import * as changeCase from 'change-case' import ts from 'typescript' const tsf = ts.factory // === Identifier utilities === /** Convert an identifier from an arbitrary case into PascalCase. */ export function toPascal(ident: string): string { if (ident.includes('.')) throw new Error('toPascal cannot be applied to a namespaced name.') return changeCase.pascalCase(ident) } /** Convert an identifier from an arbitrary case into camelCase. */ export function toCamel(ident: string): string { if (ident.includes('.')) throw new Error('toCamel cannot be applied to a namespaced name.') return changeCase.camelCase(ident) } const RENAME = new Map([ // TS reserved words. ['constructor', 'ident'], ['type', 'typeNode'], // Rename source references to reflect our usage: // - In `Tree`s: ['spanLeftOffsetCodeStartUtf16', 'whitespaceStartInCodeParsed'], ['spanLeftOffsetCodeLenUtf16', 'whitespaceLengthInCodeParsed'], ['spanCodeLengthUtf16', 'childrenLengthInCodeParsed'], // - In `Tokens`s: ['leftOffsetCodeStartUtf16', 'whitespaceStartInCodeBuffer'], ['leftOffsetCodeLenUtf16', 'whitespaceLengthInCodeBuffer'], ['codeLenUtf16', 'lengthInCodeBuffer'], ['codeStartUtf16', 'startInCodeBuffer'], ]) /** Rename certain special-cased identifiers to avoid using language keywords, and for increased clarity. */ export function mapIdent(ident: string): string { return RENAME.get(ident) ?? ident } /** Return a name with an optional namespace, normalized to PascalCase. */ export function namespacedName(name: string, namespace?: string): string { if (namespace == null) { return toPascal(name) } else { return toPascal(namespace) + '.' + toPascal(name) } } // === AST utilities === export const modifiers = { export: tsf.createModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword), const: tsf.createModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword), readonly: tsf.createModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword), abstract: tsf.createModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword), static: tsf.createModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword), protected: tsf.createModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword), } as const /** Create a TypeScript assignment statement. */ export function assignmentStatement(left: ts.Expression, right: ts.Expression): ts.Statement { return tsf.createExpressionStatement( tsf.createBinaryExpression(left, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, right), ) } /** * Create a TypeScript `class` constructor that forwards a single parameter to its parent class' * constructor. */ export function forwardToSuper( ident: ts.Identifier, type: ts.TypeNode, modifiers?: ts.ModifierLike[], ) { return tsf.createConstructorDeclaration( modifiers, [tsf.createParameterDeclaration([], undefined, ident, undefined, type, undefined)], tsf.createBlock([ tsf.createExpressionStatement( tsf.createCallExpression(tsf.createIdentifier('super'), [], [ident]), ), ]), ) } /** * Create a TypeScript `switch` statement with an additional `default` case that throws an error * with the given message. */ export function casesOrThrow(cases: ts.CaseClause[], error: string): ts.CaseBlock { return tsf.createCaseBlock([...cases, tsf.createDefaultClause([throwError(error)])]) } /** Create a TypeScript `throw` statement. */ export function throwError(error: string): ts.Statement { return tsf.createThrowStatement( tsf.createNewExpression(tsf.createIdentifier('Error'), [], [tsf.createStringLiteral(error)]), ) } /** Create a TypeScript `=>` function with the given single expression as its body. */ export function makeArrow(params: ts.BindingName[], expr: ts.Expression) { return tsf.createArrowFunction( [], [], => tsf.createParameterDeclaration([], undefined, ident)), undefined, undefined, expr, ) }