diff --git a/.prettierignore b/.prettierignore
index 04a47d3184..f84e714076 100644
--- a/.prettierignore
+++ b/.prettierignore
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ distribution/lib/Standard/*/*/manifest.yaml
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 468eb6e9ba..9a60d9b109 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
be opened on OS X][11755].
- [Fix some UI elements drawing on top of visualization toolbar dropdown
+- [Edges are now colored based on their source component.][11810]
- [Highlight missing required arguments][11803].
- [Arrows in some drop-down buttons are now clearly visible][11800]
@@ -90,6 +91,7 @@
[11753]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/11753
[11761]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/11761
[11768]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/11768
+[11810]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/11810
[11803]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/11803
[11800]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/11800
diff --git a/app/gui/src/project-view/components/ComponentBrowser.vue b/app/gui/src/project-view/components/ComponentBrowser.vue
index c5c4c46b9f..2355948580 100644
--- a/app/gui/src/project-view/components/ComponentBrowser.vue
+++ b/app/gui/src/project-view/components/ComponentBrowser.vue
@@ -240,10 +240,6 @@ const nodeColor = computed(() => {
return 'var(--node-color-no-type)'
-watchEffect(() => {
- if (!graphStore.cbEditedEdge) return
- graphStore.cbEditedEdge.color = nodeColor.value
const selectedSuggestionIcon = computed(() => {
return selectedSuggestion.value ? suggestionEntryToIcon(selectedSuggestion.value) : undefined
diff --git a/app/gui/src/project-view/components/GraphEditor/GraphEdge.vue b/app/gui/src/project-view/components/GraphEditor/GraphEdge.vue
index 6539afffd8..dac052bf9e 100644
--- a/app/gui/src/project-view/components/GraphEditor/GraphEdge.vue
+++ b/app/gui/src/project-view/components/GraphEditor/GraphEdge.vue
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@@ -575,13 +336,13 @@ const sourceHoverAnimationStyle = computed(() => {
class="edge visible"
- :class="{ dimmed: activePath || isSuggestion }"
+ :class="baseClass"
:style="{ ...baseStyle, ...sourceHoverAnimationStyle }"
diff --git a/app/gui/src/project-view/components/GraphEditor/GraphEdge/layout.ts b/app/gui/src/project-view/components/GraphEditor/GraphEdge/layout.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdd4fd7d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/gui/src/project-view/components/GraphEditor/GraphEdge/layout.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+import { Vec2 } from '@/util/data/vec2'
+import theme from '@/util/theme'
+import { clamp } from '@vueuse/core'
+/** The inputs to the edge state computation. */
+export interface Inputs {
+ /**
+ * The width and height of the node that originates the edge, if any.
+ * The edge may begin anywhere around the bottom half of the node.
+ */
+ sourceSize: Vec2
+ /**
+ * The coordinates of the node input port that is the edge's destination, relative to the source
+ * position. The edge enters the port from above.
+ */
+ targetOffset: Vec2
+export interface JunctionPoints {
+ points: Vec2[]
+ maxRadius: number
+ startsInPort: boolean
+ * Edge layout calculation.
+ *
+ * # Corners
+ *
+ * ```text
+ * ────╮
+ * ```
+ *
+ * The fundamental unit of edge layout is the [`Corner`]. A corner is a line segment attached to a
+ * 90° arc. The length of the straight segment, the radius of the arc, and the orientation of the
+ * shape may vary. Any shape of edge is built from corners.
+ *
+ * The shape of a corner can be fully-specified by two points: The horizontal end, and the vertical
+ * end.
+ *
+ * In special cases, a corner may be *trivial*: It may have a radius of zero, in which case either
+ * the horizontal or vertical end will not be in the usual orientation. The layout algorithm only
+ * produces trivial corners when the source is directly in line with the target, or in some cases
+ * when subdividing a corner (see [Partial edges] below).
+ *
+ * # Junction points
+ *
+ * ```text
+ * 3
+ * 1 /
+ * \ ╭─────╮
+ * ────╯\ \
+ * 2 4
+ * ```
+ *
+ * The layout algorithm doesn't directly place corners. The layout algorithm places a sequence of
+ * junction points--coordinates where two horizontal corner ends or two vertical corner ends meet
+ * (or just one corner end, at an end of an edge). A series of junction points, always alternating
+ * horizontal/vertical, has a one-to-one relationship with a sequence of corners.
+ */
+ * Calculate the start and end positions of each 1-corner section composing an edge to the
+ * given offset. Return the points and the maximum radius that should be used to draw the corners
+ * connecting them.
+ */
+export function junctionPoints(inputs: Inputs): JunctionPoints | null {
+ const halfSourceSize = inputs.sourceSize?.scale(0.5) ?? Vec2.Zero
+ // The maximum x-distance from the source (our local coordinate origin) for the point where the
+ // edge will begin.
+ const sourceMaxXOffset = Math.max(halfSourceSize.x, 0)
+ const attachmentTarget = inputs.targetOffset
+ const targetWellBelowSource = inputs.targetOffset.y >= theme.edge.min_approach_height
+ const targetBelowSource = inputs.targetOffset.y > 0
+ const targetBeyondSource = Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.x) > sourceMaxXOffset
+ const horizontalRoomFor3Corners =
+ targetBeyondSource &&
+ Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.x) - sourceMaxXOffset >=
+ 3.0 * (theme.edge.radius - theme.edge.three_corner.max_squeeze)
+ const horizontalRoomFor3CornersNoSqueeze =
+ targetBeyondSource &&
+ Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.x) - sourceMaxXOffset >=
+ 3.0 * theme.edge.radius + theme.edge.three_corner.radius_max
+ if (targetWellBelowSource || (targetBelowSource && !horizontalRoomFor3Corners)) {
+ const innerTheme = theme.edge.one_corner
+ // The edge can originate anywhere along the length of the node.
+ const sourceX = clamp(inputs.targetOffset.x, -sourceMaxXOffset, sourceMaxXOffset)
+ const distanceX = Math.max(Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.x) - halfSourceSize.x, 0)
+ const radiusX = innerTheme.radius_x_base + distanceX * innerTheme.radius_x_factor
+ // The minimum length of straight line there should be at the target end of the edge. This
+ // is a fixed value, except it is reduced when the target is horizontally very close to the
+ // edge of the source, so that very short edges are less sharp.
+ const yAdjustment = Math.min(
+ Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.x) - halfSourceSize.x + innerTheme.radius_y_adjustment / 2.0,
+ innerTheme.radius_y_adjustment,
+ )
+ const radiusY = Math.max(Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.y) - yAdjustment, 0.0)
+ const maxRadius = Math.min(radiusX, radiusY)
+ // The radius the edge would have, if the arc portion were as large as possible.
+ const offsetX = Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.x - sourceX)
+ const naturalRadius = Math.min(
+ Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.x - sourceX),
+ Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.y),
+ )
+ let sourceDY = 0
+ let startsInPort = true
+ if (naturalRadius > innerTheme.minimum_tangent_exit_radius) {
+ // Offset the beginning of the edge so that it is normal to the curve of the source node
+ // at the point that it exits the node.
+ const radius = Math.min(naturalRadius, maxRadius)
+ const arcOriginX = Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.x) - radius
+ const sourceArcOrigin = halfSourceSize.x - theme.node.corner_radius
+ const circleOffset = arcOriginX - sourceArcOrigin
+ const intersection = circleIntersection(circleOffset, theme.node.corner_radius, radius)
+ sourceDY = -Math.abs(radius - intersection)
+ } else if (halfSourceSize.y != 0) {
+ sourceDY = 0 - innerTheme.source_node_overlap
+ startsInPort = offsetX < innerTheme.minimum_tangent_exit_radius
+ }
+ const source = new Vec2(sourceX, sourceDY)
+ return {
+ points: [source, inputs.targetOffset],
+ maxRadius,
+ startsInPort,
+ }
+ } else {
+ const radiusMax = theme.edge.three_corner.radius_max
+ // The edge originates from either side of the node.
+ const signX = Math.sign(inputs.targetOffset.x)
+ const sourceX = Math.abs(sourceMaxXOffset) * signX
+ const distanceX = Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.x - sourceX)
+ let j0x: number
+ let j1x: number
+ let heightAdjustment: number
+ if (horizontalRoomFor3Corners) {
+ // J1
+ // /
+ // ╭──────╮
+ // ╭─────╮ │ ▢
+ // ╰─────╯────╯\
+ // J0
+ // Junctions (J0, J1) are in between source and target.
+ const j0Dx = Math.min(2 * radiusMax, distanceX / 2)
+ const j1Dx = Math.min(radiusMax, (distanceX - j0Dx) / 2)
+ j0x = sourceX + Math.abs(j0Dx) * signX
+ j1x = j0x + Math.abs(j1Dx) * signX
+ heightAdjustment = radiusMax - j1Dx
+ } else {
+ // J1
+ // /
+ // ╭──────╮ J0
+ // ▢ │/
+ // ╭─────╮ │
+ // ╰─────╯────╯
+ // J0 > source; J0 > J1; J1 > target.
+ j1x = inputs.targetOffset.x + Math.abs(radiusMax) * signX
+ const j0BeyondSource = Math.abs(inputs.targetOffset.x) + radiusMax * 2
+ const j0BeyondTarget = Math.abs(sourceX) + radiusMax
+ j0x = Math.abs(Math.max(j0BeyondTarget, j0BeyondSource)) * signX
+ heightAdjustment = 0
+ }
+ if (j0x == null || j1x == null || heightAdjustment == null) return null
+ const top = Math.min(
+ inputs.targetOffset.y - theme.edge.min_approach_height + heightAdjustment,
+ 0,
+ )
+ const source = new Vec2(sourceX, 0)
+ const j0 = new Vec2(j0x, top / 2)
+ const j1 = new Vec2(j1x, top)
+ return {
+ points: [source, j0, j1, attachmentTarget],
+ maxRadius: radiusMax,
+ startsInPort: horizontalRoomFor3CornersNoSqueeze,
+ }
+ }
+type Line = { axis: 'h' | 'v'; length: number }
+type Arc = { radius: number; signX: number; signY: number; sweep: 0 | 1 }
+type Element = Arc | Line
+ * Convert calculated path junction points to an array of rounded horizontal/vertical path elements.
+ */
+export function pathElements(junctions: JunctionPoints): { start: Vec2; elements: Element[] } {
+ const elements: Element[] = []
+ const pushLine = (line: Line) => {
+ if (line.length === 0) return
+ const e = elements.pop()
+ if (e != null) {
+ if ('axis' in e && e.axis == line.axis) {
+ e.length += line.length
+ elements.push(e)
+ } else {
+ elements.push(e)
+ elements.push(line)
+ }
+ } else {
+ elements.push(line)
+ }
+ }
+ const start = junctions.points[0]
+ if (start == null) return { start: Vec2.Zero, elements: [] }
+ let prev = start
+ junctions.points.slice(1).forEach((j, i) => {
+ const d = j.sub(prev)
+ const radius = Math.min(junctions.maxRadius, Math.abs(d.x), Math.abs(d.y))
+ const signX = Math.sign(d.x)
+ const signY = Math.sign(d.y)
+ const dx = (Math.abs(d.x) - radius) * signX
+ const dy = (Math.abs(d.y) - radius) * signY
+ const h: Line = { axis: 'h', length: dx }
+ const v: Line = { axis: 'v', length: dy }
+ const sweep = (signX === signY) === (i % 2 === 0) ? 1 : 0
+ if (i % 2 == 0) {
+ pushLine(h)
+ elements.push({ radius, signX, signY, sweep })
+ pushLine(v)
+ } else {
+ pushLine(v)
+ elements.push({ radius, signX, signY, sweep })
+ pushLine(h)
+ }
+ prev = j
+ })
+ return { start, elements }
+function circleIntersection(x: number, r1: number, r2: number): number {
+ const xNorm = clamp(x, -r2, r1)
+ return Math.sqrt(r1 * r1 + r2 * r2 - xNorm * xNorm)
+ * Convert a set of generated path elements to svg path syntax representation.
+ */
+export function toSvgPath(sourcePos: Vec2, elements: Element[]): string {
+ let out = `M ${sourcePos.x} ${sourcePos.y}`
+ for (const e of elements) {
+ if ('axis' in e) {
+ out += ` ${e.axis} ${e.length}`
+ } else {
+ const dx = e.radius * e.signX
+ const dy = e.radius * e.signY
+ out += ` a ${e.radius} ${e.radius} 0 0 ${e.sweep} ${dx} ${dy}`
+ }
+ }
+ return out
diff --git a/app/gui/src/project-view/stores/graph/unconnectedEdges.ts b/app/gui/src/project-view/stores/graph/unconnectedEdges.ts
index 8ea16e06f8..54b575e20d 100644
--- a/app/gui/src/project-view/stores/graph/unconnectedEdges.ts
+++ b/app/gui/src/project-view/stores/graph/unconnectedEdges.ts
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ export interface UnconnectedSource extends AnyUnconnectedEdge {
export interface UnconnectedTarget extends AnyUnconnectedEdge {
source: AstId
target: undefined
- /** If true, the target end should be drawn as with a self-argument arrow. */
- targetIsSelfArgument?: boolean
/** If true, the edge will be rendered in its dimmed color. */
suggestion?: boolean