--- layout: developer-doc title: Enso Protocol Language Server Message Specification category: language-server tags: [language-server, protocol, specification] order: 4 --- # Enso Protocol Language Server Message Specification This document contains the specification of the Enso protocol messages that pertain to the language server component. Please familiarise yourself with the [common](./protocol-common.md) features of the protocol before reading this document. For information on the design and architecture of the protocol, as well as its transport formats, please look [here](./protocol-architecture). - [Types](#types) - [`ExpressionId`](#expressionid) - [`ContextId`](#contextid) - [`StackItem`](#stackitem) - [`MethodCall`](#methodcall) - [`MethodPointer`](#methodpointer) - [`ProfilingInfo`](#profilinginfo) - [`ExpressionUpdate`](#expressionupdate) - [`ExpressionUpdatePayload`](#expressionupdatepayload) - [`VisualizationConfiguration`](#visualizationconfiguration) - [`VisualizationExpression`](#visualizationexpression) - [`SuggestionEntryArgument`](#suggestionentryargument) - [`SuggestionEntry`](#suggestionentry) - [`SuggestionEntryType`](#suggestionentrytype) - [`SuggestionId`](#suggestionid) - [`DocSection`](#docsection) - [`SuggestionsDatabaseEntry`](#suggestionsdatabaseentry) - [`FieldAction`](#fieldaction) - [`FieldUpdate`](#fieldupdate) - [`SuggestionArgumentUpdate`](#suggestionargumentupdate) - [`SuggestionsDatabaseUpdate`](#suggestionsdatabaseupdate) - [`SuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdate`](#suggestionsorderdatabaseupdate) - [`Export`](#export) - [`File`](#file) - [`DirectoryTree`](#directorytree) - [`FileAttributes`](#fileattributes) - [`UTCDateTime`](#utcdatetime) - [`FileEventKind`](#fileeventkind) - [`Position`](#position) - [`Range`](#range) - [`TextEdit`](#textedit) - [`DiagnosticType`](#diagnostictype) - [`StackTraceElement`](#stacktraceelement) - [`ExecutionResult`](#executionresult) - [`Diagnostic`](#diagnostic) - [`SHA3-224`](#sha3-224) - [`FileEdit`](#fileedit) - [`FileContents`](#filecontents) - [`FileSystemObject`](#filesystemobject) - [`WorkspaceEdit`](#workspaceedit) - [`EnsoDigest`](#ensodigest) - [`FileSegment`](#filesegment) - [`ContentRoot`](#contentroot) - [`LibraryEntry`](#libraryentry) - [`LibraryVersion`](#libraryversion) - [`Contact`](#contact) - [`EditionReference`](#editionreference) - [`LibraryComponentGroups`](#librarycomponentgroups) - [`LibraryComponentGroup`](#librarycomponentgroup) - [`LibraryComponent`](#librarycomponent) - [Connection Management](#connection-management) - [`session/initProtocolConnection`](#sessioninitprotocolconnection) - [`session/initBinaryConnection`](#sessioninitbinaryconnection) - [Capability Management](#capability-management) - [`capability/acquire`](#capabilityacquire) - [`capability/release`](#capabilityrelease) - [`capability/granted`](#capabilitygranted) - [`capability/forceReleased`](#capabilityforcereleased) - [Capabilities](#capabilities) - [`text/canEdit`](#textcanedit) - [`file/receivesTreeUpdates`](#filereceivestreeupdates) - [`executionContext/canModify`](#executioncontextcanmodify) - [`executionContext/receivesUpdates`](#executioncontextreceivesupdates) - [`search/receivesSuggestionsDatabaseUpdates`](#searchreceivessuggestionsdatabaseupdates) - [File Management Operations](#file-management-operations) - [`file/write`](#filewrite) - [`file/read`](#fileread) - [`file/writeBinary`](#filewritebinary) - [`file/readBinary`](#filereadbinary) - [`file/writeBytes`](#filewritebytes) - [`file/readBytes`](#filereadbytes) - [`file/create`](#filecreate) - [`file/delete`](#filedelete) - [`file/copy`](#filecopy) - [`file/move`](#filemove) - [`file/exists`](#fileexists) - [`file/tree`](#filetree) - [`file/list`](#filelist) - [`file/info`](#fileinfo) - [`file/checksum`](#filechecksum) - [`file/checksumBytes`](#filechecksumbytes) - [`file/event`](#fileevent) - [`file/rootAdded`](#filerootadded) - [`file/rootRemoved`](#filerootremoved) - [Version Control System](#vcs-operations) - [`vcs/init`](#vcsinit) - [`vcs/list`](#vcslist) - [`vcs/restore`](#vcsrestore) - [`vcs/save`](#vcssave) - [`vcs/status`](#vcsstatus) - [Text Editing Operations](#text-editing-operations) - [`text/openFile`](#textopenfile) - [`text/openBuffer`](#textopenbuffer) - [`text/closeFile`](#textclosefile) - [`text/save`](#textsave) - [`text/applyEdit`](#textapplyedit) - [`text/applyExpressionValue`](#textapplyexpressionvalue) - [`text/didChange`](#textdidchange) - [`text/autoSave`](#textautosave) - [`text/fileModifiedOnDisk`](#textfilemodifiedondisk) - [Workspace Operations](#workspace-operations) - [`workspace/projectInfo`](#workspaceprojectinfo) - [Monitoring](#monitoring) - [`heartbeat/ping`](#heartbeatping) - [`heartbeat/init`](#heartbeatinit) - [Refactoring](#refactoring) - [`refactoring/renameProject`](#refactoringrenameproject) - [`refactoring/renameSymbol`](#refactoringrenamesymbol) - [`refactoring/projectRenamed`](#refactoringprojectrenamed) - [Execution Management Operations](#execution-management-operations) - [Execution Management Example](#execution-management-example) - [Create Execution Context](#create-execution-context) - [Push Item](#push-item) - [Pop Item](#pop-item) - [`executionContext/create`](#executioncontextcreate) - [`executionContext/destroy`](#executioncontextdestroy) - [`executionContext/fork`](#executioncontextfork) - [`executionContext/push`](#executioncontextpush) - [`executionContext/pop`](#executioncontextpop) - [`executionContext/recompute`](#executioncontextrecompute) - [`executionContext/interrupt`](#executioncontextinterrupt) - [`executionContext/setExecutionEnvironment`](#executioncontextsetexecutionenvironment) - [`executionContext/getComponentGroups`](#executioncontextgetcomponentgroups) - [`executionContext/expressionUpdates`](#executioncontextexpressionupdates) - [`executionContext/executionFailed`](#executioncontextexecutionfailed) - [`executionContext/executionComplete`](#executioncontextexecutioncomplete) - [`executionContext/executionStatus`](#executioncontextexecutionstatus) - [`executionContext/executeExpression`](#executioncontextexecuteexpression) - [`executionContext/attachVisualization`](#executioncontextattachvisualization) - [`executionContext/detachVisualization`](#executioncontextdetachvisualization) - [`executionContext/modifyVisualization`](#executioncontextmodifyvisualization) - [`executionContext/visualizationUpdate`](#executioncontextvisualizationupdate) - [`executionContext/visualizationEvaluationFailed`](#executioncontextvisualizationevaluationfailed) - [Search Operations](#search-operations) - [Suggestions Database Example](#suggestions-database-example) - [`search/getSuggestionsDatabase`](#searchgetsuggestionsdatabase) - [`search/invalidateSuggestionsDatabase`](#searchinvalidatesuggestionsdatabase) - [`search/getSuggestionsDatabaseVersion`](#searchgetsuggestionsdatabaseversion) - [`search/suggestionsDatabaseUpdate`](#searchsuggestionsdatabaseupdate) - [`search/suggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdate`](#searchsuggestionsorderdatabaseupdate) - [`search/completion`](#searchcompletion) - [Input/Output Operations](#inputoutput-operations) - [`io/redirectStandardOutput`](#ioredirectstandardoutput) - [`io/suppressStandardOutput`](#iosuppressstandardoutput) - [`io/standardOutputAppended`](#iostandardoutputappended) - [`io/redirectStandardError`](#ioredirectstandarderror) - [`io/suppressStandardError`](#iosuppressstandarderror) - [`io/standardErrorAppended`](#iostandarderrorappended) - [`io/feedStandardInput`](#iofeedstandardinput) - [`io/waitingForStandardInput`](#iowaitingforstandardinput) - [Library-Related Operations](#library-related-operations) - [`editions/listAvailable`](#editionslistavailable) - [`editions/resolve`](#editionsresolve) - [`editions/getProjectSettings`](#editionsgetprojectsettings) - [`editions/setProjectParentEdition`](#editionssetprojectparentedition) - [`editions/setProjectLocalLibrariesPreference`](#editionssetprojectlocallibrariespreference) - [`editions/listDefinedLibraries`](#editionslistdefinedlibraries) - [`editions/listDefinedComponents`](#editionslistdefinedcomponents) - [`library/listLocal`](#librarylistlocal) - [`library/create`](#librarycreate) - [`library/getMetadata`](#librarygetmetadata) - [`library/setMetadata`](#librarysetmetadata) - [`library/getPackage`](#librarygetpackage) - [`library/publish`](#librarypublish) - [`library/preinstall`](#librarypreinstall) - [Runtime Operations](#runtime-operations) - [`runtime/getComponentGroups`](#runtimegetcomponentgroups) - [Errors](#errors-75) - [`Error`](#error) - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) - [`FileExists`](#fileexists) - [`OperationTimeoutError`](#operationtimeouterror) - [`NotDirectory`](#notdirectory) - [`NotFile`](#notfile) - [`CannotOverwrite`](#cannotoverwrite) - [`ReadOutOfBounds`](#readoutofbounds) - [`CannotDecode`](#cannotdecode) - [`StackItemNotFoundError`](#stackitemnotfounderror) - [`ContextNotFoundError`](#contextnotfounderror) - [`EmptyStackError`](#emptystackerror) - [`InvalidStackItemError`](#invalidstackitemerror) - [`ModuleNotFoundError`](#modulenotfounderror) - [`VisualizationNotFoundError`](#visualizationnotfounderror) - [`VisualizationExpressionError`](#visualizationexpressionerror) - [`FileNotOpenedError`](#filenotopenederror) - [`TextEditValidationError`](#texteditvalidationerror) - [`InvalidVersionError`](#invalidversionerror) - [`WriteDeniedError`](#writedeniederror) - [`CapabilityNotAcquired`](#capabilitynotacquired) - [`SessionNotInitialisedError`](#sessionnotinitialisederror) - [`SessionAlreadyInitialisedError`](#sessionalreadyinitialisederror) - [`ResourcesInitializationError`](#resourcesinitializationerror) - [`SuggestionsDatabaseError`](#suggestionsdatabaseerror) - [`ProjectNotFoundError`](#projectnotfounderror) - [`ModuleNameNotResolvedError`](#modulenamenotresolvederror) - [`SuggestionNotFoundError`](#suggestionnotfounderror) - [`EditionNotFoundError`](#editionnotfounderror) - [`LibraryAlreadyExists`](#libraryalreadyexists) - [`LibraryRepositoryAuthenticationError`](#libraryrepositoryauthenticationerror) - [`LibraryPublishError`](#librarypublisherror) - [`LibraryUploadError`](#libraryuploaderror) - [`LibraryDownloadError`](#librarydownloaderror) - [`LocalLibraryNotFound`](#locallibrarynotfound) - [`LibraryNotResolved`](#librarynotresolved) - [`InvalidLibraryName`](#invalidlibraryname) - [`DependencyDiscoveryError`](#dependencydiscoveryerror) - [`InvalidSemverVersion`](#invalidsemverversion) - [`ExpressionNotFoundError`](#expressionnotfounderror) - [`FailedToApplyEdits`](#failedtoapplyedits) - [`RefactoringNotSupported`](#refactoringnotsupported) ## Types There are a number of types that are used only within the language server's protocol messages. These are specified here. ### `ExpressionId` An identifier used for Enso expressions. ```typescript type ExpressionId = UUID; ``` ### `ContextId` An identifier used for execution contexts. ```typescript type ContextId = UUID; ``` ### `StackItem` A representation of an executable position in code, used by the execution APIs. `ExplicitCall` is a call performed at the top of the stack, to initialize the context with first execution. The `thisArgumentsPosition` field can be omitted, in which case the context will try to infer the argument on a best-effort basis. E.g. for a module-level method, or a method defined on a parameter-less type, `self` will be substituted for the unambiguous singleton instance. `LocalCall` is a call corresponding to "entering a function call". ```typescript type StackItem = ExplicitCall | LocalCall; interface ExplicitCall { methodPointer: MethodPointer; thisArgumentExpression?: string; positionalArgumentsExpressions: string[]; } interface LocalCall { expressionId: ExpressionId; } ``` ### `MethodCall` A representation of a method call. ```typescript interface MethodCall { /** The method pointer of a call. */ methodPointer: MethodPointer; /** Indexes of arguments that have not been applied to this method. */ notAppliedArguments: number[]; } ``` ### `MethodPointer` Points to a method definition. ```typescript interface MethodPointer { /** The fully qualified module name. */ module: string; /** The type on which the method is defined. */ definedOnType: string; /** The method name. */ name: string; } ``` ### `ProfilingInfo` Profiling information on an executed expression. It is implemented as a union as additional types of information will be added in the future. ```typescript type ProfilingInfo = ExecutionTime; ``` Where: ```typescript interface ExecutionTime { /** The time elapsed during the expression's evaluation, in nanoseconds. */ nanoTime: number; } ``` ### `ExecutionEnvironment` The execution environment of Enso runtime. ```typescript type ExecutionEnvironment = Design | Live; ``` ### `ExpressionUpdate` An update about the computed expression. ```typescript interface ExpressionUpdate { /** The id of updated expression. */ expressionId: ExpressionId; /** The updated type of the expression. */ type?: string; /** The updated method call info. */ methodCall?: MethodCall; /** Profiling information about the expression. */ profilingInfo: ProfilingInfo[]; /** Whether the expression's value came from the cache. */ fromCache: boolean; /** An extra information about the computed value. */ payload: ExpressionUpdatePayload; } ``` ### `ExpressionUpdatePayload` An information about the computed value. ```typescript type ExpressionUpdatePayload = Value | DatafalowError | Panic | Pending; /** Indicates that the expression was computed to a value. */ interface Value { /** Information about attached warnings. */ warnings?: Warnings; /** The schema of returned function value. */ functionSchema?: FunctionSchema; } /** Indicates that the expression was computed to an error. */ interface DataflowError { /** The list of expressions leading to the root error. */ trace: ExpressionId[]; } /** Indicates that the expression failed with the runtime exception. */ interface Panic { /** The error message. */ message: string; /** The stack trace. */ trace: ExpressionId[]; } /** Indicates the expression is currently being computed. Optionally it * provides a description and fraction of completion (`0.0-1.0`). */ interface Pending { /** Optional message describing current operation. */ message?: string; /** Optional amount of already done work as a number between `0.0` to `1.0`. */ progress?: number; } /** Information about warnings associated with the value. */ interface Warnings { /** The number of attached warnings. */ count: number; /** If the value has a single warning attached, this field contains textual * representation of the attached warning. In general, warning values should * be obtained by attaching an appropriate visualization to a value. */ value?: string; } /** Contains a method pointer with information on the partially applied argument * positions. */ interface FunctionSchema { /** The method pointer of this function. */ methodPointer: MethodPointer; /** Indexes of arguments that have not been applied to this function. */ notAppliedArguments: number[]; } ``` ### `VisualizationConfiguration` A configuration object for properties of the visualization. ```typescript interface VisualizationConfiguration { /** An execution context of the visualization. */ executionContextId: UUID; /** The qualified name of the module to be used to evaluate the arguments for * the visualization expression. */ visualizationModule: string; /** An expression that creates a visualization. */ expression: string | MethodPointer; /** A list of arguments to pass to the visualization expression. */ positionalArgumentsExpressions?: string[]; } ``` ### `SuggestionEntryArgument` The argument of a [`SuggestionEntry`](#suggestionentry). #### Format ```typescript // The argument of a constructor, method or function suggestion. interface SuggestionEntryArgument { /** The argument name. */ name: string; /** The argument type. String 'Any' is used to specify generic types. */ type: string; /** Indicates whether the argument is lazy. */ isSuspended: boolean; /** Indicates whether the argument has default value. */ hasDefault: boolean; /** Optional default value. */ defaultValue?: string; /** Optional list of possible values that this argument takes. */ tagValues?: string[]; } ``` ### `SuggestionEntry` The language construct that can be returned as a suggestion. #### Format ```typescript // The definition scope interface SuggestionEntryScope { // The start position of the definition scope start: Position; // The end position of the definition scope end: Position; } // A type of suggestion entries. type SuggestionEntry = // A module | Module // A type | Type // A type constructor | Constructor // A method defined on a type | Method // A function | Function // A local value | Local; interface Module { /** The fully qualified module name. */ module: string; /** The documentation string. */ documentation?: string; /** The fully qualified module name re-exporting this module. */ reexport?: string; } interface Type { /** The external id. */ externalId?: UUID; /** The type name. */ name: string; /** The qualified module name where the type is defined. */ module: string; /** The list of type parameters. */ params: SuggestionEntryArgument[]; /** Qualified name of the parent type. */ parentType?: string; /** The fully qualified module name re-exporting this type. */ reexport?: string; /** The documentation string. */ documentation?: string; } interface Constructor { /** The external id. */ externalId?: UUID; /** The constructor name. */ name: string; /** The qualified module name where this constructor is defined. */ module: string; /** The list of arguments. */ arguments: SuggestionEntryArgument[]; /** The type of the constructor. */ returnType: string; /** The fully qualified module name re-exporting this constructor. */ reexport?: string; /** The documentation string. */ documentation?: string; /** The list of annotations. */ annotations: string[]; } interface Method { /** The external id. */ externalId?: UUID; /** The method name. */ name: string; /** The module name where this method is defined. */ module: string; /** The list of arguments. */ arguments: SuggestionEntryArgument[]; /** The method self type. */ selfType: string; /** The return type of this method. */ returnType: string; /** The flag indicating whether this method is static or instance. */ isStatic: boolean; /** The fully qualified module name re-exporting this method. */ reexport?: string; /** The documentation string. */ documentation?: string; /** The list of annotations. */ annotations: string[]; } interface Function { /** The external id. */ externalId?: UUID; /** The function name. */ name: string; /** The module name where this function is defined. */ module: string; /** The list of arguments. */ arguments: SuggestionEntryArgument[]; /** The function return type. */ returnType: string; /** The scope where the function is defined. */ scope: SuggestionEntryScope; /** The documentation string. */ documentation?: string; } interface Local { /** The external id. */ externalId?: UUID; /** The name of a value. */ name: string; /** The module where this value is defined. */ module: string; /** The type of a value. */ returnType: string; /** The scope where the value is defined. */ scope: SuggestionEntryScope; /** The documentation string. */ documentation?: string; } ``` ### `SuggestionEntryType` The suggestion entry type that is used as a filter in search requests. #### Format ```typescript // The kind of a suggestion. type SuggestionEntryType = | Module | Type | Constructor | Method | Function | Local; ``` ### `SuggestionId` The suggestion entry id of the suggestions database. #### Format ```typescript type SuggestionId = number; ``` ### `SuggestionsDatabaseEntry` The entry in the suggestions database. #### Format ```typescript interface SuggestionsDatabaseEntry { /** The suggestion entry id. */ id: SuggestionId; /** The suggestion entry. */ suggestion: SuggestionEntry; } ``` ### `FieldAction` The modifying action on a record field. #### Format ```typescript type FieldAction = "Remove" | "Set"; ``` ### `FieldUpdate` An object representing a modification of a field in a record. #### Format ```typescript interface FieldUpdate { /** The modifying action. */ tag: FieldAction; /** The updated value. */ value?: T; } ``` ### `SuggestionArgumentUpdate` An operation applied to the suggestion argument. #### Format ```typescript type SuggestionArgumentUpdate = | SuggestionArgumentAdd | SuggestionArgumentRemove | SuggestionArgumentModify; interface SuggestionArgumentAdd { /** The position of the argument. */ index: int; /** The argument to add. */ argument: SuggestionEntryArgument; } interface SuggestionArgumentRemove { /** The position of the argument. */ index: int; } interface SuggestionArgumentModify { /** The position of the argument. */ index: int; /** The new name. */ name?: FieldUpdate; /** The new argument type. */ reprType?: FieldUpdate; /** The new `isSuspended` flag. */ isSuspended?: FieldUpdate; /** The new `hasDefault` flag. */ hasDefault?: FieldUpdate; /** The new default value. */ defaultValue?: FieldUpdate; } ``` ### `SuggestionsDatabaseUpdate` The update of the suggestions database. #### Format ```typescript /** The kind of the suggestions database update. */ type SuggestionsDatabaseUpdate = | SuggestionsDatabaseUpdateAdd | SuggestionsDatabaseUpdateRemove | SuggestionsDatabaseUpdateModify; interface SuggestionsDatabaseUpdateAdd { /** Suggestion entry id. */ id: SuggestionId; /** Suggestion entry. */ suggestion: SuggestionEntry; } interface SuggestionsDatabaseUpdateRemove { /** Suggestion entry id. */ id: SuggestionId; } interface SuggestionsDatabaseUpdateModify { /** Suggestion entry id. */ id: SuggestionId; /** The new external id. */ externalId?: FieldUpdate; /** The list of argument updates. */ arguments?: SuggestionArgumentUpdate[]; /** The new module name. */ module?: FieldUpdate; /** The new self type. */ selfType?: FieldUpdate; /** The new return type. */ returnType?: FieldUpdate; /** The new documentation string. */ documentation?: FieldUpdate; /** The new scope. */ scope?: FieldUpdate; /** The new reexport field. */ reexport?: FieldUpdate; } ``` ### `SuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdate` The update of the suggestions order database. #### Format ```typescript /** The kind of the suggestions order database update. */ type SuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdate = | SuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdateAdd | SuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdateRemove | SuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdateModify; interface SuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdateAdd { entry: SuggestionOrderDatabaseEntry; } interface SuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdateRemove { /** The unique identifier of a suggestion. */ suggestionId: SuggestionId; } interface SuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdateModify { /** The unique identifier of a suggestion. */ suggestionId: SuggestionId; /** The previous suggestion id to update. */ prevId?: FieldUpdate; /** The next suggestion id to update. */ nextId?: FieldUpdate; } ``` ### `Export` The info about module re-export. #### Format ```typescript type Export = ExportQualified | ExportUnqualified; interface ExportQualified { /** The module that re-exports the given module. */ module: string; /** The new name of the given module if it was renamed in the export clause. * * e.g. `X` in `export A.B as X`. */ alias?: string; } interface ExportUnqualified { /** The module name that re-exports the given module. */ module: string; } ``` ### `File` A representation of a file on disk. #### Format ```typescript interface File { /** Includes the file extension. */ name: string; type: string; } ``` ### `DirectoryTree` A directory tree is a recursive type used to represent tree structures of files and directories. It contains files and symlinks in the `files` section and directories in the `directories` section. When the tree was requested with the parameter limiting the maximum depth, the bottom of the `DirectoryTree` will contain `Directory` node in the `files` section indicating that there is a directory, but the contents are unknown because we've reached the maximum depth. #### Format ```typescript interface DirectoryTree { path: Path; name: string; files: FileSystemObject[]; directories: DirectoryTree[]; } ``` ### `FileAttributes` A description of the attributes of a file required by the IDE. These attributes may be expanded in future. #### Format ```typescript /** A representation of the attributes of a file. * * @param creationTime creation time * @param lastAccessTime last access time * @param lastModifiedTime last modified time * @param kind type of [[FileSystemObject]], can be: `Directory`, `File`, `Other` * @param byteSize size in bytes */ interface FileAttributes { creationTime: UTCDateTime; lastAccessTime: UTCDateTime; lastModifiedTime: UTCDateTime; kind: FileSystemObject; byteSize: number; } ``` ### `UTCDateTime` Time in UTC time zone represented as ISO-8601 string #### Format ```typescript type UTCDateTime = string; ``` ### `FileEventKind` The kind of event being described for a watched file. #### Format ```typescript type FileEventKind = "Added" | "Removed" | "Modified"; ``` ### `Position` A representation of a position in a text file. #### Format ```typescript interface Position { /** Line position in a document (zero-based). */ line: number; /** Character offset on a line in a document (zero-based). Assuming that the * line is represented as a string, the `character` value represents the gap * between the `character` and `character + 1`. * * If the character value is greater than the line length it defaults back to * the line length. */ character: number; } ``` ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; struct Position { // Line position in a document (zero-based) line: uint64; // Character offset on a line in a document (zero-based) character: uint64; } ``` ### `Range` A representation of a range of text in a text file. For example, given the function. ```rust 0|inc x = 1| x + 1 ^^^^^^^^^ 012345678 ``` The range of `inc` is ```typescript { start: { line: 0, character: 0}, end: { line: 0, character: 3} } ``` The range of `1` is ```typescript { start: { line: 1, character: 8}, end: { line: 1, character: 9} } ``` #### Format ```typescript interface Range { /** The range's start position (inclusive). */ start: Position; /** The range's end position (exclusive). */ end: Position; } ``` ### `TextEdit` A representation of a change to a text file at a given position. #### Format ```typescript interface TextEdit { /** The range of text in a text file. */ range: Range; /** The change to a text file. */ text: string; } ``` ### `DiagnosticType` The type of diagnostic message. #### Format ```typescript type DiagnosticType = "Error" | "Warning"; ``` ### `StackTraceElement` The frame of the stack trace. If the error refer to a builtin node, the `path` and `location` fields will be empty. #### Format ```typescript interface StackTraceElement { /** The function name containing the stack trace element. */ functionName: string; /** The location of the file. */ path?: Path; /** The location of the element in the file. */ location?: Range; } ``` ### `ExecutionResult` An execution result object is produced as a result of an execution attempt. Compared to `Diagnostic` object it can also represent a critical failure information. ### `Diagnostic` A diagnostic object is produced as a result of an execution attempt, like pushing the method pointer to a call stack, or editing the file. It can represent a compiler warning, a compilation error, or a runtime error. The message has optional `path`, `location` and `stack` fields containing information about the location in the source code. In case of the runtime errors, the `path` and `location` fields may be empty if the error happens in a builtin node. Then, to locate the error in the code, you can use the `stack` field with a stack trace to find the first element with non-empty location (as the head of the stack will point to the builtin element). #### Format ```typescript interface Diagnostic { /** The type of diagnostic message. */ kind: DiagnosticType; /** The diagnostic message. */ message: string; /** The location of the file containing the diagnostic. */ path?: Path; /** The location of the diagnostic object in the file. */ location?: Range; /** The id of the related expression. */ expressionId?: ExpressionId; /** The stack trace. */ stack: StackTraceElement[]; } ``` ### `SHA3-224` The `SHA3-224` message digest encoded as a base16 string. For the equivalent structure on the binary connection please see [`EnsoDigest`](#ensodigest) #### Format ```typescript type SHA3_224 = string; ``` ### `FileEdit` A representation of a batch of edits to a file, versioned. `SHA3_224` represents hash of the file contents. `oldVersion` is the version you're applying your update on, `newVersion` is what you compute as the hash after applying the changes. In other words, ```python hash(origFile) == oldVersion hash(applyEdits(origFile, edits)) == newVersion ``` it's a sanity check to make sure that the diffs are applied consistently. Consecutive text edits are applied sequentially, every one acting on the result of applying previous ones on the original buffer contents. In pseudocode: ```haskell applyEdits buffer [] = buffer applyEdits buffer (first : rest) = applyEdits (applyTextEdit buffer first) rest ``` #### Format ```typescript interface FileEdit { path: Path; edits: TextEdit[]; oldVersion: SHA3_224; newVersion: SHA3_224; } ``` ### `FileContents` A representation of the contents of a file. #### Format ```typescript interface FileContents { contents: T; } class TextFileContents extends FileContents {} ``` ### `FileSystemObject` A representation of what kind of type a filesystem object can be. #### Format ```typescript type FileSystemObject = Directory | SymlinkLoop | File | Other; /** * Represents a directory. * * @param name a name of the directory * @param path a path to the directory */ interface Directory { name: string; path: Path; } /** * Represents a symbolic link that creates a loop. * * @param name a name of the symlink * @param path a path to the symlink * @param target a target of the symlink. Since it is a loop, * target is a subpath of the symlink */ interface SymlinkLoop { name: string; path: Path; target: Path; } /** * Represents a file. * * @param name a name of the file * @param path a path to the file */ interface File { name: string; path: Path; } /** * Represents unrecognized object. * Example is a broken symbolic link. */ interface Other { name: string; path: Path; } ``` ### `WorkspaceEdit` This is a message to be specified once we better understand the intricacies of undo/redo. > The actionables for this section are: > > - Work out the design of this message. > - Specify this message. ### `EnsoDigest` A counterpart to [SHA3-224](#sha3-224) for the binary connection, this is a standard message digest encoded using FlatBuffers. ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; table EnsoDigest { bytes : [ubyte] (required); } ``` Notes: - It is an error for the length of the vector `bytes` to not be equal to 28 (224 / 8). This is the length of the chosen digest in bytes. ### `FileSegment` A representation of a segment of a file for use in the binary protocol. ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; table FileSegment { // The file to access. path : Path (required); // The byte offset in the file to read from. byteOffset : ulong; // The number of bytes to read. length : ulong; } ``` The `byteOffset` property is zero-indexed, so the last byte in the file is at index `file.length - 1`. ### `ContentRoot` A representation of a content root for use in the IDE. A content root represents a location on a real file-system that has been virtualised for use in the Enso VFS. ```typescript type ContentRoot = Project | FileSystemRoot | Home | Library | Custom; ``` ```typescript /** This content root points to the project home. */ interface Project { /** A unique identifier for the content root. */ id: UUID; } /** This content root points to the system root (`/`) on unix systems, or to a * drive root on Windows. In Windows' case, there may be multiple `Root` entries * corresponding to the various drives. */ interface FileSystemRoot { /** A unique identifier for the content root. */ id: UUID; /** The absolute filesystem path of the content root. */ path: string; } /** The user's home directory. */ interface Home { /** A unique identifier for the content root. */ id: UUID; } /** An Enso library location. */ interface Library { /** A unique identifier for the content root. */ id: UUID; /** The namespace of the library. */ namespace: string; /** The name of the library. */ name: string; /** The version of the library. * It is either a semver version or the string "local". */ version: string; } /** A content root that has been added by the IDE (unused for now). */ interface Custom { /** A unique identifier for the content root. */ id: UUID; } ``` ### `LibraryEntry` Represents a library available in a resolved edition. ```typescript interface LibraryEntry { namespace: string; name: string; version: LibraryVersion; isCached: boolean; } ``` ### `LibraryVersion` Represents a library version, as returned in `LibraryEntry`. ```typescript type LibraryVersion = LocalLibraryVersion | PublishedLibraryVersion; /** A library version that references a version of the library published in some * repository. */ interface PublishedLibraryVersion { /** A semver-compliant version of the library. */ version: string; /** A URL to the repository from which this library will be downloaded. */ repositoryUrl: string; } /** A library version that references a locally editable version of the library. */ interface LocalLibraryVersion {} ``` ### `Contact` Represents contact information of authors or maintainers. Both fields are optional, but for the contact to be valid, at least one of them must be defined. ```typescript interface Contact { name?: string; email?: string; } ``` ### `EditionReference` A reference to a specific edition. Currently, it can either reference an edition by its name, or reference the edition associated with the currently open project. ```typescript type EditionReference = NamedEdition | CurrentProjectEdition; /** The edition associated with the current project, with all of its overrides. */ interface CurrentProjectEdition {} /** An edition stored under a given name. */ interface NamedEdition { editionName: string; } ``` ### `LibraryComponentGroups` The description of component groups provided by the package. Object fields can be omitted if the corresponding list is empty. ```typescript interface LibraryComponentGroups { /** The list of component groups provided by the package. */ newGroups?: LibraryComponentGroup[]; /** The list of component groups that this package extends.*/ extendedGroups?: LibraryComponentGroup[]; } ``` ### `LibraryComponentGroup` The component group provided by a library. ```typescript interface LibraryComponentGroup { /** The fully qualified library name. A string consisting of a namespace and * a library name separated by a dot `.`, * e.g. `Standard.Base`. */ library: string; /** The group name without the library name prefix. * e.g. given the `Standard.Base.Group 1` group reference, * the `name` field contains `Group 1`. */ name: string; color?: string; icon?: string; /** A list of components provided by this component group. */ exports: LibraryComponent[]; } ``` ### `LibraryComponent` A single component of a component group. ```typescript interface LibraryComponent { /** The component name. */ name: string; /** The component shortcut. */ shortcut?: string; } ``` ## Connection Management In order to properly set-up and tear-down the language server connection, we need a set of messages to control this process. ### `session/initProtocolConnection` This message initializes the connection used to send the textual protocol messages. This initialization is important such that the client identifier can be correlated between the textual and data connections. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface SessionInitProtocolConnectionParameters { clientId: UUID; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface SessionInitProtocolConnectionResult { contentRoots: ContentRoot[]; } ``` #### Errors - [`SessionAlreadyInitialisedError`](#sessionalreadyinitializederror) to signal that the session is already initialized. - [`ResourcesInitializationError`](#resourcesinitializationerror) to signal about the error during the initialization of Language Server resources. ### `session/initBinaryConnection` This message initializes the data connection used for transferring binary data between engine and clients. This initialization is important such that the client identifier can be correlated between the data and textual connections. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Data - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; // A command initializing a data session. table InitSessionCommand { // A unique identifier of a client initializing the session. identifier: EnsoUUID (required); } root_type InitSessionCommand; ``` #### Result ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; // Indicates an operation has succeeded. table Success {} ``` #### Errors None ## Capability Management In order to mediate between multiple clients properly, the language server has a robust notion of capability management to grant and remove permissions from clients. ### `capability/acquire` This requests that the server grant the specified capability to the requesting client. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface CapabilityAcquireParameters { method: string; registerOptions?: any; } ``` The `registerOptions` are determined by the `method`. The method must be listed in the section on [capabilities](#capabilities) below. #### Result ```typescript type CapabilityAcquireResult = null; ``` #### Errors TBC ### `capability/release` This requests that the server acknowledge that the client is releasing a given capability. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface CapabilityReleaseParameters { registration: CapabilityRegistration; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type CapabilityReleaseResult = null; ``` #### Errors TBC ### `capability/granted` This notifies the client that it has been granted a capability without any action on its part. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface CapabilityGrantedNotification { registration: CapabilityRegistration; } ``` ### `capability/forceReleased` This notifies the client that a capability has been forcibly removed from its capability set. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface CapabilityForceReleasedNotification { registration: CapabilityRegistration; } ``` #### Errors TBC ## Capabilities The capability management features work with the following capabilities. ### `text/canEdit` This capability states that the capability has the ability to perform both `text/applyEdit` and `text/save` for the specified file. - **method:** `text/canEdit` - **registerOptions:** `{path: Path;}` #### Enables - [`text/applyEdit`](#textapplyedit) - [`text/save`](#textsave) #### Disables None ### `file/receivesTreeUpdates` This capability states that the client will receive updates for any watched content roots in the current project. - **method:** `file/receivesTreeUpdates` - **registerOptions:** `{ path: Path; }` #### Enables - [`file/event`](#fileevent) #### Disables None #### Errors [`capability/acquire`](#capabilityacquire): - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) informs that path cannot be found. [`capability/release`](#capabilityrelease): - [`CapabilityNotAcquired`](#capabilitynotacquired) informs that requested capability is not acquired. ### `executionContext/canModify` This capability states that the client has the ability to modify an execution context, including modifying the execution stack, invalidating caches, or destroying the context. - **method:** `executionContext/canModify` - **registerOptions:** `{ contextId: ContextId; }` #### Enables - [`executionContext/destroy`](#executioncontextdestroy) - [`executionContext/recompute`](#executioncontextrecompute) - [`executionContext/interrupt`](#executioncontextinterrupt) - [`executionContext/push`](#executioncontextpush) - [`executionContext/pop`](#executioncontextpop) - [`executionContext/executeExpression`](#executioncontextexecuteexpression) - [`executionContext/attachVisualization`](#executioncontextattachvisualization) - [`executionContext/modifyVisualization`](#executioncontextmodifyvisualization) - [`executionContext/detachVisualization`](#executioncontextdetachvisualization) - [`executionContext/visualizationUpdate`](#executioncontextvisualizationupdate) - [`executionContext/visualizationEvaluationFailed`](#executioncontextvisualizationevaluationfailed) #### Disables None ### `executionContext/receivesUpdates` This capability states that the client receives expression value updates from a given execution context. - **method:** `executionContext/receivesUpdates` - **registerOptions:** `{ contextId: ContextId; }` #### Enables - [`executionContext/expressionUpdates`](#executioncontextexpressionupdates) - [`executionContext/executionFailed`](#executioncontextexecutionfailed) - [`executionContext/executionStatus`](#executioncontextexecutionstatus) #### Disables None ### `search/receivesSuggestionsDatabaseUpdates` This capability states that the client receives the search database updates for a given execution context. - **method:** `search/receivesSuggestionsDatabaseUpdates` - **registerOptions:** `{}` #### Enables - [`search/suggestionsDatabaseUpdate`](#suggestionsdatabaseupdate) - [`search/suggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdate`](#suggestionsorderdatabaseupdate) #### Disables None ## File Management Operations The language server also provides file operations to the IDE. ### `file/write` This requests that the file manager component write to a specified file with the specified contents. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server This request is _explicitly_ allowed to write to files that do not exist, and will create them under such circumstances. If a file is recorded as 'open' by one of the clients, and another client attempts to write to that file, the write must fail. #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileWriteParameters { path: Path; contents: FileContents; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type FileWriteResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) to signal that a user doesn't have access to a resource. ### `file/read` This requests that the file manager component reads the contents of a specified file. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public If the file is recorded as open by the language server, then the result will return the contents from the in-memory buffer rather than the file on disk. #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileReadParameters { path: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface FileReadResult { contents: FileContents; } ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) to signal that a user doesn't have access to a resource. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) informs that file cannot be found. ### `file/writeBinary` This requests that the file manager component write to a specified file with the binary contents. - **Type:** Request - **Connection:** Binary - **Direction:** Client -> Server This request is _explicitly_ allowed to write to files that do not exist, and will create them under such circumstances. If a file is recorded as 'open' by one of the clients, and another client attempts to write to that file, the write must fail. #### Parameters ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; // A command writing binary contents to a file. table WriteFileCommand { // A path to a file. path: Path; // Binary contents. contents: [ubyte]; } ``` #### Result ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; // Indicates an operation has succeeded. table Success {} ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) to signal that a user doesn't have access to a resource. ### `file/readBinary` This requests that the file manager component reads the binary contents of a specified file. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Binary - **Visibility:** Public If the file is recorded as open by the language server, then the result will return the contents from the in-memory buffer rather than the file on disk. #### Parameters ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; // A command reading binary contents from a file. table ReadFileCommand { // A path to a file. path: Path; } ``` #### Result ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; // A reply for a ReadFileCommand. table FileContentsReply { // Binary contents. contents: [ubyte]; } ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) to signal that a user doesn't have access to a resource. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) informs that file cannot be found. ### `file/writeBytes` This requests that the file manager component writes a set of bytes to the specified file at the specified offset. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Binary - **Visibility:** Public This method will create a file if no file is present at `path`. - The `overwriteExisting` boolean should be set if `byteOffset` is less than the length of the file. - The `byteOffset` property is zero-indexed. To append to the file you begin writing at index `file.length`. - If `byteOffset` is less than the length of the file and `overwriteExisting` is set, it will truncate the file to length `byteOffset + bytes.length`. - If `byteOffset > file.length`, the bytes in the range `[file.length, byteOffset)` will be filled with null bytes. Please note that, in this case, the checksum in the response will also be calculated on the null bytes. #### Parameters ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; table WriteBytesCommand { // The file to write to. path: Path (required); // The byte offset in the file to write from. byteOffset: ulong; // Whether existing content should be overwritten. overwriteExisting: bool; // The file contents. bytes: [ubyte] (required); } ``` #### Result ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; table WriteBytesReply { // The checksum of the written bytes. checksum: EnsoDigest (required); } ``` Notes: - The `checksum` is only of the `bytes` in the request as they were written to disk. This does _not_ include checksumming the entire file. For that, please see [`file/checksumBytes`](#file-checksumbytes). #### Errors - [`CannotOverwrite`](#cannotoverwrite) to signal that an overwrite would be necessary to perform the operation but that `overwriteExisting` is not set. - [`NotFile`](#notfile) if the provided `segment.path` is not a file. ### `file/readBytes` Asks the language server to read the specified number of bytes at the specified offset in the file. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Binary - **Visibility:** Public It will attempt to read _as many as_ `segment.length` bytes, but does not guarantee that the response will contain `segment.length` bytes (e.g. if `segment.length` would require reading off the end of the file). #### Parameters ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; table ReadBytesCommand { // The segment in a file to read bytes from. segment: FileSegment (required); } ``` #### Result ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; table ReadBytesReply { // The checksum of the bytes in this response. checksum: EnsoDigest (required); // The requested file contents. bytes: [ubyte] (required); } ``` Notes: - The `checksum` is of the `bytes` as they have been read from disk. #### Errors - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) if the file at `segment.path` does not exist. - [`ReadOutOfBounds`](#readoutofbounds) if `segment.byteOffset` is not present in the file at `segment.path`. - [`NotFile`](#notfile) if the provided `segment.path` is not a file. ### `file/create` This request asks the file manager to create the specified file system object. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public This will fail if the specified object already exists. #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileCreateParameters { object: FileSystemObject; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type FileCreateResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) to signal that a user doesn't have access to a resource. ### `file/delete` This request asks the file manager to delete the specified file system object. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileCreateParameters { path: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type FileDeleteResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) informs that file cannot be found. - [`FileExists`](#fileexists) informs that file already exists ### `file/copy` This request asks the file manager to copy a specified filesystem object to another location. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileCopyParameters { from: Path; to: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type FileCopyResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) informs that file cannot be found. ### `file/move` This request asks the file manager to move a specified filesystem object to another location. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public The move should be specified by filesystem events, and such notifications should inform the client that the currently edited file has been moved. #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileMoveParameters { from: Path; to: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type FileMoveResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) informs that file cannot be found. - [`FileExists`](#fileexists) informs that target file already exists. ### `file/exists` This request asks the file manager to check whether a filesystem object exists at the specified path. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileExistsParameters { path: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface FileExistsResult { exists: boolean; } ``` #### Errors - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. ### `file/tree` This request asks the file manager component to generate and provide the directory tree starting at a given path. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileTreeParameters { path: Path; depth?: number; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface FileTreeResult { tree: DirectoryTree; } ``` #### Errors - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) informs that requested path does not exist or provided depth argument is <= 0. - [`NotDirectory`](#notdirectory) informs that requested path is not a directory. ### `file/list` This request lists the contents of a given filesystem object. For a file it will just return the file, while for a directory it will list the contents of the directory. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileListParameters { path: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface FileListResult { paths: FileSystemObject[]; } ``` #### Errors - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) informs that requested path does not exist. - [`NotDirectory`](#notdirectory) informs that requested path is not a directory. ### `file/info` This request gets information about a specified filesystem object. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public This request should work for all kinds of filesystem object. #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileInfoParameters { path: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface FileInfoResult { attributes: FileAttributes; } ``` #### Errors - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) informs that requested path does not exist. ### `file/checksum` Requests that the language server provide the checksum of the provided file. Only defined when the provided `path` is a file. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public It calculates the checksum of the entire file. #### Parameters ```typescript interface ChecksumRequest { /** The path to the file to get the checksum for. */ path: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface ChecksumResponse { /** The checksum of the file at `path`. */ checksum: SHA3_224; } ``` #### Errors - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) if the file at `path` does not exist. - [`NotFile`](#notfile) if the provided `path` does not point to a file. ### `file/checksumBytes` Requests that the language server provides the checksum of the provided byte range. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Binary - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; table ChecksumBytesCommand { // The segment in a file to checksum. segment : FileSegment (required); } ``` #### Result ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; table ChecksumBytesReply { // The segment in a file to checksum. checksum : EnsoDigest; } ``` #### Errors - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) if the file at `segment.path` does not exist. - [`ReadOutOfBounds`](#readoutofbounds) if `segment.byteOffset` is not present in the file at `segment.path`, or if `segment.length` does not fit within the file. - [`NotFile`](#notfile) if the provided `segment.path` is not a file. ### `file/event` This is a notification that is sent every time something under a watched content root changes. It is used to ensure that the client's filesystem representation stays in synchronisation with reality. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public Events should be sent from server to client for every event observed under one of the (possibly multiple) content roots. #### Notification ```typescript interface FileEventNotification { path: Path; kind: FileEventKind; } ``` ### `file/rootAdded` This is a notification sent to all clients to inform them that a content root has been added. At the beginning, a series of notifications is sent that lists all content roots that are present at the current moment. This message may contain the same content roots that were already present in the `session/initProtocolConnection`. That is done, because there is no guarantee that no root has been added between the init message and the time when notifications start being sent, and this ensures that no content root is missed. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface FileRootAddedNotification { root: ContentRoot; } ``` ### `file/rootRemoved` This is a notification sent to all clients other than the one performing the removal of the content root in order to inform them of the removal of the root. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface FileRootRemovedNotification { /** The ID of the content root. */ id: UUID; } ``` ## Version Control System Operations The language server has a set of version control operations to keep track of changes made to the projects. ### `vcs/init` This requests that the VCS manager component initializes version control for the project identified by the root directory. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server This request assumes that no prior VCS is present for the project at a specified location. If VCS has already been initialized once, the operation will fail. #### Parameters ```typescript interface VCSInitParameters { root: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type VCSInitResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`VCSError`](#vcserror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable VCS error. - [`ProjectNotFound`](#projectnotfounderror) to signal that the requested project does not exist - [`VCSAlreadyPresent`](#vcsalreadyexistserror) to signal that the requested project does not exist ### `vcs/save` This requests that the VCS manager component record any changes made to the project, compared to the last save. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server This request assumes that the project at a specified location exists and VCS has been initialized for it with `vcs/init` operation. If the project is not under Enso's version control system, the operation must fail. If no changes have been recorded since the last save, the operation must still succeed. All saves include a timestamp when the request was made. For easier identification, the request has an optional `name` parameter that will prefix the timestamp. #### Parameters ```typescript interface VCSSaveParameters { root: Path; name?: string; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface VCSSaveResult { commitId: string; message: string; } ``` #### Errors - [`VCSError`](#vcserror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable VCS error. - [`ProjectNotFound`](#projectnotfounderror) to signal that the requested project does not exist - [`VCSNotFound`](#vcsnotfounderror) to signal that the project is not under Enso's version control ### `vcs/status` This requests that the VCS manager component report the current status of the changes made to the project. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server This request assumes that the project at a specified location exists and VCS has been initialized for it with `vcs/init` operation. If the project is not under Enso's version control system, the operation must fail. The status of the project includes: - `dirtty` flag, indicating if any of the project files has been modified, added or deleted - list of paths to the modified files, if any - the metadata of a last save, if any #### Parameters ```typescript interface VCSStatusParameters { root: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface VCSStatusResult { dirty: boolean; changed: Path[]; lastSave: { commitId: string; message: string; }; } ``` #### Errors - [`VCSError`](#vcserror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable VCS error. - [`ProjectNotFound`](#projectnotfounderror) to signal that the requested project does not exist - [`VCSNotFound`](#vcsnotfounderror) to signal that the project is not under Enso's version control ### `vcs/restore` This requests that the VCS manager component restores the project to a past state recorded in Enso's VCS. All unsaved changes will be lost. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server This request assumes that the project at a specified location exists and VCS has been initialized for it with `vcs/init` operation. If the project is not under Enso's version control system, the operation must fail. The request has an optional `commitId` parameter that refers to the past checkpoint recorded with `vcs/save`. If no save exists with a provided `commitId`, the request must fail. If no `commitId` exists, the operation will restore the project to the last saved state, will all current modifications forgotten. If the contents of any open buffer has changed as a result of this operation, all subscribed clients will be notified about the new version of the file via `text/didChange` push notification. A file might have been removed during the operation while there were still open buffers for that file. Any such clients will be modified of a file removal via the `file/event` notification. The result of the call returns a list of files that have been modified during the operation. #### Parameters ```typescript interface VCSRestoreParameters { root: Path; commitId?: string; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface VCSRestoreResult { changed: Path[]; } ``` #### Errors - [`VCSError`](#vcserror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable VCS error. - [`ProjectNotFound`](#projectnotfounderror) to signal that the requested project does not exist - [`VCSNotFound`](#vcsnotfounderror) to signal that the project is not under Enso's version control - [`SaveNotFound`](#savenotfounderror) to signat that the requested save could not be identified in the project's version control ### `vcs/list` This requests that the VCS manager component returns a list of project's saves. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server By default, the operation will return all project's saves. An optional `limit` parameter will ensure that only the last `limti` ones are reported. This request assumes that the project at a specified location exists and VCS has been initialized for it with `vcs/init` operation. If the project is not under Enso's version control system, the operation must fail. #### Parameters ```typescript interface VCSListParameters { root: Path; limit?: number; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface VCSListResult { saves: [ { commitId: string; message: string; }, ]; } ``` #### Errors - [`VCSError`](#vcserror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable VCS error. - [`ProjectNotFound`](#projectnotfounderror) to signal that the requested project does not exist - [`VCSNotFound`](#vcsnotfounderror) to signal that the project is not under Enso's version control ## Text Editing Operations The language server also has a set of text editing operations to ensure that it stays in sync with the clients. ### `text/openFile` This requests the language server to open the specified file. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public If no client has write lock on the opened file, the capability is granted to the client that sent the `text/openFile` message. #### Parameters ```typescript interface TextOpenFileParameters { path: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface TextOpenFileResult { writeCapability?: CapabilityRegistration; content: string; currentVersion: SHA3_224; } ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) to signal that a user doesn't have access to a resource. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) informs that file cannot be found. ### `text/openBuffer` This requests the language server to open a specified in-memory buffer mapped to the provided path. If the path exists, this command behaves the same as [`text/openFile`](#textopenfile). If the path does not exist, the command creates empty in-memory buffer for the provided path. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public If no client has write lock on the opened file, the capability is granted to the client that sent the `text/openBuffer` message. The in-memory buffers can be used to define hidden modules with visualization functions. In a nutshell, the request behaves the same as [`text/openFile`](#textopenfile) but does not require the file to exist. #### Parameters ```typescript interface TextOpenBufferParameters { path: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface TextOpenBufferResult { writeCapability?: CapabilityRegistration; content: string; currentVersion: SHA3_224; } ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) to signal that a user doesn't have access to a resource. ### `text/closeFile` This requests the language server to close the specified file. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public Any pending changes to files will be saved before closing the file. #### Parameters ```typescript interface TextCloseFileParameters { path: Path; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type TextOpenFileResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`FileNotOpenedError`](#filenotopenederror) to signal that a file wasn't opened. ### `text/save` This requests for the language server to save the specified file. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public The request may fail if the requesting client does not have permission to edit that file, or if the client is requesting a save of an outdated version. Note that language-server autosaves changes to the file, making this operation obsolete. #### Parameters ```typescript interface TextSaveParameters { path: Path; currentVersion: SHA3 - 224; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type TextSaveResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`FileNotOpenedError`](#filenotopenederror) to signal that the file isn't open. - [`InvalidVersionError`](#invalidversionerror) to signal that the version provided by the client doesn't match the version computed by the server. - [`WriteDeniedError`](#writedeniederror) to signal that the client doesn't hold write lock for the buffer. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. - [`ContentRootNotFoundError`](#contentrootnotfounderror) to signal that the requested content root cannot be found. - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) to signal that the user doesn't have access to a resource. ### `text/applyEdit` This requests that the server apply a series of edits to the project. These edits solely concern text files. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public This operation may fail if the requesting client does not have permission to edit the resources for which edits are sent. This failure _may_ be partial, in that some edits are applied and others are not. #### Parameters ```typescript interface TextApplyEditParameters { /** The file edit. */ edit: FileEdit; /** A flag indicating whether we should re-execute the program after applying * the edit. Default value is `true`, indicating the program should be * re-executed. */ execute?: boolean; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type TextApplyEditResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`FileNotOpenedError`](#filenotopenederror) to signal that the file isn't open. - [`TextEditValidationError`](#texteditvalidationerror) to signal that validation has failed for a series of edits. - [`InvalidVersionError`](#invalidversionerror) to signal that the version provided by the client doesn't match the version computed by the server. - [`WriteDeniedError`](#writedeniederror) to signal that the client doesn't hold write lock for the buffer. ### `text/applyExpressionValue` This requests to set an expression to a new value. For example, it can update a literal value, like changing `98` to `99`, `true` to `false` or `"Hello"` to `"World!"`. This method is a more specific version of [`text/applyEdit`](#textapplyedit) and guarantees that the syntax tree is not changed after applying the edit. This way the engine can perform a more efficient value swap instead of reparsing and recompiling the whole module. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public This operation may fail if the requesting client does not have permission to edit the resources for which edits are sent. #### Parameters ```typescript interface TextApplyExpressionValueParameters { /** The expression id to update. */ expressionId: ExpressionId; /** The path to the file. */ path: Path; /** The file edit containing the new expression value. */ edit: TextEdit; /** The current version of the buffer. */ oldVersion: SHA3_224; /** The version of the buffer after applying the edit. */ newVersion: SHA3_224; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type TextApplyExpressionValueResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`FileNotOpenedError`](#filenotopenederror) to signal that the file isn't open. - [`TextEditValidationError`](#texteditvalidationerror) to signal that validation has failed for this edit. - [`InvalidVersionError`](#invalidversionerror) to signal that the version provided by the client doesn't match the version computed by the server. - [`WriteDeniedError`](#writedeniederror) to signal that the client doesn't hold write lock for the buffer. ### `text/didChange` This is a notification sent from the server to the clients to inform them of any changes made to files that they have open. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public This notification must _only_ be sent for files that the client has open. #### Notification ```typescript interface TextDidChangeNotification { edits: FileEdit[]; } ``` ### `text/autoSave` This is a notification sent from the server to the clients to inform them of any successful auto-save action. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public This notification must _only_ be sent for files that the client has open. #### Notification ```typescript interface TextAutoSaveNotification { path: Path; } ``` ### `text/fileModifiedOnDisk` This is a notification sent from the server to the clients to inform them that the file was modified on disk by an external editor. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface TextFileModifiedOnDiskNotification { path: Path; } ``` ## Workspace Operations The language server also has a set of operations useful for managing the client workspace. ### `workspace/projectInfo` This request allows the IDE to request information about the currently open project in situations where it does not have a project manager to connect to. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface WorkspaceProjectInfoParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript interface WorkspaceProjectInfoResult { /** The name of the project. */ projectName: string; /** The engine version on which the project is running. */ engineVersion: string; /** The version of graal on which the project is running. */ graalVersion: string; } ``` #### Errors - [`CannotDecode`](#cannotdecode) if the project configuration cannot be decoded. - [`FileNotFound`](#filenotfound) if the project configuration cannot be found. ## Monitoring The language server also has a heartbeat operation to monitor the Language server. This API is private and should be used only by the Project Manager. ### `heartbeat/ping` This request is sent from the supervisor process to the server to check the health of the Language Server. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Supervisor -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Private #### Parameters ```typescript interface HeartbeatPingParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript type HeartbeatPingResult = null; ``` #### Errors None ### `heartbeat/init` This request is sent from the bootloader to check if the started language server instance has finished initialization. A reply should only be sent when the main module has been fully initialized. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Supervisor -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Private #### Parameters ```typescript interface HeartbeatInitParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript type HeartbeatInitResult = null; ``` #### Errors None ## Refactoring The language server also provides refactoring operations to restructure an internal body of code. ### `refactoring/renameProject` This request is sent from the project manager to the server to refactor project name in an interpreter runtime. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Project Manager -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Private #### Parameters ```typescript interface RefactoringRenameProjectParameters { namespace: string; oldName: string; newName: string; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type RefactoringRenameProjectResult = null; ``` #### Errors None ### `refactoring/renameSymbol` Sent from the client to the server to rename a symbol in the program. The text edits required to perform the refactoring will be returned as a [`text/didChange`](#textdidchange) notification. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Project Manager -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Private #### Supported refactorings Refactorins supports only limited cases listed below. ##### Local definition ```rust main = operator1 = 42 ^^^^^^^^^ ``` Expression id in the request should point to the left hand side symbol of the assignment. ##### Module method ```rust function1 x = x ^^^^^^^^^ main = operator1 = Main.function1 42 ``` Expression id in the request should point to the symbol defining the function. Current limitations of the method renaming are: - Methods defined on types are not supported, i.e. ```rust Main.function1 x = x ``` - Method calls where the self type is not specified will not be renamed, i.e. ```rust function1 x = x main = operator1 = function1 42 ``` #### Parameters ```typescript interface RefactoringRenameSymbolParameters { /** The qualified module name. */ module: string; /** The symbol to rename. */ expressionId: ExpressionId; /** The new name of the symbol. If the provided name is not a valid Enso * identifier (contains unsupported symbols, spaces, etc.), it will be normalized. * The final name will be returned in the response. */ newName: string; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface RefactoringRenameSymbolResult { newName: string; } ``` #### Errors - [`ModuleNotFoundError`](#modulenotfounderror) to signal that the requested module cannot be found. - [`ExpressionNotFoundError`](#expressionnotfounderror) to signal that the given expression cannot be found. - [`FailedToApplyEdits`](#failedtoapplyedits) to signal that the refactoring operation was not able to apply generated edits. - [`RefactoringNotSupported`](#refactoringnotsupported) to signal that the refactoring of the given expression is not supported. ### `refactoring/projectRenamed` This is a notification sent from the server to the clients to inform them about the new project name. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface RefactoringProjectRenamedNotification { /** Old normalized name of the project. */ oldNormalizedName: string; /** New normalized name of the prject. */ newNormalizedName: string; /** New display name of the project. */ newName: string; } ``` ## Execution Management Operations The execution management portion of the language server API deals with exposing fine-grained control over program and expression execution to the clients of the language server. This is incredibly important for enabling the high levels of interactivity required by Enso Studio. ### Execution Management Example Given the default project structure. ```text ├── package.yaml └── src └── Main.enso ``` ```bash $ cat src/Main.enso main = x = 6 y = x.foo 5 z = y + 5 z Number.foo = x -> y = this + 3 z = y * x z #### METADATA #### [[{"index": {"value": 98}, "size": {"value": 5}}, "5fc0c11d-bd83-4ca3-b847-b8e362f7658c"],[{"index": {"value": 81}, "size": {"value": 8}}, "1cda3676-bd62-41f8-b6a1-a1e1b7c73d18"],[{"index": {"value": 42}, "size": {"value": 5}}, "899a11e5-4d2b-43dc-a867-2f2ef2d2ba62"],[{"index": {"value": 26}, "size": {"value": 7}}, "37f284d4-c593-4e65-a4be-4948fbd2adfb"],[{"index": {"value": 16}, "size": {"value": 1}}, "c553533e-a2b9-4305-9f12-b8fe7781f933"]] [] ``` Notice extra newline in the beginning of the `Main.enso` file, it is important for the precalculated metadata indexes. ### Create Execution Context ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "executionContext/create", "id": 0, "params": null } ``` Return capabilities together with a newly created `ContextId`. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "result": { "contextId": "1eb5ad04-4094-4c1f-be54-e9d29ddf19a3", "canModify": { "method": "executionContext/canModify", "registerOptions": { "contextId": "1eb5ad04-4094-4c1f-be54-e9d29ddf19a3" } }, "receivesUpdates": { "method": "executionContext/receivesUpdates", "registerOptions": { "contextId": "1eb5ad04-4094-4c1f-be54-e9d29ddf19a3" } } } } ``` ### Push Item Entering the `main` method. First item on the stack should always be an `ExplicitCall`. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "executionContext/push", "id": 0, "params": { "contextId": "1eb5ad04-4094-4c1f-be54-e9d29ddf19a3", "stackItem": { "type": "ExplicitCall", "methodPointer": { "file": { "rootId": "18f642a2-5f69-4fc8-add6-13bf199ca326", "segments": ["src", "Main.enso"] }, "definedOnType": "Main", "name": "main" }, "thisArgumentExpression": null, "positionalArgumentsExpressions": [] } } } ``` Returns successful reponse. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "result": null } ``` And a value update, result of the method `foo` call defined on type `Number`. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "executionContext/expressionValuesComputed", "params": { "contextId": "1eb5ad04-4094-4c1f-be54-e9d29ddf19a3", "updates": [ { "id": "37f284d4-c593-4e65-a4be-4948fbd2adfb", "type": "Number", "shortValue": "45", "methodCall": { "file": { "rootId": "18f642a2-5f69-4fc8-add6-13bf199ca326", "segments": ["src", "Main.enso"] }, "definedOnType": "Number", "name": "foo" } } ] } } ``` We can go deeper and evaluate the method `foo` call by pushing the `LocalCall` on the stack. In general, all consequent stack items should be `LocalCall`s. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "executionContext/push", "id": 0, "params": { "contextId": "1eb5ad04-4094-4c1f-be54-e9d29ddf19a3", "stackItem": { "type": "LocalCall", "expressionId": "37f284d4-c593-4e65-a4be-4948fbd2adfb" } } } ``` Returns successful response. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "result": null } ``` And update of some value inside the function `foo`. ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "executionContext/expressionValuesComputed", "params": { "contextId": "1eb5ad04-4094-4c1f-be54-e9d29ddf19a3", "updates": [ { "id": "1cda3676-bd62-41f8-b6a1-a1e1b7c73d18", "type": "Number", "shortValue": "9", "methodCall": null } ] } } ``` ### Pop Item ```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "executionContext/pop", "id": 0, "params": { "contextId": "1eb5ad04-4094-4c1f-be54-e9d29ddf19a3" } } ``` Popping one item will return us into the `main` method. Second call will clear the stack. Subsequent pop calls will result in an error indicating that the stack is empty. ### `executionContext/create` Sent from the client to the server to create a new execution context. Return capabilities [`executionContext/canModify`](#executioncontextcanmodify) and [`executionContext/receivesUpdates`](#executioncontextreceivesupdates). The command takes optional `contextId` parameter with the id to create. The command is idempotent and returns success if the context with provided id already exists. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextCreateParameters { contextId?: ContextId; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface ExecutionContextCreateResult { contextId: ContextId; canModify: CapabilityRegistration; receivesUpdates: CapabilityRegistration; } ``` #### Errors None ### `executionContext/destroy` Sent from the client to the server destroy an execution context and free its resources. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextDestroyParameters { contextId: ContextId; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type ExecutionContextDestroyResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when the user does not hold the `executionContext/canModify` capability for this context. - [`ContextNotFoundError`](#contextnotfounderror) when context can not be found by provided id. ### `executionContext/fork` Sent from the client to the server to duplicate an execution context, creating an independent copy, containing all the data precomputed in the first one. Return capabilities [`executionContext/canModify`](#executioncontextcanmodify) and [`executionContext/receivesUpdates`](#executioncontextreceivesupdates). - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextForkParameters { contextId: ContextId; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface ExecutionContextForkResult { contextId: ContextId; canModify: CapabilityRegistration; receivesUpdates: CapabilityRegistration; } ``` #### Errors No known errors. ### `executionContext/push` Sent from the client to the server execute item and move the execution context to a new location deeper down the stack. If a stack item becomes invalid because of a text edit (e.g. the root function of the view was removed), it will stop executing. If the function reappears, execution should resume as normal. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextPushParameters { contextId: ContextId; stackItem: StackItem; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type ExecutionContextPushResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when the user does not hold the `executionContext/canModify` capability for this context. - [`StackItemNotFoundError`](#stackitemnotfounderror) when the request stack item could not be found. - [`InvalidStackItemError`](#invalidstackitemerror) when pushing `LocalCall` on top of the empty stack, or pushing `ExplicitCall` on top of non-empty stack. ### `executionContext/pop` Sent from the client to the server move the execution context up the stack, corresponding to the client clicking out of the current breadcrumb. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextPopParameters { contextId: ContextId; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type ExecutionContextPopResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when the user does not hold the `executionContext/canModify` capability for this context. - [`EmptyStackError`](#emptystackerror) when the user tries to pop an empty stack. ### `executionContext/recompute` Sent from the client to the server to force recomputation of current position. May include a list of expressions for which caches should be invalidated. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextRecomputeParameters { /** The execution context identifier. */ contextId: ContextId; /** The expressions that will be invalidated before the execution. */ invalidatedExpressions?: "all" | ExpressionId[]; /** The execution environment that will be used in the execution. */ executionEnvironment?: ExecutionEnvironment; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type ExecutionContextRecomputeResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when the user does not hold the `executionContext/canModify` capability for this context. - [`EmptyStackError`](#emptystackerror) when the user tries to recompute an empty stack. ### `executionContext/interrupt` Sent from the client to the server to interrupt the program execution in the provided execution context. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextInterruptParameters { contextId: ContextId; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type ExecutionContextInterruptResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when the user does not hold the `executionContext/canModify` capability for this context. ### `executionContext/setExecutionEnvironment` Sent from the client to the server to set the execution context environment. After setting the environment, the runtime interrupts the current execution, clears the caches, and schedules execution of the context. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextSetExecutionEnvironmentParameters { contextId: ContextId; executionEnvironment: ExecutionEnvironment; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type ExecutionContextSetExecutionEnvironmentResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when the user does not hold the `executionContext/canModify` capability for this context. ### `executionContext/getComponentGroups` Sent from the client to the server to get the list of component groups available in runtime. #### Deprecated The request is deprecated in favor of [`runtime/getComponentGroups`](#runtimegetcomponentgroups). - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextGetComponentGroupsParameters { contextId: ContextId; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface ExecutionContextGetComponentGroupsResult { componentGroups: LibraryComponentGroup[]; } ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when context with the provided id does not exist. ### `executionContext/expressionUpdates` Sent from the server to the client to inform about new information for certain expressions becoming available. Supersedes the `executionContext/expressionValuesComputed` notification, that will be removed in future versions. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface ExecutionContextExpressionUpdatesNotification { contextId: ContextId; updates: ExpressionUpdate[]; } ``` ### `executionContext/executionFailed` Sent from the server to the client to inform about a failure when attempting to execute a context. The [`executionContext/executionStatus`](#executioncontextexecutionstatus) notifies about potential problems in the code found by compiler which did not prevent the execution from completing successfully. This message signals about the non-critical errors during runtime, or critical failures in the logic or the implementation. A critical failure can be a compiler crash, an attempt to execute an empty stack, an error location a method or a module when issuing a [`executionContext/push`](#executioncontextpush) command. `executionContext/executionFailed` and [`executionContext/executionComplete`](#executioncontextexecutioncomplete) messages are mutually exclusive, indicating a failed or a successful execution, respectively. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface ExecutionContextExecutionFailedNotification { /** The identifier of the execution context. */ contextId: ContextId; /** The details of the failed execution. */ result: ExecutionResult; } ``` ### `executionContext/executionComplete` Sent from the server to the client to inform about the successful execution of a context. `executionContext/executionFailed` and [`executionContext/executionComplete`](#executioncontextexecutioncomplete) messages are mutually exclusive, indicating a failed or a successful execution, respectively. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface ExecutionContextExecutionFailedNotification { /** The identifier of the execution context. */ contextId: ContextId; } ``` ### `executionContext/executionStatus` Sent from the server to the client to inform about a status of execution. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface ExecutionContextExecutionStatusNotification { /** The identifier of the execution context. */ contextId: ContextId; /** The list of encountered problems. */ diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; } ``` ### `executionContext/executeExpression` This message allows the client to execute an arbitrary expression in a context of a given node. It behaves like putting a breakpoint after the expression with `expressionId` and executing the provided `expression`. All the local and global symbols that are available for the `expressionId` will be available when executing the `expression`. The result of the evaluation will be delivered as a visualization result on a binary connection. You can think of it as a oneshot [`executionContext/attachVisualization`](#executioncontextattachvisualization) visualization request, meaning that the expression will be executed once. For example, given the current code: ```python main = operator1 = 42 operator2 = operator1 + 1 fun1 x = x.to_text ``` - You can execute an expression in the context of a function body. In this case, the `expressionId` should point to the body of a function. E.g. in the context of `main` available symbols are `operator1`, `operator2` and `fun1`. - Execute expression in the context of a local binding. E.g. in the context of `operator2 = operator1 + 1` available symbols are `operator1`, `operator2` and `fun1`. - Execute expression in the context of arbitrary expression. E.g. in the context of `operator1 + 1` available symbols are `operator1` and `fun1`. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextExecuteExpressionParameters { executionContextId: UUID; visualizationId: UUID; expressionId: UUID; expression: string; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type ExecutionContextExecuteExpressionResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when the user does not hold the `executionContext/canModify` capability for this context. - [`ContextNotFoundError`](#contextnotfounderror) when context can not be found by provided id. - [`VisualizationExpressionError`](#visualizationexpressionerror) to signal that the provided expression cannot be evaluated. ### `executionContext/attachVisualization` This message allows the client to attach a visualization, potentially preprocessed by some arbitrary Enso code, to a given node in the program. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextAttachVisualizationParameters { visualizationId: UUID; expressionId: UUID; visualizationConfig: VisualizationConfiguration; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type ExecutionContextAttachVisualizationResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when the user does not hold the `executionContext/canModify` capability for this context. - [`ContextNotFoundError`](#contextnotfounderror) when context can not be found by provided id. - [`ModuleNotFoundError`](#modulenotfounderror) to signal that the module with the visualization cannot be found. - [`VisualizationExpressionError`](#visualizationexpressionerror) to signal that the expression specified in the `VisualizationConfiguration` cannot be evaluated. ### `executionContext/detachVisualization` This message allows a client to detach a visualization from the executing code. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextDetachVisualizationParameters { executionContextId: UUID; visualizationId: UUID; expressionId: UUID; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type ExecutionContextDetachVisualizationResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when the user does not hold the `executionContext/canModify` capability for this context. - [`ContextNotFoundError`](#contextnotfounderror) when context can not be found by provided id. - [`VisualizationNotFoundError`](#visualizationnotfounderror) when a visualization can not be found. ### `executionContext/modifyVisualization` This message allows a client to modify the configuration for an existing visualization. A successful response means that the new visualization configuration has been applied. In case of an error response, the visualization state does not change. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface ExecutionContextModifyVisualizationParameters { visualizationId: UUID; visualizationConfig: VisualizationConfiguration; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type ExecutionContextModifyVisualizationResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`AccessDeniedError`](#accessdeniederror) when the user does not hold the `executionContext/canModify` capability for this context. - [`ContextNotFoundError`](#contextnotfounderror) when context can not be found by provided id. - [`ModuleNotFoundError`](#modulenotfounderror) to signal that the module with the visualization cannot be found. - [`VisualizationExpressionError`](#visualizationexpressionerror) to signal that the expression specified in the `VisualizationConfiguration` cannot be evaluated. - [`VisualizationNotFoundError`](#visualizationnotfounderror) when a visualization can not be found. ### `executionContext/visualizationUpdate` This message is responsible for providing a visualization data update to the client. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Data - **Visibility:** Public The `visualizationData` component of the table definition _must_ be pre-serialized before being inserted into this message. As far as this level of transport is concerned, it is just a binary blob. #### Parameters ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; // A visualization context identifying a concrete visualization. table VisualizationContext { // A visualization identifier. visualizationId: EnsoUUID (required); // A context identifier. contextId: EnsoUUID (required); // An expression identifier. expressionId: EnsoUUID (required); } // An event signaling visualization update. table VisualizationUpdate { // A visualization context identifying a concrete visualization. visualizationContext: VisualizationContext (required); // A visualization data. data: [ubyte] (required); } root_type VisualizationUpdate; ``` #### Errors None ### `executionContext/visualizationEvaluationFailed` Signals that an evaluation of a visualization expression on the computed value has failed. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface ExecutionContextVisualizationEvaluationFailedNotification { /** An execution context identifier. */ contextId: ContextId; /** A visualization identifier. */ visualizationId: UUID; /** An identifier of a visualised expression. */ expressionId: UUID; /** An error message. */ message: string; /** Detailed information about the error. */ diagnostic?: Diagnostic; } ``` ## Search Operations Search operations allow requesting for the autocomplete suggestions and search for the documentation. Search operations return links to the items in the Suggestions Database instead of returning full entries. Suggestions Database is a key-value storage with [`SuggestionEntry`](#suggestionentry) values. ### Suggestions Database Example The following code snippet shows examples of the database entries. ```ruby type MyType a b type Maybe Nothing Just a is_just = case this of Just _ -> true Nothing -> false foo x = 10 - x Number.baz x = this + x * 10 main = x = foo 42 y = x.baz x IO.println y ``` #### MyType ```typescript { name: "MyType", arguments: [], returnType: "MyType", }; ``` #### Maybe.Nothing ```typescript { name: "Nothing", arguments: [], returnType: "Maybe", }; ``` #### Maybe.Just ```typescript { name: "Just", arguments: [ { name: "a", type: "Any", isSuspended: false, hasDefault: false, }, ], returnType: "Maybe", }; ``` #### Maybe.is_just ```typescript { name: "is_just", arguments: [], selfType: "Maybe", returnType: "Bool", }; ``` #### foo ```typescript { name: "foo", arguments: [ { name: "x", type: "Number", isSuspended: false, hasDefault: false, }, ], returnType: "Bool", }; ``` #### Number.baz ```typescript { name: "baz", arguments: [ { name: "x", type: "Number", isSuspended: false, hasDefault: false, }, ], selfType: "Number", returnType: "Number", }; ``` #### Local x ```typescript { name: "x", returnType: "Number", }; ``` #### Local y ```typescript { name: "y", returnType: "Number", }; ``` ### `search/getSuggestionsDatabase` Sent from client to the server to receive the full suggestions database. #### Deprecated The request always returns empty `entries` field with the correct `currentVersion`. The suggestions are sent during the initial project compilation as a part of [`search/suggestionsDatabaseUpdate`](#searchsuggestionsdatabaseupdate) notification. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface SearchGetSuggestionsDatabaseParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript interface SearchGetSuggestionsDatabaseResult { /** The list of suggestions database entries. */ entries: SuggestionsDatabaseEntry[]; /** The version of the received suggestions database. */ currentVersion: number; } ``` #### Errors - [`SuggestionsDatabaseError`](#suggestionsdatabaseerror) an error accessing the suggestions database - [`ProjectNotFoundError`](#projectnotfounderror) project is not found in the root directory ### `search/invalidateSuggestionsDatabase` Sent from client to the server to clean the suggestions database resetting the version. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface SearchInvalidateSuggestionsDatabaseParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript type SearchInvalidateSuggestionsDatabase = null; ``` #### Errors - [`SuggestionsDatabaseError`](#suggestionsdatabaseerror) an error accessing the suggestions database ### `search/getSuggestionsDatabaseVersion` Sent from client to the server to receive the current version of the suggestions database. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface SearchGetSuggestionsDatabaseVersionParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript interface SearchGetSuggestionsDatabaseVersionResult { /** The version of the suggestions database. */ currentVersion: number; } ``` #### Errors - [`SuggestionsDatabaseError`](#suggestionsdatabaseerror) an error accessing the suggestions database - [`ProjectNotFoundError`](#projectnotfounderror) project is not found in the root directory ### `search/suggestionsDatabaseUpdate` Sent from server to the client to inform abouth the change in the suggestions database. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface SearchSuggestionsDatabaseUpdateNotification { updates: SuggestionsDatabaseUpdate[]; currentVersion: number; } ``` ### `search/suggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdate` Sent from server to the client to inform abouth the change in the suggestions order database. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface SearchSuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdateNotification { updates: SuggestionsOrderDatabaseUpdate[]; } ``` ### `search/completion` Sent from client to the server to receive the autocomplete suggestion. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface SearchCompletionParameters { /** The edited file. */ file: Path; /** The cursor position. */ position: Position; /** Filter by methods with the provided self type. */ selfType?: string; /** Filter by the return type. */ returnType?: string; /** Filter by the suggestion types. */ tags?: SuggestionEntryType[]; /** Filter by `static` attribute of method suggestions. */ isStatic?: boolean; } ``` #### Result The identifiers in `results` are guaranteed to be ordered by the specificity of the type match. ```typescript interface SearchCompletionResult { results: SuggestionId[]; currentVersion: number; } ``` #### Errors - [`SuggestionsDatabaseError`](#suggestionsdatabaseerror) an error accessing the suggestions database - [`ProjectNotFoundError`](#projectnotfounderror) project is not found in the root directory - [`ModuleNameNotResolvedError`](#modulenamenotresolvederror) the module name cannot be extracted from the provided file path parameter - [`SuggestionNotFoundError`](#suggestionnotfounderror) the requested suggestion was not found in the suggestions database ## Input/Output Operations The input/output portion of the language server API deals with redirecting stdin/stdout/stderr of Enso programs to the clients of the language server. This is incredibly important for enabling the high levels of interactivity required by Enso Studio. ### `io/redirectStandardOutput` This message allows a client to redirect the standard output of Enso programs. Once the standard output is redirected, the Language server will notify the client about new output data by emitting `io/standardOutputAppended` messages. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface IORedirectStandardOutputParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript type IORedirectStandardOutput = null; ``` #### Errors None ### `io/suppressStandardOutput` This message allows a client to suppress the redirection of the standard output. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface IOSuppressStandardOutputParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript type IOSuppressStandardOutputResult = null; ``` #### Errors None ### `io/standardOutputAppended` Sent from the server to the client to inform that new output data are available for the standard output. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface IOStandardOutputAppendedNotification { output: string; } ``` ### `io/redirectStandardError` This message allows a client to redirect the standard error of Enso programs. Once the standard error is redirected, the Language server will notify the client about new output data by emitting `io/standardErrorAppended` messages. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface IORedirectStandardErrorParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript type IORedirectStandardError = null; ``` #### Errors None ### `io/suppressStandardError` This message allows a client to suppress the redirection of the standard error. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface IOSuppressStandardErrorParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript type IOSuppressStandardErrorResult = null; ``` #### Errors None ### `io/standardErrorAppended` Sent from the server to the client to inform that new output data are available for the standard error. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript interface IOStandardErrorAppendedNotification { output: string; } ``` ### `io/feedStandardInput` This message allows a client to feed the standard input of Enso programs. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface IOFeedStandardInputParameters { input: string; isLineTerminated: boolean; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type IOFeedStandardInputResult = null; ``` #### Errors None ### `io/waitingForStandardInput` Sent from the server to the client to inform that an Enso program is suspended by `IO.readln`. This message is used to notify a client that she should feed the standard input. - **Type:** Notification - **Direction:** Server -> Client - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Notification ```typescript type IOWaitingForStandardInputNotification = null; ``` ## Library-Related Operations The library-related operations provide the Language Server with capabilities to check and modify project's edition settings, list editions published in a given edition, create local library projects which can be imported in the currently opened project and publish them. ### `editions/listAvailable` Lists editions available on the system. Moreover, if `update` is set to `true`, it will download any new editions from the repositories and include them in the result as well. > Currently, if `update` was `true` but some downloads failed, the endpoint will > still return a success, just containing the editions that were already > available. In the future it should emit warnings using proper notification > channels. #### Parameters ```typescript interface EditionsListAvailableParameters { update: boolean; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface EditionsListAvailableResult { editionNames: string[]; } ``` ### `editions/resolve` Resolves settings implied by the edition. > Currently, it only resolves the engine version, as only it is needed, but > other settings may be added if necessary. #### Parameters ```typescript interface EditionsResolveParameters { edition: EditionReference; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface EditionsResolveResult { engineVersion: string; } ``` #### Errors - [`EditionNotFoundError`](#editionnotfounderror) indicates that the requested edition, or some edition referenced in the ancestors of the edition being resolved, could not be found. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `editions/getProjectSettings` Returns the currently set edition-related settings of the project. Currently, it only returns the parent edition and local library preference. Once more advanced edition settings are to be supported in the IDE, this endpoint will be extended. #### Parameters ```typescript interface EditionsGetProjectSettingsParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript interface EditionsGetProjectSettingsResult { parentEdition?: string; preferLocalLibraries: boolean; } ``` The `parentEdition` may be missing if it is not set. It is possible to manually edit the `pacakge.yaml` and generate a valid edition config that does not specify a parent edition. ### `editions/setProjectParentEdition` Sets the parent edition of the project to a specific edition. This change may even change the version of the engine associated with the project, so for the changes to take effect, the language server may need to be restarted. The endpoint only modifies the `pacakge.yaml` file, which is preloaded in the Language Server, so it is IDE's responsibility to re-open the project. It returns an optional field `needsRestart` which specifies whether the Language Server needs to be restarted for the change to take effect. If the field is missing, it should be treated as set to `false`. In the current version it is always set to `true`. #### Parameters ```typescript interface EditionsSetProjectParentEditionParameters { newEditionName: string; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface EditionsSetProjectParentEditionResult { needsRestart?: boolean; } ``` #### Errors - [`EditionNotFoundError`](#editionnotfounderror) indicates that the requested edition could not be found. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `editions/setProjectLocalLibrariesPreference` Sets the `prefer-local-libraries` setting of the project, which specifies if libraries from `ENSO_HOME/libraries` should take precedence over the ones defined in the edition. > This may change which libraries should be loaded in the project. In the future > it may be possible that this reload could happen dynamically, however > currently, the language server needs to be restarted (in the same way as for > `editions/setProjectParentEdition`) for the changes to take effect. It returns an optional field `needsRestart` which specifies whether the Language Server needs to be restarted for the change to take effect. If the field is missing, it should be treated as set to `false`. In the current version it is always set to `true`. #### Parameters ```typescript interface EditionsSetProjectLocalLibrariesPreferenceParameters { preferLocalLibraries: boolean; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface EditionsSetProjectLocalLibrariesPreferenceResult { needsRestart?: boolean; } ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `editions/listDefinedLibraries` Lists all libraries defined in an edition (or all of its parents). This can be used to display which libraries can be downloaded / added to the project. This does not include local libraries not defined explicitly in the project's edition, even if they can be resolved as per `prefer-local-libraries` setting. To get local libraries that are not directly referenced in the edition, use [`library/listLocal`](#librarylistlocal) instead. #### Parameters ```typescript interface EditionsListDefinedLibrariesParameters { edition: EditionReference; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface EditionsListDefinedLibrariesResult { availableLibraries: LibraryEntry[]; } ``` #### Errors - [`EditionNotFoundError`](#editionnotfounderror) indicates that the requested edition, or an edition referenced in one of its parents, could not be found. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `editions/listDefinedComponents` Lists all the component groups defined in an edition. #### Parameters ```typescript interface EditionsListDefinedComponentsParameters { edition: EditionReference; } ``` #### Result ```typescript interface EditionsListDefinedComponentsResult { availableComponents: LibraryComponentGroup[]; } ``` #### Errors - [`EditionNotFoundError`](#editionnotfounderror) indicates that the requested edition, or an edition referenced in one of its parents, could not be found. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `library/listLocal` Lists all local libraries available in the system. #### Parameters ```typescript interface LibraryListLocalParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript interface LibraryListLocalResult { localLibraries: LibraryEntry[]; } ``` #### Errors - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `library/create` Creates a new project package, but placed not in the projects directory, but in the local libraries directory, so that other projects (including the current one) that can resolve local libraries will be able to import it. The created library package inherits all edition settings from the current project. The endpoint just returns an empty message at success. Once this operation finishes, the IDE can add the import `import .` to the open file which will import the newly created library (the IDE must also ensure that `prefer-local-libraries` is set to `true` or otherwise, it must add a proper override to its own edition file to see this local library). Once the import is added, the library will be loaded and its content root will be sent in a [`file/rootAdded`](#filerootadded) notification. #### Parameters ```typescript interface LibraryCreateParameters { namespace: string; name: string; authors: Contact[]; maintainers: Contact[]; license: string; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type LibraryCreateResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`InvalidLibraryName`](#invalidlibraryname) to signal that the selected library name is not valid. - [`LibraryAlreadyExists`](#libraryalreadyexists) to signal that a library with the given namespace and name already exists. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `library/getMetadata` Gets metadata associated with a specific library version. If the version is `LocalLibraryVersion`, it will try to read the manifest file of the local library and return an empty result if the manifest does not exist. If the version is `PublishedLibraryVersion`, it will fetch the manifest from the library repository. A cached manifest may also be used, if it is available. All returned fields are optional, as they may be missing. #### Parameters ```typescript interface LibraryGetMetadataParameters { namespace: string; name: string; version: LibraryVersion; } ``` #### Results ```typescript interface LibraryGetMetadataResult { description?: string; tagLine?: string; } ``` #### Errors - [`LocalLibraryNotFound`](#locallibrarynotfound) to signal that a local library with the given name does not exist on the local libraries path. - [`InvalidSemverVersion`](#invalidsemverversion) to signal that the provided version string is not a valid semver version. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `library/setMetadata` Sets metadata associated with a local library that will be used for publishing. All metadata fields are optional. If a field is not set in the parameters, it will be removed from the metadata (if it was present before). #### Parameters ```typescript interface LibrarySetMetadataParameters { namespace: string; name: string; description?: string; tagLine?: string; } ``` #### Results ```typescript type LibrarySetMetadataResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`LocalLibraryNotFound`](#locallibrarynotfound) to signal that a local library with the given name does not exist on the local libraries path. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `library/getPackage` Gets the package config associated with a specific library version. If the version is `LocalLibraryVersion`, it will try to read the package file of the local library and return an empty result if the manifest does not exist. If the version is `PublishedLibraryVersion`, it will fetch the package config from the library repository. A cached package config may also be used, if it is available. All returned fields are optional, as they may be missing. #### Parameters ```typescript interface LibraryGetPackageParameters { namespace: string; name: string; version: LibraryVersion; } ``` #### Results ```typescript interface LibraryGetPackageResult { license?: string; componentGroups?: LibraryComponentGroups; } ``` #### Errors - [`LocalLibraryNotFound`](#locallibrarynotfound) to signal that a local library with the given name does not exist on the local libraries path. - [`InvalidSemverVersion`](#invalidsemverversion) to signal that the provided version string is not a valid semver version. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `library/publish` Publishes a library located in the local libraries directory to the main Enso library repository. If `bumpVersionAfterPublish` is set to true, after publishing the library, its version is bumped automatically, so that future publications will not clash versions. This is a temporary solution and in the longer-term it should be replaced with separate settings allowing to arbitrarily modify the library version from the IDE. The `uploadUrl` is the URL of the library repository that accepts library uploads. The metadata for publishing the library can be set with [`library/setMetadata`](#librarysetmetadata). If it was not set, the publish operation will still proceed, but that metadata will be missing. #### Parameters ```typescript interface LibraryPublishParameters { namespace: string; name: string; authToken: string; uploadUrl: string; bumpVersionAfterPublish?: boolean; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type LibraryPublishResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`LocalLibraryNotFound`](#locallibrarynotfound) to signal that a local library with the given name does not exist on the local libraries path. - [`LibraryPublishError`](#librarypublisherror) to signal that the server did not accept to publish the library (for example because a library with the same version already exists). - [`LibraryRepositoryAuthenticationError`](#libraryrepositoryauthenticationerror) to signal an authentication failure. - [`LibraryUploadError`](#libraryuploaderror) to signal that the upload operation has failed, for network-related reasons. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ### `library/preinstall` Ensures that the requested library and all of its (transitive) dependencies, at versions as resolved by the current project's edition, are downloaded. Once this operation completes, the library import can be added to the project and it is guaranteed that (unless there were unexpected changes to the system, like files being manually deleted) no further downloads will be needed, so that the import should load quickly. This can be used by the IDE to predownload the library that is about to be added to a project, to avoid freezing the compiler for the time the dependencies are being downloaded. While this operation is in progress, multiple series of `task/*` notifications may be sent, indicating progress of particular components being downloaded and installed. #### Parameters ```typescript interface LibraryPreinstallParameters { namespace: string; name: string; } ``` #### Result ```typescript type LibraryPreinstallResult = null; ``` #### Errors - [`LibraryNotResolved`](#librarynotresolved) to signal that the requested library or one of its dependencies could not be resolved. - [`DependencyDiscoveryError`](#dependencydiscoveryerror) to signal that dependencies of the library could not be established. - [`LibraryDownloadError`](#librarydownloaderror) to signal that the download operation has failed, for network-related reasons, or because the library was missing in the repository. The error includes the name and version of the library that failed to download - as when preinstalling a specific library the failure may be tied not to that library itself but also one of its dependencies. - [`FileSystemError`](#filesystemerror) to signal a generic, unrecoverable file-system error. ## Runtime Operations ### `runtime/getComponentGroups` Sent from the client to the server to get the list of component groups available in runtime. The engine is started with an empty list of libraries loaded. It means that the request should be sent after the first [`executionContext/executionComplete`](#executioncontextexecutioncomplete) notification indicating that all the libraries are loaded, and the component group list is populated. If the request is sent before the first notification, the response may be empty or not contain all available components. - **Type:** Request - **Direction:** Client -> Server - **Connection:** Protocol - **Visibility:** Public #### Parameters ```typescript interface RuntimeGetComponentGroupsParameters {} ``` #### Result ```typescript interface RuntimeGetComponentGroupsResult { componentGroups: LibraryComponentGroup[]; } ``` #### Errors None ## Errors The language server component also has its own set of errors. This section is not a complete specification and will be updated as new errors are added. Besides the required `code` and `message` fields, the errors may have a `data` field which can store additional error-specific payload. ### `Error` An error container for the binary connection that contains a code, message and payload. ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; table Error { // A unique error code identifying error type. code: int; // An error message. message: string (required); // Additional payloads for the error. data : ErrorPayload; } union ErrorPayload { ... } ``` Note: - The union `ErrorPayload` will be extended with additional payloads as necessary. - All textual-protocol errors can be represented using this structure. ### `AccessDeniedError` It signals that a user doesn't have access to a resource. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 100, "message" : "Access denied" } ``` ### `FileSystemError` This error signals generic file system errors. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 1000, "message" : string } ``` ### `ContentRootNotFoundError` The error informs that the requested content root cannot be found. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 1001, "message" : "Content root not found" } ``` ### `FileNotFound` It signals that requested file doesn't exist. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 1003, "message" : "File not found" } ``` ### `FileExists` It signals that file already exists. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 1004, "message" : "File already exists" } ``` ### `OperationTimeoutError` It signals that IO operation timed out. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 1005, "message" : "IO operation timeout" } ``` ### `NotDirectory` It signals that provided path is not a directory. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 1006, "message" : "Path is not a directory" } ``` ### `NotFile` It signals that the provided path is not a file. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 1007, "message" : "Path is not a file" } ``` ### `CannotOverwrite` Signals that a streaming file write cannot overwrite a portion of the requested file. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 1008, "message" : "Cannot overwrite the file without `overwriteExisting` set" } ``` ### `ReadOutOfBounds` Signals that the requested file read was out of bounds for the file's size. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 1009 "message" : "Read is out of bounds for the file" "payload" : { "fileLength" : 0 } } ``` ### `CannotDecode` Signals that the project configuration cannot be decoded. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 1010 "message" : "Cannot decode the project configuration" } ``` ```csharp namespace org.enso.languageserver.protocol.binary; table ReadOutOfBoundsError { // The actual length of the file. fileLength : ulong (required); } ``` ### `StackItemNotFoundError` It signals that provided stack item was not found. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 2001, "message" : "Stack item not found" } ``` ### `ContextNotFoundError` It signals that provided context was not found. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 2002, "message" : "Context not found" } ``` ### `EmptyStackError` It signals that stack is empty. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 2003, "message" : "Stack is empty" } ``` ### `InvalidStackItemError` It signals that stack is invalid in this context. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 2004, "message" : "Invalid stack item" } ``` ### `ModuleNotFoundError` It signals that the given module cannot be found. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 2005, "message" : "Module not found [Foo.Bar.Baz]" } ``` ### `VisualizationNotFoundError` It signals that the visualization cannot be found. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 2006, "message" : "Visualization not found" } ``` ### `VisualizationExpressionError` It signals that the expression specified in the `VisualizationConfiguration` cannot be evaluated. The error contains an optional `data` field of type [`Diagnostic`](#diagnostic) providing error details. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 2007, "message" : "Evaluation of the visualization expression failed [i is not defined]" "payload" : { "kind" : "Error", "message" : "i is not defined", "path" : null, "location" : { "start" : { "line" : 0, "character" : 8 }, "end" : { "line" : 0, "character" : 9 } }, "expressionId" : "aa1f75c4-8c4d-493d-a6a7-72123a52f084", "stack" : [] } } ``` ### `FileNotOpenedError` Signals that a file wasn't opened. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 3001, "message" : "File not opened" } ``` ### `TextEditValidationError` Signals that validation has failed for a series of edits. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 3002, "message" : "The start position is after the end position" } ``` ### `InvalidVersionError` Signals that version provided by a client doesn't match to the version computed by the server. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 3003, "message" : "Invalid version [client version: ade2967cab172183d1a67ea40cb8e92e23218764bc9934c3795fcea5, server version: 7602967cab172183d1a67ea40cb8e92e23218764bc9934c3795fcea5]" } ``` ### `WriteDeniedError` Signals that the client doesn't hold write lock to the buffer. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 3004, "message" : "Write denied" } ``` ### `CapabilityNotAcquired` Signals that requested capability is not acquired. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 5001, "message" : "Capability not acquired" } ``` ### `SessionNotInitialisedError` Signals that the request cannot be proccessed, because the session is not initialized. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 6001, "message" : "Session not initialised" } ``` ### `SessionAlreadyInitialisedError` Signals that the session is already initialized. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 6002, "message" : "Session already initialised" } ``` ### `ResourcesInitializationError` Signals about an error in the Language Server initialization process. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 6003, "message" : "Failed to initialize the Language Server resources" } ``` ### `SuggestionsDatabaseError` Signals about an error accessing the suggestions database. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 7001, "message" : "Suggestions database error" } ``` ### `ProjectNotFoundError` Signals that the project could not be found in the root directory. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 7002, "message" : "Project not found in the root directory" } ``` ### `ModuleNameNotResolvedError` Signals that the module name could not be resolved for the given file. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 7003, "message" : "Module name can't be resolved for the given file" } ``` ### `SuggestionNotFoundError` Signals that the requested suggestion could not be found. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 7004, "message" : "Requested suggestion was not found" } ``` ### `EditionNotFoundError` Signals that an edition could not be found. Its payload includes the name of the edition that could not be found. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8001, "message" : "Edition [] could not be found.", "payload" : { "editionName": "" } } ``` ### `LibraryAlreadyExists` Signals that a local library with the specified namespace and name combination already exists, so it cannot be created again. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8002, "message" : "Library [.] already exists." } ``` ### `LibraryRepositoryAuthenticationError` Signals that authentication to the library repository was declined. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8003, "message" : "Authentication failed: [message]" } ``` ### `LibraryPublishError` Signals that a request to the library repository failed. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8004, "message" : "Could not publish the library: [message]" } ``` ### `LibraryUploadError` Signals that uploading the library failed for network-related reasons. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8005, "message" : "Could not upload the library: [message]" } ``` ### `LibraryDownloadError` Signals that downloading the library failed for network-related reasons or that it was not available in the repository. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8006, "message" : "Could not download the library: [message]", "payload" : { "namespace" : "", "name" : "", "version": "" } } ``` ### `LocalLibraryNotFound` Signals that a local library with the specified namespace and name combination was not found on the local libraries path. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8007, "message" : "Local library [.] has not been found." } ``` ### `LibraryNotResolved` Signals that a library could not be resolved - it was not defined in the edition and the settings did not allow to resolve local libraries or it did not exist there either. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8008, "message" : "Could not resolve [.].", "payload" : { "namespace" : "", "name" : "" } } ``` ### `InvalidLibraryName` Signals that the chosen library name is invalid. It contains a suggestion of a similar name that is valid. For example for `FooBar` it will suggest `Foo_Bar`. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8009, "message" : "[] is not a valid name: .", "payload" : { "suggestedName" : "" } } ``` ### `DependencyDiscoveryError` Signals that the library preinstall endpoint could not properly find dependencies of the requested library. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8010, "message" : "Error occurred while discovering dependencies: ." } ``` ### `InvalidSemverVersion` Signals that the provided version string is not a valid semver version. The message contains the invalid version in the payload. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 8011, "message" : "[] is not a valid semver version.", "payload" : { "version" : "" } } ``` ### `ExpressionNotFoundError` Signals that the expression cannot be found by the provided id. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 9001, "message" : "Expression not found by id []" } ``` ### `FailedToApplyEdits` Signals that the refactoring operation was not able to apply generated edits. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 9002, "message" : "Failed to apply edits to module []" } ``` ### `RefactoringNotSupported` Signals that the refactoring of the given expression is not supported. ```typescript "error" : { "code" : 9003, "message" : "Refactoring not supported for expression []" } ```