import io.circe.yaml import io.circe.syntax._ import sbt.internal.util.ManagedLogger import sbt._ import import sbt.util.{CacheStore, CacheStoreFactory, FileInfo, Tracked} import scala.sys.process._ object DistributionPackage { /** File extensions. */ implicit class FileExtensions(file: File) { /** Get the outermost directory of this file. For absolute paths this * function always returns root. * * == Example == * Get top directory of the relative path. * {{{ * file("foo/bar/baz").getTopDirectory == file("foo") * }}} * * Get top directory of the absolute path. * {{{ * file(/foo/bar/baz").getTopDirectory == file("/") * }}} * * @return the outermost directory of this file. */ def getTopDirectory: File = { @scala.annotation.tailrec def go(path: File): File = { val parent = path.getParentFile if (parent == null) path else go(parent) } go(file) } } /** * Conditional copying, based on the contents of cache and timestamps of files. * * @param source source directory * @param destination target directory * @param cache cache used for persisting the cached information * @return true, if copying was necessary, false if no change was detected between the directories */ def copyDirectoryIncremental( source: File, destination: File, cache: CacheStore ): Boolean = { val allFiles = source.allPaths.get().toSet Tracked.diffInputs(cache, FileInfo.lastModified)(allFiles) { diff => val missing = diff.unmodified.exists { f => val relativePath = f.relativeTo(source).get val destinationFile = destination.toPath.resolve(relativePath.toPath).toFile !destinationFile.exists() } if (diff.modified.nonEmpty || diff.removed.nonEmpty || missing) { IO.delete(destination) IO.copyDirectory(source, destination) true } else false } } def copyFilesIncremental( sources: Seq[File], destinationDirectory: File, cache: CacheStore ): Unit = { val allFiles = sources.toSet IO.createDirectory(destinationDirectory) Tracked.diffInputs(cache, FileInfo.lastModified)(allFiles) { diff => for (f <- diff.removed) { IO.delete(destinationDirectory / f.getName) } for (f <- diff.modified -- diff.removed) { IO.copyFile(f, destinationDirectory / f.getName) } for (f <- diff.unmodified) { val destinationFile = destinationDirectory / f.getName if (!destinationFile.exists()) { IO.copyFile(f, destinationDirectory / f.getName) } } } } def executableName(baseName: String): String = if (Platform.isWindows) baseName + ".exe" else baseName def createProjectManagerPackage( distributionRoot: File, cacheFactory: CacheStoreFactory ): Unit = { copyDirectoryIncremental( file("distribution/project-manager/THIRD-PARTY"), distributionRoot / "THIRD-PARTY", cacheFactory.make("project-manager-third-party") ) copyFilesIncremental( Seq(file(executableName("project-manager"))), distributionRoot / "bin", cacheFactory.make("project-manager-exe") ) } def createEnginePackage( distributionRoot: File, cacheFactory: CacheStoreFactory, log: Logger, graalVersion: String, javaVersion: String, ensoVersion: String, editionName: String, sourceStdlibVersion: String, targetStdlibVersion: String ): Unit = { copyDirectoryIncremental( file("distribution/engine/THIRD-PARTY"), distributionRoot / "THIRD-PARTY", cacheFactory.make("engine-third-party") ) copyFilesIncremental( Seq(file("runtime.jar"), file("runner.jar")), distributionRoot / "component", cacheFactory.make("engine-jars") ) (distributionRoot / "editions").mkdirs() Editions.writeEditionConfig( editionsRoot = distributionRoot / "editions", ensoVersion = ensoVersion, editionName = editionName, libraryVersion = targetStdlibVersion, log = log ) copyLibraryCacheIncremental( sourceRoot = file("distribution/lib"), destinationRoot = distributionRoot / "lib", sourceVersion = sourceStdlibVersion, targetVersion = targetStdlibVersion, cacheFactory = cacheFactory.sub("engine-libraries"), log = log ) copyDirectoryIncremental( file("distribution/bin"), distributionRoot / "bin", cacheFactory.make("engine-bin") ) buildEngineManifest( template = file("distribution/manifest.template.yaml"), destination = distributionRoot / "manifest.yaml", graalVersion = graalVersion, javaVersion = javaVersion ) } def fixLibraryManifest( packageRoot: File, targetVersion: String, log: Logger ): Unit = { val packageConfig = packageRoot / "package.yaml" val originalContent = yaml.parser.parse(originalContent) match { case Left(error) => log.error(s"Failed to parse $packageConfig: $error") throw error case Right(parsed) => val obj = parsed.asObject.getOrElse { throw new IllegalStateException(s"Incorrect format of $packageConfig") } val key = "version" val updated = obj.remove(key).add(key, targetVersion.asJson) val serialized = yaml.printer.print(updated.asJson) if (serialized == originalContent) { s"No need to update $packageConfig, already in correct version." ) } else { IO.write(packageConfig, serialized) log.debug(s"Updated $packageConfig to $targetVersion") } } } def copyLibraryCacheIncremental( sourceRoot: File, destinationRoot: File, sourceVersion: String, targetVersion: String, cacheFactory: CacheStoreFactory, log: Logger ): Unit = { val existingLibraries = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(String, String)] for (prefix <- sourceRoot.list()) { for (libName <- (sourceRoot / prefix).list()) { val targetPackageRoot = destinationRoot / prefix / libName / targetVersion copyDirectoryIncremental( source = sourceRoot / prefix / libName / sourceVersion, destination = targetPackageRoot, cache = cacheFactory.make(s"$prefix.$libName") ) fixLibraryManifest(targetPackageRoot, targetVersion, log) existingLibraries.append((prefix, libName)) } } val existingLibrariesSet = existingLibraries.toSet for (prefix <- destinationRoot.list()) { for (libName <- (destinationRoot / prefix).list()) { if (!existingLibrariesSet.contains((prefix, libName))) { s"Removing a library $prefix.$libName from the distribution, " + s"because it does not exist in the sources anymore." ) } } } } private def buildEngineManifest( template: File, destination: File, graalVersion: String, javaVersion: String ): Unit = { val base = val extensions = s"""graal-vm-version: $graalVersion |graal-java-version: $javaVersion |""".stripMargin IO.write(destination, base + extensions) } def createLauncherPackage( distributionRoot: File, cacheFactory: CacheStoreFactory ): Unit = { copyDirectoryIncremental( file("distribution/launcher/THIRD-PARTY"), distributionRoot / "THIRD-PARTY", cacheFactory.make("launcher-third-party") ) copyFilesIncremental( Seq(file(executableName("enso"))), distributionRoot / "bin", cacheFactory.make("launcher-exe") ) IO.createDirectory(distributionRoot / "dist") IO.createDirectory(distributionRoot / "runtime") copyFilesIncremental( Seq( file("distribution/launcher/.enso.portable"), file("distribution/launcher/") ), distributionRoot, cacheFactory.make("launcher-rootfiles") ) } sealed trait OS { def name: String def hasSupportForSulong: Boolean def graalName: String = name def executableName(base: String): String = base def archiveExt: String = ".tar.gz" def isUNIX: Boolean = true } object OS { case object Linux extends OS { override val name: String = "linux" override val hasSupportForSulong: Boolean = true } case object MacOS extends OS { override val name: String = "macos" override val hasSupportForSulong: Boolean = true override def graalName: String = "darwin" } case object Windows extends OS { override val name: String = "windows" override val hasSupportForSulong: Boolean = false override def executableName(base: String): String = base + ".exe" override def archiveExt: String = ".zip" override def isUNIX: Boolean = false } val platforms = Seq(Linux, MacOS, Windows) def apply(name: String): Option[OS] = name.toLowerCase match { case Linux.`name` => Some(Linux) case MacOS.`name` => Some(MacOS) case Windows.`name` => Some(Windows) case _ => None } } sealed trait Architecture { def name: String } object Architecture { case object X64 extends Architecture { override def name: String = "amd64" } val archs = Seq(X64) } /** A helper class that manages building distribution artifacts. */ class Builder( ensoVersion: String, graalVersion: String, graalJavaVersion: String, artifactRoot: File ) { def artifactName( component: String, os: OS, architecture: Architecture ): String = s"enso-$component-$ensoVersion-${}-${}" def graalInPackageName: String = s"graalvm-ce-java$graalJavaVersion-$graalVersion" private def extractZip(archive: File, root: File): Unit = { IO.createDirectory(root) val exitCode = Process( Seq("unzip", "-q", archive.toPath.toAbsolutePath.normalize.toString), cwd = Some(root) ).! if (exitCode != 0) { throw new RuntimeException(s"Cannot extract $archive.") } } private def listZip(archive: File): Seq[File] = { val suppressStdErr = ProcessLogger(_ => ()) val zipList = Process( Seq("zip", "-l", archive.toPath.toAbsolutePath.normalize.toString) ) zipList.lineStream(suppressStdErr).map(file) } private def extractTarGz(archive: File, root: File): Unit = { IO.createDirectory(root) val exitCode = Process( Seq( "tar", "xf", archive.toPath.toAbsolutePath.toString ), cwd = Some(root) ).! if (exitCode != 0) { throw new RuntimeException(s"Cannot extract $archive.") } } private def listTarGz(archive: File): Seq[File] = { val suppressStdErr = ProcessLogger(_ => ()) val tarList = Process(Seq("tar", "tf", archive.toPath.toAbsolutePath.toString)) tarList.lineStream(suppressStdErr).map(file) } private def extract(archive: File, root: File): Unit = { if (archive.getName.endsWith("zip")) { extractZip(archive, root) } else { extractTarGz(archive, root) } } private def list(archive: File): Seq[File] = { if (archive.getName.endsWith("zip")) { listZip(archive) } else { listTarGz(archive) } } private def graalArchive(os: OS, architecture: Architecture): File = { val packageDir = artifactRoot / s"graalvm-$graalVersion-${}-${}" if (!packageDir.exists()) { IO.createDirectory(packageDir) } val archiveName = s"graalvm-${}-${}-" + s"$graalVersion-$graalJavaVersion" packageDir / (archiveName + os.archiveExt) } private def downloadGraal( log: ManagedLogger, os: OS, architecture: Architecture ): File = { val archive = graalArchive(os, architecture) if (!archive.exists()) { s"Downloading GraalVM $graalVersion Java $graalJavaVersion " + s"for $os $architecture" ) val graalUrl = s"" + s"vm-$graalVersion/" + s"graalvm-ce-java$graalJavaVersion-${os.graalName}-" + s"${}-$graalVersion${os.archiveExt}" val exitCode = (url(graalUrl) #> archive).! if (exitCode != 0) { throw new RuntimeException(s"Graal download from $graalUrl failed.") } } archive } private def copyGraal( os: OS, architecture: Architecture, runtimeDir: File ): Unit = { val archive = graalArchive(os, architecture) extract(archive, runtimeDir) } /** Prepare the GraalVM package. * * @param log the logger * @param os the system type * @param architecture the architecture type * @return the path to the created GraalVM package */ def createGraalPackage( log: ManagedLogger, os: OS, architecture: Architecture ): File = {"Building GraalVM distribution") val archive = downloadGraal(log, os, architecture) if (os.hasSupportForSulong) { val packageDir = archive.getParentFile val archiveRootDir = list(archive).head.getTopDirectory.getName val extractedGraalDir = packageDir / archiveRootDir if (extractedGraalDir.exists()) { IO.delete(extractedGraalDir) }"Extracting $archive to $packageDir") extract(archive, packageDir)"Installing components") gu(log, os, extractedGraalDir, "install", "python", "R")"Re-creating $archive") IO.delete(archive) makeArchive(packageDir, archiveRootDir, archive)"Cleaning up $extractedGraalDir") IO.delete(extractedGraalDir) } archive } /** Run the `gu` executable from the GraalVM distribution. * * @param log the logger * @param os the system type * @param graalDir the directory with a GraalVM distribution * @param arguments the command arguments */ def gu( log: ManagedLogger, os: OS, graalDir: File, arguments: String* ): Unit = { val executableFile = os match { case OS.Linux => graalDir / "bin" / "gu" case OS.MacOS => graalDir / "Contents" / "Home" / "bin" / "gu" case OS.Windows => graalDir / "bin" / "gu.cmd" } val javaHomeFile = executableFile.getParentFile.getParentFile val command = executableFile.toPath.toAbsolutePath.toString +: arguments val exitCode = Process( command, Some(graalDir), ("JAVA_HOME", javaHomeFile.toPath.toAbsolutePath.toString), ("GRAALVM_HOME", javaHomeFile.toPath.toAbsolutePath.toString) ).! if (exitCode != 0) { throw new RuntimeException( s"Failed to run '${command.mkString(" ")}'" ) } } def copyEngine(os: OS, architecture: Architecture, distDir: File): Unit = { val engine = builtArtifact("engine", os, architecture) if (!engine.exists()) { throw new IllegalStateException( s"Cannot create bundle for $os / $architecture because corresponding " + s"engine has not been built." ) } IO.copyDirectory(engine / s"enso-$ensoVersion", distDir / ensoVersion) } def makeExecutable(file: File): Unit = { val ownerOnly = false file.setExecutable(true, ownerOnly) } def fixLauncher(root: File, os: OS): Unit = { makeExecutable(root / "enso" / "bin" / os.executableName("enso")) IO.createDirectories( Seq("dist", "config", "runtime").map(root / "enso" / _) ) } def makeArchive(root: File, rootDir: String, target: File): Unit = { val exitCode = if (target.getName.endsWith("zip")) { Process( Seq( "zip", "-9", "-q", "-r", target.toPath.toAbsolutePath.normalize.toString, rootDir ), cwd = Some(root) ).! } else { Process( Seq( "tar", "--use-compress-program=gzip -9", "-cf", target.toPath.toAbsolutePath.normalize.toString, rootDir ), cwd = Some(root) ).! } if (exitCode != 0) { throw new RuntimeException(s"Failed to create archive $target") } } /** Path to an arbitrary built artifact. */ def builtArtifact( component: String, os: OS, architecture: Architecture ): File = artifactRoot / artifactName(component, os, architecture) /** Path to the artifact that is built on this local machine. */ def localArtifact(component: String): File = { val architecture = Architecture.X64 val os = if (Platform.isWindows) OS.Windows else if (Platform.isLinux) OS.Linux else if (Platform.isMacOS) OS.MacOS else throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown OS") artifactRoot / artifactName(component, os, architecture) } /** Path to a built archive. * * These archives are built by [[makePackages]] and [[makeBundles]]. */ def builtArchive( component: String, os: OS, architecture: Architecture ): File = artifactRoot / (artifactName( component, os, architecture ) + os.archiveExt) private def cleanDirectory(dir: File): Unit = { for (f <- IO.listFiles(dir)) { IO.delete(f) } } /** Creates compressed and ready for release packages for the launcher and * engine. * * A project manager package is not created, as we release only its bundle. * See [[makeBundles]]. * * It does not trigger any builds. Instead, it uses available artifacts * placed in `artifactRoot`. These artifacts may be created using the * `enso/build*Distribution` tasks or they may come from other workers (as * is the case in the release CI where the artifacts are downloaded from * other jobs). */ def makePackages = Command.command("makePackages") { state => val log = state.log for { os <- OS.platforms arch <- Architecture.archs } { val launcher = builtArtifact("launcher", os, arch) if (launcher.exists()) { fixLauncher(launcher, os) val archive = builtArchive("launcher", os, arch) makeArchive(launcher, "enso", archive)"Created $archive") } val engine = builtArtifact("engine", os, arch) if (engine.exists()) { if (os.isUNIX) { makeExecutable(engine / s"enso-$ensoVersion" / "bin" / "enso") } val archive = builtArchive("engine", os, arch) makeArchive(engine, s"enso-$ensoVersion", archive)"Created $archive") } } state } /** Creates launcher and project-manager bundles that include the component * itself, the engine and a Graal runtime. * * It will download the GraalVM runtime and cache it in `artifactRoot` so * further invocations for the same version will not need to download it. * * It does not trigger any builds. Instead, it uses available artifacts * placed in `artifactRoot`. These artifacts may be created using the * `enso/build*Distribution` tasks or they may come from other workers (as * is the case in the release CI where the artifacts are downloaded from * other jobs). */ def makeBundles = Command.command("makeBundles") { state => val log = state.log for { os <- OS.platforms arch <- Architecture.archs } { val launcher = builtArtifact("launcher", os, arch) if (launcher.exists()) { fixLauncher(launcher, os) copyEngine(os, arch, launcher / "enso" / "dist") copyGraal(os, arch, launcher / "enso" / "runtime") val archive = builtArchive("bundle", os, arch) makeArchive(launcher, "enso", archive) cleanDirectory(launcher / "enso" / "dist") cleanDirectory(launcher / "enso" / "runtime")"Created $archive") } val pm = builtArtifact("project-manager", os, arch) if (pm.exists()) { if (os.isUNIX) { makeExecutable(pm / "enso" / "bin" / "project-manager") } copyEngine(os, arch, pm / "enso" / "dist") copyGraal(os, arch, pm / "enso" / "runtime") IO.copyFile( file("distribution/enso.bundle.template"), pm / "enso" / ".enso.bundle" ) val archive = builtArchive("project-manager", os, arch) makeArchive(pm, "enso", archive) cleanDirectory(pm / "enso" / "dist") cleanDirectory(pm / "enso" / "runtime")"Created $archive") } } state } } }