import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.internal.util.ManagedLogger object GenerateAST { lazy val task = Def.task { val log = state.value.log val lib = baseDirectory.value.getParentFile.getParentFile val source = lib / "rust/ast/src/" val output = sourceManaged.value / "main/org/enso/ast/Ast.scala" val cache = streams.value.cacheStoreFactory.make("ast_source") Tracked.diffInputs(cache, FileInfo.lastModified)(Set(source)) { source: ChangeReport[File] => val rustVersion = Cargo.rustVersion.value if (source.modified.nonEmpty) { output.getParentFile.mkdirs generateAST(rustVersion, output, log) } } Seq(output) } /** * Generates the Scala AST in the specified file. All errors are reported in * stderr and raise a runtime exception. * * @param out the file where the generated AST is going to be placed */ def generateAST (rustVersion: String, out: File, log: ManagedLogger): Unit = { val args = s"run -p ast -- --generate-scala-ast $out""Generating Scala AST from Rust definitions.") try, rustVersion, log) catch { case ex: RuntimeException => log.error(s"Generation of the Scala AST failed.") throw ex } } }