/** @file Definition of hash computing functions. */ // Eslint is not (and should not be) set up to recognize CommonJS imports. /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ const cryptoModule = require('crypto') const fs = require('fs') const pathModule = require('path') /* eslint-enable no-restricted-syntax */ // ================= // === Constants === // ================= /** @typedef {"md5" | "sha1" | "sha256"} ChecksumType */ const CHECKSUM_TYPE = 'sha256' // ================ // === Checksum === // ================ /** The `type` argument can be one of `md5`, `sha1`, or `sha256`. * @param {string} path - Path to the file. * @param {ChecksumType} type - The checksum algorithm to use. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to the checksum. */ function getChecksum(path, type) { return new Promise( // This JSDoc annotation is required for correct types that are also type-safe. /** @param {(value: string) => void} resolve - Fulfill the promise with the given value. */ (resolve, reject) => { const hash = cryptoModule.createHash(type) const input = fs.createReadStream(path) input.on('error', reject) input.on('data', chunk => { hash.update(chunk) }) input.on('close', () => { resolve(hash.digest('hex')) }) } ) } /** Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/57371333. * @param {string} file - The path to the file. * @param {string} extension - The new extension of the file. * @returns A path with the new exension. */ function changeExtension(file, extension) { const basename = pathModule.basename(file, pathModule.extname(file)) return pathModule.join(pathModule.dirname(file), `${basename}.${extension}`) } /** Write the file checksum to the provided path. * @param {string} path - The path to the file. * @param {ChecksumType} type - The checksum algorithm to use. */ async function writeFileChecksum(path, type) { const checksum = await getChecksum(path, type) const targetPath = changeExtension(path, type) console.log(`Writing ${targetPath}. Checksum is ${checksum}.`) await fs.promises.writeFile(targetPath, checksum, 'utf8') } // ================ // === Callback === // ================ /** Generates checksums for all build artifacts. * @param {import('electron-builder').BuildResult} context - Build information. */ exports.default = async function (context) { // `context` is BuildResult, see // https://www.electron.build/configuration/configuration.html#buildresult for (const file of context.artifactPaths) { console.log(`Generating ${CHECKSUM_TYPE} checksum for ${file}.`) await writeFileChecksum(file, CHECKSUM_TYPE) } return [] }