import sbt.* import sbt.Keys.TaskStreams import scala.sys.process.* object Ydoc { private val npmCommand = if (Platform.isWindows) "npm.cmd" else "npm" private val pnpmCommand = if (Platform.isWindows) "corepack.cmd pnpm" else "corepack pnpm" /** Generates the bundled JS source of the Ydoc server. * * @param base the path to the base directory of this build * @param ydocServerBase the path to the base directory of the ydoc-server project * @param ydocServerResourceManaged the paht to the managed resources directory * @param streams the build streams * @return the list of generated files */ def generateJsBundle( base: File, ydocServerBase: File, ydocServerResourceManaged: File, streams: TaskStreams ): Seq[File] = { runNpmInstallCached(base, streams) generateJsBundleCached( base, ydocServerBase, ydocServerResourceManaged, streams ) } /** Cached JS bundle generator. Invokes the `npm` build only the input files have been changed. * * @param base the path to the base directory of this build * @param ydocServerBase the path to the base directory of the ydoc-server project * @param ydocServerResourceManaged the path the managed resources directory * @param streams the build streams * @return the list of generated files */ private def generateJsBundleCached( base: File, ydocServerBase: File, ydocServerResourceManaged: File, streams: TaskStreams ): Seq[File] = { val store = streams.cacheStoreFactory.make("ydoc-server-cache") val generator = Tracked.inputChanged[Seq[File], Seq[File]](store) { case (changed, _) => val resourceYdocServerJs = ydocServerResourceManaged / "org" / "enso" / "ydoc" / "ydocServer.js" if (changed) { val command = s"$npmCommand --workspace=enso-gui2 run build-ydoc-server-polyglot" command ! streams.log val generatedYdocServerJs = ydocServerBase / "target" / "ydoc-server-bundle" / "assets" / "ydocServer.js" IO.copyFile(generatedYdocServerJs, resourceYdocServerJs) } Seq(resourceYdocServerJs) } val ydocServerSrc = (base / "app" / "gui2" / "ydoc-server") ** "*.ts" val sharedSrc = (base / "app" / "gui2" / "shared") ** "*.ts" val buildCfg = (base / "app" / "gui2") * ("*.ts" || "*.json") val inputFiles = ydocServerSrc +++ sharedSrc +++ buildCfg generator(inputFiles.get) } private def runNpmInstallCached(base: File, streams: TaskStreams): Unit = { val store = streams.cacheStoreFactory.make("ydoc-server-npm-install-cache") val generator = Tracked.inputChanged[File, Unit](store) { case (changed, _) => val nodeModules = base / "node_modules" if (changed || !nodeModules.isDirectory) { val command = s"$pnpmCommand i --frozen-lockfile" command ! streams.log } } val inputFile = base / "package-lock.json" generator(inputFile) } }