self
if asset.is_regular_file.not then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "`last_modified_time` can only be queried for files.") else
metadata = asset.get_file_description |> get_required_field "metadata"
Date_Time.parse (get_required_field "modifiedAt" metadata expected_type=Text) Date_Time_Formatter.iso_offset_date_time
. catch Time_Error error-> Error.throw (Enso_Cloud_Error.Invalid_Response_Payload error)
last_modified_time self -> Date_Time =
asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for self want_metadata=True
## GROUP Metadata
ICON metadata
Gets the description associated with the file in Enso Cloud.
By default, the description is empty. It can be set in the Dashboard, or
using the `set_description` method.
description : Text
description self -> Text =
asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for self want_metadata=True
asset.metadata.description.if_nothing ""
## GROUP Metadata
ICON data_output
Sets the description associated with the file in Enso Cloud.
- description: The new description to set.
- The file on which it was called.
set_description : Text -> Enso_File
set_description self (description : Text) -> Enso_File =
Context.Output.if_enabled disabled_message="Cannot set a description when writing is disabled. Press the Write button ▶ to perform the operation." panic=False <|
update_asset_description self description . if_not_error self
## GROUP Metadata
ICON metadata
Gets the labels associated with the file in Enso Cloud.
labels : Vector Text
labels self -> Vector Text =
asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for self want_metadata=True
## GROUP Metadata
ICON data_output
Adds a label to the file in Enso Cloud.
If the label with the given name did not exist before, it is created with
a random color associated with it. If you want to set a specific color,
use `Enso_File.create_label` before calling this method.
- label: The name of the label to add to the file.
- The file on which it was called.
? Race Conditions
Adding labels is not atomic. If two processes are modifying labels of
the same asset at the same time, some changes may be lost.
add_label : Text -> Enso_File
add_label self (label : Text) -> Enso_File =
labels = self.labels
if labels.contains label then self else
Context.Output.if_enabled disabled_message="Cannot add a label when writing is disabled. Press the Write button ▶ to perform the operation." panic=False <|
create_tags_if_not_exist [label] . if_not_error <|
new_labels = labels+[label]
update_asset_labels self new_labels . if_not_error self
## GROUP Metadata
ICON data_output
Removes a label from the file in Enso Cloud.
- label: The name of the label to remove from the file.
- A boolean value indicating if the file had the label before the operation.
? Race Conditions
Removing labels is not atomic. If two processes are modifying labels of
the same asset at the same time, some changes may be lost.
remove_label : Text -> Boolean
remove_label self (label : Text) -> Boolean =
labels = self.labels
if labels.contains label . not then False else
Context.Output.if_enabled disabled_message="Cannot remove a label when writing is disabled. Press the Write button ▶ to perform the operation." panic=False <|
new_labels = labels.filter l-> l != label
update_asset_labels self new_labels . if_not_error True
## GROUP Metadata
ICON data_output
Sets the set of labels associated with the file in Enso Cloud.
Any other labels than the ones provided are removed from the file.
If any of the provided labels did not exist before, it is created with
a random color associated with it. If you want to set a specific color,
use `Enso_File.create_label` before calling this method.
- labels: The new set of labels to associate with the file.
- The file on which it was called.
set_labels : Vector Text -> Enso_File
set_labels self (labels : Vector Text) -> Enso_File =
Context.Output.if_enabled disabled_message="Cannot update labels when writing is disabled. Press the Write button ▶ to perform the operation." panic=False <|
create_tags_if_not_exist labels . if_not_error <|
update_asset_labels self labels . if_not_error self
## GROUP Metadata
ICON data_output
Creates a new label with the given name and color.
- name: The name of the label to create.
- color: The color of the label to create.
create_label : Text -> Text -> Nothing
create_label (name : Text) (color : Color) -> Nothing =
# TODO once cloud also checks for tag existance, if the Write context is enabled we could avoid this check as cloud will do it anyway - then we'll have only one request instead of 2 each time
# Cloud ticket: https://github.com/enso-org/cloud-v2/issues/1544
if does_tag_exist name then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "A label with name "+name+" already exists.") else
Context.Output.if_enabled disabled_message="Cannot create a label when writing is disabled. Press the Write button ▶ to perform the operation." panic=False <|
create_tag name color . if_not_error Nothing
## GROUP Metadata
ICON metadata
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
import project.Any.Any
import project.Data.Color.Color
import project.Data.Dictionary.Dictionary
import project.Data.Hashset.Hashset
import project.Data.Json.Invalid_JSON
import project.Data.Json.JS_Object
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File.Enso_Asset_Type
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File.Enso_File
import project.Enso_Cloud.Errors.Enso_Cloud_Error
@ -19,6 +22,7 @@ import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Method.HTTP_Method
import project.Network.HTTP.Request_Error
import project.Network.URI.URI
import project.Nothing.Nothing
import project.Random.Random
import project.System.File.File
import project.System.Output_Stream.Output_Stream
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ perform_upload (destination : Enso_File) (allow_existing : Boolean) (~generate_r
response = Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Post full_uri pair.first error_handlers=error_handlers
response.if_not_error <|
id = get_required_field "id" response expected_type=Text
Asset_Cache.update destination (Existing_Enso_Asset.from_id_and_title id file_name) . if_not_error <|
Asset_Cache.update destination (Existing_Enso_Asset.new id file_name) . if_not_error <|
@ -103,7 +107,9 @@ create_directory_with_parents (target : Enso_File) -> Existing_Enso_Asset =
body = JS_Object.from_pairs [["title", target.name], ["parentId", parent_asset.id]]
Asset_Cache.invalidate target
response = Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Post Utils.directory_api body
created_asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.from_json response
id = get_required_field "id" response expected_type=Text
title = get_required_field "title" response expected_type=Text
created_asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.new id title
created_asset.if_not_error <|
Asset_Cache.update target created_asset
@ -129,5 +135,64 @@ create_datalink_from_stream_action (destination : Enso_File) (allow_existing : B
response = Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Post Utils.datalinks_api payload error_handlers=error_handlers
response.if_not_error <|
id = get_required_field "id" response expected_type=Text
Asset_Cache.update destination (Existing_Enso_Asset.from_id_and_title id title) . if_not_error <|
Asset_Cache.update destination (Existing_Enso_Asset.new id title) . if_not_error <|
update_asset_description (asset : Enso_File) (description : Text) =
existing_asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for asset
payload = JS_Object.from_pairs [["description", description]]
Asset_Cache.invalidate asset
Utils.http_request HTTP_Method.Patch existing_asset.asset_uri payload
update_asset_labels (asset : Enso_File) (new_labels : Vector Text) =
existing_asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for asset
payload = JS_Object.from_pairs [["labels", new_labels]]
Asset_Cache.invalidate asset
Utils.http_request HTTP_Method.Patch existing_asset.asset_uri+"/labels" payload
create_tag (name : Text) (color : Color) =
color_as_json = JS_Object.from_pairs <| case color of
Color.HCL h c l -> [["lightness", l], ["chroma", c], ["hue", h]]
_ -> Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Only colors expressed in HCL color-space are supported when creating labels.")
payload = JS_Object.from_pairs <|
[["value", name], ["color", color_as_json]]
Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Post Utils.tags_api payload
Returns a list of known tags.
list_tags -> Vector Tag =
response = Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Get Utils.tags_api
tags = get_required_field "tags" response expected_type=Vector
tags.map tag_json->
id = get_required_field "id" tag_json expected_type=Text
value = get_required_field "value" tag_json expected_type=Text
Tag.Value value id
type Tag
We are not including the color, as we are not using it yet.
Once needed, it should be added.
Value value:Text id:Text
random_tag_color -> Color =
lightness = 50
chroma = 66
hue = Random.integer 0 360
Color.HCL hue chroma lightness
does_tag_exist (name : Text) -> Boolean =
existing_tags = Hashset.from_vector <| list_tags.map .value
existing_tags.contains name
create_tags_if_not_exist (names : Vector Text) =
existing_tags = Hashset.from_vector <| list_tags.map .value
tags_to_create = (Hashset.from_vector names).difference existing_tags . to_vector
tags_to_create.each name->
create_tag name random_tag_color
@ -10,19 +10,22 @@ import project.Enso_Cloud.Cloud_Caching_Settings
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File.Enso_Asset_Type
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File.Enso_File
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_User.Enso_User
import project.Enso_Cloud.Errors.Enso_Cloud_Error
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Utils
import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.Common.Not_Found
import project.Errors.File_Error.File_Error
import project.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import project.Errors.Time_Error.Time_Error
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Method.HTTP_Method
import project.Network.URI.URI
import project.Nothing.Nothing
import project.Panic.Panic
import project.Runtime.Context
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.Data.Text.Extensions import all
from project.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link_Helpers import data_link_extension
from project.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_required_field
from project.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_required_field, get_optional_field
Currently, most of the Cloud API relies on asset IDs and not paths.
@ -32,7 +35,11 @@ from project.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_required_field
type Existing_Enso_Asset
Represents an existing asset within the Enso cloud.
private Value title:Text id:Text asset_type:Enso_Asset_Type
The metadata represents additional information about the asset.
It is stored if it was available in a response. It may not be present for
entries saved in cache after an upload operation that does not return metadata.
private Value title:Text id:Text asset_type:Enso_Asset_Type metadata:Asset_Metadata|Nothing
Target URI for the api
@ -69,8 +76,14 @@ type Existing_Enso_Asset
Fetches the basic information about an existing file from the Cloud.
It will fail if the file does not exist.
get_asset_reference_for (file : Enso_File) -> Existing_Enso_Asset ! File_Error =
fetch_asset_reference file
- file: The file to fetch the information for.
- want_metadata: Whether to require metadata for the file.
If set to True, a cached entry without metadata will not be considered
and a full fetch will be performed.
get_asset_reference_for (file : Enso_File) (want_metadata : Boolean = False) -> Existing_Enso_Asset ! File_Error =
fetch_asset_reference file want_metadata
Resolves a path to an existing asset in the cloud.
@ -100,36 +113,67 @@ type Existing_Enso_Asset
from_json json -> Existing_Enso_Asset =
title = get_required_field "title" json expected_type=Text
id = get_required_field "id" json expected_type=Text
Existing_Enso_Asset.from_id_and_title id title
metadata = Asset_Metadata.from_json json
Existing_Enso_Asset.new id title metadata
from_id_and_title id:Text title:Text -> Existing_Enso_Asset =
asset_type = Enso_Asset_Type.from (id.take (..Before "-"))
Existing_Enso_Asset.Value title id asset_type
new id:Text title:Text (metadata : Asset_Metadata | Nothing = Nothing) -> Existing_Enso_Asset =
Existing_Enso_Asset.Value title id (asset_type_from_id id) metadata
asset_type_from_id id:Text -> Enso_Asset_Type =
Enso_Asset_Type.from (id.take (..Before "-"))
The asset metadata that is currently automatically included as part of the path resolution response.
type Asset_Metadata
Value modified_at:Date_Time description:Text|Nothing labels:Vector
from_json json -> Asset_Metadata =
modified_at_text = get_required_field "modifiedAt" json expected_type=Text
modified_at = Date_Time.parse modified_at_text Date_Time_Formatter.iso_offset_date_time
. catch Time_Error error-> Error.throw (Enso_Cloud_Error.Invalid_Response_Payload error)
description = get_optional_field "description" json expected_type=Text
labels = get_optional_field "labels" json expected_type=Vector if_missing=[]
Asset_Metadata.Value modified_at description labels
type Asset_Cache
asset_prefix = "asset:"
asset_key (file : Enso_File) -> Text = Asset_Cache.asset_prefix+file.enso_path.to_text
invalidate (file : Enso_File) =
Utils.invalidate_cache (Asset_Cache.asset_key file)
invalidate_subtree (file : Enso_File) =
Utils.invalidate_caches_with_prefix (Asset_Cache.asset_key file)
invalidate_all =
Utils.invalidate_caches_with_prefix Asset_Cache.asset_prefix
update (file : Enso_File) (asset : Existing_Enso_Asset) =
Utils.set_cached (Asset_Cache.asset_key file) asset cache_duration=Cloud_Caching_Settings.get_file_cache_ttl
Returns the cached reference or fetches it from the cloud.
fetch_asset_reference (file : Enso_File) -> Existing_Enso_Asset ! File_Error = file.if_not_error <|
fetch_asset_reference (file : Enso_File) (want_metadata : Boolean) -> Existing_Enso_Asset ! File_Error = file.if_not_error <|
path = file.enso_path.to_text
Utils.get_cached (Asset_Cache.asset_key file) cache_duration=Cloud_Caching_Settings.get_file_cache_ttl <|
Existing_Enso_Asset.resolve_path path if_not_found=(Error.throw (File_Error.Not_Found file))
on_not_found =
Error.throw (File_Error.Not_Found file)
r = Utils.get_cached (Asset_Cache.asset_key file) cache_duration=Cloud_Caching_Settings.get_file_cache_ttl <|
Existing_Enso_Asset.resolve_path path if_not_found=on_not_found
needs_refetch = want_metadata && r.metadata.is_nothing
if needs_refetch.not then r else
with_metadata = Existing_Enso_Asset.resolve_path path if_not_found=on_not_found
Asset_Cache.update file with_metadata
@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ secrets_api = cloud_root_uri + "secrets"
Root address for DataLinks API.
datalinks_api = cloud_root_uri + "datalinks"
Root address for managing labels.
tags_api = cloud_root_uri + "tags"
Flushes all cloud caches, including the authentication data
(so the next request will re-read the credentials file).
@ -168,10 +168,13 @@ type Test
next_clue = case prev_clue of
Clue.Value prev_add_clue -> (x -> prev_add_clue (add_clue x))
_ -> add_clue
# Set the new clue
State.put Clue (Clue.Value next_clue)
result = behavior
State.put Clue prev_clue
# Run the behaviour, and restore the previous clue afterwards, even if the behaviour panics
Panic.with_finalizer (State.put Clue prev_clue) <|
## A helper method that retries the action a few times if it panics.
It allows to make flaky tests more robust.
@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ import java.net.http.HttpClient;
import java.net.http.HttpRequest;
import java.net.http.HttpResponse;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
@ -90,20 +93,52 @@ class AuditLogApiAccess {
try {
// We use the request config from the first message.
// The request config may only change in test scenarios which just must take this into
// account.
var requestConfig = pendingMessages.get(0).requestConfig();
var request = buildRequest(requestConfig, pendingMessages);
sendLogRequest(request, MAX_RETRIES);
} catch (RequestFailureException e) {
notifyJobsAboutFailure(pendingMessages, e);
var batchesByConfig = splitMessagesByConfig(pendingMessages);
for (var batch : batchesByConfig) {
* Sends a batch of log messages.
* <p>The batch must not be empty and all messages must share the same request config.
private void sendBatch(List<LogJob> batch) {
assert !batch.isEmpty() : "The batch must not be empty.";
// We use the request config from the first message - all messages in the batch should have the
// same request config.
var requestConfig = batch.get(0).requestConfig();
assert requestConfig != null
: "The request configuration must be set before building a request.";
assert batch.stream().allMatch(job -> job.requestConfig().equals(requestConfig))
: "All messages in a batch must have the same request configuration.";
try {
var request = buildRequest(requestConfig, batch);
sendLogRequest(request, MAX_RETRIES);
} catch (RequestFailureException e) {
notifyJobsAboutFailure(batch, e);
* Only during testing, it is possible to encounter pending messages with different request
* configs (when the config changes between tests). To send each message where it is intended, we
* split up the batch by the config.
Collection<List<LogJob>> splitMessagesByConfig(List<LogJob> messages) {
HashMap<RequestConfig, List<LogJob>> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
for (var message : messages) {
var list = hashMap.computeIfAbsent(message.requestConfig(), k -> new ArrayList<>());
return hashMap.values();
private void notifyJobsAboutSuccess(List<LogJob> jobs) {
for (var job : jobs) {
if (job.completionNotification() != null) {
@ -261,6 +261,78 @@ add_specs suite_builder setup:Cloud_Tests_Setup = suite_builder.group "Enso Clou
(Enso_File.root / "test-directory" / "non-existent") . is_descendant_of (Enso_File.root / "test-directory") . should_be_true
(Enso_File.root / "test-directory") . is_descendant_of (Enso_File.root / "test-directory" / "non-existent") . should_be_false
group_builder.specify "supports partial metadata for directories" <|
dir = test_root.get / "test-directory"
dir.last_modified_time.should_be_a Date_Time
# TODO this test should be 'reversed' and merged with above once the metadata is implemented
dir.creation_time.should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
group_builder.specify "should be able to read and modify asset description" <|
nested_file = test_root.get / "test-directory" / "another.txt"
nested_file.description . should_equal ""
my_description = "This is a test file."
nested_file.set_description my_description . should_equal nested_file
nested_file.description . should_equal my_description
# We can also set description back to empty
nested_file.set_description "" . should_equal nested_file
nested_file.description . should_equal ""
Context.Output.with_disabled <|
nested_file.set_description "ABC" . should_fail_with Forbidden_Operation
group_builder.specify "should be able to get and modify labels on assets" <|
f = test_root.get / "test_file.json"
f.labels . should_equal []
f.set_labels ["A", "B", "C", "D"] . should_equal f
f.labels . should_equal_ignoring_order ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
f.add_label "E" . should_equal f
f.add_label "A" . should_equal f
f.labels . should_equal_ignoring_order ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
f.remove_label "B" . should_equal True
f.remove_label "C" . should_equal True
f.labels . should_equal_ignoring_order ["A", "D", "E"]
f.remove_label "non-existent" . should_equal False
# B is also already removed
f.remove_label "B" . should_equal False
f.labels . should_equal_ignoring_order ["A", "D", "E"]
Context.Output.with_disabled <|
# Adding new label with disabled context fails
f.add_label "new" . should_fail_with Forbidden_Operation
# Removing a label that is there also fails
f.remove_label "A" . should_fail_with Forbidden_Operation
f.labels . should_equal_ignoring_order ["A", "D", "E"]
# But adding a label that is already there or removing one that is not (so no effective change), succeeds:
f.add_label "A" . should_equal f
f.remove_label "non-existent" . should_equal False
group_builder.specify "can get and set metadata on just-created asset" <|
## This is a bit of a white-box test - we know that just-created assets are cached without metadata,
so we want to test this case to ensure nothing breaks here.
f = (test_root.get / "my-directory-for-metadata").create_directory
f.description . should_equal ""
f.labels . should_equal []
f.set_description "ABC" . should_succeed
f.description . should_equal "ABC"
# Also test setting metadata before querying it:
g = (test_root.get / "my-directory-for-metadata-2").create_directory
g.set_labels ["A"] . should_succeed
g.labels . should_equal ["A"]
group_builder.specify "allows / as well as .. and . in resolve" <|
(Enso_File.root / "a/b/c") . should_equal (Enso_File.root / "a" / "b" / "c")
(Enso_File.root / "a///b/c") . should_equal (Enso_File.root / "a" / "b" / "c")
@ -285,21 +357,6 @@ add_specs suite_builder setup:Cloud_Tests_Setup = suite_builder.group "Enso Clou
# If the `~` is not at the beginning, it is not resolved
Enso_File.new "enso://a/b/c/~" . should_not_equal Enso_File.home
group_builder.specify "currently does not support metadata for directories" <|
# TODO this test should be 'reversed' and merged with above once the metadata is implemented
dir = test_root.get / "test-directory"
dir.creation_time.should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
dir.last_modified_time.should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
group_builder.specify "should be able to read other file metadata" pending="TODO needs further design" <|
nested_file = test_root.get / "test-directory" / "another.txt"
nested_file.absolute . should_equal nested_file
nested_file.normalize . should_equal nested_file
nested_file.posix_permissions . should_be_a File_Permissions
nested_file.is_writable . should_be_a Boolean
Local_File_Spec.add_create_and_delete_directory_specs group_builder test_root.get
Local_File_Spec.add_copy_edge_cases_specs group_builder test_root.get
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Audit_Log.Audit_Log
from Standard.Table import Table
@ -36,29 +37,32 @@ add_specs suite_builder prefix ~datalink_to_connection database_pending =
# Retrying is needed as there may be some delay before the background thread finishes processing the logs.
Test.with_retries <|
Thread.sleep 1000
# We send a synchronous log to block the main thread until all pending async logs have been processed.
Audit_Log.report_event "TestEvent" "test message to sync" async=False . should_succeed
all_events = get_audit_log_events
relevant_events = all_events.filter e-> e.message.contains table_name
Test.with_clue ((relevant_events.map .to_text).join '\n' 'Found relevant events are:\n' '\n') <|
create = relevant_events.find (e-> e.message.contains "CREATE")
create.user_email . should_equal Enso_User.current.email
create.metadata.get "connectionUri" . should_contain "jdbc:"
create.metadata.get "projectName" . should_equal enso_project.namespace+"."+enso_project.name
create = relevant_events.find (e-> e.message.contains "CREATE")
create.user_email . should_equal Enso_User.current.email
create.metadata.get "connectionUri" . should_contain "jdbc:"
create.metadata.get "projectName" . should_equal enso_project.namespace+"."+enso_project.name
insert = relevant_events.find (e-> e.message.contains "INSERT INTO")
# The insert query should not contain column cell data - only column names / metadata.
insert.message.should_not_contain "my_payload"
insert = relevant_events.find (e-> e.message.contains "INSERT INTO")
# The insert query should not contain column cell data - only column names / metadata.
insert.message.should_not_contain "my_payload"
create_sequence_number = create.metadata.get "sequenceNumber"
insert_sequence_number = insert.metadata.get "sequenceNumber"
create_sequence_number.should_be_a Integer
insert_sequence_number.should_be_a Integer
(create_sequence_number < insert_sequence_number) . should_be_true
create_sequence_number = create.metadata.get "sequenceNumber"
insert_sequence_number = insert.metadata.get "sequenceNumber"
create_sequence_number.should_be_a Integer
insert_sequence_number.should_be_a Integer
(create_sequence_number < insert_sequence_number) . should_be_true
relevant_events.find (e-> e.message.contains "SELECT") . should_succeed
relevant_events.find (e-> e.message.contains "DROP") . should_succeed
relevant_events.find (e-> e.message.contains "SELECT") . should_succeed
relevant_events.find (e-> e.message.contains "DROP") . should_succeed
group_builder.specify "should see Database operations performed manually" <| cloud_setup.with_prepared_environment <|
audited_connection = datalink_to_connection.read
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package org.enso.shttp.cloud_mock;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedList;
@ -15,11 +18,22 @@ public class AssetStore {
final Directory homeDirectory;
public AssetStore() {
rootDirectory = new Directory(ROOT_DIRECTORY_ID, "", null, new LinkedList<>());
rootDirectory =
new Directory(ROOT_DIRECTORY_ID, "", null, currentTimeAsString(), new LinkedList<>());
Directory usersDirectory =
new Directory(USERS_DIRECTORY_ID, "Users", rootDirectory.id, new LinkedList<>());
new Directory(
new LinkedList<>());
homeDirectory =
new Directory(HOME_DIRECTORY_ID, "My test User 1", usersDirectory.id, new LinkedList<>());
new Directory(
"My test User 1",
new LinkedList<>());
@ -37,7 +51,7 @@ public class AssetStore {
String id = "secret-" + java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString();
secrets.add(new Secret(id, title, value, parentDirectoryId));
secrets.add(new Secret(id, title, value, parentDirectoryId, currentTimeAsString()));
return id;
@ -65,10 +79,15 @@ public class AssetStore {
return List.copyOf(secrets);
record Secret(String id, String title, String value, String parentDirectoryId) {
Asset asAsset() {
return new Asset(id, title, parentDirectoryId);
* We do not store the creation time as ZoneDateTime, because that causes trouble with
* serialization to JSON - we'd need to add more dependencies to handle it. Instead, since this is
* just a mock, we store as raw strings.
private String currentTimeAsString() {
return ZonedDateTime.now()
Asset resolvePath(String[] path) {
@ -117,11 +136,19 @@ public class AssetStore {
return currentAsset;
public record Asset(String id, String title, String parentId) {}
record Directory(String id, String title, String parentId, LinkedList<Directory> children) {
record Secret(
String id, String title, String value, String parentDirectoryId, String modifiedAt) {
Asset asAsset() {
return new Asset(id, title, parentId);
return new Asset(id, title, parentDirectoryId, modifiedAt);
public record Asset(String id, String title, String parentId, String modifiedAt) {}
record Directory(
String id, String title, String parentId, String modifiedAt, LinkedList<Directory> children) {
Asset asAsset() {
return new Asset(id, title, parentId, modifiedAt);
@ -47,13 +47,6 @@ public class PostLogHandler implements CloudHandler {
try {
// Delay recording the event to simulate network conditions
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore the interruption
JsonNode root = jsonMapper.readTree(exchange.decodeBodyAsText());
var incomingEvents = decodeLogEvents(root);
if (batchingTestModeEnabled) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user