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synced 2024-11-22 22:10:15 +03:00
Implement simple variants of parse
for the Database backend (#6731)
Implements the simplest `parse` scenarios for the Database backend. Before #6711 these could have been done by `cast`, but in #6711 the APIs were unified to only allow casting to the same set of types in both in-memory and Database. Converting Text to other types is supposed to be done by `parse` and not `cast`, so the ability to use `cast` for rudimentary parsing is removed in the Database backend to make it consistent with in-memory. But now it is lacking any, even simplest, Text->Int/Text->Date support. To alleviate that, the simple scenarios for `parse` are implemented (no support for format customization yet, will boil down to a cast under the hood).
This commit is contained in:
@ -990,12 +990,55 @@ type Column
Error.throw (Illegal_State.Error "The dialect "+self.connection.dialect.name+" does not support a boolean type. The implementation of `is_in` should be revised to account for this. This is an internal issue with the Database library.")
Column.Value new_name self.connection new_type_ref new_expr self.context
## Parsing values is not supported in database columns.
@type Widget_Helpers.parse_type_selector
parse : Value_Type | Auto -> Text | Data_Formatter -> Problem_Behavior -> Column
parse self type=Auto format=Data_Formatter.Value on_problems=Report_Warning =
_ = [type, format, on_problems]
Error.throw <| Unsupported_Database_Operation.Error "`Column.parse` is not implemented yet for the Database backends."
## Parses a text column into values.
In the Database backends, the default formatting settings of the
particular database are used.
In the in-memory backend, the default parser options only parse values
where the process is reversible (e.g., 0123 would not be converted to an
integer as there is a leading 0). However, settings in the
`Data_Formatter` can control this.
- type: The type to parse the column to. Defaults to `Auto` meaning that
the type will be inferred from the data. In the Database backends,
`Auto` is not supported, so a specific type must be selected.
- format: The formatting settings to use when parsing the column.
For `Date`, `Time_Of_Day` and `Date_Time`, a Java date time style
can be used. For `Boolean`, it should be two values that represent true
and false, separated by a `|`. Alternatively, a `Data_Formatter` can be
passed to provide complete customisation of the formatting. If
`Nothing` is provided, the default formatting settings of the backend
will be used. `Nothing` is currently the only setting accepted by the
Database backends.
- on_problems: Specifies how to handle if a problem occurs, raising as a
warning by default.
! Error Conditions
- If the column is not a text column, an `Invalid_Value_Type` error is
- If some values in the column did not match the expected datatype
format, an `Invalid_Format` problem is reported. The problematic
cells are replaced with `Nothing`.
- If custom formatting settings were provided, but the database backend
does not support customization, an `Unsupported_Database_Operation`
error is reported.
@type (Widget_Helpers.parse_type_selector include_auto=False)
parse : Value_Type | Auto -> Text | Data_Formatter | Nothing -> Problem_Behavior -> Column
parse self type format=Nothing on_problems=Report_Warning =
check_parameters =
if type == Auto then Error.throw (Unsupported_Database_Operation.Error "The `Auto` parse type is not supported by the Database backend. Either pick a specific type or materialize the table to memory using `.read`.") else
case format of
Nothing -> Nothing
_ -> Error.throw (Unsupported_Database_Operation.Error "Custom formatting is not supported by the Database backend. Please set the format to `Nothing` to indicate that the default Database settings can be used, or if custom formatting is needed, materialize the table to memory using `.read` first.")
check_parameters.if_not_error <|
Value_Type.expect_text self <|
## In the future we may have some specific logic, for example
allowing to support formatting settings. For now, the
Database parse just boils down to a simple CAST.
self.internal_do_cast type on_problems
## Formatting values is not supported in database columns.
format : Text | Column -> Locale -> Column ! Illegal_Argument
@ -1044,14 +1087,20 @@ type Column
cast : Value_Type -> Problem_Behavior -> Column ! Illegal_Argument | Inexact_Type_Coercion | Conversion_Failure
cast self value_type on_problems=Problem_Behavior.Report_Warning =
check_cast_compatibility self.value_type value_type <|
dialect = self.connection.dialect
type_mapping = dialect.get_type_mapping
target_sql_type = type_mapping.value_type_to_sql value_type on_problems
target_sql_type.if_not_error <|
infer_from_database new_expression =
SQL_Type_Reference.new self.connection self.context new_expression
new_column = dialect.make_cast self.as_internal target_sql_type infer_from_database
Column.Value new_column.name self.connection new_column.sql_type_reference new_column.expression self.context
self.internal_do_cast value_type on_problems
Shares the core CAST logic between `cast` and `parse`.
internal_do_cast : Value_Type -> Problem_Behavior -> Column
internal_do_cast self value_type on_problems =
dialect = self.connection.dialect
type_mapping = dialect.get_type_mapping
target_sql_type = type_mapping.value_type_to_sql value_type on_problems
target_sql_type.if_not_error <|
infer_from_database new_expression =
SQL_Type_Reference.new self.connection self.context new_expression
new_column = dialect.make_cast self.as_internal target_sql_type infer_from_database
Column.Value new_column.name self.connection new_column.sql_type_reference new_column.expression self.context
## ALIAS Transform Column
@ -1405,17 +1405,68 @@ type Table
msg = "Cross tab of database tables is not supported, the table has to be materialized first with `read`."
Error.throw (Unsupported_Database_Operation.Error msg)
## Parsing values is not supported in database tables, the table has to be
loaded into memory first with `read`.
@type Widget_Helpers.parse_type_selector
## Parses columns within a Table to a specific value type.
By default, it looks at all `Text` columns and attempts to deduce the
type (columns with other types are not affected).
In the Database backends, the default formatting settings of the
particular database are used.
In the in-memory backend, the default parser options only parse values
where the process is reversible (e.g., 0123 would not be converted to an
integer as there is a leading 0). However, settings in the
`Data_Formatter` can control this.
- columns: The columns to parse. If not specified, all text columns
will be parsed.
- type: The type to parse the columns to. Defaults to `Auto` meaning that
the type will be inferred from the data. In the Database backends,
`Auto` is not supported, so a specific type must be selected.
- format: The formatting settings to use when parsing the columns.
For `Date`, `Time_Of_Day` and `Date_Time`, a Java date time style
can be used. For `Boolean`, it should be two values that represent true
and false, separated by a `|`. Alternatively, a `Data_Formatter` can be
passed to provide complete customisation of the formatting. If
`Nothing` is provided, the default formatting settings of the backend
will be used. `Nothing` is currently the only setting accepted by the
Database backends.
- error_on_missing_columns: if `True` (the default) raises an error if
any column is missing. Otherwise, reported as a problem.
- on_problems: Specifies how to handle if a problem occurs, raising as a
warning by default.
! Error Conditions
- If a column in `columns` is not in the input table, a
`Missing_Input_Columns` is raised as an error or problem
following the `error_on_missing_columns` rules.
- If a column index is out of range, a `Column_Indexes_Out_Of_Range` is
raised as an error or problem following the
`error_on_missing_columns` rules.
- If a column selected for parsing is not a text column, an
`Invalid_Value_Type` error is raised.
- If no columns have been selected for parsing,
a `No_Input_Columns_Selected` error is raised.
- If custom formatting settings were provided, but the database backend
does not support customization, an `Unsupported_Database_Operation`
error is reported.
> Example
Parse dates in a column.
table.parse "birthday" Value_Type.Date
@type (Widget_Helpers.parse_type_selector include_auto=False)
@columns Widget_Helpers.make_column_name_vector_selector
parse : Text | Integer | Column_Selector | Vector (Text | Integer | Column_Selector) -> Value_Type | Auto -> Text | Data_Formatter -> Boolean -> Problem_Behavior -> Table
parse columns=(self.columns . filter (c-> c.value_type.is_text) . map .name) type=Auto format=Data_Formatter.Value error_on_missing_columns=True on_problems=Report_Warning =
## Avoid unused arguments warning. We cannot rename arguments to `_`,
because we need to keep the API consistent with the in-memory table.
_ = [columns, type, format, error_on_missing_columns, on_problems]
msg = "Parsing values is not supported in database tables, the table has to be materialized first with `read`."
Error.throw (Unsupported_Database_Operation.Error msg)
parse : Text | Integer | Column_Selector | Vector (Text | Integer | Column_Selector) -> Value_Type | Auto -> Text | Data_Formatter | Nothing -> Boolean -> Problem_Behavior -> Table
parse self columns=(self.columns . filter (c-> c.value_type.is_text) . map .name) type format=Nothing error_on_missing_columns=True on_problems=Report_Warning =
selected = self.columns_helper.resolve_columns columns error_on_missing_columns=error_on_missing_columns on_problems=on_problems
result = selected.fold self table-> column_to_parse->
new_column = column_to_parse.parse type format on_problems
table.set new_column new_name=column_to_parse.name set_mode=Set_Mode.Update
## The temporary variable for result is added due to the #6765 bug.
It should be removed once it is fixed.
## Splits a column of text into a set of new columns.
The original column will be removed from the table.
@ -1572,9 +1623,12 @@ type Table
cast : (Text | Integer | Column_Selector | Vector (Integer | Text | Column_Selector)) -> Value_Type -> Boolean -> Problem_Behavior -> Table ! Illegal_Argument | Inexact_Type_Coercion | Conversion_Failure
cast self columns=[0] value_type error_on_missing_columns=True on_problems=Problem_Behavior.Report_Warning =
selected = self.columns_helper.resolve_columns columns error_on_missing_columns=error_on_missing_columns on_problems=on_problems
selected.fold self table-> column_to_cast->
result = selected.fold self table-> column_to_cast->
new_column = column_to_cast.cast value_type on_problems
table.set new_column new_name=column_to_cast.name set_mode=Set_Mode.Update
## The temporary variable for result is added due to the #6765 bug.
It should be removed once it is fixed.
## ALIAS dropna
ALIAS drop_missing_rows
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ base_dialect =
fun = name -> [name, make_function name]
arith = [["ADD_NUMBER", make_binary_op "+"], ["ADD_TEXT", make_binary_op "||"], bin "-", bin "*", bin "/", bin "%", ["mod", make_function "MOD"], ["^", make_function "POWER"]]
logic = [bin "AND", bin "OR", unary "NOT", ["IIF", make_iif]]
logic = [bin "AND", bin "OR", unary "NOT", ["IIF", make_iif], ["CASE", case_when]]
eq = lift_binary_op "==" make_equals
neq = lift_binary_op "!=" make_not_equals
compare = [eq, neq, bin "<", bin ">", bin "<=", bin ">=", ["BETWEEN", make_between]]
@ -206,6 +206,22 @@ make_iif arguments = case arguments.length of
_ ->
Error.throw <| Illegal_State.Error ("Invalid amount of arguments for operation IIF")
For Internal use.
An IR expression for constructing SQL `CASE` expressions.
case_when : Vector Builder -> Builder
case_when arguments =
if arguments.length < 4 then Error.throw (Illegal_State.Error "CASE_WHEN needs at least 3 arguments.") else
fallback = arguments.last
cases = arguments.drop (Last 1)
if cases.length % 2 != 0 then Error.throw (Illegal_State.Error "CASE_WHEN expects an odd number of arguments (two arguments for each case and a fallback).") else
n = cases.length . div 2
cases_exprs = 0.up_to n . map i->
condition = cases.at 2*i
result = cases.at (2*i)+1
Builder.code "WHEN " ++ condition ++ " THEN " ++ result
Builder.code "CASE " ++ Builder.join " " cases_exprs ++ " ELSE " ++ fallback ++ " END"
simple_cast = Base_Generator.lift_binary_op "CAST" a-> b->
Builder.code "CAST(" ++ a ++ " AS " ++ b ++ ")"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from Standard.Base import all hiding First, Last
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_State.Illegal_State
import Standard.Base.Runtime.Ref.Ref
import Standard.Table.Data.Aggregate_Column.Aggregate_Column
import Standard.Table.Internal.Naming_Helpers.Naming_Helpers
@ -367,7 +368,18 @@ mod_op = Base_Generator.lift_binary_op "mod" x-> y->
It will return `Nothing` if the type does not require custom logic.
make_custom_cast column target_value_type type_mapping =
if target_value_type.is_text then
column_type = type_mapping.sql_type_to_value_type column.sql_type_reference.get
if column_type == Value_Type.Boolean then
SQL_Expression.Operation "IIF" [column.expression, SQL_Expression.Literal "'true'", SQL_Expression.Literal "'false'"]
result = Ref.new Nothing
column_type =
type_mapping.sql_type_to_value_type column.sql_type_reference.get
if target_value_type.is_text && (column_type == Value_Type.Boolean) then
expr = SQL_Expression.Operation "IIF" [column.expression, SQL_Expression.Literal "'true'", SQL_Expression.Literal "'false'"]
result.put expr
if (target_value_type == Value_Type.Boolean) && column_type.is_text then
lower = SQL_Expression.Operation "FOLD_CASE" [column.expression]
is_true = SQL_Expression.Operation "==" [lower, SQL_Expression.Literal "'true'"]
is_false = SQL_Expression.Operation "==" [lower, SQL_Expression.Literal "'false'"]
expr = SQL_Expression.Operation "CASE" [is_true, SQL_Expression.Literal "TRUE", is_false, SQL_Expression.Literal "FALSE", SQL_Expression.Literal "NULL"]
result.put expr
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import project.Internal.IR.Internal_Column.Internal_Column
import project.Internal.IR.SQL_Expression.SQL_Expression
import project.Internal.SQL_Type_Mapping
import project.Internal.SQL_Type_Reference.SQL_Type_Reference
from project.Errors import Unsupported_Database_Operation
polyglot java import java.sql.Types
@ -59,9 +60,9 @@ type SQLite_Type_Mapping
Value_Type.Float _ -> SQLite_Types.real
Value_Type.Decimal _ _ -> SQLite_Types.numeric
Value_Type.Char _ _ -> SQLite_Types.text
Value_Type.Time -> SQLite_Types.text
Value_Type.Date -> SQLite_Types.text
Value_Type.Date_Time _ -> SQLite_Types.text
Value_Type.Time -> unsupported_date_time
Value_Type.Date -> unsupported_date_time
Value_Type.Date_Time _ -> unsupported_date_time
Value_Type.Binary _ _ -> SQLite_Types.blob
Value_Type.Mixed -> SQLite_Types.text
Value_Type.Unsupported_Data_Type type_name underlying_type ->
@ -158,6 +159,17 @@ operations_map =
Panic.throw (Illegal_State.Error "Impossible: IIF must have 3 arguments. This is a bug in the Database library.")
find_a_common_type (arguments.drop 1)
handle_case arguments =
fallback = arguments.last
cases = arguments.drop (Last 1)
if cases.length % 2 != 0 then
Panic.throw (Illegal_State.Error "Impossible: constructed a CASE with an odd number of case arguments.")
if cases.is_empty then
Panic.throw (Illegal_State.Error "Impossible: too few cases provided for a CASE statement.")
case_results = cases.take (Index_Sub_Range.Every 2 first=1)
possible_results = case_results + [fallback]
find_a_common_type possible_results
handle_cast _ =
Panic.throw (Illegal_State.Error "Cast relies on its own type inference logic, so this code should never be reached. This is a bug in the Database library.")
@ -167,7 +179,7 @@ operations_map =
arithmetic_ops = ["ADD_NUMBER", "-", "*", "^", "%", "SUM"]
merge_input_types_ops = ["ROW_MAX", "ROW_MIN", "MAX", "MIN", "FILL_NULL", "COALESCE"]
others = [["IIF", handle_iif], ["CAST", handle_cast]]
others = [["IIF", handle_iif], ["CAST", handle_cast], ["CASE", handle_case]]
Map.from_vector <|
v1 = always_boolean_ops.map [_, const SQLite_Types.boolean]
v2 = always_floating_ops.map [_, const SQLite_Types.real]
@ -206,3 +218,7 @@ default_float = Value_Type.Float Bits.Bits_64
default_integer = Value_Type.Integer Bits.Bits_64
unsupported_date_time =
Error.throw (Unsupported_Database_Operation.Error "Date/time types are not supported by the SQLite backend.")
@ -1094,16 +1094,28 @@ type Column
new_vector = self.to_vector.map (Filter_Condition.Is_In true_vector).to_predicate
Column.from_vector result_name new_vector
## Parses a text column into values
## Parses a text column into values.
In the Database backends, the default formatting settings of the
particular database are used.
In the in-memory backend, the default parser options only parse values
where the process is reversible (e.g., 0123 would not be converted to an
integer as there is a leading 0). However, settings in the
`Data_Formatter` can control this.
- type: The type to parse the column to. Defaults to `Auto` meaning that
the type will be inferred from the data.
the type will be inferred from the data. In the Database backends,
`Auto` is not supported, so a specific type must be selected.
- format: The formatting settings to use when parsing the column.
For `Date`, `Time_Of_Day` and `Date_Time`, a Java date time style
can be used. For `Boolean`, it should be two values that represent true
and false, separated by a `|`. Alternatively, a `Data_Formatter` can be
passed to provide complete customisation of the formatting.
passed to provide complete customisation of the formatting. If
`Nothing` is provided, the default formatting settings of the backend
will be used. `Nothing` is currently the only setting accepted by the
Database backends.
- on_problems: Specifies how to handle if a problem occurs, raising as a
warning by default.
@ -1159,14 +1171,15 @@ type Column
example_contains = Examples.text_column_1.parse Boolean 'Yes|No'
@type Widget_Helpers.parse_type_selector
parse : Value_Type | Auto -> Text | Data_Formatter -> Problem_Behavior -> Column
parse : Value_Type | Auto -> Text | Data_Formatter | Nothing -> Problem_Behavior -> Column
parse self type=Auto format=Data_Formatter.Value on_problems=Report_Warning =
Value_Type.expect_text self <|
formatter = case format of
_ : Text ->
Data_Formatter.Value.with_format type format
_ : Data_Formatter -> format
_ -> Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Invalid format type. Expected Text or Data_Formatter.")
Nothing -> Data_Formatter.Value
_ -> Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Invalid format type. Expected Text or Data_Formatter or Nothing.")
parser = formatter.make_value_type_parser type
storage = self.java_column.getStorage
@ -758,21 +758,28 @@ type Table
By default, it looks at all `Text` columns and attempts to deduce the
type (columns with other types are not affected).
The default parser options only parse values where the process is
reversible (e.g., 0123 would not be converted to an integer as there is
a leading 0). However, settings in the `Data_Formatter` can
control this.
In the Database backends, the default formatting settings of the
particular database are used.
In the in-memory backend, the default parser options only parse values
where the process is reversible (e.g., 0123 would not be converted to an
integer as there is a leading 0). However, settings in the
`Data_Formatter` can control this.
- columns: The columns to parse. If not specified, all text columns
will be parsed.
- type: The type to parse the columns to. Defaults to `Auto` meaning that
the type will be inferred from the data.
the type will be inferred from the data. In the Database backends,
`Auto` is not supported, so a specific type must be selected.
- format: The formatting settings to use when parsing the columns.
For `Date`, `Time_Of_Day` and `Date_Time`, a Java date time style
can be used. For `Boolean`, it should be two values that represent true
and false, separated by a `|`. Alternatively, a `Data_Formatter` can be
passed to provide complete customisation of the formatting.
passed to provide complete customisation of the formatting. If
`Nothing` is provided, the default formatting settings of the backend
will be used. `Nothing` is currently the only setting accepted by the
Database backends.
- error_on_missing_columns: if `True` (the default) raises an error if
any column is missing. Otherwise, reported as a problem.
- on_problems: Specifies how to handle if a problem occurs, raising as a
@ -820,17 +827,17 @@ type Table
> Example
Parse the first and last columns containing Yes/No values as booleans.
table.parse columns=[0, -1] type=Boolean format="Yes|No"
table.parse columns=[0, -1] type=Value_Type.Boolean format="Yes|No"
> Example
Parse dates in a column in the format `yyyy-MM-dd` (the default format).
table.parse "birthday" Date
table.parse "birthday" Value_Type.Date
> Example
Parse dates in a column in the format `dd/MM/yyyy`.
table.parse "birthday" Date 'dd/MM/yyyy'
table.parse "birthday" Value_Type.Date 'dd/MM/yyyy'
> Example
Parse all columns inferring their types, using `,` as the decimal point for numbers.
@ -838,13 +845,14 @@ type Table
table.parse format=(Data_Formatter.Value.with_number_formatting decimal_point=',')
@type Widget_Helpers.parse_type_selector
@columns Widget_Helpers.make_column_name_vector_selector
parse : Text | Integer | Column_Selector | Vector (Text | Integer | Column_Selector) -> Value_Type | Auto -> Text | Data_Formatter -> Boolean -> Problem_Behavior -> Table
parse : Text | Integer | Column_Selector | Vector (Text | Integer | Column_Selector) -> Value_Type | Auto -> Text | Data_Formatter | Nothing -> Boolean -> Problem_Behavior -> Table
parse self columns=(self.columns . filter (c-> c.value_type.is_text) . map .name) type=Auto format=Data_Formatter.Value error_on_missing_columns=True on_problems=Report_Warning =
formatter = case format of
_ : Text ->
Data_Formatter.Value.with_format type format
_ : Data_Formatter -> format
_ -> Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Invalid format type. Expected Text or Data_Formatter.")
Nothing -> Data_Formatter.Value
_ -> Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Invalid format type. Expected Text or Data_Formatter or Nothing.")
parser = formatter.make_value_type_parser type
@ -919,9 +927,12 @@ type Table
cast : (Text | Integer | Column_Selector | Vector (Integer | Text | Column_Selector)) -> Value_Type -> Boolean -> Problem_Behavior -> Table ! Illegal_Argument | Inexact_Type_Coercion | Conversion_Failure
cast self columns=[0] value_type error_on_missing_columns=True on_problems=Problem_Behavior.Report_Warning =
selected = self.columns_helper.resolve_columns columns error_on_missing_columns=error_on_missing_columns on_problems=on_problems
selected.fold self table-> column_to_cast->
result = selected.fold self table-> column_to_cast->
new_column = column_to_cast.cast value_type on_problems
table.set new_column new_name=column_to_cast.name set_mode=Set_Mode.Update
## The temporary variable for result is added due to the #6765 bug.
It should be removed once it is fixed.
## Splits a column of text into a set of new columns.
The original column will be removed from the table.
@ -72,9 +72,11 @@ make_order_by_selector table display=Display.Always =
Selector for type argument on `Column.parse`.
parse_type_selector : Single_Choice
parse_type_selector =
parse_type_selector include_auto=True =
valid_parse_targets = Parse_Values_Helper.valid_parse_targets
choice = ['Auto'] + (valid_parse_targets.map t-> 'Value_Type.'+t)
names = ['Auto'] + valid_parse_targets
prefix = if include_auto then ['Auto'] else []
choice = prefix + (valid_parse_targets.map t-> 'Value_Type.'+t)
names = prefix + valid_parse_targets
options = names.zip choice . map pair-> Option pair.first pair.second
Single_Choice display=Display.Always values=options
@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ assume_no_problems result =
- result: The value to check.
expect_warning : Any -> Any -> Nothing
expect_warning expected_warning result =
loc = Meta.get_source_location 1
warnings = get_attached_warnings result
found = warnings.find if_missing=Nothing x->
(x == expected_warning) || (x.is_a expected_warning)
found.if_nothing <|
loc = Meta.get_source_location 2
Test.fail "Expected the result to contain a warning: "+expected_warning.to_text+", but it did not. The warnings were "+warnings.short_display_text+' (at '+loc+').'
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
from Standard.Table import Value_Type
import Standard.Table.Data.Type.Value_Type.Bits
from Standard.Table.Errors import Conversion_Failure
from Standard.Table.Errors import Missing_Input_Columns, Conversion_Failure
from Standard.Database.Errors import Unsupported_Database_Operation
from Standard.Test import Test, Problems
@ -201,6 +201,23 @@ spec setup =
r1.should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
r1.to_display_text . should_contain "`parse` should be used instead"
Test.specify "should report missing columns" <|
t = table_builder [["X", [1, 2, 3]], ["Y", [4, 5, 6]]]
r1 = t.cast ["X", "Z"] Value_Type.Char
r1.should_fail_with Missing_Input_Columns
r1.catch.criteria . should_equal ["Z"]
t2 = t.cast ["X", "Z"] Value_Type.Char error_on_missing_columns=False
warn = Problems.expect_warning Missing_Input_Columns t2
warn.criteria . should_equal ["Z"]
t2.at "X" . to_vector . should_equal ["1", "2", "3"]
t2.at "Y" . to_vector . should_equal [4, 5, 6]
t3 = t.cast ["Z"] Value_Type.Char error_on_missing_columns=False
t3.at "X" . to_vector . should_equal [1, 2, 3]
t3.at "Y" . to_vector . should_equal [4, 5, 6]
Test.specify "should work if the first row is NULL" <|
t = table_builder [["X", [Nothing, 1, 2, 3000]], ["Y", [Nothing, True, False, True]]]
@ -267,7 +284,7 @@ spec setup =
t3.at "Y" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Char size=3 variable_length=False)
t3.at "Y" . to_vector . should_equal ["a ", "abc", "abc"]
Test.group prefix+"Simple variant of Table/Column.parse in all backends" pending=(if setup.is_database then "parse is not yet implemented in DB") <|
Test.group prefix+"Simple variant of Table/Column.parse in all backends" <|
Test.specify "should be able to parse simple integers" <|
t = table_builder [["X", ["42", "0", "-1"]]]
@ -321,3 +338,19 @@ spec setup =
c2 = t.parse ["X"] Value_Type.Boolean . at "X"
c2.value_type.should_equal Value_Type.Boolean
c2.to_vector . should_equal [True, False, True]
Test.specify "should report missing columns" <|
t = table_builder [["X", ["42", "0", "-1"]]]
t1 = t.parse ["X", "Y"] Value_Type.Integer error_on_missing_columns=False
t1.at "X" . to_vector . should_equal [42, 0, -1]
t1.at "X" . value_type . is_integer . should_be_true
Problems.expect_warning Missing_Input_Columns t1
t2 = t.parse ["Y"] Value_Type.Integer error_on_missing_columns=False
Problems.expect_warning Missing_Input_Columns t2
t2.at "X" . to_vector . should_equal ["42", "0", "-1"]
r3 = t.parse ["X", "Y"] Value_Type.Integer
r3.should_fail_with Missing_Input_Columns
r3.catch.criteria . should_equal ["Y"]
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
from Standard.Table import Value_Type
from Standard.Table.Errors import Inexact_Type_Coercion, Invalid_Value_Type
from Standard.Database.Errors import Unsupported_Database_Operation
from Standard.Test import Test, Problems
import Standard.Test.Extensions
@ -136,4 +138,4 @@ spec setup =
Test.specify "will warn when uploading a Table containing Dates" <|
d = Date.new 2020 10 24
table = table_builder [["A", [d]], ["X", [123]]]
Problems.expect_warning Inexact_Type_Coercion table
table.should_fail_with Unsupported_Database_Operation
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Standard.Database.Data.Dialect
import Standard.Database.Extensions.Upload_Table
import Standard.Database.Internal.SQLite.SQLite_Type_Mapping
from Standard.Database import Database, SQLite, In_Memory, SQL_Query
from Standard.Database.Errors import Unsupported_Database_Operation
from Standard.Test import Problems, Test, Test_Suite
import Standard.Test.Extensions
@ -93,18 +94,17 @@ spec =
t2.at "b" . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Integer
Problems.expect_warning Inexact_Type_Coercion t2
Test.specify "will coerce date/time columns to Text" <|
Test.specify "will coerce date/time columns to Text in existing tables" <|
t = make_table "datetime-table" [["a", "DATE"], ["b", "TIME"], ["c", "DATETIME"], ["d", "TIMESTAMP"]]
t.at "a" . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Char
t.at "b" . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Char
t.at "c" . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Char
t.at "d" . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Char
t1 = Table.new [["a", [Date.now]], ["b", [Time_Of_Day.now]], ["c", [Date_Time.now]]]
t2 = t1.create_database_table connection temporary=True
t2.at "a" . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Char
t2.at "b" . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Char
t2.at "c" . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Char
Test.specify "does not support creating tables with date/time values" <|
t = Table.new [["a", [Date.now]], ["b", [Time_Of_Day.now]], ["c", [Date_Time.now]]]
r1 = t.create_database_table connection temporary=True
r1.should_fail_with Unsupported_Database_Operation
Test.specify "should be able to infer types for all supported operations" <|
dialect = Dialect.sqlite
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