Check if the provided argument is really a string. Shields against:
java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.fileobjects.FileObj cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.fileobjects.FileObj is in unnamed module of loader org.netbeans.StandardModule$OneModuleClassLoader @2415a13c; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
at org.netbeans.modules.project.ui.ProjectsRootNode.findNode(
at org.netbeans.modules.project.ui.ProjectTab$
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
at org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.GlobalLookup.execute(
at org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups.executeWith(
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
Caused: org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$SlowItem
looks like the `findPath` argument doesn't have to be `String` as previously (and too optimistically) expected by the code.
Stateless (static) parser interface. Buffer-reuse optimization is now hidden within `Parser` implementation. Fixes#11121 and prevents similar bugs.
# Important Notes
- Also simplify `EnsoParser` API, exposing only a higher-level interface.
Working on compiler IR is a daunting task. I have therefore added a new system property `enso.compiler.dumpIr` that will help with that. It dumps the encountered IRs to `ir-dumps` directory in the [GraphViz]( format. More info in updated docs.
Note that all the functionality to dump IRs to `dot` files was already implemented. This PR just adds the command line option and updates docs.
# Important Notes
- `--dump-graphs` cmd line option is removed as per [Jaroslav's request](
- To dump graphs, use `-Dgraal.Dump=Truffle:2` system property passed via `JAVA_OPTS` env var.
If you run `env JAVA_OPTS='-Denso.compiler.dumpIr=true' enso --run tmp.enso` where `tmp.enso` is, e.g.:
from Standard.Base import all
main = 42
You will then have something like:
$ ls ir-dumps
You can then visualize any of these with `dot -Tsvg -O ir-dumps/`.
An example how that could look like is

Outline view and completions for Enso code in VSCode.
# Important Notes
This PR provides the necessary infrastructure for building VSCode extension that includes `enso_parser` library compiled for all supported platforms.
VSCode extension can now use libraries from `sbt` that are `publishM2`-ready. To make that possible a documentation must have been provided and fixed for those modules - hence so many changes in `.scala` classes.
<img width="862" alt="image" src="">
Last, but not least. The outline view and completions display something.
Add support for private methods. Most of the changes are in parser and compiler. The runtime checking of private functions was already present since #9692
# Important Notes
- Only top-level methods can be declared `private`.
- private method cannot be called from different project
- private method cannot be accessed from polyglot code (private method does not exist for polyglot code)
Turns out that #8923 isn't enough to support debugging of `Vector_Spec.enso` when root of Enso repository is opened as a folder/workspace. To allow debugging of `Vector_Spec.enso` two changes are needed. One is provided in this PR, the other one will be integrated as
Let's _untie_ the [VSCode Enso extension]( from `sbt` commands. Let's **open any Enso file in the editor** and then use _F5_ or _Ctrl-F5_ to execute it. Let the user choose which `bin/enso` script to use for execution completely skipping the need for `sbt`.
Recently a classpath misconfiguration appeared in `engine/runtime` project:

The problem was caused by the `` files being incorrectly assigned to `engine/runtime/src/main/java` source root and its classpath (which obviously doesn't contain JUnit). This PR restricts the `srcCp` to `inputDir`, when it is known. That properly assignes the `` files to `engine/runtime/src/test/java` source root. The IGV as well as VSCode support seems to recognize unit test classpath properly now.
New rules to recognize `"""` and `'''` at the end of line and color everything that's inside nested block of text as string. It properly _stops the string literal when nested block ends_.
# Important Notes
The [text mate grammar rules]( properly _end_ the text block when the block ends. For example in:
main =
x = """
a text
`a text` is properly recognized as string.
- Previous GraalVM update:
Removed warnings:
- Remove deprecated `ConditionProfile.createCountingProfile()`.
- Add `@Shared` to some `@Cached` parameters (Truffle now emits warnings about potential `@Share` usage).
- Specialization method names should not start with execute
- Add limit attribute to some specialization methods
- Add `@NeverDefault` for some cached initializer expressions
- Add `@Idempotent` or `@NonIdempotent` where appropriate
BigInteger and potential Node inlining are tracked in follow-up issues.
# Important Notes
For `SDKMan` users:
sdk install java 17.0.7-graalce
sdk use java 17.0.7-graalce
For other users - download link can be found at
Release notes:
R component was dropped from the release 23.0.0, only `python` is available to install via `gu install python`.
Fixing node.js dependencies as:
enso/tools/enso4igv$ mvn clean install -Pvsix
was broken. Making sure the VSIX build is part of the _actions workflow_.
# Important Notes
To reproduce/verify remove `enso/tools/enso4igv/node_modules` first and try to build.
Automating the assembly of the engine and its execution into a single task. If you are modifying standard libraries, engine sources or Enso tests, you can launch `sbt` and then just:
sbt:enso> runEngineDistribution --run test/Tests/src/Data/Maybe_Spec.enso
[info] Engine package created at built-distribution/enso-engine-0.0.0-dev-linux-amd64/enso-0.0.0-dev
[info] Executing built-distribution/enso-engine-...-dev/bin/enso --run test/Tests/src/Data/Maybe_Spec.enso
Maybe: [5/5, 30ms]
- should have a None variant [14ms]
- should have a Some variant [5ms]
- should provide the `maybe` function [4ms]
- should provide `is_some` [2ms]
- should provide `is_none` [3ms]
5 tests succeeded.
0 tests failed.unEngineDistribution 4s
0 tests skipped.
the [runEngineDistribution](3a581f29ee/docs/ (running-enso)) `sbt` input task makes sure all your sources are properly compiled and only then executes your enso source. Everything ready at a single press of Enter.
# Important Notes
To debug in chrome dev tools, just add `--inspect`:
sbt:enso> runEngineDistribution --inspect --run test/Tests/src/Data/Maybe_Spec.enso
E.g. in Chrome open: devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?ws=
everything gets build and one can just attach the Enso debugger.
In order to investigate `engine/language-server` project, I need to be able to open its sources in IGV and NetBeans.
# Important Notes
By adding same Java source (this time ``) and compiling with our Frgaal compiler the necessary `.enso-sources*` files are generated for `engine/language-server` and then the `enso4igv` plugin can open them and properly understand their compile settings.

In addition to that this PR enhances the _"logical view"_ presentation of the project by including all source roots found under `src/*/*`.
Many engine sources are written in Scala. IGV doesn't have any support for Scala by default. This PR adds syntax coloring and debugging support for our `.scala` files.
Upgrading to GraalVM 22.3.0.
# Important Notes
- Removed all deprecated `FrameSlot`, and replaced them with frame indexes - integers.
- Add more information to `AliasAnalysis` so that it also gathers these indexes.
- Add quick build mode option to `native-image` as default for non-release builds
- `graaljs` and `native-image` should now be downloaded via `gu` automatically, as dependencies.
- Remove `engine-runner-native` project - native image is now build straight from `engine-runner`.
- We used to have `engine-runner-native` without `sqldf` in classpath as a workaround for an internal native image bug.
- Fixed chrome inspector integration, such that it shows values of local variables both for current stack frame and caller stack frames.
- There are still many issues with the debugging in general, for example, when there is a polyglot value among local variables, a `NullPointerException` is thrown and no values are displayed.
- Removed some deprecated `native-image` options
- Remove some deprecated Truffle API method calls.
Hooking up Reporting_Stream_Encoder_Spec reveals missing renaming.
Also removed one more `here.` that wasn't run in tests.
Kudos to @radeusgd for finding those!
This PR adds sources for Enso language support in IGV (and NetBeans). The support is based on TextMate grammar shown in the editor and registration of the Enso language so IGV can find it. Then this PR adds new GitHub Actions workflow file to build the project using Maven.