package import sbt._ /** Command allowing to run a task with additional JVM-level flags. * Supported tasks are run and benchOnly. * Supported flags are: * * `--dumpGraphs`: dumps IGV output of the program * * `--showCompilations`: prints Truffle compilation traces * * `--printAssembly`: prints the disassembler output * Any task arguments should be passed following `--` like so: * {{{ * withDebug run --dumpGraphs --printAssembly -- --run myFile.enso * withDebug benchOnly --showCompilations -- myBenchmark * }}} */ object WithDebugCommand { val truffleNoBackgroundCompilationOptions = Seq( "-Dgraal.TruffleBackgroundCompilation=false" ) val truffleDumpGraphsOptions = Seq( "-Dgraal.PrintGraph=Network", "-Dgraal.Dump=Truffle:2" ) val truffleShowCompilationsOptions = Seq( "-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilation=true", "-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilationCallTree=true", "-Dgraal.TraceTruffleInlining=true", "-Dgraal.TraceTrufflePerformanceWarnings=true" ) val trufflePrintAssemblyOptions = Seq( "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions", "-XX:+PrintAssembly" ) val dumpGraphsOption = "--dumpGraphs" val showCompilationsOptions = "--showCompilations" val printAssemblyOption = "--printAssembly" val argSeparator = "--" val commandName = "withDebug" val benchOnlyCommandName = "benchOnly" val runCommandName = "run" /** The main logic for parsing and transforming the debug flags into JVM level flags */ def withDebug: Command = Command.args(commandName, "") { (state, args) => val (debugFlags, prefixedRunArgs) = args.span(_ != argSeparator) val runArgs = " " + prefixedRunArgs.drop(1).mkString(" ") val taskKey = if (debugFlags.contains(benchOnlyCommandName)) BenchTasks.benchOnly else if (debugFlags.contains(runCommandName)) Compile / else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid command name.") val dumpGraphsOpts = if (debugFlags.contains(dumpGraphsOption)) truffleDumpGraphsOptions else Seq() val showCompilationsOpts = if (debugFlags.contains(showCompilationsOptions)) truffleShowCompilationsOptions else Seq() val printAssemblyOpts = if (debugFlags.contains(printAssemblyOption)) trufflePrintAssemblyOptions else Seq() val javaOpts: Seq[String] = Seq( truffleNoBackgroundCompilationOptions, dumpGraphsOpts, showCompilationsOpts, printAssemblyOpts ).flatten val extracted = Project.extract(state) val withJavaOpts = extracted.appendWithoutSession( Seq(Compile / Keys.javaOptions ++= javaOpts), state ) Project .extract(withJavaOpts) .runInputTask(taskKey, runArgs, withJavaOpts) state } }