If you came here looking for Enso's community hub, it's found in the Enso repository instead. We'll be glad to see you there!
### Overview
Enso is an open source visual data science language selected by Singularity
University and NASA as one of 20 most unique technologies worldwide. Enso
consists of several sub-projects, including the
[Enso Language Compiler](https://github.com/enso-org/enso), the
[Enso Integrated Development Environment (IDE)](https://github.com/enso-org/ide),
[a high performance WebGL UI framework (EnsoGL)](https://github.com/enso-org/ide/tree/main/src/rust/ensogl).
### Getting Started
Enso is distributed both in form of
[pre-build packages for MacOS, Windows, or Linux](https://github.com/enso-org/ide/releases),
as well as the [source code](https://github.com/enso-org). See the
[demo scenes](http://TODO), and read the [documentation](docs/product) to learn
Currently to start IDE you have to run **Enso Project Manager** first. For more
information and packages see
[Enso repository](https://github.com/enso-org/enso).
### Building
The project builds on MacOS, Linux, and Windows. Simply run `node ./run build`
to build it and use `node ./run --help` to learn about other available commands
and options. Read the detailed [development guide](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) to
learn more.
### License
The Enso Language Compiler is released under the terms of the
[Apache v2 License](https://github.com/enso-org/enso/blob/main/LICENSE). The
Enso Graphical Interface and it's rendering engine are released under the terms
of the [AGPL v3 License](https://github.com/enso-org/ide/blob/main/LICENSE).
This license set was choosen to both provide you with a complete freedom to use
Enso, create libraries, and release them under any license of your choice, while
also allowing us to release commercial products on top of the platform,
including Enso Cloud and Enso Enterprise on-premise server managers.
### Contributing
Enso is a community-driven open source project which is and will always be open
and free to use. We are committed to a fully transparent development process and
highly appreciate every contribution. If you love the vision behind Enso and you
want to redefine the data processing world, join us and help us track down bugs,
implement new features, improve the documentation or spread the word! Join our
community on a [Discord chat](http://chat.enso.org) and read the
[development and contributing guidelines](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md).