/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-redeclare */ /** @file Various actions, locators, and constants used in end-to-end tests. */ import * as test from '@playwright/test' import DrivePageActions from './actions/DrivePageActions' import LoginPageActions from './actions/LoginPageActions' import * as apiModule from './api' /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-namespace */ // ================= // === Constants === // ================= /** An example password that does not meet validation requirements. */ export const INVALID_PASSWORD = 'password' /** An example password that meets validation requirements. */ export const VALID_PASSWORD = 'Password0!' /** An example valid email address. */ export const VALID_EMAIL = 'email@example.com' // ================ // === Locators === // ================ // === Input locators === /** Find an email input (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateEmailInput(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByPlaceholder('Enter your email') } /** Find a password input (if any) on the current page. */ export function locatePasswordInput(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByPlaceholder('Enter your password') } /** Find a "confirm password" input (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateConfirmPasswordInput(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByPlaceholder('Confirm your password') } /** Find a "username" input (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateUsernameInput(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByPlaceholder('Enter your username') } /** Find a "name" input for a "new label" modal (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateNewLabelModalNameInput(page: test.Page) { return locateNewLabelModal(page).getByLabel('Name') } /** Find all color radio button inputs for a "new label" modal (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateNewLabelModalColorButtons(page: test.Page) { return ( locateNewLabelModal(page) .filter({ has: page.getByText('Color') }) // The `radio` inputs are invisible, so they cannot be used in the locator. .locator('label[data-rac]') ) } /** Find a "name" input for an "upsert secret" modal (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSecretNameInput(page: test.Page) { return locateUpsertSecretModal(page).getByPlaceholder('Enter the name of the secret') } /** Find a "value" input for an "upsert secret" modal (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSecretValueInput(page: test.Page) { return locateUpsertSecretModal(page).getByPlaceholder('Enter the value of the secret') } /** Find a search bar input (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSearchBarInput(page: test.Page) { return locateSearchBar(page).getByPlaceholder(/(?:)/) } /** Find the name column of the given assets table row. */ export function locateAssetRowName(locator: test.Locator) { return locator.getByTestId('asset-row-name') } // === Button locators === /** Find a "login" button (if any) on the current locator. */ export function locateLoginButton(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Login', exact: true }).getByText('Login') } /** Find a "register" button (if any) on the current locator. */ export function locateRegisterButton(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Register' }).getByText('Register') } /** Find a "set username" button (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSetUsernameButton(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Set Username' }).getByText('Set Username') } /** Find a "delete" button (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateDeleteButton(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Delete' }).getByText('Delete') } /** Find a button to delete something (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateDeleteIcon(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByAltText('Delete') } /** Find a "create" button (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateCreateButton(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Create' }).getByText('Create') } /** Find a button to open the editor (if any) on the current page. */ export function locatePlayOrOpenProjectButton(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByLabel('Open in editor') } /** Find a button to close the project (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateStopProjectButton(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByLabel('Stop execution') } /** Close a modal. */ export function closeModal(page: test.Page) { return test.test.step('Close modal', async () => { await page.getByLabel('Close').click() }) } /** Find all labels in the labels panel (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateLabelsPanelLabels(page: test.Page, name?: string) { return ( locateLabelsPanel(page) .getByRole('button') .filter(name != null ? { has: page.getByText(name) } : {}) // The delete button is also a `button`. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties .and(page.locator(':nth-child(1)')) ) } /** Find a tick button (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateEditingTick(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByLabel('Confirm Edit') } /** Find a cross button (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateEditingCross(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByLabel('Cancel Edit') } /** Find labels in the "Labels" column of the assets table (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateAssetLabels(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByTestId('asset-label') } /** Find a toggle for the "Name" column (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateNameColumnToggle(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByAltText('Name') } /** Find a toggle for the "Modified" column (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateModifiedColumnToggle(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByAltText('Modified') } /** Find a toggle for the "Shared with" column (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSharedWithColumnToggle(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByAltText('Shared With') } /** Find a toggle for the "Labels" column (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateLabelsColumnToggle(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByAltText('Labels') } /** Find a toggle for the "Accessed by projects" column (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateAccessedByProjectsColumnToggle(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByAltText('Accessed By Projects') } /** Find a toggle for the "Accessed data" column (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateAccessedDataColumnToggle(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByAltText('Accessed Data') } /** Find a toggle for the "Docs" column (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateDocsColumnToggle(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByAltText('Docs') } /** Find a button for the "Recent" category (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateRecentCategory(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByLabel('Recent').locator('visible=true') } /** Find a button for the "Home" category (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateHomeCategory(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByLabel('Home').locator('visible=true') } /** Find a button for the "Trash" category (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateTrashCategory(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByLabel('Trash').locator('visible=true') } // === Other buttons === /** Find a "new label" button (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateNewLabelButton(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'new label' }).getByText('new label') } /** Find an "upgrade" button (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateUpgradeButton(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Upgrade', exact: true }).getByText('Upgrade').first() } /** Find a not enabled stub view (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateNotEnabledStub(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByTestId('not-enabled-stub') } /** Find a "new folder" icon (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateNewFolderIcon(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'New Folder' }) } /** Find a "new secret" icon (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateNewSecretIcon(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'New Secret' }) } /** Find a "download files" icon (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateDownloadFilesIcon(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Export' }) } /** Find a list of tags in the search bar (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSearchBarTags(page: test.Page) { return locateSearchBar(page).getByTestId('asset-search-tag-names').getByRole('button') } /** Find a list of labels in the search bar (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSearchBarLabels(page: test.Page) { return locateSearchBar(page).getByTestId('asset-search-labels').getByRole('button') } /** Find a list of labels in the search bar (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSearchBarSuggestions(page: test.Page) { return locateSearchBar(page).getByTestId('asset-search-suggestion') } // === Icon locators === // These are specifically icons that are not also buttons. // Icons that *are* buttons belong in the "Button locators" section. /** Find a "sort ascending" icon (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSortAscendingIcon(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByAltText('Sort Ascending') } /** Find a "sort descending" icon (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSortDescendingIcon(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page.getByAltText('Sort Descending') } // === Heading locators === /** Find a "name" column heading (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateNameColumnHeading(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page .getByLabel('Sort by name') .or(page.getByLabel('Stop sorting by name')) .or(page.getByLabel('Sort by name descending')) } /** Find a "modified" column heading (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateModifiedColumnHeading(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { return page .getByLabel('Sort by modification date') .or(page.getByLabel('Stop sorting by modification date')) .or(page.getByLabel('Sort by modification date descending')) } // === Container locators === /** Find a drive view (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateDriveView(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('drive-view') } /** Find a samples list (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSamplesList(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('samples') } /** Find all samples list (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSamples(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return locateSamplesList(page).getByRole('button') } /** Find a modal background (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateModalBackground(page: test.Locator | test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('modal-background') } /** Find an editor container (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateEditor(page: test.Page) { // Test ID of a placeholder editor component used during testing. return page.getByTestId('gui-editor-root') } /** Find an assets table (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateAssetsTable(page: test.Page) { return locateDriveView(page).getByRole('table') } /** Find assets table rows (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateAssetRows(page: test.Page) { return locateAssetsTable(page).locator('tbody').getByRole('row') } /** Find the name column of the given asset row. */ export function locateAssetName(locator: test.Locator) { return locator.locator('> :nth-child(1)') } /** Find assets table rows that represent directories that can be expanded (if any) * on the current page. */ export function locateExpandableDirectories(page: test.Page) { // The icon is hidden when not hovered so `getByLabel` will not work. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties return locateAssetRows(page).filter({ has: page.locator('[aria-label=Expand]') }) } /** Find assets table rows that represent directories that can be collapsed (if any) * on the current page. */ export function locateCollapsibleDirectories(page: test.Page) { // The icon is hidden when not hovered so `getByLabel` will not work. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties return locateAssetRows(page).filter({ has: page.locator('[aria-label=Collapse]') }) } /** Find a "confirm delete" modal (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateConfirmDeleteModal(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('confirm-delete-modal') } /** Find a "new label" modal (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateNewLabelModal(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('new-label-modal') } /** Find an "upsert secret" modal (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateUpsertSecretModal(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('upsert-secret-modal') } /** Find a "new user group" modal (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateNewUserGroupModal(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('new-user-group-modal') } /** Find a user menu (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateUserMenu(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('user-menu') } /** Find a "set username" panel (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSetUsernamePanel(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('set-username-panel') } /** Find a set of context menus (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateContextMenus(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('context-menus') } /** Find a labels panel (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateLabelsPanel(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('labels') } /** Find a list of labels (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateLabelsList(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('labels-list') } /** Find an asset panel (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateAssetPanel(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('asset-panel').locator('visible=true') } /** Find a search bar (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateSearchBar(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('asset-search-bar') } /** Find an extra columns button panel (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateExtraColumns(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('extra-columns') } /** Find a root directory dropzone (if any) on the current page. * This is the empty space below the assets table, if it doesn't take up the whole screen * vertically. */ export function locateRootDirectoryDropzone(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return page.getByTestId('root-directory-dropzone') } // === Content locators === /** Find an asset description in an asset panel (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateAssetPanelDescription(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return locateAssetPanel(page).getByTestId('asset-panel-description') } /** Find asset permissions in an asset panel (if any) on the current page. */ export function locateAssetPanelPermissions(page: test.Page) { // This has no identifying features. return locateAssetPanel(page).getByTestId('asset-panel-permissions').getByRole('button') } export namespace settings { export namespace tab { export namespace organization { /** Find an "organization" tab button. */ export function locate(page: test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Organization' }).getByText('Organization') } } export namespace members { /** Find a "members" tab button. */ export function locate(page: test.Page) { return page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Members', exact: true }).getByText('Members') } } } export namespace userAccount { /** Navigate so that the "user account" settings section is visible. */ export async function go(page: test.Page) { await test.test.step('Go to "user account" settings section', async () => { await press(page, 'Mod+,') }) } /** Find a "user account" settings section. */ export function locate(page: test.Page) { return page.getByRole('heading').and(page.getByText('User Account')).locator('..') } /** Find a "name" input in the "user account" settings section. */ export function locateNameInput(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).getByLabel('Name') } } export namespace changePassword { /** Navigate so that the "change password" settings section is visible. */ export async function go(page: test.Page) { await test.test.step('Go to "change password" settings section', async () => { await press(page, 'Mod+,') }) } /** Find a "change password" settings section. */ export function locate(page: test.Page) { return page.getByRole('heading').and(page.getByText('Change Password')).locator('..') } /** Find a "current password" input in the "user account" settings section. */ export function locateCurrentPasswordInput(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).getByLabel('Current password') } /** Find a "new password" input in the "user account" settings section. */ export function locateNewPasswordInput(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).getByLabel('New password', { exact: true }) } /** Find a "confirm new password" input in the "user account" settings section. */ export function locateConfirmNewPasswordInput(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).getByLabel('Confirm new password') } /** Find a "change" button. */ export function locateChangeButton(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).getByRole('button', { name: 'Change' }).getByText('Change') } } export namespace profilePicture { /** Navigate so that the "profile picture" settings section is visible. */ export async function go(page: test.Page) { await test.test.step('Go to "profile picture" settings section', async () => { await press(page, 'Mod+,') }) } /** Find a "profile picture" settings section. */ export function locate(page: test.Page) { return page.getByRole('heading').and(page.getByText('Profile Picture')).locator('..') } /** Find a "profile picture" input. */ export function locateInput(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).locator('label') } } export namespace organization { /** Navigate so that the "organization" settings section is visible. */ export async function go(page: test.Page) { await test.test.step('Go to "organization" settings section', async () => { await press(page, 'Mod+,') await settings.tab.organization.locate(page).click() }) } /** Find an "organization" settings section. */ export function locate(page: test.Page) { return page.getByRole('heading').and(page.getByText('Organization')).locator('..') } /** Find a "name" input in the "organization" settings section. */ export function locateNameInput(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).getByLabel('Organization display name') } /** Find an "email" input in the "organization" settings section. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-shadow export function locateEmailInput(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).getByLabel('Email') } /** Find an "website" input in the "organization" settings section. */ export function locateWebsiteInput(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).getByLabel('Website') } /** Find an "location" input in the "organization" settings section. */ export function locateLocationInput(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).getByLabel('Location') } } export namespace organizationProfilePicture { /** Navigate so that the "organization profile picture" settings section is visible. */ export async function go(page: test.Page) { await test.test.step('Go to "organization profile picture" settings section', async () => { await press(page, 'Mod+,') await settings.tab.organization.locate(page).click() }) } /** Find an "organization profile picture" settings section. */ export function locate(page: test.Page) { return page.getByRole('heading').and(page.getByText('Profile Picture')).locator('..') } /** Find a "profile picture" input. */ export function locateInput(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).locator('label') } } export namespace members { /** Navigate so that the "members" settings section is visible. */ export async function go(page: test.Page, force = false) { await test.test.step('Go to "members" settings section', async () => { await press(page, 'Mod+,') await settings.tab.members.locate(page).click({ force }) }) } /** Find a "members" settings section. */ export function locate(page: test.Page) { return page.getByRole('heading').and(page.getByText('Members')).locator('..') } /** Find all rows representing members of the current organization. */ export function locateMembersRows(page: test.Page) { return locate(page).locator('tbody').getByRole('row') } } } // =============================== // === Visual layout utilities === // =============================== /** Get the left side of the bounding box of an asset row. The locator MUST be for an asset row. * DO NOT assume the left side of the outer container will change. This means that it is NOT SAFE * to do anything with the returned values other than comparing them. */ export function getAssetRowLeftPx(locator: test.Locator) { return locator.evaluate(el => el.children[0]?.children[0]?.getBoundingClientRect().left ?? 0) } // =================================== // === Expect functions for themes === // =================================== /** A test assertion to confirm that the element has the class `selected`. */ export async function expectClassSelected(locator: test.Locator) { await test.test.step('Expect `selected`', async () => { await test.expect(locator).toHaveClass(/(?:^| )selected(?: |$)/) }) } // ============================== // === Other expect functions === // ============================== /** A test assertion to confirm that the element is fully transparent. */ export async function expectOpacity0(locator: test.Locator) { await test.test.step('Expect `opacity: 0`', async () => { await test .expect(async () => { test.expect(await locator.evaluate(el => getComputedStyle(el).opacity)).toBe('0') }) .toPass() }) } /** A test assertion to confirm that the element is not fully transparent. */ export async function expectNotOpacity0(locator: test.Locator) { await test.test.step('Expect not `opacity: 0`', async () => { await test .expect(async () => { test.expect(await locator.evaluate(el => getComputedStyle(el).opacity)).not.toBe('0') }) .toPass() }) } /** A test assertion to confirm that the element is onscreen. */ export async function expectOnScreen(locator: test.Locator) { await test.test.step('Expect to be onscreen', async () => { await test .expect(async () => { const pageBounds = await locator.evaluate(() => document.body.getBoundingClientRect()) const bounds = await locator.evaluate(el => el.getBoundingClientRect()) test .expect( bounds.left < pageBounds.right && bounds.right > pageBounds.left && bounds.top < pageBounds.bottom && bounds.bottom > pageBounds.top ) .toBe(true) }) .toPass() }) } /** A test assertion to confirm that the element is onscreen. */ export async function expectNotOnScreen(locator: test.Locator) { await test.test.step('Expect to not be onscreen', async () => { await test .expect(async () => { const pageBounds = await locator.evaluate(() => document.body.getBoundingClientRect()) const bounds = await locator.evaluate(el => el.getBoundingClientRect()) test .expect( bounds.left >= pageBounds.right || bounds.right <= pageBounds.left || bounds.top >= pageBounds.bottom || bounds.bottom <= pageBounds.top ) .toBe(true) }) .toPass() }) } // ======================= // === Mouse utilities === // ======================= // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers export const ASSET_ROW_SAFE_POSITION = { x: 300, y: 16 } /** Click an asset row. The center must not be clicked as that is the button for adding a label. */ export async function clickAssetRow(assetRow: test.Locator) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers await assetRow.click({ position: ASSET_ROW_SAFE_POSITION }) } /** Drag an asset row. The center must not be clicked as that is the button for adding a label. */ export async function dragAssetRowToAssetRow(from: test.Locator, to: test.Locator) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers await from.dragTo(to, { sourcePosition: ASSET_ROW_SAFE_POSITION, targetPosition: ASSET_ROW_SAFE_POSITION, }) } /** Drag an asset row. The center must not be clicked as that is the button for adding a label. */ export async function dragAssetRow(from: test.Locator, to: test.Locator) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers await from.dragTo(to, { sourcePosition: ASSET_ROW_SAFE_POSITION }) } // ========================== // === Keyboard utilities === // ========================== /** `Meta` (`Cmd`) on macOS, and `Control` on all other platforms. */ export async function modModifier(page: test.Page) { let userAgent = '' await test.test.step('Detect browser OS', async () => { userAgent = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent) }) return /\bMac OS\b/i.test(userAgent) ? 'Meta' : 'Control' } /** Press a key, replacing the text `Mod` with `Meta` (`Cmd`) on macOS, and `Control` * on all other platforms. */ export async function press(page: test.Page, keyOrShortcut: string) { await test.test.step(`Press '${keyOrShortcut}'`, async () => { if (/\bMod\b|\bDelete\b/.test(keyOrShortcut)) { let userAgent = '' await test.test.step('Detect browser OS', async () => { userAgent = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent) }) const isMacOS = /\bMac OS\b/i.test(userAgent) const ctrlKey = isMacOS ? 'Meta' : 'Control' const deleteKey = isMacOS ? 'Backspace' : 'Delete' const shortcut = keyOrShortcut.replace(/\bMod\b/, ctrlKey).replace(/\bDelete\b/, deleteKey) await page.keyboard.press(shortcut) } else { await page.keyboard.press(keyOrShortcut) } }) } // ============= // === login === // ============= /** Perform a successful login. */ // This syntax is required for Playwright to work properly. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax export async function login( { page, setupAPI }: MockParams, email = 'email@example.com', password = VALID_PASSWORD, first = true ) { await test.test.step('Login', async () => { await page.goto('/') await locateEmailInput(page).fill(email) await locatePasswordInput(page).fill(password) await locateLoginButton(page).click() await test.expect(page.getByText('Logging in to Enso...')).not.toBeVisible() if (first) { await passTermsAndConditionsDialog({ page, setupAPI }) await test.expect(page.getByText('Logging in to Enso...')).not.toBeVisible() } }) } // ============== // === reload === // ============== /** Reload. */ // This syntax is required for Playwright to work properly. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax export async function reload({ page }: MockParams) { await test.test.step('Reload', async () => { await page.reload() await test.expect(page.getByText('Logging in to Enso...')).not.toBeVisible() }) } // ============= // === relog === // ============= /** Logout and then login again. */ // This syntax is required for Playwright to work properly. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax export async function relog( { page, setupAPI }: MockParams, email = 'email@example.com', password = VALID_PASSWORD ) { await test.test.step('Relog', async () => { await page.getByAltText('User Settings').locator('visible=true').click() await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Logout' }).getByText('Logout').click() await login({ page, setupAPI }, email, password, false) }) } // ================ // === mockDate === // ================ /** A placeholder date for visual regression testing. */ const MOCK_DATE = Number(new Date('01/23/45 01:23:45')) /** Parameters for {@link mockDate}. */ interface MockParams { readonly page: test.Page readonly setupAPI?: apiModule.SetupAPI | undefined } /** Replace `Date` with a version that returns a fixed time. */ // This syntax is required for Playwright to work properly. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax async function mockDate({ page }: MockParams) { // https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/6347#issuecomment-1085850728 await test.test.step('Mock Date', async () => { await page.addInitScript(`{ Date = class extends Date { constructor(...args) { if (args.length === 0) { super(${MOCK_DATE}); } else { super(...args); } } } const __DateNowOffset = ${MOCK_DATE} - Date.now(); const __DateNow = Date.now; Date.now = () => __DateNow() + __DateNowOffset; }`) }) } /** Pass the Terms and conditions dialog. */ export async function passTermsAndConditionsDialog({ page }: MockParams) { await test.test.step('Accept Terms and Conditions', async () => { await page.waitForSelector('#terms-of-service-modal') await page.getByRole('checkbox').click() await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Accept' }).click() }) } // =============== // === mockApi === // =============== // This is a function, even though it does not use function syntax. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax export const mockApi = apiModule.mockApi // =============== // === mockAll === // =============== /** Set up all mocks, without logging in. */ // This syntax is required for Playwright to work properly. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax export async function mockAll({ page, setupAPI }: MockParams) { return await test.test.step('Execute all mocks', async () => { const api = await mockApi({ page, setupAPI }) await mockDate({ page, setupAPI }) return { api, pageActions: new LoginPageActions(page) } }) } // ======================= // === mockAllAndLogin === // ======================= /** Set up all mocks, and log in with dummy credentials. */ // This syntax is required for Playwright to work properly. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax export async function mockAllAndLogin({ page, setupAPI }: MockParams) { return await test.test.step('Execute all mocks and login', async () => { const mocks = await mockAll({ page, setupAPI }) await login({ page, setupAPI }) return { ...mocks, pageActions: new DrivePageActions(page) } }) }