# Desktop app This folder contains projects related to the desktop app. ## Folder structure Refer to the `README.md` in each individual module (if it exists) for the internal folder structure of the module. - `assets/`: Icons and images used by other modules. Currently these are only used by `dashboard/`. - `client/`: The code for the Electron desktop app. - `common/`: Utility functions required by multiple other modules. - `content/`: The entry point for the GUI1 web app. This is the main page for the desktop app. - `content-config/`: The statically-typed configuration object for `content/`. - [`dashboard/`](./lib/dashboard/README.md): The dashboard, used to manage projects. It launches the GUI (located in `content/` for GUI1, or `/app/gui2/` for GUI2) when a project is opened. - `esbuild-plugin-copy-directories/`: An ESBuild plugin for continuously copying directories from the a given location to a given subdirectory of the build output directory. - `icons/`: Generates the logo for the app. - `ts-plugin-namespace-auto-import/`: (WIP) A TypeScript plugin to change auto-import to use `import * as moduleName` rather than `import {}`. - `types/`: Miscellaneous types used by multiple modules.