/** @file ⚠️⚠️⚠️ THIS SCRIPT IS PROVIDED ONLY FOR CONVENIENCE. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ * The sources of truth are at `build/build/src/project/gui2.rs` and * `build/build/src/ide/web/fonts.rs`. */ import * as fsSync from 'node:fs' import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises' import * as http from 'node:http' import * as https from 'node:https' import * as process from 'node:process' import tar from 'tar' import bz2 from 'unbzip2-stream' if (process.env.CI === '1') process.exit(0) const WARNING_MESSAGE = '⚠️⚠️⚠️ Please use the buildscript (`./run`) to download fonts instead. ⚠️⚠️⚠️' let warningMessageAlreadyShown = false let exitCode = 0 const ENSO_FONT_URL = 'https://github.com/enso-org/font/releases/download/1.0/enso-font-1.0.tar.gz' const MPLUS1_FONT_URL = 'https://github.com/coz-m/MPLUS_FONTS/raw/71d438c798d063cc6fdae8d2864bc48f2d3d06ad/fonts/ttf/MPLUS1%5Bwght%5D.ttf' const DEJAVU_SANS_MONO_FONT_URL = 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/dejavu/files/dejavu/2.37/dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.37.tar.bz2' /** @param {string | https.RequestOptions | URL} options * @param {((res: import('node:http').IncomingMessage) => void) | undefined} [callback] */ function get(options, callback) { const protocol = typeof options === 'string' ? new URL(options).protocol : options.protocol ?? 'https:' /** @type {{ get: typeof http['get'] }} */ let httpModule = https switch (protocol) { case 'http:': { httpModule = http break } } return httpModule.get(options, (response) => { const location = response.headers.location if (location) { get( typeof options === 'string' || options instanceof URL ? location : { ...options, ...new URL(location) }, callback, ) } else { callback?.(response) } }) } /** @param {unknown} error */ function errorCode(error) { return ( typeof error === 'object' && error != null && 'code' in error && typeof error.code === 'string' ) ? error.code : undefined } /** @param {unknown} error */ function isFileNotFoundError(error) { return errorCode(error) === 'ENOENT' } const ENSO_FONT_VARIANTS = [ { variant: 'Thin', weight: 100 }, { variant: 'ExtraLight', weight: 200 }, { variant: 'Light', weight: 300 }, { variant: 'Regular', weight: 400 }, { variant: 'Medium', weight: 500 }, { variant: 'SemiBold', weight: 600 }, { variant: 'Bold', weight: 700 }, { variant: 'ExtraBold', weight: 800 }, { variant: 'Black', weight: 900 }, ].map((variant) => ({ font: 'Enso', ...variant })) const DEJAVU_FONT_VARIANTS = [ { variant: 'DejaVuSansMono', weight: 400 }, { variant: 'DejaVuSansMono-Bold', weight: 700 }, ].map((variant) => ({ font: 'DejaVu Sans Mono', ...variant })) try { await fs.access(`./src/assets/font-enso.css`) for (const { variant } of ENSO_FONT_VARIANTS) { await fs.access(`./public/font-enso/Enso-${variant}.ttf`) } console.info('Enso font already downloaded, skipping...') } catch (error) { if (!isFileNotFoundError(error)) { console.error('Unexpected error occurred when checking for Enso font:') console.error(error) exitCode = 1 } else { if (!warningMessageAlreadyShown) console.warn(WARNING_MESSAGE) warningMessageAlreadyShown = true console.info('Downloading Enso font...') await fs.rm('./public/font-enso/', { recursive: true, force: true }) await fs.mkdir('./public/font-enso/', { recursive: true }) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { get(ENSO_FONT_URL, (response) => { response.pipe( tar.extract({ cwd: './public/font-enso/', strip: 1, filter(path) { // Reject files starting with `.`. return !/[\\/][.]/.test(path) }, }), ) response.on('end', resolve) response.on('error', reject) }) }) /** @type {string[]} */ let css = [] for (const { font, variant, weight } of ENSO_FONT_VARIANTS) { css.push(`\ @font-face { font-family: '${font}'; src: url('/font-enso/Enso-${variant}.ttf'); font-weight: ${weight}; } `) } await fs.writeFile('./src/assets/font-enso.css', css.join('\n')) } } try { await fs.access(`./src/assets/font-mplus1.css`) await fs.access(`./public/font-mplus1/MPLUS1[wght].ttf`) console.info('M PLUS 1 font already downloaded, skipping...') } catch (error) { if (!isFileNotFoundError(error)) { console.error('Unexpected error occurred when checking for M PLUS 1 font:') console.error(error) exitCode = 1 } else { if (!warningMessageAlreadyShown) console.warn(WARNING_MESSAGE) warningMessageAlreadyShown = true console.info('Downloading M PLUS 1 font...') await fs.rm('./public/font-mplus1/', { recursive: true, force: true }) await fs.mkdir('./public/font-mplus1/', { recursive: true }) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { get(MPLUS1_FONT_URL, (response) => { response.pipe(fsSync.createWriteStream('./public/font-mplus1/MPLUS1[wght].ttf')) response.on('end', resolve) response.on('error', reject) }) }) const css = `\ @font-face { font-family: 'M PLUS 1'; src: url('/font-mplus1/MPLUS1[wght].ttf'); } ` await fs.writeFile('./src/assets/font-mplus1.css', css) } } try { await fs.access(`./src/assets/font-dejavu.css`) for (const variant of ['', '-Bold']) { await fs.access(`./public/font-dejavu/DejaVuSansMono${variant}.ttf`) } console.info('DejaVu Sans Mono font already downloaded, skipping...') } catch (error) { if (!isFileNotFoundError(error)) { console.error('Unexpected error occurred when checking for DejaVu Sans Mono font:') console.error(error) exitCode = 1 } else { if (!warningMessageAlreadyShown) console.warn(WARNING_MESSAGE) warningMessageAlreadyShown = true console.info('Downloading DejaVu Sans Mono font...') await fs.rm('./public/font-dejavu/', { recursive: true, force: true }) await fs.mkdir('./public/font-dejavu/', { recursive: true }) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { get(DEJAVU_SANS_MONO_FONT_URL, (response) => { response.pipe(bz2()).pipe( tar.extract({ cwd: './public/font-dejavu/', strip: 2, filter(path) { return /[\\/]DejaVuSansMono/.test(path) && !/Oblique[.]ttf$/.test(path) }, }), ) response.on('end', resolve) response.on('error', reject) }) }) /** @type {string[]} */ let css = [] for (const { font, variant, weight } of DEJAVU_FONT_VARIANTS) { css.push(`\ @font-face { font-family: '${font}'; src: url('/font-dejavu/${variant}.ttf'); font-weight: ${weight}; } `) } await fs.writeFile('./src/assets/font-dejavu.css', css.join('\n')) } } console.info('Done.') if (exitCode !== 0) process.exit(exitCode)