/** @file Test copying, moving, cutting and pasting. */ import * as test from '@playwright/test' import * as actions from './actions' test.test('copy', ({ page }) => actions .mockAllAndLogin({ page }) // Assets: [0: Folder 1] .createFolder() // Assets: [0: Folder 2, 1: Folder 1] .createFolder() .driveTable.rightClickRow(0) // Assets: [0: Folder 2 , 1: Folder 1] .contextMenu.copy() .driveTable.rightClickRow(1) // Assets: [0: Folder 2, 1: Folder 1, 2: Folder 2 (copy) ] .contextMenu.paste() .driveTable.withRows(async (rows) => { await test.expect(rows).toHaveCount(3) await test.expect(rows.nth(2)).toBeVisible() await test.expect(rows.nth(2)).toHaveText(/^New Folder 1 [(]copy[)]*/) const parentLeft = await actions.getAssetRowLeftPx(rows.nth(1)) const childLeft = await actions.getAssetRowLeftPx(rows.nth(2)) test.expect(childLeft, 'child is indented further than parent').toBeGreaterThan(parentLeft) }), ) test.test('copy (keyboard)', ({ page }) => actions .mockAllAndLogin({ page }) // Assets: [0: Folder 1] .createFolder() // Assets: [0: Folder 2, 1: Folder 1] .createFolder() .driveTable.clickRow(0) // Assets: [0: Folder 2 , 1: Folder 1] .press('Mod+C') .driveTable.clickRow(1) // Assets: [0: Folder 2, 1: Folder 1, 2: Folder 2 (copy) ] .press('Mod+V') .driveTable.withRows(async (rows) => { await test.expect(rows).toHaveCount(3) await test.expect(rows.nth(2)).toBeVisible() await test.expect(rows.nth(2)).toHaveText(/^New Folder 1 [(]copy[)]*/) const parentLeft = await actions.getAssetRowLeftPx(rows.nth(1)) const childLeft = await actions.getAssetRowLeftPx(rows.nth(2)) test.expect(childLeft, 'child is indented further than parent').toBeGreaterThan(parentLeft) }), ) test.test('move', ({ page }) => actions .mockAllAndLogin({ page }) // Assets: [0: Folder 1] .createFolder() // Assets: [0: Folder 2, 1: Folder 1] .createFolder() .driveTable.rightClickRow(0) // Assets: [0: Folder 2 , 1: Folder 1] .contextMenu.cut() .driveTable.rightClickRow(1) // Assets: [0: Folder 1, 1: Folder 2 ] .contextMenu.paste() .driveTable.withRows(async (rows) => { await test.expect(rows).toHaveCount(2) await test.expect(rows.nth(1)).toBeVisible() await test.expect(rows.nth(1)).toHaveText(/^New Folder 1/) const parentLeft = await actions.getAssetRowLeftPx(rows.nth(0)) const childLeft = await actions.getAssetRowLeftPx(rows.nth(1)) test.expect(childLeft, 'child is indented further than parent').toBeGreaterThan(parentLeft) }), ) test.test('move (drag)', ({ page }) => actions .mockAllAndLogin({ page }) // Assets: [0: Folder 1] .createFolder() // Assets: [0: Folder 2, 1: Folder 1] .createFolder() // Assets: [0: Folder 1, 1: Folder 2 ] .driveTable.dragRowToRow(0, 1) .driveTable.withRows(async (rows) => { await test.expect(rows).toHaveCount(2) await test.expect(rows.nth(1)).toBeVisible() await test.expect(rows.nth(1)).toHaveText(/^New Folder 1/) const parentLeft = await actions.getAssetRowLeftPx(rows.nth(0)) const childLeft = await actions.getAssetRowLeftPx(rows.nth(1)) test.expect(childLeft, 'child is indented further than parent').toBeGreaterThan(parentLeft) }), ) test.test('move to trash', ({ page }) => actions .mockAllAndLogin({ page }) // Assets: [0: Folder 1] .createFolder() // Assets: [0: Folder 2, 1: Folder 1] .createFolder() // NOTE: For some reason, `react-aria-components` causes drag-n-drop to break if `Mod` is still // held. .withModPressed((modActions) => modActions.driveTable.clickRow(0).driveTable.clickRow(1)) .driveTable.dragRow(0, actions.locateTrashCategory(page)) .driveTable.expectPlaceholderRow() .goToCategory.trash() .driveTable.withRows(async (rows) => { await test.expect(rows).toHaveText([/^New Folder 1/, /^New Folder 2/]) }), ) test.test('move (keyboard)', ({ page }) => actions .mockAllAndLogin({ page }) // Assets: [0: Folder 1] .createFolder() // Assets: [0: Folder 2, 1: Folder 1] .createFolder() .driveTable.clickRow(0) // Assets: [0: Folder 2 , 1: Folder 1] .press('Mod+X') .driveTable.clickRow(1) // Assets: [0: Folder 1, 1: Folder 2 ] .press('Mod+V') .driveTable.withRows(async (rows) => { await test.expect(rows).toHaveCount(2) await test.expect(rows.nth(1)).toBeVisible() await test.expect(rows.nth(1)).toHaveText(/^New Folder 1/) const parentLeft = await actions.getAssetRowLeftPx(rows.nth(0)) const childLeft = await actions.getAssetRowLeftPx(rows.nth(1)) test.expect(childLeft, 'child is indented further than parent').toBeGreaterThan(parentLeft) }), ) test.test('cut (keyboard)', async ({ page }) => actions .mockAllAndLogin({ page }) .createFolder() .driveTable.clickRow(0) .press('Mod+X') .driveTable.withRows(async (rows) => { // This action is not a builtin `expect` action, so it needs to be manually retried. await test .expect(async () => { test .expect(await rows.nth(0).evaluate((el) => Number(getComputedStyle(el).opacity))) .toBeLessThan(1) }) .toPass() }), ) test.test('duplicate', ({ page }) => actions .mockAllAndLogin({ page }) // Assets: [0: New Project 1] .newEmptyProject() // FIXME[sb]: https://github.com/enso-org/cloud-v2/issues/1615 // Uncomment once cloud execution in the browser is re-enabled. // .waitForEditorToLoad() // .goToPage.drive() .driveTable.rightClickRow(0) .contextMenu.duplicate() .driveTable.withRows(async (rows) => { // Assets: [0: New Project 1, 1: New Project 1 (copy)] await test.expect(rows).toHaveCount(2) await test.expect(actions.locateContextMenus(page)).not.toBeVisible() await test.expect(rows.nth(1)).toBeVisible() await test.expect(rows.nth(1)).toHaveText(/^New Project 1 [(]copy[)]/) }), ) test.test('duplicate (keyboard)', ({ page }) => actions .mockAllAndLogin({ page }) // Assets: [0: New Project 1] .newEmptyProject() // FIXME[sb]: https://github.com/enso-org/cloud-v2/issues/1615 // Uncomment once cloud execution in the browser is re-enabled. // .waitForEditorToLoad() // .goToPage.drive() .driveTable.clickRow(0) .press('Mod+D') .driveTable.withRows(async (rows) => { // Assets: [0: New Project 1 (copy), 1: New Project 1] await test.expect(rows).toHaveCount(2) await test.expect(rows.nth(1)).toBeVisible() await test.expect(rows.nth(1)).toHaveText(/^New Project 1 [(]copy[)]/) }), )