use std::io::prelude::*; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::path::PathBuf; // ========================= // == Hardcoded constants == // ========================= /// The name of zip containing engine interface files. const ZIP_NAME: &str = ""; /// The directory structure inside downloaded engine interface folder. const ZIP_CONTENT: &str = "fbs-upload/fbs-schema/"; /// Commit from `enso` repository that will be used to obtain artifacts from. /// If you change this commit manually, you must have `flatc` installed to regenerate interface /// files. Run `cargo build` to do so, before creating a commit. /// /// Follow to `` for more guidance about setting up the development environment. const COMMIT: &str = "0b363e3e85215aa0468f7ce8c17882f60f9284d9"; /// Currently the flatc-generated files updating shall work purely on opt-in basis. This script /// should do nothing if the following environment variable has not been defined. const ENABLE_ENV_VAR_NAME: &str = "ENSO_IDE_ENABLE_FLATC"; /// An URL pointing to engine interface files. pub fn interface_description_url() -> reqwest::Url { let url = format!("{}/", COMMIT); let err = format!("{} is an invalid URL.", url); reqwest::Url::parse(&url).expect(&err) } // =================================== // == Download Engine Api Artifacts == // =================================== /// Struct for downloading engine artifacts. struct ApiProvider { /// The path where downloaded artifacts will be stored. out_dir: PathBuf, } impl ApiProvider { /// Creates a provider that can download engine artifacts. pub fn new() -> ApiProvider { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR isn't environment variable").into(); ApiProvider { out_dir } } /// Downloads api artifacts into memory. pub async fn download(&self) -> bytes::Bytes { let url = interface_description_url(); let get_error = format!("Failed to get response from {}", &url); let download_error = format!("Failed to download contents of {}", &url); let response = reqwest::get(url).await.expect(&get_error); response.bytes().await.expect(&download_error) } /// Saves unzipped artifacts into file. pub fn unzip(&self, artifacts: bytes::Bytes) { let zip_path = self.out_dir.join(ZIP_NAME); let display_path = zip_path.display(); let open_error = format!("Failed to open {}", display_path); let write_error = format!("Failed to write {}", display_path); let flush_error = format!("Failed to flush {}", display_path); let unzip_error = format!("Failed to unzip {}", display_path); let mut file = File::create(&zip_path).expect(&open_error); file.write_all(&artifacts).expect(&write_error); file.flush().expect(&flush_error); let file = File::open(&zip_path).expect(&open_error); let mut archive = zip::ZipArchive::new(&file).expect(&open_error); archive.extract(&self.out_dir).expect(&unzip_error); } /// Generates rust files from FlatBuffers schemas. pub fn generate_files(&self) { let fbs_dir = self.out_dir.join(ZIP_CONTENT); for entry in fs::read_dir(&fbs_dir).expect("Could not read content of dir") { let path = entry.expect("Invalid content of dir").path(); let result = flatc_rust::run(flatc_rust::Args { inputs: &[&path], out_dir: &PathBuf::from("./src/generated"), ..Default::default() }); if result.is_err() { println!( "cargo:info=Engine API files were not regenerated because `flatc` isn't \ installed." ); break; } } } /// Places required artifacts in the target location. pub async fn run(&self) { let fingerprint = self.out_dir.join("engine.api.fingerprint"); let unchanged = match fs::read_to_string(&fingerprint) { Ok(commit) => commit == COMMIT, Err(_) => false, }; if unchanged { return; } println!("cargo:info=Engine API artifacts version changed. Rebuilding."); let artifacts =; self.unzip(artifacts); self.generate_files(); fs::write(&fingerprint, COMMIT).expect("Unable to write artifacts fingerprint."); } } // ========== // == main == // ========== #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), Box> { // Regenerating bindings is now strictly opt-in, see: if env::var(ENABLE_ENV_VAR_NAME).is_ok() { let provider = ApiProvider::new();; } else { println!( "cargo:info=Will not try updating flatc-generated files. Define `{}` environment \ variable to enable regeneration of the Engine API flatc bindings.", ENABLE_ENV_VAR_NAME ); } println!(""); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}", ENABLE_ENV_VAR_NAME); Ok(()) }