import { test, type Page } from '@playwright/test' import * as actions from './actions' import { expect } from './customExpect' import { mockExpressionUpdate } from './expressionUpdates' import { CONTROL_KEY } from './keyboard' import * as locate from './locate' import { graphNodeByBinding } from './locate' /** Prepare the graph for the tests. We add the table type to the `aggregated` node. */ async function initGraph(page: Page) { await actions.goToGraph(page) await mockExpressionUpdate(page, 'aggregated', { type: ['Standard.Table.Table.Table'] }) } /** Scenario: We open the default visualisation of the `aggregated` node. We expect it to be a table visualisation and to contain 10 rows and the values 0,0 to 3,0, which are just some sample values that should be visible in the table after opening it. */ test('Load Table Visualisation', async ({ page }) => { await initGraph(page) const aggregatedNode = graphNodeByBinding(page, 'aggregated') await await'Space') await page.waitForTimeout(1000) const tableVisualization = locate.tableVisualization(page) await expect(tableVisualization).toExist() await expect(tableVisualization).toContainText('10 rows.') await expect(tableVisualization).toContainText('0,0') await expect(tableVisualization).toContainText('1,0') await expect(tableVisualization).toContainText('2,0') await expect(tableVisualization).toContainText('3,0') }) test('Copy from Table Visualization', async ({ page, context }) => { await context.grantPermissions(['clipboard-read', 'clipboard-write']) await actions.goToGraph(page) await actions.openVisualization(page, 'Table') const tableVisualization = locate.tableVisualization(page) await expect(tableVisualization).toExist() await tableVisualization.getByText('0,0').hover() await page.mouse.down() await tableVisualization.getByText('2,1').hover() await page.mouse.up() await`${CONTROL_KEY}+C`) // Paste to Node. await actions.clickAtBackground(page) const nodesCount = await locate.graphNode(page).count() await`${CONTROL_KEY}+V`) await expect(locate.graphNode(page)).toHaveCount(nodesCount + 1) await expect(locate.graphNode(page).last().locator('input')).toHaveValue( '0,0\t0,11,0\t1,12,0\t2,1', ) // Paste to Table Widget. const node = await actions.createTableNode(page) const widget = node.locator('.WidgetTableEditor') await expect(widget).toBeVisible() await widget.getByRole('button', { name: 'Add new column' }).click() await widget.locator('.ag-cell', { hasNotText: /0/ }).first().click() await`${CONTROL_KEY}+V`) await expect(widget.locator('.ag-cell')).toHaveText([ '0', '0,0', '0,1', '', '1', '1,0', '1,1', '', '2', '2,0', '2,1', '', '3', '', '', '', ]) })