# Important Notes
The command to run the gui dev environment has been changed. Invoking the old command will print a message about that.
From now on, use `pnpm dev:gui2` in repository root.
Adds a basic text widget for text literals.
### Important Notes
Several known restrictions:
- Separators would always be replaced with single quotation marks. All types of separators in Enso are supported though, and they would be correctly escaped if needed.
- Logic for widget selection probably needs refinement (works for text literals and `Text` types, but does not work for `Text | Integer`, for example)
- **(!)** There is a very annoying issue when the input field suddenly loses focus, closing the editing mode and discarding any changes. Debugging shows that it happens when we receive an engine update (and probably recreate the node component/widget tree (???)). It requires a separate investigation.
- The numeric widget allows the use of the input field after clicking with LMB
- Slider is only visible if the engine provides widget configuration with set limits (see below for testing)
- Setting value outside limits is possible
- For now, to distinguish drag from click, we compare relative mouse movement on the mouse up event. We might benefit from using a timer instead, but let’s see how good it is now.
- Changes after demo
- No more input validation. You can enter literally anything and it would be accepted.
- Updates debouncing – the code is updated on defocus or when slider dragging has finished.