- add: `profiling/snapshot` request that takes a heap dump of the language server and puts it in the `ENSO_DATA_DIRECTORY/profiling` direcotry
- add: `profiling/start` request starts the sampler and starts collecting runtime events to the log file
- add: `profiling/stop` request stop the sampler and write the profiling data to the `$ENSO_DATA_DIR/profiling` directory
- refactor: rewrite the profiling logic into Java
In order to investigate `engine/language-server` project, I need to be able to open its sources in IGV and NetBeans.
# Important Notes
By adding same Java source (this time ``) and compiling with our Frgaal compiler the necessary `.enso-sources*` files are generated for `engine/language-server` and then the `enso4igv` plugin can open them and properly understand their compile settings.
![Logical View of language-server project](
In addition to that this PR enhances the _"logical view"_ presentation of the project by including all source roots found under `src/*/*`.
In order to analyse why the `runner.jar` is slow to start, let's _"self sample"_ it using the [sampler library]( As soon as the `Main.main` is launched, the sampling starts and once the server is up, it writes its data into `/tmp/language-server.npss`.
Open the `/tmp/language-server.npss` with [VisualVM]( - you should have one copy in your
GraalVM `bin/jvisualvm` directory and there has to be a GraalVM to run Enso.
#### Changelog
- add: the `MethodsSampler` that gathers information in `.npss` format
- add: `--profiling` flag that enables the sampler
- add: language server processes the updates in batches