Make data-links behave more like 'symlinks' (#9485)

- Closes #9324
This commit is contained in:
Radosław Waśko 2024-03-22 18:01:54 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6c1ba64671
commit 6665c22eb9
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
49 changed files with 1022 additions and 341 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
from Standard.Base import all
from Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link import parse_format
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_State.Illegal_State
import Standard.Base.System.Input_Stream.Input_Stream
from Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link import Data_Link_With_Input_Stream, parse_format
from Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_optional_field, get_required_field
import project.AWS_Credential.AWS_Credential
@ -9,18 +11,30 @@ from project.Internal.Data_Link_Helpers import decode_aws_credential
type S3_Data_Link
Value (uri : Text) format (credentials : AWS_Credential)
Value (uri : Text) format_json (credentials : AWS_Credential)
parse json -> S3_Data_Link =
uri = get_required_field "uri" json expected_type=Text
auth = decode_aws_credential (get_required_field "auth" json)
format = parse_format (get_optional_field "format" json)
S3_Data_Link.Value uri format auth
format_json = get_optional_field "format" json
S3_Data_Link.Value uri format_json auth
as_file self -> S3_File = self.uri self.credentials
read self (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) = self.format on_problems
default_format self -> Any ! Illegal_State =
parse_format self.format_json
read self (format = Auto_Detect) (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) =
effective_format = if format != Auto_Detect then format else self.default_format effective_format on_problems
with_input_stream self (open_options : Vector) (action : Input_Stream -> Any) -> Any =
self.as_file.with_input_stream open_options action
Data_Link_With_Input_Stream.from (that:S3_Data_Link) = Data_Link_With_Input_Stream.Value that

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link
import Standard.Base.Errors.Common.Syntax_Error
import Standard.Base.Errors.File_Error.File_Error
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import Standard.Base.Errors.Unimplemented.Unimplemented
import Standard.Base.Runtime.Context
import Standard.Base.System.File.Data_Link_Access.Data_Link_Access
import Standard.Base.System.File.Generic.File_Like.File_Like
import Standard.Base.System.File.Generic.Writable_File.Writable_File
import Standard.Base.System.File_Format_Metadata.File_Format_Metadata
@ -89,21 +91,21 @@ type S3_File
with_output_stream : Vector File_Access -> (Output_Stream -> Any ! File_Error) -> Any ! File_Error
with_output_stream self (open_options : Vector) action = if self.is_directory then Error.throw (S3_Error.Error "S3 directory cannot be opened as a stream." self.uri) else
Context.Output.if_enabled disabled_message="Writing to an S3_File is forbidden as the Output context is disabled." panic=False <|
if open_options.contains File_Access.Append then Error.throw (S3_Error.Error "S3 does not support appending to a file. Instead you may read it, modify and then write the new contents." self.uri) else
# The exists check is not atomic, but it is the best we can do with S3
check_exists = open_options.contains File_Access.Create_New
valid_options = [File_Access.Write, File_Access.Create_New, File_Access.Truncate_Existing, File_Access.Create]
invalid_options = open_options.filter (Filter_Condition.Is_In valid_options action=Filter_Action.Remove)
if invalid_options.not_empty then Error.throw (S3_Error.Error "Unsupported S3 stream options: "+invalid_options.to_display_text self.uri) else
if check_exists && self.exists then Error.throw (File_Error.Already_Exists self) else
# Given that the amount of data written may be large and AWS library does not seem to support streaming it directly, we use a temporary file to store the data.
tmp_file = File.create_temporary_file "s3-tmp"
Panic.with_finalizer tmp_file.delete <|
result = tmp_file.with_output_stream [File_Access.Write] action
# Only proceed if the write succeeded
result.if_not_error <|
(translate_file_errors self <| S3.upload_file tmp_file self.s3_path.bucket self.s3_path.key self.credentials) . if_not_error <|
open_as_data_link = (open_options.contains Data_Link_Access.No_Follow . not) && (Data_Link.is_data_link self)
if open_as_data_link then Data_Link.write_data_link_as_stream self open_options action else
if open_options.contains File_Access.Append then Error.throw (S3_Error.Error "S3 does not support appending to a file. Instead you may read it, modify and then write the new contents." self.uri) else
File_Access.ensure_only_allowed_options "with_output_stream" [File_Access.Write, File_Access.Create_New, File_Access.Truncate_Existing, File_Access.Create, Data_Link_Access.No_Follow] open_options <|
# The exists check is not atomic, but it is the best we can do with S3
check_exists = open_options.contains File_Access.Create_New
if check_exists && self.exists then Error.throw (File_Error.Already_Exists self) else
# Given that the amount of data written may be large and AWS library does not seem to support streaming it directly, we use a temporary file to store the data.
tmp_file = File.create_temporary_file "s3-tmp"
Panic.with_finalizer tmp_file.delete <|
result = tmp_file.with_output_stream [File_Access.Write] action
# Only proceed if the write succeeded
result.if_not_error <|
(translate_file_errors self <| S3.upload_file tmp_file self.s3_path.bucket self.s3_path.key self.credentials) . if_not_error <|
@ -121,9 +123,11 @@ type S3_File
if it returns exceptionally).
with_input_stream : Vector File_Access -> (Input_Stream -> Any ! File_Error) -> Any ! S3_Error | Illegal_Argument
with_input_stream self (open_options : Vector) action = if self.is_directory then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "S3 folders cannot be opened as a stream." self.uri) else
if (open_options != [File_Access.Read]) then Error.throw (S3_Error.Error "S3 files can only be opened for reading." self.uri) else
response_body = translate_file_errors self <| S3.get_object self.s3_path.bucket self.s3_path.key self.credentials delimiter=S3_Path.delimiter
response_body.with_stream action
open_as_data_link = (open_options.contains Data_Link_Access.No_Follow . not) && (Data_Link.is_data_link self)
if open_as_data_link then Data_Link.read_data_link_as_stream self open_options action else
File_Access.ensure_only_allowed_options "with_output_stream" [File_Access.Read, Data_Link_Access.No_Follow] open_options <|
response_body = translate_file_errors self <| S3.get_object self.s3_path.bucket self.s3_path.key self.credentials delimiter=S3_Path.delimiter
response_body.with_stream action
## ALIAS load, open
GROUP Standard.Base.Input
@ -143,14 +147,14 @@ type S3_File
@format File_Format.default_widget
read : File_Format -> Problem_Behavior -> Any ! S3_Error
read self format=Auto_Detect (on_problems=Problem_Behavior.Report_Warning) =
_ = on_problems
File_Format.handle_format_missing_arguments format <| case format of
Auto_Detect -> if self.is_directory then self on_problems else
response = translate_file_errors self <| S3.get_object self.s3_path.bucket self.s3_path.key self.credentials delimiter=S3_Path.delimiter
response.decode Auto_Detect
_ ->
metadata = File_Format_Metadata.Value path=self.path
self.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read] (stream-> format.read_stream stream metadata)
if Data_Link.is_data_link self then Data_Link.read_data_link self format on_problems else
File_Format.handle_format_missing_arguments format <| case format of
Auto_Detect -> if self.is_directory then self on_problems else
response = translate_file_errors self <| S3.get_object self.s3_path.bucket self.s3_path.key self.credentials delimiter=S3_Path.delimiter
response.decode Auto_Detect
_ ->
metadata = File_Format_Metadata.Value path=self.path
self.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read] (stream-> format.read_stream stream metadata)
## ALIAS load bytes, open bytes
ICON data_input

View File

@ -3,16 +3,17 @@ import project.Data.Pair.Pair
import project.Data.Text.Encoding.Encoding
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link
import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.File_Error.File_Error
import project.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import project.Errors.Problem_Behavior.Problem_Behavior
import project.Internal.Data_Read_Helpers
import project.Meta
import project.Network.HTTP.Header.Header
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Error.HTTP_Error
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Method.HTTP_Method
import project.Network.HTTP.Request.Request
import project.Network.HTTP.Request_Body.Request_Body
import project.Network.HTTP.Request_Error
import project.Network.URI.URI
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ import project.Runtime.Context
import project.System.File.File
import project.System.File.Generic.Writable_File.Writable_File
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.Metadata.Choice import Option
from project.Metadata.Widget import Text_Input
from project.System.File_Format import Auto_Detect, File_Format
@ -65,8 +67,9 @@ from project.System.File_Format import Auto_Detect, File_Format
@format File_Format.default_widget
read : Text | File -> File_Format -> Problem_Behavior -> Any ! File_Error
read path format=Auto_Detect (on_problems=Problem_Behavior.Report_Warning) = case path of
_ : Text -> if (path.starts_with "http://") || (path.starts_with "https://") then fetch path else
_ : Text -> if Data_Read_Helpers.looks_like_uri path then Data_Read_Helpers.fetch_following_data_links path format=format else
read ( path) format on_problems
uri : URI -> Data_Read_Helpers.fetch_following_data_links uri format=format
_ -> path . read format on_problems
## ALIAS load text, open text
@ -168,8 +171,9 @@ list_directory directory:File (name_filter:(Text | Nothing)=Nothing) recursive:B
`HTTP_Method.Head`, `HTTP_Method.Delete`, `HTTP_Method.Options`.
Defaults to `HTTP_Method.Get`.
- headers: The headers to send with the request. Defaults to an empty vector.
- try_auto_parse_response: If successful should the body be attempted to be
parsed to an Enso native object.
- format: The format to use for interpreting the response.
Defaults to `Auto_Detect`. If `Raw_Response` is selected or if the format
cannot be determined automatically, a raw HTTP `Response` will be returned.
> Example
Read from an HTTP endpoint.
@ -184,15 +188,10 @@ list_directory directory:File (name_filter:(Text | Nothing)=Nothing) recursive:B
file = / "spreadsheet.xls"
Data.fetch URL . body . write file
@uri Text_Input
fetch : (URI | Text) -> HTTP_Method -> Vector (Header | Pair Text Text) -> Boolean -> Any ! Request_Error | HTTP_Error
fetch (uri:(URI | Text)) (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Get) (headers:(Vector (Header | Pair Text Text))=[]) (try_auto_parse_response:Boolean=True) =
response = HTTP.fetch uri method headers
if try_auto_parse_response.not then response.with_materialized_body else
## We cannot catch decoding errors here and fall-back to the raw response
body, because as soon as decoding is started, at least part of the
input stream may already be consumed, so we cannot easily reconstruct
the whole stream.
response.decode if_unsupported=response.with_materialized_body
@format Data_Read_Helpers.format_widget_with_raw_response
fetch : (URI | Text) -> HTTP_Method -> Vector (Header | Pair Text Text) -> File_Format -> Any ! Request_Error | HTTP_Error
fetch (uri:(URI | Text)) (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Get) (headers:(Vector (Header | Pair Text Text))=[]) (format = Auto_Detect) =
Data_Read_Helpers.fetch_following_data_links uri method headers (Data_Read_Helpers.handle_legacy_format "fetch" "format" format)
## ALIAS http post, upload
GROUP Output
@ -207,8 +206,9 @@ fetch (uri:(URI | Text)) (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Get) (headers:(Vector (
- method: The HTTP method to use. Must be one of `HTTP_Method.Post`,
`HTTP_Method.Put`, `HTTP_Method.Patch`. Defaults to `HTTP_Method.Post`.
- headers: The headers to send with the request. Defaults to an empty vector.
- try_auto_parse: If successful should the body be attempted to be parsed to
an Enso native object.
- response_format: The format to use for interpreting the response.
Defaults to `Auto_Detect`. If `Raw_Response` is selected or if the format
cannot be determined automatically, a raw HTTP `Response` will be returned.
! Supported Body Types
@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ fetch (uri:(URI | Text)) (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Get) (headers:(Vector (
form_data = Map.from_vector [["key", "val"], ["a_file", test_file]]
response = url_post (Request_Body.Form_Data form_data url_encoded=True)
@uri Text_Input
post : (URI | Text) -> Request_Body -> HTTP_Method -> Vector (Header | Pair Text Text) -> Boolean -> Any ! Request_Error | HTTP_Error
post (uri:(URI | Text)) (body:Request_Body=Request_Body.Empty) (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Post) (headers:(Vector (Header | Pair Text Text))=[]) (try_auto_parse_response:Boolean=True) =
@response_format Data_Read_Helpers.format_widget_with_raw_response
post : (URI | Text) -> Request_Body -> HTTP_Method -> Vector (Header | Pair Text Text) -> File_Format -> Any ! Request_Error | HTTP_Error
post (uri:(URI | Text)) (body:Request_Body=Request_Body.Empty) (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Post) (headers:(Vector (Header | Pair Text Text))=[]) (response_format = Auto_Detect) =
response = uri body method headers
if try_auto_parse_response.not then response.with_materialized_body else
response.decode if_unsupported=response.with_materialized_body
Data_Read_Helpers.decode_http_response_following_data_links response (Data_Read_Helpers.handle_legacy_format "post" "response_format" response_format)
## GROUP Input
ICON data_download
@ -337,4 +337,17 @@ download : (URI | Text) -> Writable_File -> HTTP_Method -> Vector (Header | Pair
download (uri:(URI | Text)) file:Writable_File (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Get) (headers:(Vector (Header | Pair Text Text))=[]) =
Context.Output.if_enabled disabled_message="Downloading to a file is forbidden as the Output context is disabled." panic=False <|
response = HTTP.fetch uri method headers
response.write file
case Data_Link.is_data_link response.body.metadata of
True ->
# If the resource was a data link, we follow it, download the target data and try to write it to a file.
data_link = Data_Link.interpret_json_as_data_link response.decode_as_json
Data_Link.save_data_link_to_file data_link file
False ->
response.write file
## If the `format` is set to `Raw_Response`, a raw HTTP `Response` is returned
that can be then processed further manually.
type Raw_Response
get_dropdown_options : Vector Option
get_dropdown_options = [Option "Raw HTTP Response" (Meta.get_qualified_type_name Raw_Response)]

View File

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ type Array
sort self (order = Sort_Direction.Ascending) on=Nothing by=Nothing on_incomparable=Problem_Behavior.Ignore =
Array_Like_Helpers.sort self order on by on_incomparable
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, foot, limit
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, limit
GROUP Selections
ICON select_row
Creates a new `Vector` with only the specified range of elements from the

View File

@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ Text.repeat : Integer -> Text
Text.repeat self count=1 =
0.up_to count . fold "" acc-> _-> acc + self
## ALIAS first, last, left, mid, right, slice, substring, top, head, tail, foot, limit
## ALIAS first, last, left, mid, right, slice, substring, top, head, tail, limit
GROUP Selections
Creates a new Text by selecting the specified range of the input.

View File

@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ type Vector a
slice : Integer -> Integer -> Vector Any
slice self start end = Array_Like_Helpers.slice self start end
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, foot, limit
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, limit
GROUP Selections
ICON select_row
Creates a new `Vector` with only the specified range of elements from the

View File

@ -2,20 +2,31 @@ import project.Any.Any
import project.Data.Json.JS_Object
import project.Data.Text.Encoding.Encoding
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_Secret.Enso_Secret
import project.Enso_Cloud.Errors.Missing_Data_Link_Library
import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.Common.No_Such_Conversion
import project.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import project.Errors.Illegal_State.Illegal_State
import project.Errors.Problem_Behavior.Problem_Behavior
import project.Errors.Unimplemented.Unimplemented
import project.Meta
import project.Nothing.Nothing
import project.Panic.Panic
import project.System.File.File
import project.System.File.Generic.Writable_File.Writable_File
import project.System.File.File_Access.File_Access
import project.System.File.Data_Link_Access.Data_Link_Access
import project.System.File_Format.Auto_Detect
import project.System.File_Format.Infer
import project.System.File_Format.JSON_Format
import project.System.File_Format_Metadata.File_Format_Metadata
import project.System.File_Format_Metadata.Content_Type_Metadata
import project.System.File.Generic.File_Like.File_Like
import project.System.File.Generic.Writable_File.Writable_File
import project.System.Input_Stream.Input_Stream
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.Data.Text.Extensions import all
from project.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_required_field
polyglot java import org.enso.base.enso_cloud.DataLinkSPI
@ -25,53 +36,173 @@ polyglot java import org.enso.base.file_format.FileFormatSPI
A file format for reading data links.
type Data_Link_Format
If the File_Format supports reading from the file, return a configured instance.
for_read : File_Format_Metadata -> Data_Link_Format | Nothing
for_read file:File_Format_Metadata =
case file.guess_extension of
".datalink" -> Data_Link_Format
_ -> Nothing
Reads the raw configuration data of a data-link.
read_config (file : File_Like) -> JS_Object =
text = Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config file
Currently writing data links is not supported.
for_file_write : Writable_File -> Nothing
for_file_write file =
_ = file
Writes a data-link configuration to a file.
- file: The file to write the configuration to.
- config: The configuration to write to the file.
- replace_existing: A flag specifying if the operation should replace an
existing file. By default, the operation will fail if the file already
- skip_validation: A flag that allows to skip validation. By default,
before writing the config we try to parse it to ensure that it
represents a valid data-link. In some cases (e.g. testing), we may want
to skip that.
write_config (file : Writable_File) (config : JS_Object) (replace_existing : Boolean = False) (skip_validation : Boolean = False) =
checked = if skip_validation.not then Data_Link_Format.validate_config config
checked.if_not_error <|
Data_Link_Format.write_raw_config file config.to_json replace_existing
We currently don't display data-link as a specific format.
It relies on `Auto_Detect`.
get_dropdown_options = []
Reads the raw configuration data of a data-link, as plain text.
This is should mostly be used for testing, `read_config` is preferred for normal use.
- file: The file to read the configuration from.
read_raw_config (file : File_Like) -> Text =
if is_data_link file . not then
Panic.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Data_Link_Format should only be used for reading config of Data Links, but "+file.to_display_text+" is not a Data Link.")
options = [File_Access.Read, Data_Link_Access.No_Follow]
bytes = file.underlying.with_input_stream options input_stream->
Text.from_bytes bytes data_link_encoding on_problems=Problem_Behavior.Report_Error
Implements the `` for this `File_Format`
read : File -> Problem_Behavior -> Any
read self file on_problems =
json = file on_problems
read_datalink json on_problems
Writes raw data as the data-link configuration.
This is should mostly be used for testing, `write_config` is preferred for normal use.
- file: The file to write the configuration to.
- raw_content: The raw data to write to the file.
- replace_existing: A flag specifying if the operation should replace an
existing file. By default, the operation will fail if the file already
write_raw_config (file : Writable_File) (raw_content : Text) (replace_existing : Boolean = False) =
if is_data_link file . not then
Panic.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Data_Link_Format should only be used for writing config to Data Links, but "+file.file.to_display_text+" is not a Data Link.")
exist_options = if replace_existing then [File_Access.Create, File_Access.Truncate_Existing] else [File_Access.Create_New]
options = exist_options + [File_Access.Write, Data_Link_Access.No_Follow]
bytes = raw_content.bytes data_link_encoding on_problems=Problem_Behavior.Report_Error
r = bytes.if_not_error <| file.with_output_stream options output_stream->
output_stream.write_bytes bytes
r.if_not_error file.file
Implements decoding the format from a stream.
read_stream : Input_Stream -> File_Format_Metadata -> Any
read_stream self stream:Input_Stream (metadata : File_Format_Metadata) =
json = JSON_Format.read_stream stream metadata
read_datalink json Problem_Behavior.Report_Error
Checks if the config represents a valid data-link.
If the library providing the data-link is not imported, this function
will fail with `Missing_Data_Link_Library`, even if the config would be
validate_config (config : JS_Object) -> Nothing ! Missing_Data_Link_Library | Illegal_State =
interpret_json_as_data_link config . if_not_error Nothing
interpret_json_as_datalink json =
An interface for a data link description.
type Data_Link
Reads a data link and interprets it using the provided format.
If the format is `Auto_Detect` (default), a default format provided by the data link is used, if available.
read self (format = Auto_Detect) (on_problems : Problem_Behavior = Problem_Behavior.Report_Error) -> Any =
_ = [format, on_problems]
Unimplemented.throw "This is an interface only."
A type class representing a data link that can be opened as a stream.
It requires the underlying data link to provide a `with_input_stream` method.
type Data_Link_With_Input_Stream
Value underlying
Opens the data pointed at by the data link as a raw stream.
with_input_stream self (open_options : Vector) (action : Input_Stream -> Any) -> Any =
self.underlying.with_input_stream open_options action
Creates a `Data_Link_With_Input_Stream` from a data link instance, if
that data link supports streaming. If it does not, an error is thrown.
find data_link_instance (~if_not_supported = (Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "The "+(data_link_name data_link_instance)+" cannot be opened as a stream."))) -> Data_Link_With_Input_Stream ! Illegal_Argument =
handle_no_conversion _ =
Panic.catch No_Such_Conversion (Data_Link_With_Input_Stream.from data_link_instance) handle_no_conversion
All data-link config files should be saved with UTF-8 encoding.
data_link_encoding = Encoding.utf_8
data_link_content_type = "application/x-enso-datalink"
data_link_extension = ".datalink"
Checks if the given file is a data-link.
is_data_link (file_metadata : File_Format_Metadata) -> Boolean =
content_type_matches = case file_metadata.interpret_content_type of
content_type : Content_Type_Metadata ->
content_type.base_type == data_link_content_type
_ -> False
# If the content type matches, it is surely a data link.
if content_type_matches then True else
## If the content type does not match, we check the extension even if _different content type was provided_.
That is because many HTTP servers will not understand data links and may return a data link with
a content type like `text/plain` or `application/json`. We still want to treat the file as a data link
if its extension is correct.
case file_metadata.guess_extension of
extension : Text ->
extension == data_link_extension
Nothing -> False
interpret_json_as_data_link json =
typ = get_required_field "type" json expected_type=Text
case DataLinkSPI.findDataLinkType typ of
Nothing ->
library_name = get_required_field "libraryName" json expected_type=Text
Error.throw (Illegal_State.Error "The data link for "+typ+" is provided by the library "+library_name+" which is not loaded. Please import the library, and if necessary, restart the project.")
Error.throw (Missing_Data_Link_Library.Error library_name typ)
data_link_type ->
data_link_type.parse json
read_datalink json on_problems =
data_link_instance = interpret_json_as_datalink json on_problems
read_data_link (file : File_Like) format (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) =
json = Data_Link_Format.read_config file
data_link_instance = interpret_json_as_data_link json format on_problems
read_data_link_as_stream (file : File_Like) (open_options : Vector) (f : Input_Stream -> Any) =
json = Data_Link_Format.read_config file
data_link_instance = interpret_json_as_data_link json
data_link_with_input_stream = Data_Link_With_Input_Stream.find data_link_instance
data_link_with_input_stream.with_input_stream open_options f
write_data_link (file : File_Like) format (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) =
_ = [file, format, on_problems]
Unimplemented.throw "Writing data links is not yet supported."
write_data_link_as_stream (file : File_Like) (open_options : Vector) (f : Input_Stream -> Any) =
_ = [file, open_options, f]
Unimplemented.throw "Writing data links is not yet supported."
save_data_link_to_file data_link_instance (target_file : Writable_File) =
data_link_with_input_stream = Data_Link_With_Input_Stream.find data_link_instance if_not_supported=(Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "The "+(data_link_name data_link_instance)+" cannot be saved to a file."))
data_link_with_input_stream.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read] input_stream->
input_stream.write_to_file target_file
parse_secure_value json -> Text | Enso_Secret =
@ -86,7 +217,7 @@ parse_secure_value json -> Text | Enso_Secret =
_ -> Error.throw (Illegal_State.Error "Parsing a secure value failed. Expected either a string or an object representing a secret, but got "+(Meta.type_of json . to_display_text)+".")
parse_format json = case json of
parse_format (json : Any) -> Any ! Illegal_State = case json of
Nothing -> Auto_Detect
_ : JS_Object -> case get_required_field "subType" json of
"default" -> Auto_Detect
@ -97,3 +228,8 @@ parse_format json = case json of
other ->
Error.throw (Illegal_State.Error "Expected `subType` to be a string, but got: "+other.to_display_text+".")
other -> Error.throw (Illegal_State.Error "Unexpected value inside of a data-link `format` field: "+other.to_display_text+".")
Returns a human readable name of the data link type, based on its type.
data_link_name data_link_instance =
Meta.type_of data_link_instance . to_display_text . replace "_" " "

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import project.Data.Text.Text_Sub_Range.Text_Sub_Range
import project.Data.Time.Date_Time.Date_Time
import project.Data.Time.Date_Time_Formatter.Date_Time_Formatter
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link
import project.Enso_Cloud.Errors.Enso_Cloud_Error
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Enso_Path.Enso_Path
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Utils
@ -23,7 +24,9 @@ import project.Errors.Unimplemented.Unimplemented
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Method.HTTP_Method
import project.Nothing.Nothing
import project.Runtime
import project.Runtime.Context
import project.System.File.Data_Link_Access.Data_Link_Access
import project.System.File.File_Access.File_Access
import project.System.File.Generic.Writable_File.Writable_File
import project.System.File_Format_Metadata.File_Format_Metadata
@ -31,7 +34,6 @@ import project.System.Input_Stream.Input_Stream
import project.System.Output_Stream.Output_Stream
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.Data.Text.Extensions import all
from project.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link import read_datalink
from project.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_required_field
from project.System.File_Format import Auto_Detect, Bytes, File_Format, Plain_Text_Format
from project.System.File.Generic.File_Write_Strategy import generic_copy
@ -185,10 +187,20 @@ type Enso_File
The created stream is automatically closed when `action` returns (even
if it returns exceptionally).
with_input_stream : Vector File_Access -> (Input_Stream -> Any ! File_Error) -> Any ! File_Error | Illegal_Argument
with_input_stream self (open_options : Vector) action = if self.asset_type != Enso_Asset_Type.File then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Only files can be opened as a stream.") else
if (open_options != [File_Access.Read]) then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Files can only be opened for reading.") else
response = HTTP.fetch (get_download_url_for_file self) HTTP_Method.Get []
response.if_not_error <| response.body.with_stream action
with_input_stream self (open_options : Vector) action =
open_as_data_link = (open_options.contains Data_Link_Access.No_Follow . not) && (Data_Link.is_data_link self)
if open_as_data_link then Data_Link.read_data_link_as_stream self open_options action else
File_Access.ensure_only_allowed_options "with_input_stream" [File_Access.Read, Data_Link_Access.No_Follow] open_options <|
uri = case self.asset_type of
Enso_Asset_Type.File ->
get_download_url_for_file self
Enso_Asset_Type.Data_Link ->
Runtime.assert (open_options.contains Data_Link_Access.No_Follow)
_ ->
Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Only files can be opened as a stream.")
response = HTTP.fetch uri HTTP_Method.Get []
response.if_not_error <| response.body.with_stream action
## ALIAS load, open
@ -212,7 +224,8 @@ type Enso_File
Enso_Asset_Type.Secret -> Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Secrets cannot be read directly.")
Enso_Asset_Type.Data_Link ->
json = Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Get self.internal_uri
read_datalink json on_problems
datalink = Data_Link.interpret_json_as_data_link json format on_problems
Enso_Asset_Type.Directory -> if format == Auto_Detect then self.list else Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Directories can only be read using the Auto_Detect format.")
Enso_Asset_Type.File -> File_Format.handle_format_missing_arguments format <| case format of
Auto_Detect ->
@ -220,9 +233,7 @@ type Enso_File
if real_format == Nothing then Error.throw (File_Error.Unsupported_Type self) else real_format on_problems
_ ->
# TODO this is just a placeholder, until we implement the proper path
path = "enso://"
metadata = File_Format_Metadata.Value path=path
metadata = File_Format_Metadata.from self
self.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read] (stream-> format.read_stream stream metadata)
## ALIAS load bytes, open bytes
@ -374,7 +385,17 @@ Enso_Asset_Type.from (that:Text) = case that of
_ -> Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Invalid asset type: "+that.pretty+".")
File_Format_Metadata.from (that:Enso_File) = File_Format_Metadata.Value Nothing (that.extension.catch _->Nothing)
File_Format_Metadata.from (that:Enso_File) =
# TODO this is just a placeholder, until we implement the proper path
path = Nothing
case that.asset_type of
Enso_Asset_Type.Data_Link ->
File_Format_Metadata.Value path=path content_type=Data_Link.data_link_content_type
Enso_Asset_Type.Directory ->
File_Format_Metadata.Value path=path extension=(that.extension.catch _->Nothing)
Enso_Asset_Type.File ->
File_Format_Metadata.Value path=path extension=(that.extension.catch _->Nothing)
_ -> Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "`File_Format_Metadata` is not available for: "+self.asset_type.to_text+".")
Fetches the basic information about a file from the Cloud endpoint.

View File

@ -47,3 +47,13 @@ type Enso_Cloud_Error
Enso_Cloud_Error.Invalid_Response_Payload cause -> "Internal error: A response from Enso Cloud could not be parsed: " + cause.to_display_text
Enso_Cloud_Error.Unauthorized -> "Enso Cloud credentials file was found, but the service responded with 401 Unauthorized. You may try logging in again and restarting the workflow."
Enso_Cloud_Error.Connection_Error cause -> "Error connecting to Enso Cloud: " + cause.to_display_text
type Missing_Data_Link_Library
Error (library_name : Text) (data_link_type : Text)
to_display_text : Text
to_display_text self =
"The data link for "+self.data_link_type+" is provided by the library "+self.library_name+" which is not loaded. Please import the library, and if necessary, restart the project."

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ type File_Error
## Indicates that the given file is corrupted, i.e. the data it contains
is not in the expected format.
Corrupted_Format (file : File_Like) (message : Text) (cause : Any | Nothing = Nothing)
Corrupted_Format (file : File_Like | Nothing) (message : Text) (cause : Any | Nothing = Nothing)
Convert the File error to a human-readable format.
@ -66,7 +66,9 @@ type File_Error
(Meta.meta format)
format_name = Panic.catch No_Such_Conversion (File_Like.from format . name) (_->name_from_constructor)
"Values of type "+data_type.to_text+" cannot be written as format "+format_name.to_text+"."
File_Error.Corrupted_Format file msg _ -> "The file at " + file.path + " is corrupted: " + msg
File_Error.Corrupted_Format file msg _ ->
at_part = if file.is_nothing then "" else " at " + file.path
"The file"+at_part+" is corrupted: " + msg

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import project.Data.Text.Case_Sensitivity.Case_Sensitivity
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link
import project.Errors.Deprecated.Deprecated
import project.Errors.Problem_Behavior.Problem_Behavior
import project.Metadata.Display
import project.Metadata.Widget
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Method.HTTP_Method
import project.Network.URI.URI
import project.Warning.Warning
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.Data.Text.Extensions import all
from project.Data import Raw_Response
from project.Metadata.Choice import Option
from project.Metadata.Widget import Single_Choice
from project.System.File_Format import Auto_Detect, format_types
looks_like_uri path:Text -> Boolean =
(path.starts_with "http://" Case_Sensitivity.Insensitive) || (path.starts_with "https://" Case_Sensitivity.Insensitive)
A common implementation for fetching a resource and decoding it,
following encountered data links.
fetch_following_data_links (uri:URI) (method:HTTP_Method = HTTP_Method.Get) (headers:Vector = []) format =
response = HTTP.fetch uri method headers
decode_http_response_following_data_links response format
Decodes a HTTP response, handling data link access.
decode_http_response_following_data_links response format =
# If Raw_Response is requested, we ignore data link handling.
if format == Raw_Response then response.with_materialized_body else
case Data_Link.is_data_link response.body.metadata of
True ->
data_link = Data_Link.interpret_json_as_data_link response.decode_as_json format Problem_Behavior.Report_Error
False ->
response.decode format=format if_unsupported=response.with_materialized_body
format_widget_with_raw_response -> Widget =
options = ([Auto_Detect, Raw_Response] + format_types).flat_map .get_dropdown_options
Single_Choice display=Display.When_Modified values=options
A helper method that handles the old-style invocation of `Data.fetch` and ``.
Before the introduction of the `format` parameter, these methods had a
`try_auto_parse_result` parameter taking a Boolean at the same position.
To ensure old code relying on positional arguments still works, we have special handling for the Boolean case.
This 'migration' will not work unfortunately if the argument was named.
handle_legacy_format (method_name : Text) (new_argument_name : Text) format = case format of
try_auto_parse_result : Boolean ->
new_format = if try_auto_parse_result then Auto_Detect else Raw_Response
warning = Deprecated.Warning "Standard.Base.Data" method_name "Deprecated: The `try_auto_parse_result` argument was replaced with `"+new_argument_name+"`. `True` becomes `Auto_Detect` and `False` becomes `Raw_Response`."
Warning.attach warning new_format
_ -> format

View File

@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ from project.Data.Json.Extensions import all
from project.Data.Range.Extensions import all
from project.Data.Text.Extensions import all
from project.Data.Text.Regex import regex
from project.Data import Raw_Response
from project.Errors.Problem_Behavior.Problem_Behavior import all
from project.Meta.Enso_Project import enso_project
from project.Network.Extensions import all
@ -199,6 +200,7 @@ from project.Data.Range.Extensions export all
from project.Data.Statistics export all hiding to_moment_statistic, wrap_java_call, calculate_correlation_statistics, calculate_spearman_rank, calculate_correlation_statistics_matrix, compute_fold, empty_value, is_valid
from project.Data.Text.Extensions export all
from project.Data.Text.Regex export regex
from project.Data export Raw_Response
from project.Errors.Problem_Behavior.Problem_Behavior export all
from project.Function export all
from project.Meta.Enso_Project export enso_project

View File

@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ import project.Data.Pair.Pair
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Errors.Common.Syntax_Error
import project.Internal.Data_Read_Helpers
import project.Network.HTTP.Header.Header
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Method.HTTP_Method
import project.Network.HTTP.Request_Body.Request_Body
import project.Network.URI.URI
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.System.File_Format import Auto_Detect, File_Format
## ALIAS parse_uri, uri from text
GROUP Conversions
@ -38,11 +39,13 @@ Text.to_uri self = URI.parse self
`HTTP_Method.Head`, `HTTP_Method.Delete`, `HTTP_Method.Options`.
Defaults to `HTTP_Method.Get`.
- headers: The headers to send with the request. Defaults to an empty vector.
- try_auto_parse_response: If successful should the body be attempted to be
parsed to an Enso native object.
URI.fetch : HTTP_Method -> Vector (Header | Pair Text Text) -> Boolean -> Any
URI.fetch self (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Get) headers=[] try_auto_parse_response=True =
Data.fetch self method headers try_auto_parse_response
- format: The format to use for interpreting the response.
Defaults to `Auto_Detect`. If `Raw_Response` is selected or if the format
cannot be determined automatically, a raw HTTP `Response` will be returned.
@format Data_Read_Helpers.format_widget_with_raw_response
URI.fetch : HTTP_Method -> Vector (Header | Pair Text Text) -> File_Format -> Any
URI.fetch self (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Get) headers=[] format=Auto_Detect =
Data.fetch self method headers format
## ALIAS upload, http post
GROUP Output
@ -56,8 +59,9 @@ URI.fetch self (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Get) headers=[] try_auto_parse_re
- method: The HTTP method to use. Must be one of `HTTP_Method.Post`,
`HTTP_Method.Put`, `HTTP_Method.Patch`. Defaults to `HTTP_Method.Post`.
- headers: The headers to send with the request. Defaults to an empty vector.
- try_auto_parse_response: If successful should the body be attempted to be
parsed to an Enso native object.
- response_format: The format to use for interpreting the response.
Defaults to `Auto_Detect`. If `Raw_Response` is selected or if the format
cannot be determined automatically, a raw HTTP `Response` will be returned.
! Specifying Content Types
@ -81,6 +85,7 @@ URI.fetch self (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Get) headers=[] try_auto_parse_re
- Text: shorthand for `Request_Body.Text that_text`.
- File: shorthand for `Request_Body.Binary that_file`.
- Any other Enso object: shorthand for `Request_Body.Json that_object`. : Request_Body -> HTTP_Method -> Vector (Header | Pair Text Text) -> Boolean -> Any self (body:Request_Body=Request_Body.Empty) (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Post) (headers:(Vector (Header | Pair Text Text))=[]) (try_auto_parse_response:Boolean=True) = self body method headers try_auto_parse_response
@response_format Data_Read_Helpers.format_widget_with_raw_response : Request_Body -> HTTP_Method -> Vector (Header | Pair Text Text) -> File_Format -> Any self (body:Request_Body=Request_Body.Empty) (method:HTTP_Method=HTTP_Method.Post) (headers:(Vector (Header | Pair Text Text))=[]) (response_format = Auto_Detect) = self body method headers response_format

View File

@ -1,29 +1,46 @@
import project.Any.Any
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Errors.Problem_Behavior.Problem_Behavior
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Method.HTTP_Method
import project.Network.HTTP.Request.Request
import project.Nothing.Nothing
from project.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link import parse_format, parse_secure_value
import project.System.File.Data_Link_Access.Data_Link_Access
import project.System.File.File_Access.File_Access
import project.System.File_Format.Auto_Detect
import project.System.Input_Stream.Input_Stream
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link import Data_Link_With_Input_Stream, parse_format, parse_secure_value
from project.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_optional_field, get_required_field
type HTTP_Fetch_Data_Link
Value (request : Request) format
Value (request : Request) format_json
parse json -> HTTP_Fetch_Data_Link =
uri = get_required_field "uri" json expected_type=Text
method = HTTP_Method.from (get_required_field "method" json expected_type=Text)
format = parse_format (get_optional_field "format" json)
format_json = get_optional_field "format" json
# TODO headers
headers = []
request = method uri headers
HTTP_Fetch_Data_Link.Value request format
HTTP_Fetch_Data_Link.Value request format_json
read self (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) =
read self (format = Auto_Detect) (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) =
_ = on_problems
effective_format = if format != Auto_Detect then format else parse_format self.format_json
response = self.request
response.decode self.format
response.decode effective_format
with_input_stream self (open_options : Vector) (action : Input_Stream -> Any) -> Any =
File_Access.ensure_only_allowed_options "with_output_stream" [File_Access.Read] open_options <|
response = self.request
response.body.with_stream action
Data_Link_With_Input_Stream.from (that:HTTP_Fetch_Data_Link) = Data_Link_With_Input_Stream.Value that

View File

@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ type Response
ICON data_input
Uses the format to decode the body.
If using `Auto_Detect`, the content-type will be used to determine the
format. If the format cannot be detected automatically, `if_unsupported`
is returned.
@format decode_format_selector
decode : File_Format -> Any -> Any
decode self format=Auto_Detect ~if_unsupported=Throw_Unsupported_Error =

View File

@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ type Response_Body
- format: The format to use to decode the body.
- if_unsupported: Specifies how to proceed if the format is not supported.
- if_unsupported: Specifies how to proceed if `Auto_Detect` was selected
but the format could not be determined.
@format decode_format_selector
decode : File_Format -> Any -> Any
decode self format=Auto_Detect ~if_unsupported=Throw_Unsupported_Error =
@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ type Response_Body
self.with_stream body_stream->
file.write on_existing_file output_stream->
r = output_stream.write_stream body_stream
r.if_not_error file
r.if_not_error file.file
can_decode : File_Format -> Boolean

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Data.Text.Text_Sub_Range.Text_Sub_Range
import project.Data.Time.Date_Time.Date_Time
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link
import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.Common.Dry_Run_Operation
import project.Errors.Common.Type_Error
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ import project.Nothing.Nothing
import project.Panic.Panic
import project.Runtime.Context
import project.Runtime.Managed_Resource.Managed_Resource
import project.System.File.Data_Link_Access.Data_Link_Access
import project.System.File.File_Access.File_Access
import project.System.File.File_Permissions.File_Permissions
import project.System.File.Generic.File_Like.File_Like
@ -184,15 +186,17 @@ type File
## Re-wrap the File Not Found error to return the parent directory
instead of the file itself, as that is the issue if not present.
Until #5792 fixes catching `File_Error.Not_Found` specifically,
so instead we catch all `File_Error`s and match the needed one.
wrapped = stream.catch File_Error error-> case error of
File_Error.Not_Found file_path -> Error.throw (File_Error.Not_Found file_path.parent)
_ -> stream wrapped (File_Error.handle_java_exceptions self)
Context.Output.if_enabled disabled_message="File writing is forbidden as the Output context is disabled." panic=False <|
Managed_Resource.bracket (new_output_stream self open_options) (_.close) action
open_as_data_link = (open_options.contains Data_Link_Access.No_Follow . not) && (Data_Link.is_data_link self)
if open_as_data_link then Data_Link.write_data_link_as_stream self open_options action else
# We ignore the Data_Link_Access options at this stage:
just_file_options = open_options.filter opt-> opt.is_a File_Access
Managed_Resource.bracket (new_output_stream self just_file_options) (_.close) action
Creates a new output stream for this file. Recommended to use
@ -241,13 +245,18 @@ type File
file.with_input_stream [File_Access.Create, File_Access.Read] action
with_input_stream : Vector File_Access -> (Input_Stream -> Any ! File_Error) -> Any ! File_Error
with_input_stream self (open_options : Vector) action =
new_input_stream : File -> Vector File_Access -> Output_Stream ! File_Error
new_input_stream file open_options =
opts = open_options . map (_.to_java)
stream = File_Error.handle_java_exceptions file (file.input_stream_builtin opts) stream (File_Error.handle_java_exceptions self)
if self.is_directory then Error.throw (File_Error.IO_Error self "File '"+self.path+"' is a directory") else
new_input_stream : File -> Vector File_Access -> Output_Stream ! File_Error
new_input_stream file open_options =
opts = open_options . map (_.to_java)
stream = File_Error.handle_java_exceptions file (file.input_stream_builtin opts) stream (File_Error.handle_java_exceptions self)
Managed_Resource.bracket (new_input_stream self open_options) (_.close) action
open_as_data_link = (open_options.contains Data_Link_Access.No_Follow . not) && (Data_Link.is_data_link self)
if open_as_data_link then Data_Link.read_data_link_as_stream self open_options action else
# We ignore the Data_Link_Access options at this stage:
just_file_options = open_options.filter opt-> opt.is_a File_Access
Managed_Resource.bracket (new_input_stream self just_file_options) (_.close) action
## ALIAS load, open
@ -284,8 +293,9 @@ type File
read : File_Format -> Problem_Behavior -> Any ! File_Error
read self format=Auto_Detect (on_problems=Problem_Behavior.Report_Warning) =
if self.exists.not then Error.throw (File_Error.Not_Found self) else
File_Format.handle_format_missing_arguments format <| self on_problems
if Data_Link.is_data_link self then Data_Link.read_data_link self format on_problems else
File_Format.handle_format_missing_arguments format <| self on_problems
## ALIAS load bytes, open bytes
ICON data_input

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Settings regarding how to handle data-links.
type Data_Link_Access
The setting that requests from the operation to not follow the data-link,
but instead read the raw data-link configuration directly.
This can be used when working with data-links programmatically.
If the option is provided for a file that is not a data-link, it is

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
polyglot java import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption
## Represents different options for opening file streams.
@ -56,3 +61,9 @@ type File_Access
File_Access.Sync -> StandardOpenOption.SYNC
File_Access.Truncate_Existing -> StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING
File_Access.Write -> StandardOpenOption.WRITE
ensure_only_allowed_options (operation_name : Text) (allowed_options : Vector) (got_options : Vector) ~action =
disallowed_options = got_options.filter o-> allowed_options.contains o . not
if disallowed_options.is_empty then action else
Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Invalid open options for `"+operation_name+"`: "+disallowed_options.to_text+".")

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.System.File.File
import project.System.File_Format_Metadata.File_Format_Metadata
A generic interface for file-like objects.
@ -23,3 +24,8 @@ type File_Like
File_Like.from (that : Text) = File_Like.from ( that)
If a conversion to `File_Format_Metadata` is needed, we delegate to the underlying file.
Every `File_Like` should be able to provide its file format metadata.
File_Format_Metadata.from (that : File_Like) = File_Format_Metadata.from that.underlying

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.File_Error.File_Error
import project.Panic.Panic
import project.Runtime.Context
import project.System.File.Data_Link_Access.Data_Link_Access
import project.System.File.Existing_File_Behavior.Existing_File_Behavior
import project.System.File.File
import project.System.File.File_Access.File_Access
@ -137,7 +138,8 @@ dry_run_behavior file behavior:Existing_File_Behavior -> Dry_Run_File_Settings =
Generic `copy` implementation between two backends.
The files only need to support `with_input_stream` and `with_output_stream`.
generic_copy source destination replace_existing =
source.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read] input_stream->
options = if replace_existing then [File_Access.Write, File_Access.Create, File_Access.Truncate_Existing] else [File_Access.Write, File_Access.Create_New]
source.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read, Data_Link_Access.No_Follow] input_stream->
replace_options = if replace_existing then [File_Access.Create, File_Access.Truncate_Existing] else [File_Access.Create_New]
options = [File_Access.Write, Data_Link_Access.No_Follow] + replace_options
destination.with_output_stream options output_stream->
output_stream.write_stream input_stream . if_not_error destination

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type File_Format_Metadata
- extension: the extension of the file.
- read_first_bytes: a function that reads the first bytes of the file.
- content_type: the content type of the file.
Value path:Text|Nothing name:Text|Nothing (extension:Text|Nothing = Nothing) (read_first_bytes:(Integer -> Nothing | Vector Integer)=(_->Nothing)) (content_type:Text|Nothing = Nothing)
Value (path:Text|Nothing = Nothing) (name:Text|Nothing = Nothing) (extension:Text|Nothing = Nothing) (read_first_bytes:(Integer -> Nothing | Vector Integer)=(_->Nothing)) (content_type:Text|Nothing = Nothing)
An instance that contains no information at all.
@ -54,11 +54,18 @@ type File_Format_Metadata
to_display_text self -> Text =
self.path.if_nothing <| <|
self.content_type.if_nothing <|
(self.extension.if_not_nothing ("*"+self.extension)) . if_nothing <|
"<Unknown file>"
entries = Vector.new_builder
self.path.if_not_nothing <|
entries.append "path="+self.path <|
entries.append "name="
self.extension.if_not_nothing <|
entries.append "extension="+self.extension
self.content_type.if_not_nothing <|
entries.append "content_type="+self.content_type
description = if entries.is_empty then "No information" else entries.to_vector.join ", "
"(File_Format_Metadata: "+description+")"
File_Format_Metadata.from (that:File) = File_Format_Metadata.Value that.path that.extension that.read_first_bytes

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import project.Runtime.Managed_Resource.Managed_Resource
import project.System.File.Advanced.Temporary_File.Temporary_File
import project.System.File.File
import project.System.File.File_Access.File_Access
import project.System.File.Generic.Writable_File.Writable_File
polyglot java import as Java_Input_Stream
polyglot java import org.enso.base.encoding.ReportingStreamDecoder
@ -106,11 +107,10 @@ type Input_Stream
Reads the contents of this stream into a given file.
write_to_file : File -> File
write_to_file self file =
write_to_file self (file : Writable_File) =
result = file.with_output_stream [File_Access.Create, File_Access.Truncate_Existing, File_Access.Write] output_stream->
output_stream.write_stream self
result.if_not_error file
result.if_not_error file.file
Utility method for closing primitive Java streams. Provided to avoid

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import Standard.Base.System.Input_Stream.Input_Stream
from Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link import parse_secure_value
from Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_optional_field, get_required_field
@ -38,11 +40,12 @@ type Postgres_Data_Link
Postgres_Data_Link.Table table_name details
read self (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) =
read self (format = Auto_Detect) (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) =
_ = on_problems
default_options = Connection_Options.Value
connection = self.details.connect default_options
case self of
Postgres_Data_Link.Connection _ -> connection
Postgres_Data_Link.Table table_name _ ->
connection.query table_name
if format != Auto_Detect then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Only the default Auto_Detect format should be used with a Postgres Data Link, because it does not point to a file resource, but a database entity, so setting a file format for it is meaningless.") else
default_options = Connection_Options.Value
connection = self.details.connect default_options
case self of
Postgres_Data_Link.Connection _ -> connection
Postgres_Data_Link.Table table_name _ ->
connection.query table_name

View File

@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ type DB_Column
sort self order=Sort_Direction.Ascending =
self.to_table.order_by [Sort_Column.Index 0 order] . at 0
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, foot, limit
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, limit
GROUP Standard.Base.Selections
ICON select_row
Creates a new Column with the specified range of rows from the input

View File

@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ type DB_Table
result = self.filter column Filter_Condition.Is_True
Warning.attach (Deprecated.Warning "Standard.Database.DB_Table.DB_Table" "filter_by_expression" "Deprecated: use `filter` with an `Expression` instead.") result
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, foot, limit
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, limit
GROUP Standard.Base.Selections
ICON select_row
Creates a new Table with the specified range of rows from the input

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ get_response = HTTP.fetch geo_data_url . with_materialized_body
Calling this method will cause Enso to make a network request to a data
get_geo_data : Response_Body
get_geo_data = Data.fetch geo_data_url try_auto_parse_response=False
get_geo_data = Data.fetch geo_data_url format=Raw_Response
## A basic URI for examples.
uri : URI

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
from Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link import parse_secure_value
from Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_optional_field, get_required_field
@ -37,11 +38,12 @@ type Snowflake_Data_Link
Snowflake_Data_Link.Table table_name details
read self (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) =
read self (format = Auto_Detect) (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) =
_ = on_problems
default_options = Connection_Options.Value
connection = self.details.connect default_options
case self of
Snowflake_Data_Link.Connection _ -> connection
Snowflake_Data_Link.Table table_name _ ->
connection.query table_name
if format != Auto_Detect then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Only the default Auto_Detect format should be used with a Snowflake Data Link, because it does not point to a file resource, but a database entity, so setting a file format for it is meaningless.") else
default_options = Connection_Options.Value
connection = self.details.connect default_options
case self of
Snowflake_Data_Link.Connection _ -> connection
Snowflake_Data_Link.Table table_name _ ->
connection.query table_name

View File

@ -2290,7 +2290,7 @@ type Column
sorted = self.to_vector.sort order by=wrapped
Column.from_vector sorted
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, foot, limit
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, limit
GROUP Standard.Base.Selections
ICON select_row
Creates a new Column with the specified range of rows from the input

View File

@ -1526,7 +1526,7 @@ type Table
result = self.filter column Filter_Condition.Is_True
Warning.attach (Deprecated.Warning "Standard.Table.Data.Table.Table" "filter_by_expression" "Deprecated: use `filter` with an `Expression` instead.") result
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, foot, limit
## ALIAS first, last, sample, slice, top, head, tail, limit
GROUP Standard.Base.Selections
ICON select_row
Creates a new Table with the specified range of rows from the input

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package org.enso.base.enso_cloud;
import org.enso.base.file_format.FileFormatSPI;
/** A format registration for parsing `.datalink` files as data links. */
@org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider(service = FileFormatSPI.class)
public class DataLinkFileFormatSPI extends FileFormatSPI {
protected String getModuleName() {
return "Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link";
protected String getTypeName() {
return "Data_Link_Format";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
## This test file checks operations on files that are happening between various backends.
Because it relies not only on Standard.Base but also the S3 backend provided
by Standard.AWS, it is currently placed in `AWS_Tests`.
Once we start supporting more backends, we should consider creating
a separate test project for these integrations (e.g. `Integrator_Tests`).
from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link.Data_Link_Format
import Standard.Base.Errors.File_Error.File_Error
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
from Standard.AWS import S3_File
from Standard.Test import all
from project.S3_Spec import api_pending, writable_root
add_specs suite_builder =
my_writable_s3_dir = writable_root / "inter-backend-test-run-"+( "yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss.fV" . replace "/" "|")+"/"
sources = [my_writable_s3_dir / "source1.txt", File.create_temporary_file "source2" ".txt"]
destinations = [my_writable_s3_dir / "destination1.txt", File.create_temporary_file "destination2" ".txt"]
sources.each source_file-> destinations.each destination_file-> if source_file.is_a File && destination_file.is_a File then Nothing else
src_typ = Meta.type_of source_file . to_display_text
dest_typ = Meta.type_of destination_file . to_display_text "("+src_typ+" -> "+dest_typ+") copying/moving" pending=api_pending group_builder->
group_builder.teardown <|
group_builder.specify "should be able to copy files" <|
"Hello".write source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
source_file.copy_to destination_file . should_succeed . should_equal "Hello"
source_file.exists . should_be_true
group_builder.specify "should be able to move files" <|
"Hello".write source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
source_file.move_to destination_file . should_succeed . should_equal "Hello"
source_file.exists . should_be_false
group_builder.specify "should fail if the source file does not exist" <|
r = source_file.copy_to destination_file
r.should_fail_with File_Error
r.catch.should_be_a File_Error.Not_Found
r2 = source_file.move_to destination_file
r2.should_fail_with File_Error
r2.catch.should_be_a File_Error.Not_Found
destination_file.exists . should_be_false
group_builder.specify "should fail to copy/move a file if it exists and replace_existing=False" <|
"Hello".write source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
"World".write destination_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
r = source_file.copy_to destination_file
r.should_fail_with File_Error
r.catch.should_be_a File_Error.Already_Exists
r2 = source_file.move_to destination_file
r2.should_fail_with File_Error
r2.catch.should_be_a File_Error.Already_Exists . should_equal "World"
group_builder.specify "should overwrite existing destination in copy/move if replace_existing=True" <|
"Hello".write source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
"World".write destination_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
source_file.copy_to destination_file replace_existing=True . should_succeed . should_equal "Hello"
source_file.exists . should_be_true
"FooBar".write source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
source_file.move_to destination_file replace_existing=True . should_succeed . should_equal "FooBar"
source_file.exists . should_be_false
sample_data_link_content = Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config ( / "simple.datalink")
# TODO Enso_File datalink once Enso_File & cloud datalink write is supported
data_link_sources = [my_writable_s3_dir / "s3.datalink", File.create_temporary_file "local" ".datalink"]
data_link_destinations = [my_writable_s3_dir / "s3-target.datalink", File.create_temporary_file "local-target" ".datalink"]
## This introduces a lot of combinations for testing the datalink copy/move logic, but unfortunately it is needed,
because various combinations of backends may rely on different logic (different operations happen under the hood
if a file is moved locally vs if it is moved from a local filesystem to S3 or vice versa), and all that different
logic may be prone to mis-handling datalinks - so we need to test all paths to ensure coverage.
data_link_sources.each source_file-> data_link_destinations.each destination_file->
src_typ = Meta.type_of source_file . to_display_text
dest_typ = Meta.type_of destination_file . to_display_text "("+src_typ+" -> "+dest_typ+") Data Link copying/moving" pending=api_pending group_builder->
group_builder.teardown <|
group_builder.specify "should be able to copy a datalink file to a regular file" <|
regular_destination_file = destination_file.parent /".txt"
Data_Link_Format.write_raw_config source_file sample_data_link_content replace_existing=True . should_succeed
source_file.copy_to regular_destination_file . should_succeed
Panic.with_finalizer regular_destination_file.delete_if_exists <|
# The raw datalink config is copied, so reading back the .txt file yields us the configuration: . should_contain '"libraryName": "Standard.AWS"'
group_builder.specify "should be able to copy a datalink file to another datalink" <|
Data_Link_Format.write_raw_config source_file sample_data_link_content replace_existing=True . should_succeed
source_file.copy_to destination_file replace_existing=True . should_succeed
# Now the destination is _also_ a datalink, pointing to the same target as source, so reading it yields the target data: . should_equal "Hello WORLD!"
# But if we read it raw, we can see that it is still a datalink, not just a copy of the data:
Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config destination_file . should_equal sample_data_link_content
group_builder.specify "should be able to move a datalink" <|
Data_Link_Format.write_raw_config source_file sample_data_link_content replace_existing=True . should_succeed
source_file.move_to destination_file . should_succeed
source_file.exists . should_be_false . should_equal "Hello WORLD!"
Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config destination_file . should_equal sample_data_link_content
group_builder.specify "should be able to move a regular file to become a datalink" <|
regular_source_file = source_file.parent /".txt"
sample_data_link_content.write regular_source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
Panic.with_finalizer regular_source_file.delete_if_exists <|
# The source file is not a datalink - it is a raw text file, so reading it gives us back the raw config . should_equal sample_data_link_content
# Reading it raw will even fail:
Test.expect_panic Illegal_Argument <|
Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config regular_source_file
regular_source_file.move_to destination_file . should_succeed
regular_source_file.exists . should_be_false
# However, the destination file _is_ a datalink, so it is read as target data: . should_equal "Hello WORLD!"
# Unless we read it raw:
Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config destination_file . should_equal sample_data_link_content
main filter=Nothing =
suite = suite_builder->
add_specs suite_builder
suite.run_with_filter filter

View File

@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ from Standard.Base import all
from Standard.Test import all
import project.Inter_Backend_File_Operations_Spec
import project.S3_Spec
main filter=Nothing =
suite = suite_builder->
S3_Spec.add_specs suite_builder
Inter_Backend_File_Operations_Spec.add_specs suite_builder
suite.run_with_filter filter

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
from Standard.Base import all
from Standard.Base.Runtime import assert
import Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link.Data_Link_Format
import Standard.Base.Errors.Common.Forbidden_Operation
import Standard.Base.Errors.File_Error.File_Error
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import Standard.Base.Runtime.Context
import Standard.Base.Runtime.Ref.Ref
from Standard.AWS import S3, S3_File, AWS_Credential
from Standard.AWS.Errors import AWS_SDK_Error, More_Records_Available, S3_Error, S3_Bucket_Not_Found, S3_Key_Not_Found
import Standard.AWS.Internal.S3_Path.S3_Path
# Needed for custom formats test
from Standard.Table import Table, Excel_Format
from Standard.Table import Table, Excel_Format, Delimited
# Needed for correct `Table.should_equal`
import enso_dev.Table_Tests.Util
@ -20,19 +20,40 @@ from Standard.Test import all
import enso_dev.Base_Tests.Network.Enso_Cloud.Cloud_Tests_Setup.Cloud_Tests_Setup
from enso_dev.Base_Tests.Network.Enso_Cloud.Cloud_Tests_Setup import with_retries
api_pending = if Environment.get "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" . is_nothing then "No Access Key found." else Nothing
bucket_name = "enso-data-samples"
writable_bucket_name = "enso-ci-s3-test-stage"
writable_root = "s3://"+writable_bucket_name+"/"
not_a_bucket_name = "not_a_bucket_enso"
object_name = "Bus_Stop_Benches.geojson"
folder_name = "examples/"
sub_folder_name = "examples/folder 1/"
root = "s3://"+bucket_name+"/"
hello_txt = "s3://"+bucket_name+"/examples/folder 2/hello.txt"
delete_on_panic file ~action =
handler caught_panic =
Panic.throw caught_panic
Panic.catch Any action handler
delete_afterwards file ~action =
Panic.with_finalizer file.delete action
## Reads the datalink as plain text and replaces the placeholder username with
actual one. It then writes the new contents to a temporary file and returns
replace_username_in_data_link base_file =
content = Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config base_file
new_content = content.replace "USERNAME"
temp_file = File.create_temporary_file suffix=base_file.extension
Data_Link_Format.write_raw_config temp_file new_content replace_existing=True . if_not_error temp_file
add_specs suite_builder =
bucket_name = "enso-data-samples"
writable_bucket_name = "enso-ci-s3-test-stage"
not_a_bucket_name = "not_a_bucket_enso"
object_name = "Bus_Stop_Benches.geojson"
folder_name = "examples/"
sub_folder_name = "examples/folder 1/"
api_pending = if Environment.get "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" . is_nothing then "No Access Key found." else Nothing
cloud_setup = Cloud_Tests_Setup.prepare
root = "s3://"+bucket_name+"/"
hello_txt = "s3://"+bucket_name+"/examples/folder 2/hello.txt" "S3 Path handling" group_builder->
group_builder.specify "parse bucket only uris" <|
S3_Path.parse "s3://" . should_equal (S3_Path.Value "" "")
@ -259,15 +280,7 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
# AWS S3 does not record creation time, only last modified time.
hello_txt.creation_time . should_fail_with S3_Error
writable_root = "s3://"+writable_bucket_name+"/"
my_writable_dir = writable_root / "test-run-"+( "yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss.fV" . replace "/" "|")+"/"
delete_on_panic file ~action =
handler caught_panic =
Panic.throw caught_panic
Panic.catch Any action handler
delete_afterwards file ~action =
Panic.with_finalizer file.delete action "S3_File writing" pending=api_pending group_builder->
assert my_writable_dir.is_directory
@ -338,7 +351,8 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
r.catch.to_display_text . should_contain "read it, modify and then write the new contents"
r2 = new_file.with_output_stream [File_Access.Read] _->Nothing
r2.should_fail_with S3_Error
r2.should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
r2.catch.to_display_text . should_contain "Invalid open options for `with_output_stream`"
group_builder.specify "will respect the File_Access.Create_New option and fail if the file already exists" <|
new_file = my_writable_dir / "new_file-stream-create-new.txt"
@ -477,80 +491,13 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
r.should_fail_with File_Error
r.catch.should_be_a File_Error.Not_Found
sources = [my_writable_dir / "source1.txt", File.create_temporary_file "source2" ".txt"]
destinations = [my_writable_dir / "destination1.txt", File.create_temporary_file "destination2" ".txt"]
sources.each source_file-> destinations.each destination_file-> if source_file.is_a File && destination_file.is_a File then Nothing else
src_typ = Meta.type_of source_file . to_display_text
dest_typ = Meta.type_of destination_file . to_display_text "("+src_typ+" -> "+dest_typ+") copying/moving" pending=api_pending group_builder->
group_builder.teardown <|
group_builder.specify "should be able to copy files" <|
"Hello".write source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
source_file.copy_to destination_file . should_succeed . should_equal "Hello"
source_file.exists . should_be_true
group_builder.specify "should be able to move files" <|
"Hello".write source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
source_file.move_to destination_file . should_succeed . should_equal "Hello"
source_file.exists . should_be_false
group_builder.specify "should fail if the source file does not exist" <|
r = source_file.copy_to destination_file
r.should_fail_with File_Error
r.catch.should_be_a File_Error.Not_Found
r2 = source_file.move_to destination_file
r2.should_fail_with File_Error
r2.catch.should_be_a File_Error.Not_Found
destination_file.exists . should_be_false
group_builder.specify "should fail to copy/move a file if it exists and replace_existing=False" <|
"Hello".write source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
"World".write destination_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
r = source_file.copy_to destination_file
r.should_fail_with File_Error
r.catch.should_be_a File_Error.Already_Exists
r2 = source_file.move_to destination_file
r2.should_fail_with File_Error
r2.catch.should_be_a File_Error.Already_Exists . should_equal "World"
group_builder.specify "should overwrite existing destination in copy/move if replace_existing=True" <|
"Hello".write source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
"World".write destination_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
source_file.copy_to destination_file replace_existing=True . should_succeed . should_equal "Hello"
source_file.exists . should_be_true
"FooBar".write source_file on_existing_file=Existing_File_Behavior.Overwrite . should_succeed
source_file.move_to destination_file replace_existing=True . should_succeed . should_equal "FooBar"
source_file.exists . should_be_false "DataLinks to S3_File" pending=api_pending group_builder->
group_builder.specify "should be able to read a data link of an S3 File" <|
# It reads the datalink description and then reads the actual S3 file contents:
( / "simple.datalink") . read . should_equal "Hello WORLD!"
group_builder.specify "should be able to read a data link with custom credentials and secrets" pending=cloud_setup.pending <| cloud_setup.with_prepared_environment <|
transformed_datalink_file = replace_username_in_datalink ( / "credentials-with-secrets.datalink")
transformed_data_link_file = replace_username_in_data_link ( / "credentials-with-secrets.datalink")
secret_key_id = Enso_Secret.create "datalink-secret-AWS-keyid" (Environment.get "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
@ -558,7 +505,7 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
secret_key_value = Enso_Secret.create "datalink-secret-AWS-secretkey" (Environment.get "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")
Panic.with_finalizer secret_key_value.delete <| with_retries <| . should_equal "Hello WORLD!" . should_equal "Hello WORLD!"
group_builder.specify "should be able to read a data link with a custom file format set" <|
r = ( / "format-delimited.datalink") . read
@ -567,16 +514,24 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
r.column_names . should_equal ["Column 1", "Column 2"] 0 . to_vector . should_equal ["Hello", "WORLD!"]
group_builder.specify "should be able to read a data link stored on S3" <|
s3_link = my_writable_dir / "my-simple.datalink"
raw_content = Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config ( / "simple.datalink")
Data_Link_Format.write_raw_config s3_link raw_content replace_existing=True . should_succeed
Panic.with_finalizer s3_link.delete <| . should_equal "Hello WORLD!"
group_builder.specify "should be able to read an S3 data link overriding the format" <|
s3_link = my_writable_dir / "my-simple.datalink"
raw_content = Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config ( / "simple.datalink")
Data_Link_Format.write_raw_config s3_link raw_content replace_existing=True . should_succeed
Panic.with_finalizer s3_link.delete <|
r = (Delimited " " headers=False)
r.should_be_a Table
r.column_names . should_equal ["Column 1", "Column 2"] 0 . to_vector . should_equal ["Hello", "WORLD!"]
main filter=Nothing =
suite = suite_builder->
add_specs suite_builder
suite.run_with_filter filter
## Reads the datalink as plain text and replaces the placeholder username with
actual one. It then writes the new contents to a temporary file and returns
replace_username_in_datalink base_file =
content = Plain_Text
new_content = content.replace "USERNAME"
temp_file = File.create_temporary_file suffix=base_file.extension
new_content.write temp_file . if_not_error temp_file

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link.Data_Link_Format
import Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Errors.Missing_Data_Link_Library
import Standard.Base.Errors.Common.Not_Found
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_State.Illegal_State
import Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File.Enso_Asset_Type
@ -31,9 +34,16 @@ add_specs suite_builder setup:Cloud_Tests_Setup = setup.with_prepared_environmen
datalink.asset_type.should_equal Enso_Asset_Type.Data_Link
r =
r.should_fail_with Illegal_State
r.should_fail_with Missing_Data_Link_Library
r.catch.to_display_text . should_contain "The data link for S3 is provided by the library Standard.AWS which is not loaded."
group_builder.specify "does not allow to use Data_Link_Format to read/write regular files" <|
temp_file = File.create_temporary_file "not-a-datalink" ".txt"
Test.expect_panic Illegal_Argument <|
Data_Link_Format.write_raw_config temp_file "{}"
Test.expect_panic Illegal_Argument <|
Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config temp_file
main filter=Nothing =
setup = Cloud_Tests_Setup.prepare
suite = suite_builder->

View File

@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
url_windows_1250.fetch . should_equal content_windows_1250
group_builder.specify "should detect the encoding from Content-Type in decode_as_text" <|
r1 = url_utf8.fetch try_auto_parse_response=False
r1 = url_utf8.fetch format=Raw_Response
r1.decode_as_text . should_equal content_utf
r2 = url_windows_1250.fetch try_auto_parse_response=False
r2 = url_windows_1250.fetch format=Raw_Response
r2.decode_as_text . should_equal content_windows_1250
r3 = url_utf8.fetch try_auto_parse_response=False
r3 = url_utf8.fetch format=Raw_Response
# We may override the encoding detected from Content-Type:
r3.decode_as_text Encoding.ascii . should_fail_with Encoding_Error
group_builder.specify "should detect the encoding from Content-Type in decode_as_json" <|
r1 = url_utf8.fetch try_auto_parse_response=False
r1 = url_utf8.fetch format=Raw_Response
r1.decode_as_json . should_equal ["x", "Hello! 😊👍 ąę"]
r2 = url_windows_1250.fetch try_auto_parse_response=False
r2 = url_windows_1250.fetch format=Raw_Response
r2.decode_as_json . should_equal ["y", "Hello! ąę"]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link.Data_Link_Format
import Standard.Base.Errors.File_Error.File_Error
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_State.Illegal_State
import Standard.Base.Network.HTTP.Response.Response
from Standard.Test import all
@ -15,40 +18,99 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
data_link_root = / "datalinks" "HTTP DataLink" pending=pending_has_url group_builder->
group_builder.specify "should allow to read a web resource" <|
f = replace_url_in_datalink (data_link_root / "example-http.datalink")
f = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http.datalink")
r =
# Defaults to reading as text, because the resource read is called `js.txt`, implying Plain_Text format
r.should_be_a Text
r.trim.should_equal '{"hello": "world"}'
group_builder.specify "should allow to read a web resource, with explicitly using default format" <|
f = replace_url_in_datalink (data_link_root / "example-http-format-explicit-default.datalink")
f = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-explicit-default.datalink")
r =
r.should_be_a Text
r.trim.should_equal '{"hello": "world"}'
group_builder.specify "should allow to read a web resource, setting format to JSON" <|
f = replace_url_in_datalink (data_link_root / "example-http-format-json.datalink")
f = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-json.datalink")
r =
js = '{"hello": "world"}'.parse_json
r.should_equal js
r.get "hello" . should_equal "world"
group_builder.specify "will fail if invalid format is used" <|
r1 = (data_link_root / "example-http-format-invalid.datalink").read
r1.should_fail_with Illegal_State
r1.catch.to_display_text.should_contain "Unknown format"
f = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-invalid.datalink")
r =
r.should_fail_with Illegal_State
r.catch.to_display_text.should_contain "Unknown format"
group_builder.specify "will fail if an unloaded format is used" <|
# We assume that Base_Tests _do not_ import Standard.Table
r2 = (data_link_root / "example-http-format-delimited.datalink").read
r2.should_fail_with Illegal_State
r2.catch.to_display_text.should_contain "Unknown format"
f = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-delimited.datalink")
r =
r.should_fail_with Illegal_State
r.catch.to_display_text.should_contain "Unknown format"
group_builder.specify "but will succeed if an unknown format is not used because it was overridden" <|
f = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-delimited.datalink")
r = Plain_Text
r.should_be_a Text
r.trim.should_equal '{"hello": "world"}'
group_builder.specify "should be able to follow a datalink from HTTP in" <|
r1 = base_url_with_slash+"dynamic.datalink" JSON_Format
r1.should_equal ('{"hello": "world"}'.parse_json)
r2 = base_url_with_slash+"dynamic-datalink" Plain_Text
r2.trim.should_equal '{"hello": "world"}'
group_builder.specify "should be able to follow a datalink from HTTP in Data.fetch/post, if auto parse is on" <|
r1 = Data.fetch base_url_with_slash+"dynamic.datalink"
r1.trim.should_equal '{"hello": "world"}'
r2 = Data.fetch base_url_with_slash+"dynamic-datalink"
r2.trim.should_equal '{"hello": "world"}'
r3 = base_url_with_slash+"dynamic.datalink"
r3.trim.should_equal '{"hello": "world"}'
group_builder.specify "will return raw datalink config data in Data.fetch/post if auto parse is off" <|
r1 = Data.fetch base_url_with_slash+"dynamic.datalink" format=Raw_Response
r1.should_be_a Response
## Normally .datalink is not a valid format, so we cannot decode it,
assuming that the server did not add some content type that would
make us treat the file e.g. as a text file.
r1_decoded = r1.decode
r1_decoded.should_fail_with File_Error
r1_decoded.catch . should_be_a File_Error.Unsupported_Type
# Still raw data link config is returned if we successfully decode it by overriding the format.
r1_plain = r1.decode Plain_Text
r1_plain.should_contain '"libraryName": "Standard.Base"'
r2 = base_url_with_slash+"dynamic-datalink" response_format=Raw_Response
r2.should_be_a Response
r2_decoded = r2.decode
r2_decoded.should_fail_with File_Error
r2_decoded.catch . should_be_a File_Error.Unsupported_Type
r2_plain = r2.decode Plain_Text
r2_plain.should_contain '"libraryName": "Standard.Base"'
group_builder.specify "should follow a datalink encountered in" <|
target_file = / "transient" / "my_download.txt"
target_file.delete_if_exists base_url_with_slash+"dynamic.datalink" target_file . should_equal target_file
Panic.with_finalizer target_file.delete_if_exists <| '{"hello": "world"}'
## Reads the datalink as plain text and replaces the placeholder URL with actual
URL of the server. It then writes the new contents to a temporary file and
returns it.
replace_url_in_datalink base_file =
content = Plain_Text
replace_url_in_data_link base_file =
content = Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config base_file
new_content = content.replace "http://http-test-helper.local/" base_url_with_slash
temp_file = File.create_temporary_file suffix=base_file.extension
new_content.write temp_file . if_not_error temp_file
Data_Link_Format.write_raw_config temp_file new_content replace_existing=True . if_not_error temp_file

View File

@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
http = (follow_redirects = False)
http.follow_redirects.should_equal False
r = http.request ( HTTP_Method.Get base_url_with_slash+"test_redirect")
r.should_fail_with HTTP_Error
r.catch.should_be_a HTTP_Error.Status_Error
r.catch.status_code.code . should_equal 302
group_builder.specify "should create HTTP client with proxy setting" <|
proxy_setting = Proxy.Address "" 80
http = (proxy = proxy_setting)
@ -81,8 +86,8 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
http = (version = version_setting)
http.version.should_equal version_setting
url_get = base_url_with_slash + "get" "fetch" pending=pending_has_url group_builder->
url_get = base_url_with_slash + "get"
url_head = base_url_with_slash + "head"
url_options = base_url_with_slash + "options"
@ -133,7 +138,7 @@ add_specs suite_builder = "headers" . at "Content-Length" . should_equal "0"
group_builder.specify "Can skip auto-parse" <|
response = Data.fetch url_get try_auto_parse_response=False
response = Data.fetch url_get format=Raw_Response
response.code.code . should_equal 200
expected_response = Json.parse <| '''
@ -151,15 +156,15 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
compare_responses response.decode_as_json expected_response
uri_response = url_get.to_uri.fetch try_auto_parse_response=False
uri_response = url_get.to_uri.fetch format=Raw_Response
uri_response.code.code . should_equal 200
compare_responses uri_response.decode_as_json expected_response
group_builder.specify "Can still perform request when output context is disabled" <|
run_with_and_without_output <|
Data.fetch url_get try_auto_parse_response=False . code . code . should_equal 200
Data.fetch url_get method=HTTP_Method.Head try_auto_parse_response=False . code . code . should_equal 200
Data.fetch url_get method=HTTP_Method.Options try_auto_parse_response=False . code . code . should_equal 200
Data.fetch url_get format=Raw_Response . code . code . should_equal 200
Data.fetch url_get method=HTTP_Method.Head format=Raw_Response . code . code . should_equal 200
Data.fetch url_get method=HTTP_Method.Options format=Raw_Response . code . code . should_equal 200
group_builder.specify "Unsupported method" <|
err = Data.fetch url_get method=HTTP_Method.Post
@ -188,6 +193,27 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
header_names.should_not_contain "http2-settings"
header_names.should_not_contain "upgrade" "HTTP in" pending=pending_has_url group_builder->
group_builder.specify "can use URI in" <|
r = (URI.from url_get)
r.should_be_a JS_Object
group_builder.specify "works if HTTP is uppercase" <|
r = Data.fetch (url_get.replace "http" "HTTP")
r.should_be_a JS_Object
group_builder.specify "should follow redirects" <|
r = base_url_with_slash+"test_redirect"
r.should_be_a Text
r.trim . should_equal '{"hello": "world"}'
group_builder.specify "can override the format" <|
auto_response = url_get
auto_response.should_be_a JS_Object
plain_response = url_get format=Plain_Text
plain_response.should_be_a Text "post" pending=pending_has_url group_builder->
url_post = base_url_with_slash + "post"
url_put = base_url_with_slash + "put"
@ -318,7 +344,7 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
compare_responses response expected_response
group_builder.specify "Can skip auto-parse" <|
response = url_post (Request_Body.Text "hello world") try_auto_parse_response=False
response = url_post (Request_Body.Text "hello world") response_format=Raw_Response
expected_response = echo_response_template "POST" "/post" "hello world" content_type="text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
compare_responses response.decode_as_json expected_response
@ -501,7 +527,7 @@ add_specs suite_builder = url_post (Request_Body.Text "hello world" encoding=Encoding.utf_8) headers=[Header.content_type "application/json"] . should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
group_builder.specify "can also read headers from a response, when returning a raw response" <|
r1 = url_post (Request_Body.Text "hello world") try_auto_parse_response=False
r1 = url_post (Request_Body.Text "hello world") response_format=Raw_Response
r1.should_be_a Response
# The result is JSON data:
r1.headers.find (p-> "Content-Type") . value . should_equal "application/json"
@ -514,7 +540,7 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
uri = URI.from (base_url_with_slash + "test_headers")
. add_query_argument "test-header" "test-value"
. add_query_argument "Other-Header" "some other value"
r2 = Data.fetch uri try_auto_parse_response=False
r2 = Data.fetch uri format=Raw_Response
r2.should_be_a Response
r2.headers.find (p-> "Test-Header") . value . should_equal "test-value"
r2.headers.find (p-> "Other-Header") . value . should_equal "some other value"
@ -524,7 +550,7 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
. add_query_argument "my-header" "value-1"
. add_query_argument "my-header" "value-2"
. add_query_argument "my-header" "value-44"
r1 = Data.fetch uri try_auto_parse_response=False
r1 = Data.fetch uri format=Raw_Response
r1.should_be_a Response
my_headers = r1.headers.filter (p-> "my-header") . map .value
my_headers.sort . should_equal ["value-1", "value-2", "value-44"]

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link.Data_Link_Format
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_State.Illegal_State
import Standard.Base.Runtime.Ref.Ref
import Standard.Base.System.File.Data_Link_Access.Data_Link_Access
from Standard.Table import Table, Value_Type, Aggregate_Column, Bits, expr
from Standard.Table.Errors import Invalid_Column_Names, Inexact_Type_Coercion, Duplicate_Output_Column_Names
@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ from project.Common_Table_Operations.Util import all
from project.Database.Types.Postgres_Type_Mapping_Spec import default_text
import enso_dev.Base_Tests.Network.Enso_Cloud.Cloud_Tests_Setup.Cloud_Tests_Setup
import enso_dev.Base_Tests.Network.Http.Http_Test_Setup
from enso_dev.Base_Tests.Network.Enso_Cloud.Cloud_Tests_Setup import with_retries
@ -860,37 +863,37 @@ add_connection_setup_specs suite_builder = "[PostgreSQL] Con
[c2, c3, c4].each c->
c.jdbc_properties . should_equal <| add_ssl [ "user" "other user", "password" "other password"]
add_datalink_specs suite_builder =
add_data_link_specs suite_builder =
connection_details = get_configured_connection_details
pending = if connection_details.is_nothing then "PostgreSQL test database is not configured. See for instructions."
# This transforms the datalink file, replacing prepared constants with actual values.
transform_file base_file =
contents = Plain_Text
new_contents = contents
content = Data_Link_Format.read_raw_config base_file
new_content = content
. replace "HOSTNAME"
. replace "12345" connection_details.port.to_text
. replace "DBNAME" connection_details.database
. replace "USERNAME" connection_details.credentials.username
. replace "PASSWORD" connection_details.credentials.password
tmp_file = File.create_temporary_file base_file.extension
new_contents.write tmp_file . if_not_error tmp_file
temp_file = File.create_temporary_file base_file.extension
Data_Link_Format.write_raw_config temp_file new_content replace_existing=True . if_not_error temp_file "[PostgreSQL] DataLink" pending=pending group_builder->
group_builder.specify "should be able to open a datalink setting up a connection to the database" <|
datalink_file = transform_file ( / "datalinks" / "postgres-db.datalink")
data_link_file = transform_file ( / "datalinks" / "postgres-db.datalink")
datalink_connection = datalink_file
Panic.with_finalizer datalink_connection.close <|
datalink_connection.tables.column_names . should_contain "Name"
data_link_connection = data_link_file
Panic.with_finalizer data_link_connection.close <|
data_link_connection.tables.column_names . should_contain "Name"
# Test that this is really a DB connection:
q = datalink_connection.query 'SELECT 1 AS "A"'
q = data_link_connection.query 'SELECT 1 AS "A"'
q.column_names . should_equal ["A"] "A" . to_vector . should_equal [1]
group_builder.specify "should be able to open a datalink to a particular database table" <|
datalink_file = transform_file ( / "datalinks" / "postgres-table.datalink")
data_link_file = transform_file ( / "datalinks" / "postgres-table.datalink")
connection = Database.connect connection_details
Panic.with_finalizer connection.close <|
# We create the table that will then be accessed through the datalink, and ensure it's cleaned up afterwards.
@ -899,17 +902,40 @@ add_datalink_specs suite_builder =
Panic.with_finalizer (connection.drop_table <|
## Now we access this table but this time through a datalink.
Btw. this will keep a connection open until the table is garbage collected, but that is probably fine...
datalink_table = datalink_file
datalink_table.should_be_a DB_Table
datalink_table.column_names . should_equal ["X", "Y"] "X" . to_vector . should_equal [22] "Y" . to_vector . should_equal ["o"]
data_link_table = data_link_file
data_link_table.should_be_a DB_Table
data_link_table.column_names . should_equal ["X", "Y"] "X" . to_vector . should_equal [22] "Y" . to_vector . should_equal ["o"]
group_builder.specify "will reject any format overrides or stream operations on the data link" <|
data_link_file = transform_file ( / "datalinks" / "postgres-db.datalink")
r1 = data_link_file Plain_Text
r1.should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
r1.catch.to_display_text . should_contain "Only the default Auto_Detect format should be used"
r2 = data_link_file.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read] .read_all_bytes
r2.should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
# But we can read the raw data link if we ask for it:
r3 = data_link_file.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read, Data_Link_Access.No_Follow] .read_all_bytes
r3.should_be_a Vector
group_builder.specify "will fail with a clear message if trying to download a Database datalink" pending=Http_Test_Setup.pending_has_url <|
url = Http_Test_Setup.base_url_with_slash+"testfiles/some-postgres.datalink"
target_file = / "transient" / "some-postgres-target"
r = url target_file
r.should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
r.catch.to_display_text . should_contain "The Postgres Data Link cannot be saved to a file."
add_specs suite_builder =
add_table_specs suite_builder
add_pgpass_specs suite_builder
add_connection_setup_specs suite_builder
add_datalink_specs suite_builder
add_data_link_specs suite_builder
main filter=Nothing =
suite = suite_builder->

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.System.File.Data_Link_Access.Data_Link_Access
import Standard.Base.System.File_Format_Metadata.File_Format_Metadata
from Standard.Table import all
from Standard.Test import all
from enso_dev.Base_Tests.Network.Http.Http_Test_Setup import base_url_with_slash, pending_has_url
from enso_dev.Base_Tests.Network.Http.Http_Data_Link_Spec import replace_url_in_datalink
from enso_dev.Base_Tests.Network.Http.Http_Data_Link_Spec import replace_url_in_data_link
import project.Util
@ -18,33 +20,65 @@ main filter=Nothing =
add_specs suite_builder = "parsing Table formats in DataLinks" pending=pending_has_url group_builder->
data_link_root = / "datalinks"
group_builder.specify "parsing Delimited without quotes" <|
datalink_file = replace_url_in_datalink (data_link_root / "example-http-format-delimited-ignore-quote.datalink")
t =
data_link_file = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-delimited-ignore-quote.datalink")
t =
t.should_equal (Table.from_rows ["Column 1", "Column 2"] [['{"hello":', '"world"}']])
group_builder.specify "parsing Delimited with custom delimiter quotes" <|
datalink_file = replace_url_in_datalink (data_link_root / "example-http-format-delimited-custom-quote.datalink")
t =
data_link_file = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-delimited-custom-quote.datalink")
t =
weird_txt = "x'z" + '""w'
# The A column remains a text column because of being quoted
t.should_equal ( [["A", ["1", "3"]], ["B", [weird_txt, "y"]]])
group_builder.specify "parsing Excel_Format.Workbook" <|
datalink_file = replace_url_in_datalink (data_link_root / "example-http-format-excel-workbook.datalink")
group_builder.specify "overriding the custom format in Delimited datalink" <|
data_link_file = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-delimited-ignore-quote.datalink")
r = Plain_Text
r.should_be_a Text
r.trim.should_equal '{"hello": "world"}'
workbook =
group_builder.specify "parsing Excel_Format.Workbook" <|
data_link_file = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-excel-workbook.datalink")
workbook =
Panic.with_finalizer workbook.close <|
workbook.should_be_a Excel_Workbook
workbook.sheet_names . should_equal ["MyTestSheet"]
group_builder.specify "parsing Excel_Format.Sheet" <|
datalink_file = replace_url_in_datalink (data_link_root / "example-http-format-excel-sheet.datalink")
data_link_file = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-excel-sheet.datalink")
table =
table =
table . should_equal (Table.from_rows ["A", "B"] [[1, 'x'], [3, 'y']])
group_builder.specify "parsing Excel_Format.Range" <|
datalink_file = replace_url_in_datalink (data_link_root / "example-http-format-excel-range.datalink")
data_link_file = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-excel-range.datalink")
table =
table =
table . should_equal (Table.from_rows ["A", "B"] [[3, 'y']])
group_builder.specify "overriding Excel format" <|
data_link_file = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-excel-workbook.datalink")
table = (Excel_Format.Range "MyTestSheet!A1:B1")
table . should_equal (Table.from_rows ["A", "B"] [[1, 'x']])
bytes = data_link_file.read_bytes
bytes.should_be_a Vector
group_builder.specify "reading a datalink as a stream" <|
data_link_file = replace_url_in_data_link (data_link_root / "example-http-format-excel-range.datalink")
r1 = data_link_file.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read] input_stream->
## We need to specify the format explicitly because the raw stream
has no access to file metadata and the excel reader needs to know if its XLS or XLSX.
metadata = File_Format_Metadata.Value extension=".xls"
Excel_Format.Workbook.read_stream input_stream metadata
r1.should_be_a Excel_Workbook
r2 = data_link_file.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read] .read_all_bytes
r2.should_be_a Vector
# But it is still possible to access the raw data too.
r3 = data_link_file.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read, Data_Link_Access.No_Follow] .read_all_bytes
Text.from_bytes r3 Encoding.utf_8 . should_contain '"type": "HTTP"'

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
r.sheet_names . should_equal ["MyTestSheet"] "MyTestSheet" . should_equal expected_table
r2 = Data.fetch url try_auto_parse_response=False . decode (Excel_Format.Sheet "MyTestSheet")
r2 = Data.fetch url format=Raw_Response . decode (Excel_Format.Sheet "MyTestSheet")
r2.should_be_a Table
r2.should_equal expected_table
@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ add_specs suite_builder =
r.sheet_names . should_equal ["MyTestSheet"] "MyTestSheet" . should_equal expected_table
r2 = Data.fetch url try_auto_parse_response=False . decode (Excel_Format.Sheet "MyTestSheet")
r2 = Data.fetch url format=Raw_Response . decode (Excel_Format.Sheet "MyTestSheet")
r2.should_be_a Table
r2.should_equal expected_table
r3 = url.to_uri.fetch try_auto_parse_response=False . decode (Excel_Format.Sheet "MyTestSheet")
r3 = url.to_uri.fetch format=Raw_Response . decode (Excel_Format.Sheet "MyTestSheet")
r3.should_be_a Table
r3.should_equal expected_table

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import org.enso.shttp.auth.TokenAuthTestHandler;
import org.enso.shttp.cloud_mock.CloudAuthRenew;
import org.enso.shttp.cloud_mock.CloudRoot;
import org.enso.shttp.cloud_mock.ExpiredTokensCounter;
import org.enso.shttp.test_helpers.*;
import sun.misc.Signal;
import sun.misc.SignalHandler;
@ -81,16 +82,24 @@ public class HTTPTestHelperServer {
server.addHandler(path, new TestHandler(method));
// HTTP helpers
setupFileServer(server, projectRoot);
server.addHandler("/test_headers", new HeaderTestHandler());
server.addHandler("/test_token_auth", new TokenAuthTestHandler());
server.addHandler("/test_basic_auth", new BasicAuthTestHandler());
server.addHandler("/crash", new CrashingTestHandler());
server.addHandler("/test_redirect", new RedirectTestHandler("/testfiles/js.txt"));
// Cloud mock
var expiredTokensCounter = new ExpiredTokensCounter();
server.addHandler("/COUNT-EXPIRED-TOKEN-FAILURES", expiredTokensCounter);
CloudRoot cloudRoot = new CloudRoot(expiredTokensCounter);
server.addHandler(cloudRoot.prefix, cloudRoot);
server.addHandler("/enso-cloud-auth-renew", new CloudAuthRenew());
setupFileServer(server, projectRoot);
// Data link helpers
server.addHandler("/dynamic-datalink", new GenerateDataLinkHandler(true));
server.addHandler("/dynamic.datalink", new GenerateDataLinkHandler(false));
private static void setupFileServer(HybridHTTPServer server, Path projectRoot) {

View File

@ -32,8 +32,15 @@ public abstract class SimpleHttpHandler implements HttpHandler {
protected final void sendResponse(int code, String message, HttpExchange exchange)
throws IOException {
sendResponse(code, message, exchange, "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
protected final void sendResponse(
int code, String message, HttpExchange exchange, String contentType) throws IOException {
byte[] response = message.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
exchange.getResponseHeaders().add("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
if (contentType != null) {
exchange.getResponseHeaders().add("Content-Type", contentType);
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(code, response.length);
try (OutputStream os = exchange.getResponseBody()) {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package org.enso.shttp;
package org.enso.shttp.test_helpers;
import org.enso.shttp.SimpleHttpHandler;
public class CrashingTestHandler extends SimpleHttpHandler {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package org.enso.shttp.test_helpers;
import org.enso.shttp.SimpleHttpHandler;
/** A handler that generates a Data Link pointing to a file on this server. */
public class GenerateDataLinkHandler extends SimpleHttpHandler {
private final boolean includeContentType;
private static final String targetPath = "/testfiles/js.txt";
private static final String dataLinkTemplate =
"type": "HTTP",
"libraryName": "Standard.Base",
"method": "GET",
"uri": "${URI}"
public GenerateDataLinkHandler(boolean includeContentType) {
this.includeContentType = includeContentType;
protected void doHandle(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException {
String host = exchange.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("Host");
String uri = "http://" + host + targetPath;
String content = dataLinkTemplate.replace("${URI}", uri);
String contentType = includeContentType ? "application/x-enso-datalink" : null;
sendResponse(200, content, exchange, contentType);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
package org.enso.shttp;
package org.enso.shttp.test_helpers;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
import org.enso.shttp.SimpleHttpHandler;
public class HeaderTestHandler extends SimpleHttpHandler {

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package org.enso.shttp.test_helpers;
import org.enso.shttp.SimpleHttpHandler;
public class RedirectTestHandler extends SimpleHttpHandler {
private final String redirectLocation;
public RedirectTestHandler(String redirectLocation) {
this.redirectLocation = redirectLocation;
protected void doHandle(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException {
exchange.getResponseHeaders().add("Location", redirectLocation);
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(302, -1);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package org.enso.shttp;
package org.enso.shttp.test_helpers;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
import org.enso.shttp.HttpMethod;
import org.enso.shttp.SimpleHttpHandler;
public class TestHandler extends SimpleHttpHandler {
private final HttpMethod expectedMethod;

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"type": "Postgres_Connection",
"libraryName": "Standard.Database",
"host": "",
"port": 12345,
"database_name": "DBNAME",
"credentials": {
"username": "USERNAME",
"password": "PASSWORD"