mirror of https://github.com/enso-org/enso.git synced 2025-01-07 05:16:26 +03:00

Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Wojciech Danilo 2019-06-01 20:32:49 +02:00
commit 815deda92b
7 changed files with 375 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

build.sbt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// The simplest possible sbt build file is just one line:
scalaVersion := "2.12.8"
// That is, to create a valid sbt build, all you've got to do is define the
// version of Scala you'd like your project to use.
// ============================================================================
// Lines like the above defining `scalaVersion` are called "settings" Settings
// are key/value pairs. In the case of `scalaVersion`, the key is "scalaVersion"
// and the value is "2.12.8"
// It's possible to define many kinds of settings, such as:
name := "hello-world"
organization := "ch.epfl.scala"
version := "1.0"
// Note, it's not required for you to define these three settings. These are
// mostly only necessary if you intend to publish your library's binaries on a
// place like Sonatype or Bintray.
// Want to use a published library in your project?
// You can define other libraries as dependencies in your build like this:
libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-core" % "1.6.0"
// Here, `libraryDependencies` is a set of dependencies, and by using `+=`,
// we're adding the cats dependency to the set of dependencies that sbt will go
// and fetch when it starts up.
// Now, in any Scala file, you can import classes, objects, etc, from cats with
// a regular import.
// TIP: To find the "dependency" that you need to add to the
// `libraryDependencies` set, which in the above example looks like this:
// "org.typelevel" %% "cats-core" % "1.6.0"
// You can use Scaladex, an index of all known published Scala libraries. There,
// after you find the library you want, you can just copy/paste the dependency
// information that you need into your build file. For example, on the
// typelevel/cats Scaladex page,
// https://index.scala-lang.org/typelevel/cats, you can copy/paste the sbt
// dependency from the sbt box on the right-hand side of the screen.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: while build files look _kind of_ like regular Scala, it's
// important to note that syntax in *.sbt files doesn't always behave like
// regular Scala. For example, notice in this build file that it's not required
// to put our settings into an enclosing object or class. Always remember that
// sbt is a bit different, semantically, than vanilla Scala.
// ============================================================================
// Most moderately interesting Scala projects don't make use of the very simple
// build file style (called "bare style") used in this build.sbt file. Most
// intermediate Scala projects make use of so-called "multi-project" builds. A
// multi-project build makes it possible to have different folders which sbt can
// be configured differently for. That is, you may wish to have different
// dependencies or different testing frameworks defined for different parts of
// your codebase. Multi-project builds make this possible.
// Here's a quick glimpse of what a multi-project build looks like for this
// build, with only one "subproject" defined, called `root`:
// lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
// settings(
// inThisBuild(List(
// organization := "ch.epfl.scala",
// scalaVersion := "2.12.8"
// )),
// name := "hello-world"
// )
// To learn more about multi-project builds, head over to the official sbt
// documentation at http://www.scala-sbt.org/documentation.html
mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some("org.enso.syntax.text.lexer.Main")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/** A small utility class. */
// TODO: use resource bundle
package org.enso.syntax.text.lexer;
class Utility {
private static final String errorMsg[] = {
"Error: Unmatched end-of-comment punctuation.",
"Error: Unmatched start-of-comment punctuation.",
"Error: Unclosed string.",
"Error: Illegal character."
public static final int E_ENDCOMMENT = 0;
public static final int E_STARTCOMMENT = 1;
public static final int E_UNCLOSEDSTR = 2;
public static final int E_UNMATCHED = 3;
public static void error(int code) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
/** The tokens returned by the scanner. */
package org.enso.syntax.text.lexer;
class Yytoken {
public int m_index;
public String m_text;
public int m_line;
public int m_charBegin;
public int m_charEnd;
Yytoken(int index, String text, int line, int charBegin, int charEnd) {
m_index = index;
m_text = text;
m_line = line;
m_charBegin = charBegin;
m_charEnd = charEnd;
public String toString() {
return "Text : "
+ m_text
+ "\nindex : "
+ m_index
+ "\nline : "
+ m_line
+ "\ncBeg. : "
+ m_charBegin
+ "\ncEnd. : "
+ m_charEnd;
Token test(int i) {
return new Var("foo");

src/main/jflex/test.flex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
/* this is the scanner example from the JLex website
(with small modifications to make it more readable) */
package org.enso.syntax.text.lexer;
private int comment_count = 0;
public boolean done(){
return zzAtEOF;
%class Lexer
%state COMMENT
WHITE_SPACE_CHAR=[\n\r\ \t\b\012]
Ident = {ALPHA}({ALPHA}|{DIGIT}|_)*
"," { return (new Yytoken(0,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
":" { return (new Yytoken(1,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
";" { return (new Yytoken(2,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"(" { return (new Yytoken(3,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
")" { return (new Yytoken(4,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"[" { return (new Yytoken(5,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"]" { return (new Yytoken(6,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"{" { return (new Yytoken(7,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"}" { return (new Yytoken(8,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"." { return (new Yytoken(9,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"+" { return (new Yytoken(10,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"-" { return (new Yytoken(11,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"*" { return (new Yytoken(12,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"/" { return (new Yytoken(13,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"=" { return (new Yytoken(14,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"<>" { return (new Yytoken(15,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+2)); }
"<" { return (new Yytoken(16,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"<=" { return (new Yytoken(17,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+2)); }
">" { return (new Yytoken(18,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
">=" { return (new Yytoken(19,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+2)); }
"&" { return (new Yytoken(20,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
"|" { return (new Yytoken(21,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+1)); }
":=" { return (new Yytoken(22,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+2)); }
"/*" { yybegin(COMMENT); comment_count++; }
String str = yytext().substring(1,yylength()-1);
return (new Yytoken(40,str,yyline,yychar,yychar+yylength()));
String str = yytext().substring(1,yytext().length());
return (new Yytoken(41,str,yyline,yychar,yychar + str.length()));
{DIGIT}+ { return (new Yytoken(42,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+yylength())); }
{Ident} { return (new Yytoken(43,yytext(),yyline,yychar,yychar+yylength())); }
"/*" { comment_count++; }
"*/" { if (--comment_count == 0) yybegin(YYINITIAL); }
. {
System.out.println("Illegal character: <" + yytext() + ">");

src/main/scala/Main.scala Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// import org.enso.Yylex
package org.enso.syntax.text.lexer
import java.io.{StringReader, StringWriter}
// import org.enso.syntax.text.lexer.{Token}
object Main extends App {
println("Hello, World!!")
val firstFilePos = 0
val encodingName = "UTF-8"
// if (argv[0].equals("--encoding")) {
// firstFilePos = 2
// encodingName = argv[1]
// try {
// java.nio.charset.Charset.forName(encodingName) // Side-effect: is encodingName valid?
// } catch (Exception e) {
// System.out.println("Invalid encoding '" + encodingName + "'")
// return
// }
// }
// for (int i = firstFilePos i < argv.length i++) {
// Yylex scanner = null
// // try {
// // java.io.FileInputStream stream = new java.io.FileInputStream(argv[i])
// // java.io.Reader reader = new java.io.InputStreamReader(stream, encodingName)
val reader = new StringReader("15 17")
val scanner = new Lexer(reader)
do {
} while (!scanner.done())
// }
// catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
// System.out.println("File not found : \""+argv[i]+"\"")
// }
// catch (java.io.IOException e) {
// System.out.println("IO error scanning file \""+argv[i]+"\"")
// System.out.println(e)
// }
// catch (Exception e) {
// System.out.println("Unexpected exception:")
// e.printStackTrace()
// }
// }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
/** The tokens returned by the scanner. */
package org.enso.syntax.text.lexer
// class Token (index:Int, text:String, line:Int, charBegin:Int, charEnd:Int) {
// override def toString() : String = {
// return "Text : " + text + "\nindex : " + index + "\nline : " + line + "\ncBeg. : " + charBegin + "\ncEnd. : " + charEnd;
// }
// }
// sealed trait Tree[+A]
// case object Leaf extends Node[Nothing]
// case class Node[A](data: A, left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
abstract class Bound
case object Begin extends Bound
case object End extends Bound
abstract class Token
case class Var (name:String) extends Token
case class Cons (name:String) extends Token
case object Wildcard extends Token
// data Symbol
// // Layout
// case class STX
// case class ETX
// case class EOL
// case class Terminator
// case class BlockStart
// case class Block !Bound
// case class Group !Bound
// case class Marker !Word64
// -- Ident
// | Var !Text32
// | Cons !Text32
// | Wildcard
// -- Keyword
// | KwCase
// | KwClass
// | KwDef
// | KwForeign
// | KwImport
// | KwNative
// | KwOf
// -- Operator
// | Operator !Text32
// | Modifier !Text32
// | Accessor
// -- | Arrow
// | Assignment
// | Typed
// | TypeApp
// | Merge
// | Range
// | Anything
// -- Literal
// | Number !Number
// | Quote !StrType !Bound
// | Str !Text32
// | StrEsc !StrEscType
// | List !Bound
// -- Comment
// | Disable
// | Doc !Text32
// -- Config
// | Metadata !Text32
// -- | Pragma ...
// -- Other
// | Unknown !Text32 -- DEPRECATED
// | Incorrect !Text32 -- DEPRECATED
// | Invalid !Invalid.Symbol
// deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
// data StrEscType
// = CharStrEsc !Int
// | NumStrEsc !Int
// | QuoteEscape !StrType
// | SlashEsc
// deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
// data Bound = Begin | End deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
// data StrType = RawStr | FmtStr | NatStr deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
// data Number = NumRep
// { _base :: Word8
// , _intPart :: [Word8]
// , _fracPart :: [Word8]
// } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)