[package] name = "enso-gui" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Enso Team "] edition = "2021" [lib] crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"] [dependencies] analytics = { version = "0.1.0", path = "analytics" } double-representation = { version = "0.1.0", path = "controller/double-representation" } enso-config = { path = "config" } enso-callback = { path = "../../lib/rust/callback" } enso-data-structures = { path = "../../lib/rust/data-structures" } enso-debug-api = { path = "../../lib/rust/debug-api" } enso-debug-scene = { path = "view/debug_scene" } enso-frp = { path = "../../lib/rust/frp" } enso-logger = { path = "../../lib/rust/logger"} enso-prelude = { path = "../../lib/rust/prelude"} enso-profiler = { path = "../../lib/rust/profiler" } enso-shapely = { path = "../../lib/rust/shapely"} enso-text = { path = "../../lib/rust/text" } enso-web = { path = "../../lib/rust/web" } ensogl = { path = "../../lib/rust/ensogl" } ensogl-examples = { path = "../../lib/rust/ensogl/example" } ensogl-component = { path = "../../lib/rust/ensogl/component" } ensogl-text-msdf-sys = { path = "../../lib/rust/ensogl/component/text/msdf-sys" } ensogl-hardcoded-theme = { path = "../../lib/rust/ensogl/app/theme/hardcoded" } ensogl-drop-manager = { path = "../../lib/rust/ensogl/component/drop-manager" } fuzzly = { path = "../../lib/rust/fuzzly" } ast = { path = "language/ast/impl" } ide-view = { path = "view" } engine-protocol = { path = "controller/engine-protocol" } json-rpc = { path = "../../lib/rust/json-rpc" } parser = { path = "language/parser" } span-tree = { path = "language/span-tree" } bimap = { version = "0.4.0" } console_error_panic_hook = { version = "0.1.6" } failure = { version = "0.1.6" } flo_stream = { version = "0.4.0" } futures = { version = "0.3.1" } itertools = { version = "0.10.0" } js-sys = { version = "0.3.28" } mockall = { version = "0.7.1", features = ["nightly"] } nalgebra = { version = "0.26.1", features = ["serde-serialize"] } semver = { version = "1.0.0", features = ["serde"] } serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] } serde_json = { version = "1.0" } sha3 = { version = "0.8.2" } uuid = { version = "0.8", features = ["serde", "v4", "wasm-bindgen"] } # wasm-bindgen version 0.2.79 is causing issues with clippy. # See for more information. https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-bindgen/issues/2774 # Should be removed once 0.2.80 is available. wasm-bindgen = { version = "=0.2.78" } wasm-bindgen-futures = "0.4" [target.'cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))'.dependencies] websocket = "0.23.0" [dev-dependencies] regex = { version = "1.3.6" } wasm-bindgen-test = { version = "0.3.8" } [dependencies.web-sys] version = "0.3.22" features = [ 'BinaryType', 'Blob', 'console', 'CloseEvent', 'Document', 'Element', 'ErrorEvent', 'EventTarget', 'MessageEvent', 'HtmlElement', 'Node', 'WebSocket', 'Window', ]