import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import complete.DefaultParsers._ import org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNode import src.main.scala.licenses.backend.{ CombinedBackend, GatherCopyrights, GatherNotices, GithubHeuristic } import src.main.scala.licenses.frontend.SbtLicenses import import src.main.scala.licenses.{DependencySummary, DistributionDescription} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.sys.process._ /** The task and configuration for automatically gathering license information. */ object GatherLicenses { val distributions = taskKey[Seq[DistributionDescription]]( "Defines descriptions of distributions." ) val configurationRoot = settingKey[File]("Path to review configuration.") val licenseConfigurations = settingKey[Set[String]]("The ivy configurations we consider in the review.") private val stateFileName = "report-state" /** The task that performs the whole license gathering process. */ lazy val run = Def.task { val log = state.value.log val targetRoot = target.value "Gathering license files and copyright notices. " + "This task may take a long time." ) val configRoot = configurationRoot.value val reports = { distribution =>"Processing the ${distribution.artifactName} distribution") val projectNames = s"It consists of the following sbt project roots:" + s" ${projectNames.mkString(", ")}" ) val (sbtInfo, sbtDiagnostics) = SbtLicenses.analyze(distribution.sbtComponents, log) val allInfo = sbtInfo // TODO [RW] add Rust frontend result here (#1187)"${allInfo.size} unique dependencies discovered") val defaultBackend = CombinedBackend(GatherNotices, GatherCopyrights) val processed = { dependency => log.debug( s"Processing ${dependency.moduleInfo} (${dependency.license}) -> " + s"${dependency.url}" ) val defaultAttachments = val WithDiagnostics(attachments, attachmentDiagnostics) = if (defaultAttachments.nonEmpty) WithDiagnostics(defaultAttachments) else GithubHeuristic(dependency, log).run() (dependency, attachments, attachmentDiagnostics) } val forSummary = => (t._1, t._2)) val processingDiagnostics = processed.flatMap(_._3) val summary = DependencySummary(forSummary) val distributionRoot = configRoot / distribution.artifactName val WithDiagnostics(processedSummary, summaryDiagnostics) = Review(distributionRoot, summary).run() val allDiagnostics = sbtDiagnostics ++ processingDiagnostics ++ summaryDiagnostics val reportDestination = targetRoot / s"${distribution.artifactName}-report.html" val (warnings: Seq[Diagnostic.Warning], errors: Seq[Diagnostic.Error]) = Diagnostic.partition(allDiagnostics) if (warnings.nonEmpty) { log.warn(s"Found ${warnings.size} non-fatal warnings in the report:") warnings.foreach(notice => log.warn(notice.message)) } if (errors.isEmpty) {"No fatal errors found in the report.") } else { log.error(s"Found ${errors.size} fatal errors in the report:") errors.foreach(problem => log.error(problem.message)) } Report.writeHTML( distribution, processedSummary, allDiagnostics, reportDestination ) s"Written the report for the ${distribution.artifactName} to " + s"`$reportDestination`." ) val packagePath = distribution.packageDestination PackageNotices.create(distribution, processedSummary, packagePath) ReportState.write( distributionRoot / stateFileName, distribution, errors.size )"Re-generated distribution notices at `$packagePath`.") if (errors.nonEmpty) { log.warn( "The distribution notices were regenerated, but there are " + "not-reviewed issues within the report. The notices are probably " + "incomplete." ) } (distribution, processedSummary) } log.warn( "Finished gathering license information. " + "This is an automated process, make sure that its output is reviewed " + "by a human to ensure that all licensing requirements are met." ) reports } private def verifyReportStatus( log: Logger, targetRoot: File, distributionDescription: DistributionDescription, distributionConfig: File ): Unit = { val name = distributionDescription.artifactName def warnAndThrow(exceptionMessage: String): Nothing = { log.error(exceptionMessage) log.warn( "Please make sure to run `enso / gatherLicenses` " + s"and review the reports generated at $targetRoot, " + "ensuring that the legal review is complete and there are no warnings." ) log.warn( "See docs/distribution/ for a more detailed " + "explanation." ) throw LegalReviewException(exceptionMessage) } / stateFileName, log) match { case Some(reviewState) => val currentInputHash = ReportState.computeInputHash(distributionDescription) if (currentInputHash != reviewState.inputHash) {"Input hash computed from build.sbt: " + currentInputHash)"Input hash stored in metadata: " + reviewState.inputHash) warnAndThrow( s"Report for the $name is not up to date - " + s"it seems that some dependencies were added or removed." ) } if (reviewState.warningsCount > 0) { warnAndThrow( s"Report for the $name has ${reviewState.warningsCount} warnings." ) }"Report for $name is reviewed.") case None => warnAndThrow(s"Report for $name has not been generated.") } } private def verifyPackage( log: Logger, distributionConfig: File, packageDestination: File ): Unit = { val reportState = ReportState .read(distributionConfig / stateFileName, log) .getOrElse( throw LegalReviewException( s"Report at $distributionConfig is not available. " + s"Make sure to run `enso/gatherLicenses` or `openLegalReviewReport`." ) ) val currentOutputHash = ReportState.computeOutputHash(packageDestination) if (currentOutputHash != reportState.outputHash) {"Output hash computed from build.sbt: " + currentOutputHash)"Output hash stored in metadata: " + reportState.outputHash) log.error( s"Generated package at $packageDestination seems to be not up-to-date." ) log.warn( "Re-run `enso/gatherLicenses` and make sure that all files " + "from the notice package are committed, no unexpected files " + "have been added and the package is created in a consistent way." ) throw LegalReviewException( s"Package $packageDestination has different content than expected." ) } else {"Package $packageDestination is up-to-date.") } } /** The task that verifies if the report has been generated and is up-to-date. */ lazy val verifyReports = Def.task { val configRoot = configurationRoot.value val log = streams.value.log val targetRoot = target.value for (distribution <- distributions.value) { val distributionConfig = configRoot / distribution.artifactName verifyReportStatus( log = log, targetRoot = targetRoot, distributionDescription = distribution, distributionConfig = distributionConfig ) verifyPackage( log = log, distributionConfig = distributionConfig, packageDestination = distribution.packageDestination ) } } /** A task that verifies if contents of the provided package directory are * up-to-date with the review state. * * It takes two arguments: * - an artifact name identifying the distribution * - a path to the generated packages. */ lazy val verifyGeneratedPackage = Def.inputTask { val configRoot = configurationRoot.value val log = streams.value.log val args: Seq[String] = spaceDelimited("").parsed val (distributionName, packagePathString) = args match { case Seq(distribution, path) => (distribution, path) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The task expects exactly 2 arguments." ) } val packageDestination = file(packagePathString) verifyPackage( log = log, distributionConfig = configRoot / distributionName, packageDestination = packageDestination ) } case class LegalReviewException(string: String) extends RuntimeException(string) /** Launches a server that allows to easily review the generated report. * * Requires `npm` to be on the system PATH. */ def runReportServer(): Unit = { Seq("npm", "install").! Process(Seq("npm", "start"), file("tools/legal-review-helper")) .run(connectInput = true) .exitValue() } /** A task that prints which sub-projects use a dependency and what * dependencies use it (so that one can track where dependencies come from). */ lazy val analyzeDependency = Def.inputTask { val args: Seq[String] = spaceDelimited("").parsed val evaluatedDistributions = distributions.value val log = streams.value.log for (arg <- args) { for (distribution <- evaluatedDistributions) { for (sbtComponent <- distribution.sbtComponents) { val ivyDeps = sbtComponent.licenseReport.orig.getDependencies.asScala .map(_.asInstanceOf[IvyNode]) for (dep <- sbtComponent.licenseReport.licenses) { if ( { val module = dep.module s"${distribution.artifactName} distribution, project ${} " + s"contains $module" ) val node = ivyDeps.find(n => SbtLicenses.safeModuleInfo(n) == Some(dep.module) ) node match { case None => log.warn(s"IvyNode for $module not found.") case Some(ivyNode) => val callers ="Callers: $callers") } } } } } } } }