mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 18:38:11 +03:00
Remove documentation style sheet, fix code blocks (#1202)
This commit is contained in:
@ -169,12 +169,8 @@ object Doc {
* @param elems - lines of code
/*TODO [MM]: Next PR
Code showing button - we need other design here.
Basically we don't want to display always button
we want to be able to display it maybe as a button on website
and completely differently in gui, it should be configurable*/
final case class CodeBlock(elems: List1[CodeBlock.Line]) extends Elem {
final case class CodeBlock(elems: List1[CodeBlock.Line], isInGui: Boolean)
extends Elem {
val newLn: Elem = Elem.Newline
val repr: Repr.Builder = R + elems.head + elems.tail.map(R + newLn + _)
val html: HTML = {
@ -182,6 +178,7 @@ object Doc {
val uniqueIDBtn = Random.alphanumeric.take(8).mkString("")
val htmlIdCode = HTML.`id` := uniqueIDCode
val htmlIdBtn = HTML.`id` := uniqueIDBtn
val htmlStyle = HTML.`style` := "inline-block"
val elemsHTML = elems.toList.map(elem => elem.html)
val btnAction = onclick :=
s"""var code = document.getElementById("$uniqueIDCode");
@ -191,13 +188,18 @@ object Doc {
|"inline-block" ? "none" : "inline-block";""".stripMargin
.replaceAll("\n", "")
val btn = HTML.button(btnAction)(htmlIdBtn)("Show")
if (isInGui) {
} else {
Seq(HTML.div(btn, HTML.div(htmlCls())(htmlIdCode)(elemsHTML)))
object CodeBlock {
def apply(elem: CodeBlock.Line): CodeBlock = CodeBlock(List1(elem))
def apply(elem: CodeBlock.Line): CodeBlock =
CodeBlock(List1(elem), isInGui = true)
def apply(elems: CodeBlock.Line*): CodeBlock =
CodeBlock(List1(elems.head, elems.tail.toList))
CodeBlock(List1(elems.head, elems.tail.toList), isInGui = true)
/** Inline - line of code which is in line with other elements
* Line - elem which is a part of Code Block
@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
var doc: Option[Doc] = None
var stack: List[Elem] = Nil
def push(): Unit = logger.trace {
def push(): Unit =
logger.trace {
if (current.isDefined) {
logger.log(s"Pushed: $current")
stack +:= current.get
@ -36,7 +37,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def pop(): Unit = logger.trace {
def pop(): Unit =
logger.trace {
if (stack.nonEmpty) {
current = Some(stack.head)
stack = stack.tail
@ -71,7 +73,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
/** text - used to manage normal text, made of Strings
final object text {
def onPushing(in: String): Unit = logger.trace {
def onPushing(in: String): Unit =
logger.trace {
if (documentation.isBeginning()) {
if (!tags.checkIfTagExistInPushedText(in)) {
val text = removeWhitespaces(in)
@ -85,7 +88,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def removeWhitespaces(in: String): String = logger.trace {
def removeWhitespaces(in: String): String =
logger.trace {
var text = in
if (text.nonEmpty) {
while (text.head == ' ' && text.length > 1) {
@ -95,7 +99,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def push(in: String): Unit = logger.trace {
def push(in: String): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.current = Some(Elem.Text(in))
@ -135,11 +140,13 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
result.current = None
def checkIfTagExistInPushedText(in: String): Boolean = logger.trace {
def checkIfTagExistInPushedText(in: String): Boolean =
logger.trace {
val inArray = in.split(" ")
var containsTag = false
def tryFindingTagInAvailableTags(elem: String): Unit = logger.trace {
def tryFindingTagInAvailableTags(elem: String): Unit =
logger.trace {
for (tagType <- possibleTagsList) {
if (elem == tagType.toString.toUpperCase) {
containsTag = true
@ -171,13 +178,15 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
/** code - used to manage code in documentation
final object code {
def onPushingInline(in: String): Unit = logger.trace {
def onPushingInline(in: String): Unit =
logger.trace {
val code = in.substring(1).dropRight(1)
result.current = Some(Elem.CodeBlock.Inline(code))
def onPushingMultiline(in: String): Unit = logger.trace {
def onPushingMultiline(in: String): Unit =
logger.trace {
val dummyLine = Elem.CodeBlock.Line(0, "")
do {
@ -188,7 +197,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
if (code.elems.head == dummyLine) {
result.current = Some(Elem.CodeBlock(newElem))
} else {
result.current = Some(Elem.CodeBlock(code.elems.append(newElem)))
result.current =
Some(Elem.CodeBlock(code.elems.append(newElem), isInGui = true))
case Some(_) | None => result.push()
@ -237,7 +247,9 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def getElemsFromStack(typ: Elem.Formatter.Type): List[Elem] =
logger.trace {
var listOfFormattedAST: List[Elem] = Nil
while (result.stack.head != Elem.Formatter(typ) && result.stack.nonEmpty) {
while (
result.stack.head != Elem.Formatter(typ) && result.stack.nonEmpty
) {
result.current match {
case Some(value) => listOfFormattedAST +:= value
@ -247,7 +259,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def addEmptyToStack(typ: Elem.Formatter.Type): Unit = logger.trace {
def addEmptyToStack(typ: Elem.Formatter.Type): Unit =
logger.trace {
stack +:= typ
result.current = Some(Elem.Formatter(typ))
@ -255,7 +268,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def decideWhichToCheckIfUnclosed(
typ: Elem.Formatter.Type
): List[Elem.Formatter.Type] = logger.trace {
): List[Elem.Formatter.Type] =
logger.trace {
typ match {
case Elem.Formatter.Strikeout =>
List(Elem.Formatter.Bold, Elem.Formatter.Italic)
@ -267,7 +281,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def checkForUnclosed(typ: Elem.Formatter.Type): Unit = logger.trace {
def checkForUnclosed(typ: Elem.Formatter.Type): Unit =
logger.trace {
if (stack.nonEmpty) {
if (stack.head == typ) {
val listOfFormattedAST: List[Elem] = getElemsFromStack(typ)
@ -301,7 +316,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
/** header - used to create section headers in Documentation
final object header {
def create(): Unit = logger.trace {
def create(): Unit =
logger.trace {
section.current match {
case Some(_) => loopThroughStackToFindHeader()
case None =>
@ -313,7 +329,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def loopThroughStackToFindHeader(): Unit = logger.trace {
def loopThroughStackToFindHeader(): Unit =
logger.trace {
var listForHeader: List[Elem] = Nil
do {
@ -337,7 +354,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
* there are 2 possible link types - Image and normal URL
final object link {
def onCreatingURL(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onCreatingURL(): Unit =
logger.trace {
if (currentMatch.contains("]") && currentMatch.contains("(")) {
val in = currentMatch.substring(1).dropRight(1).split(']')
val name = in(0)
@ -348,12 +366,14 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def pushURL(name: String, url: String): Unit = logger.trace {
def pushURL(name: String, url: String): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.current = Some(Elem.Link.URL(name, url))
def onCreatingImage(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onCreatingImage(): Unit =
logger.trace {
if (currentMatch.contains("]") && currentMatch.contains("(")) {
val in = currentMatch.substring(2).dropRight(1).split(']')
val name = in(0)
@ -364,23 +384,27 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def pushImage(name: String, url: String): Unit = logger.trace {
def pushImage(name: String, url: String): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.current = Some(Elem.Link.Image(name, url))
def onInvalidLink(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onInvalidLink(): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.current = Some(Elem.Link.Invalid(currentMatch))
def onInvalidLinkNewline(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onInvalidLinkNewline(): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.current = Some(Elem.Link.Invalid(currentMatch.dropRight(1)))
def onInvalidLinkEOF(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onInvalidLinkEOF(): Unit =
logger.trace {
@ -413,17 +437,21 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
final object indent {
var stack: List[Int] = Nil
def current: Int = stack match {
def current: Int =
stack match {
case Nil => 0
case ::(head, _) => head
def onIndent(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onIndent(): Unit =
logger.trace {
val diff = currentMatch.length - current
if (diff < 0 && list.inListFlag) {
stack = stack.tail
} else if (currentMatch.length > section.currentIndentRaw && result.stack.nonEmpty) {
} else if (
currentMatch.length > section.currentIndentRaw && result.stack.nonEmpty
) {
stack +:= currentMatch.length
@ -432,7 +460,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def tryToFindCodeInStack(): Unit = logger.trace {
def tryToFindCodeInStack(): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.stack.head match {
case _: Elem.CodeBlock =>
@ -448,7 +477,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
indent: Int,
typ: Elem.List.Type,
content: String
): Unit = logger.trace {
): Unit =
logger.trace {
val diff = indent - current
if (diff > 0) {
@ -493,12 +523,14 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def onPushingNewLine(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onPushingNewLine(): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.current = Some(Elem.Newline)
def onEmptyLine(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onEmptyLine(): Unit =
logger.trace {
if (list.inListFlag) {
list.inListFlag = false
@ -507,7 +539,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def onIndentPattern(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onIndentPattern(): Unit =
logger.trace {
if (result.stack.nonEmpty) {
@ -515,7 +548,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def onEOFPattern(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onEOFPattern(): Unit =
logger.trace {
@ -549,7 +583,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def addContent(content: Elem): Unit = logger.trace {
def addContent(content: Elem): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.current match {
case Some(list @ (_: Elem.List)) =>
@ -562,7 +597,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def appendInnerToOuter(): Unit = logger.trace {
def appendInnerToOuter(): Unit =
logger.trace {
val innerList = result.current.orNull
result.stack.head match {
@ -584,19 +620,25 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def onOrdered(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onOrdered(): Unit =
logger.trace {
val matchedContent = currentMatch.split(orderedListTrigger)
val listIndent = matchedContent(0).length
val listElems = matchedContent(1)
indent.onIndentForListCreation(listIndent, Elem.List.Ordered, listElems)
def onUnordered(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onUnordered(): Unit =
logger.trace {
val matchedContent = currentMatch.split(unorderedListTrigger)
val listIndent = matchedContent(0).length
val listElems = matchedContent(1)
indent.onIndentForListCreation(listIndent, Elem.List.Unordered, listElems)
val orderedListTrigger: Char = Elem.List.Ordered.marker
@ -642,7 +684,8 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
current = typ
def onNewMarked(typ: Section.Marked.Type): Unit = logger.trace {
def onNewMarked(typ: Section.Marked.Type): Unit =
logger.trace {
currentIndentRaw += currentMatch.length
@ -663,34 +706,40 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
indentAfterMarker = inArr.tail.head.length - 1
def onNewRaw(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onNewRaw(): Unit =
logger.trace {
def onNewRawWithHeader(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onNewRawWithHeader(): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.current = Some(Section.Header())
def isBeginning(): Boolean = logger.trace {
def isBeginning(): Boolean =
logger.trace {
result.stack.isEmpty || result.stack.head.isInstanceOf[Section.Header]
//// End of Section ////
def checkForUnclosedFormattersOnEOS(): Unit = logger.trace {
def checkForUnclosedFormattersOnEOS(): Unit =
logger.trace {
def reverseStackOnEOS(): Unit = logger.trace {
def reverseStackOnEOS(): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.stack = result.stack.reverse
def push(): Unit = logger.trace {
def push(): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.stack match {
case Nil =>
@ -713,13 +762,15 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def cleanupOnEOS(): Unit = logger.trace {
def cleanupOnEOS(): Unit =
logger.trace {
result.current = None
result.stack = Nil
formatter.stack = Nil
def onEOS(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onEOS(): Unit =
logger.trace {
@ -763,36 +814,42 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
* is it just ran as DocParser - for example in test suite
final object documentation {
def reverseSectionsStackOnEOF(): Unit = logger.trace {
def reverseSectionsStackOnEOF(): Unit =
logger.trace {
section.stack = section.stack.reverse
def reverseTagsStackOnEOF(): Unit = logger.trace {
def reverseTagsStackOnEOF(): Unit =
logger.trace {
tags.stack = tags.stack.reverse
def createDoc(): Unit = logger.trace {
def createDoc(): Unit =
logger.trace {
val tags: Option[Tags] = createTags()
val synopsis: Option[Synopsis] = createSynopsis()
val body: Option[Body] = createBody()
result.doc = Some(Doc(tags, synopsis, body))
def createTags(): Option[Tags] = logger.trace {
def createTags(): Option[Tags] =
logger.trace {
tags.stack match {
case Nil => None
case x :: xs => Some(Tags(List1(x, xs)))
def createSynopsis(): Option[Synopsis] = logger.trace {
def createSynopsis(): Option[Synopsis] =
logger.trace {
section.stack match {
case Nil => None
case x :: _ => Some(Synopsis(x))
def createBody(): Option[Body] = logger.trace {
def createBody(): Option[Body] =
logger.trace {
section.stack match {
case Nil => None
case _ :: xs =>
@ -803,14 +860,16 @@ case class DocParserDef() extends Parser[Doc] {
def onEOF(): Unit = logger.trace {
def onEOF(): Unit =
logger.trace {
def isBeginning(): Boolean = logger.trace {
def isBeginning(): Boolean =
logger.trace {
result.stack.isEmpty && section.stack.isEmpty
@ -283,22 +283,17 @@ object DocParserHTMLGenerator {
* reformatted [[AST.Documented]]
* @param ast - parsed AST.Module and reformatted using Doc Parser
* @param cssFileName - name of file containing stylesheets for the HTML code
def generateHTMLForEveryDocumented(
ast: AST,
cssFileName: String = "style.css"
): String = {
def generateHTMLForEveryDocumented(ast: AST): String = {
ast.map { elem =>
elem match {
case AST.Documented.any(documented) =>
val file = onHTMLRendering(documented, cssFileName)
val file = onHTMLRendering(documented)
return file.code.toString() + generateHTMLForEveryDocumented(
case _ =>
generateHTMLForEveryDocumented(elem, cssFileName)
@ -309,14 +304,10 @@ object DocParserHTMLGenerator {
* Function to generate HTML File from pure doc comment w/o connection to AST
* @param doc - Doc from Doc Parser
* @param cssLink - string containing CSS file name
* @return - HTML Code from Doc
def generateHTMLPureDoc(
doc: Doc,
cssLink: String = "style.css"
): String = {
HTML.html(createHTMLHead("", cssLink), HTML.body(doc.html)).toString()
def generateHTMLPureDoc(doc: Doc): String = {
HTML.html(createHTMLHead(""), HTML.body(doc.html)).toString()
@ -328,14 +319,10 @@ object DocParserHTMLGenerator {
* Runner finished it's job
* @param documented - documented made by Doc Parser Runner from AST and Doc
* @param cssFileName - name of file containing stylesheets for the HTML code
* @return - HTML code with file name
def onHTMLRendering(
documented: AST.Documented,
cssFileName: String
): htmlFile = {
val htmlCode = renderHTML(documented.ast, documented.doc, cssFileName)
def onHTMLRendering(documented: AST.Documented): htmlFile = {
val htmlCode = renderHTML(documented.ast, documented.doc)
val astLines = documented.ast.show().split("\n")
val fileName =
@ -352,18 +339,13 @@ object DocParserHTMLGenerator {
* @param ast - AST from Parser
* @param doc - Doc from Doc Parser
* @param cssLink - string containing CSS file name
* @return - HTML Code from Doc and contents of [[AST.Def]] or
* [[AST.App.Infix]], with optional title made from AST
def renderHTML(
ast: AST,
doc: Doc,
cssLink: String
): TypedTag[String] = {
def renderHTML(ast: AST, doc: Doc): TypedTag[String] = {
val title = ast.show().split("\n").head.split("=").head
val documentation = DocumentedToHtml(ast, doc)
HTML.html(createHTMLHead(title, cssLink), HTML.body(documentation))
HTML.html(createHTMLHead(title), HTML.body(documentation))
@ -376,10 +358,7 @@ object DocParserHTMLGenerator {
* @return - HTML Code from Doc and contents of [[AST.Def]] or
* [[AST.App.Infix]]
def DocumentedToHtml(
ast: AST,
doc: Doc
): TypedTag[String] = {
def DocumentedToHtml(ast: AST, doc: Doc): TypedTag[String] = {
val docClass = HTML.`class` := "Documentation"
val astHeadCls = HTML.`class` := "ASTHead"
val astHTML = createHTMLFromAST(ast)
@ -576,18 +555,14 @@ object DocParserHTMLGenerator {
* Function invoked by [[DocumentedToHtml]] to create HTML.Head part of file
* @param title - HTML page title
* @param cssLink - string containing CSS file name
* @return - HTML Head Code
def createHTMLHead(title: String, cssLink: String): TypedTag[String] = {
def createHTMLHead(title: String): TypedTag[String] = {
val metaEquiv = HTML.httpEquiv := "Content-Type"
val metaCont = HTML.content := "text/html"
val metaChar = HTML.charset := "UTF-8"
val meta = HTML.meta(metaEquiv)(metaCont)(metaChar)
val cssRel = HTML.rel := "stylesheet"
val cssHref = HTML.href := cssLink
val css = HTML.link(cssRel)(cssHref)
val fileTitle = scalatags.Text.tags2.title(title)
HTML.head(meta, css)(fileTitle)
@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
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font-weight: $defaultHeaderFontWeight
letter-spacing: 0.012em
.Body h2
margin: 0.65rem 0 0
padding-left: 10px
//// Invalid AST ////
// Creator - a special mode for displaying parsing errors in output
display: inline
color: orangered
border: 2px solid
color: orangered
display: inline
//// Header ////
font-size: 19px
font-weight: $defaultHeaderFontWeight
.Important .Header,
.Info .Header,
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font-weight: $defaultBoldFontWeight
letter-spacing: $defaultLetterSpacing
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font-synthesis: none
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//// Tags ////
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color: $col
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color: $col
margin: 0 3px
color: #999999
//// Sections ////
margin-top: 0
margin-left: auto
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text-decoration: inherit
.Body .Raw
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//// HTML generated - Def, Infix ////
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text-decoration: inherit
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display: inline-flex
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font-weight: $defaultFontWeight
margin-bottom: 20px
margin-left: 5px
font-weight: $defaultFontWeight
color: $defaultCodeColor
//// Synopsis & Detail ////
margin: 0 auto
padding: 5px
text-align: left
margin-top: 35px
font-size: 20px
text-align: left
line-height: 1.05
border-radius: 6px
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margin: 20px auto 5px
background-color: #ffffff
font-size: 42px
margin: 0
background-color: #fafafa
font-size: x-large
margin: 0
width: 100%
background-color: #ffffff
text-decoration: inherit
//// RWD ////
@media (max-width: 500px)
.Documentation .ASTData .Def
max-width: 380px
.Documentation .ASTHead,
max-width: 400px
padding: 5px
@media (min-width: 500px)
.Documentation .ASTData .Def
max-width: 440px
.Documentation .ASTHead,
max-width: 470px
@media (min-width: 600px)
.Documentation .ASTData .Def
max-width: 490px
.Documentation .ASTHead,
max-width: 520px
@media (min-width: 900px)
.Documentation .ASTData .Def
max-width: 680px
.Documentation .ASTHead,
max-width: 710px
@media (min-width: 1300px)
.Documentation .ASTData .Def
max-width: 790px
.Documentation .ASTHead,
max-width: 820px
@ -573,7 +573,6 @@ object Main extends scala.App {
println("===== DOCUMENTATION =====")
val droppedMeta = parser.dropMacroMeta(mod)
val doc = DocParserRunner.createDocs(droppedMeta)
val cssFileName = "style.css"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user