- Include the original exception to log expressions
- Enable logging of Akka Actors' lifecycle events on debug logging level
- Decrease the severity of interruption log messages because interruptions are part of the workflow. The computation can be interrupted at any time, and still be recomputed after. Warnings are just misleading in this case.
In order to investigate `engine/language-server` project, I need to be able to open its sources in IGV and NetBeans.
# Important Notes
By adding same Java source (this time ``) and compiling with our Frgaal compiler the necessary `.enso-sources*` files are generated for `engine/language-server` and then the `enso4igv` plugin can open them and properly understand their compile settings.
![Logical View of language-server project](
In addition to that this PR enhances the _"logical view"_ presentation of the project by including all source roots found under `src/*/*`.
In order to analyse why the `runner.jar` is slow to start, let's _"self sample"_ it using the [sampler library]( As soon as the `Main.main` is launched, the sampling starts and once the server is up, it writes its data into `/tmp/language-server.npss`.
Open the `/tmp/language-server.npss` with [VisualVM]( - you should have one copy in your
GraalVM `bin/jvisualvm` directory and there has to be a GraalVM to run Enso.
#### Changelog
- add: the `MethodsSampler` that gathers information in `.npss` format
- add: `--profiling` flag that enables the sampler
- add: language server processes the updates in batches
Result of automatic formatting with `scalafmtAll` and `javafmtAll`.
Prerequisite for
### Important Notes
This touches a lot of files and might conflict with existing PRs that are in progress. If that's the case, just run
`scalafmtAll` and `javafmtAll` after merge and everything should be in order since formatters should be deterministic.