Result of automatic formatting with `scalafmtAll` and `javafmtAll`.
Prerequisite for
### Important Notes
This touches a lot of files and might conflict with existing PRs that are in progress. If that's the case, just run
`scalafmtAll` and `javafmtAll` after merge and everything should be in order since formatters should be deterministic.
- fix the issue when duplicate execution jobs were never canceled.
- fix the issue in the file edit handler, when the edits can be received
in a different order.
A bunch of improvements to the suggestions
system. Suggestions are extracted to the tree data
structure. The tree allows producing better diffs
between the file versions. And better diffs reduce
the number of updates that are sent to the IDE
after a file change, and consequently fix the
issue when the runtime type got overwritten with
the compile-time type.