import LibraryManifestGenerator.BundledLibrary import import import import sbt.Keys.{libraryDependencies, scalacOptions} import sbt.addCompilerPlugin import sbt.complete.DefaultParsers._ import sbt.complete.Parser import sbt.nio.file.FileTreeView import sbt.internal.util.ManagedLogger import src.main.scala.licenses.{ DistributionDescription, SBTDistributionComponent } // This import is unnecessary, but bit adds a proper code completion features // to IntelliJ. import JPMSPlugin.autoImport._ import import java.nio.file.Paths // ============================================================================ // === Global Configuration =================================================== // ============================================================================ val scalacVersion = "2.13.11" // source version of the Java language val javaVersion = "21" // version of the GraalVM JDK val graalVersion = "21.0.2" // Version used for the Graal/Truffle related Maven packages // Keep in sync with GraalVM.version. Do not change the name of this variable, // it is used by the Rust build script via regex matching. val graalMavenPackagesVersion = "24.0.0" val targetJavaVersion = "17" val defaultDevEnsoVersion = "0.0.0-dev" val ensoVersion = sys.env.getOrElse( "ENSO_VERSION", defaultDevEnsoVersion ) // Note [Engine And Launcher Version] val currentEdition = sys.env.getOrElse( "ENSO_EDITION", defaultDevEnsoVersion ) // Note [Default Editions] // Note [Stdlib Version] val stdLibVersion = defaultDevEnsoVersion val targetStdlibVersion = ensoVersion val mavenUploadVersion = "0.2-SNAPSHOT" // Inspired by lazy val startupStateTransition: State => State = { s: State => GraalVM.versionCheck( graalVersion, graalMavenPackagesVersion, javaVersion, s ) } Global / onLoad := { val old = (Global / onLoad).value startupStateTransition compose old } /* Note [Engine And Launcher Version] * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Currently both Engine and Launcher versions are tied to each other - each new * releases contains the Engine and the Launcher and thus the version number is * shared. If the version numbers ever diverge, make sure to update the build * scripts at .github/workflows accordingly. */ /* Note [Default Editions] * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Currently, the default edition to use is inferred based on the engine * version. Each Enso version has an associated default edition name and the * `currentEdition` field specifies the default edition name for the upcoming * release. * * Thus the `library-manager` needs to depend on the `version-output` to get * this defaults from the build metadata. * * In the future we may automate generating this edition number when cutting a * release. */ /* Note [Stdlib Version] * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The `stdlibVersion` variable stores the version at which standard library is * stored within the source tree, which is currently set to a constant of * `0.0.0-dev`. * * When distributions are built, the library versions are updated to match the * current Enso version. */ ThisBuild / organization := "org.enso" ThisBuild / scalaVersion := scalacVersion ThisBuild / publish / skip := true /* Tag limiting the concurrent access to tools/simple-library-server in tests. */ val simpleLibraryServerTag = Tags.Tag("simple-library-server") Global / concurrentRestrictions += Tags.limit(simpleLibraryServerTag, 1) lazy val gatherLicenses = taskKey[Unit]( "Gathers licensing information for relevant dependencies of all distributions" ) gatherLicenses := { val _ ="").value } lazy val verifyLicensePackages = taskKey[Unit]( "Verifies if the license package has been generated, " + "has no warnings and is up-to-date with dependencies." ) verifyLicensePackages := GatherLicenses.verifyReports.value lazy val verifyGeneratedPackage = inputKey[Unit]( "Verifies if the license package in a generated distribution is " + "up-to-date with the one from the report." ) verifyGeneratedPackage := GatherLicenses.verifyGeneratedPackage.evaluated def makeStdLibDistribution( name: String, components: Seq[SBTDistributionComponent] ): DistributionDescription = Distribution( name, file(s"distribution/lib/Standard/$name/$stdLibVersion/THIRD-PARTY"), components ) GatherLicenses.distributions := Seq( Distribution( "launcher", file("distribution/launcher/THIRD-PARTY"), Distribution.sbtProjects(launcher) ), Distribution( "engine", file("distribution/engine/THIRD-PARTY"), Distribution.sbtProjects( runtime, `engine-runner`, `language-server` ) ), Distribution( "project-manager", file("distribution/project-manager/THIRD-PARTY"), Distribution.sbtProjects(`project-manager`) ), makeStdLibDistribution("Base", Distribution.sbtProjects(`std-base`)), makeStdLibDistribution( "Google_Api", Distribution.sbtProjects(`std-google-api`) ), makeStdLibDistribution("Table", Distribution.sbtProjects(`std-table`)), makeStdLibDistribution("Database", Distribution.sbtProjects(`std-database`)), makeStdLibDistribution("Image", Distribution.sbtProjects(`std-image`)), makeStdLibDistribution("AWS", Distribution.sbtProjects(`std-aws`)), makeStdLibDistribution("Snowflake", Distribution.sbtProjects(`std-snowflake`)) ) GatherLicenses.licenseConfigurations := Set("compile") GatherLicenses.configurationRoot := file("tools/legal-review") lazy val openLegalReviewReport = inputKey[Unit]( "Gathers licensing information for relevant dependencies and opens the " + "report in review mode in the browser. Specify names of distributions to process, separated by spaces. If no names are provided, all distributions are processed." ) openLegalReviewReport := { GatherLicenses.runReportServer() } lazy val analyzeDependency = inputKey[Unit]("...") analyzeDependency := GatherLicenses.analyzeDependency.evaluated val packageBuilder = new DistributionPackage.Builder( ensoVersion = ensoVersion, graalVersion = graalMavenPackagesVersion, graalJavaVersion = graalVersion, artifactRoot = file("built-distribution") ) Global / onChangedBuildSource := ReloadOnSourceChanges Global / excludeLintKeys += logManager // ============================================================================ // === Compiler Options ======================================================= // ============================================================================ ThisBuild / javacOptions ++= Seq( "-encoding", // Provide explicit encoding (the next line) "UTF-8", // Specify character encoding used by Java source files "-deprecation", // Shows a description of each use or override of a deprecated member or class "-g", // Include debugging information "-Xlint:unchecked", // Enable additional warnings "-proc:full" // Annotation processing is enabled ) ThisBuild / scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-deprecation", // Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs. "-encoding", // Provide explicit encoding (the next line) "utf-8", // Specify character encoding used by Scala source files. "-explaintypes", // Explain type errors in more detail. "-feature", // Emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly. "-language:existentials", // Existential types (besides wildcard types) can be written and inferred "-language:experimental.macros", // Allow macro definition (besides implementation and application) "-language:higherKinds", // Allow higher-kinded types "-language:implicitConversions", // Allow definition of implicit functions called views "-unchecked", // Enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions. "-Vimplicits", // Prints implicit resolution chains when no implicit can be found. "-Vtype-diffs", // Prints type errors as coloured diffs between types. "-Xcheckinit", // Wrap field accessors to throw an exception on uninitialized access. "-Xfatal-warnings", // Make warnings fatal so they don't make it onto main (use @nowarn for local suppression) "-Xlint:adapted-args", // Warn if an argument list is modified to match the receiver. "-Xlint:constant", // Evaluation of a constant arithmetic expression results in an error. "-Xlint:delayedinit-select", // Selecting member of DelayedInit. "-Xlint:doc-detached", // A Scaladoc comment appears to be detached from its element. "-Xlint:inaccessible", // Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures. "-Xlint:infer-any", // Warn when a type argument is inferred to be `Any`. "-Xlint:missing-interpolator", // A string literal appears to be missing an interpolator id. "-Xlint:nullary-unit", // Warn when nullary methods return Unit. "-Xlint:option-implicit", // Option.apply used implicit view. "-Xlint:package-object-classes", // Class or object defined in package object. "-Xlint:poly-implicit-overload", // Parameterized overloaded implicit methods are not visible as view bounds. "-Xlint:private-shadow", // A private field (or class parameter) shadows a superclass field. "-Xlint:stars-align", // Pattern sequence wildcard must align with sequence component. "-Xlint:type-parameter-shadow", // A local type parameter shadows a type already in scope. "-Xmacro-settings:-logging@org.enso", // Disable the debug logging globally. "-Ywarn-dead-code", // Warn when dead code is identified. "-Ywarn-extra-implicit", // Warn when more than one implicit parameter section is defined. "-Ywarn-numeric-widen", // Warn when numerics are widened. "-Ywarn-unused:implicits", // Warn if an implicit parameter is unused. "-Ywarn-unused:imports", // Warn if an import selector is not referenced. "-Ywarn-unused:locals", // Warn if a local definition is unused. "-Ywarn-unused:params", // Warn if a value parameter is unused. "-Ywarn-unused:patvars", // Warn if a variable bound in a pattern is unused. "-Ywarn-unused:privates" // Warn if a private member is unused. ) ThisBuild / Test / testOptions ++= Seq( Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-oID"), Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "--verbosity=1") ) ++ sys.env .get("ENSO_TEST_JUNIT_DIR") .map { junitDir => Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-u", junitDir) } Compile / console / scalacOptions ~= (_ filterNot (_ == "-Xfatal-warnings")) // ============================================================================ // === Benchmark Configuration ================================================ // ============================================================================ lazy val Benchmark = config("bench") extend sbt.Test // Native Image Generation lazy val rebuildNativeImage = taskKey[Unit]("Force to rebuild native image") lazy val buildNativeImage = taskKey[Unit]("Ensure that the Native Image is built.") // ============================================================================ // === Global Project ========================================================= // ============================================================================ lazy val enso = (project in file(".")) .settings(version := "0.1") .aggregate( `persistance-dsl`, `persistance`, `interpreter-dsl`, `interpreter-dsl-test`, `json-rpc-server-test`, `json-rpc-server`, `language-server`, `polyglot-api`, `polyglot-api-macros`, `project-manager`, `syntax-rust-definition`, `text-buffer`, yaml, pkg, cli, `task-progress-notifications`, `profiling-utils`, `logging-utils`, `logging-config`, `logging-service`, `logging-service-logback`, `logging-utils-akka`, filewatcher, `logging-truffle-connector`, `locking-test-helper`, `akka-native`, `version-output`, `refactoring-utils`, `engine-runner`, runtime, searcher, launcher, downloader, `runtime-integration-tests`, `runtime-benchmarks`, `runtime-parser`, `runtime-compiler`, `runtime-suggestions`, `runtime-language-epb`, `runtime-language-arrow`, `runtime-instrument-common`, `runtime-instrument-id-execution`, `runtime-instrument-repl-debugger`, `runtime-instrument-runtime-server`, `runtime-version-manager`, `runtime-version-manager-test`, editions, semver, `distribution-manager`, `edition-updater`, `edition-uploader`, `library-manager`, `library-manager-test`, `connected-lock-manager`, `connected-lock-manager-server`, testkit, `common-polyglot-core-utils`, `std-base`, `std-database`, `std-google-api`, `std-image`, `std-table`, `std-aws`, `std-snowflake`, `http-test-helper`, `enso-test-java-helpers`, `exploratory-benchmark-java-helpers`, `benchmark-java-helpers`, `benchmarks-common`, `bench-processor`, `ydoc-server` ) .settings(Global / concurrentRestrictions += Tags.exclusive(Exclusive)) .settings( commands ++= Seq(packageBuilder.makePackages, packageBuilder.makeBundles) ) // ============================================================================ // === Dependency Versions ==================================================== // ============================================================================ /* Note [Dependency Versions] * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Please maintain the following section in alphabetical order for the bundles * of dependencies. Additionally, please keep the 'Other' subsection in * alphabetical order. * * Furthermore, please keep the following in mind: * - Wherever possible, we should use the same version of a dependency * throughout the project. * - If you need to include a new dependency, please define its version in this * section. * - If that version is not the latest, please include a note explaining why * this is the case. * - If, for some reason, you need to use a dependency version other than the * global one, please include a note explaining why this is the case, and the * circumstances under which the dependency could be upgraded to use the * global version */ // === Akka =================================================================== def akkaPkg(name: String) = akkaURL %% s"akka-$name" % akkaVersion def akkaHTTPPkg(name: String) = akkaURL %% s"akka-$name" % akkaHTTPVersion val akkaURL = "com.typesafe.akka" val akkaVersion = "2.6.20" val akkaHTTPVersion = "10.2.10" val akkaMockSchedulerVersion = "0.5.5" val logbackClassicVersion = JPMSUtils.logbackClassicVersion val logbackPkg = Seq( "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % logbackClassicVersion, "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-core" % logbackClassicVersion ) val akkaActor = akkaPkg("actor") val akkaStream = akkaPkg("stream") val akkaTyped = akkaPkg("actor-typed") val akkaTestkit = akkaPkg("testkit") val akkaSLF4J = akkaPkg("slf4j") val akkaTestkitTyped = akkaPkg("actor-testkit-typed") % Test val akkaHttp = akkaHTTPPkg("http") val akkaSpray = akkaHTTPPkg("http-spray-json") val logbackTest = % Test) val akka = Seq( akkaActor, akkaStream, akkaHttp, akkaSpray, akkaTyped ) // === Cats =================================================================== val catsVersion = "2.9.0" // === Circe ================================================================== val circeVersion = "0.14.5" val circeYamlVersion = "0.14.2" val circeGenericExtrasVersion = "0.14.2" val circe = Seq("circe-core", "circe-generic", "circe-parser") .map("io.circe" %% _ % circeVersion) // === Commons ================================================================ val commonsCollectionsVersion = "4.4" val commonsLangVersion = "3.12.0" val commonsIoVersion = "2.12.0" val commonsTextVersion = "1.10.0" val commonsMathVersion = "3.6.1" val commonsCompressVersion = "1.23.0" val commonsCliVersion = "1.5.0" val commons = Seq( "org.apache.commons" % "commons-collections4" % commonsCollectionsVersion, "org.apache.commons" % "commons-lang3" % commonsLangVersion, "commons-io" % "commons-io" % commonsIoVersion, "org.apache.commons" % "commons-text" % commonsTextVersion, "org.apache.commons" % "commons-math3" % commonsMathVersion, "commons-cli" % "commons-cli" % commonsCliVersion ) // === Helidon ================================================================ val jakartaVersion = "2.0.1" val helidonVersion = "4.0.8" val helidon = Seq( "io.helidon" % "helidon" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.builder" % "helidon-builder-api" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-buffers" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-config" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-configurable" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-context" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-key-util" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-mapper" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-media-type" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-parameters" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-socket" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-security" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-task" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-types" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-tls" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common" % "helidon-common-uri" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common.features" % "helidon-common-features" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.common.features" % "helidon-common-features-api" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.config" % "helidon-config" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.logging" % "helidon-logging-common" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.inject" % "helidon-inject-api" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.http" % "helidon-http" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.http.encoding" % "helidon-http-encoding" % helidonVersion, "" % "helidon-http-media" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.webclient" % "helidon-webclient" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.webclient" % "helidon-webclient-api" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.webclient" % "helidon-webclient-http1" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.webclient" % "helidon-webclient-websocket" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.webserver" % "helidon-webserver" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.webserver" % "helidon-webserver-websocket" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.websocket" % "helidon-websocket" % helidonVersion, "jakarta.inject" % "jakarta.inject-api" % jakartaVersion ) // === Jackson ================================================================ val jacksonVersion = "2.15.2" // === JAXB ================================================================ val jaxbVersion = "4.0.0" val jaxb = Seq( "jakarta.xml.bind" % "jakarta.xml.bind-api" % jaxbVersion % Benchmark, "com.sun.xml.bind" % "jaxb-impl" % jaxbVersion % Benchmark ) // === JMH ==================================================================== val jmhVersion = "1.36" val jmh = Seq( "org.openjdk.jmh" % "jmh-core" % jmhVersion % Benchmark, "org.openjdk.jmh" % "jmh-generator-annprocess" % jmhVersion % Benchmark ) // === Scala Compiler ========================================================= val scalaCompiler = Seq( "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalacVersion, "org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % scalacVersion ) val scalaCollectionCompatVersion = "2.8.1" // === std-lib ================================================================ val antlrVersion = "4.13.0" val awsJavaSdkV1Version = "1.12.480" val awsJavaSdkV2Version = "2.25.36" val icuVersion = "73.1" val poiOoxmlVersion = "5.2.3" val redshiftVersion = "" val univocityParsersVersion = "2.9.1" val xmlbeansVersion = "5.1.1" // === ZIO ==================================================================== val zioVersion = "2.0.14" val zioInteropCatsVersion = "" val zio = Seq( "dev.zio" %% "zio" % zioVersion, "dev.zio" %% "zio-interop-cats" % zioInteropCatsVersion ) // === Other ================================================================== val bcpkixJdk15Version = "1.70" val declineVersion = "2.4.1" val diffsonVersion = "4.4.0" val directoryWatcherVersion = "0.18.0" val flatbuffersVersion = "24.3.25" val guavaVersion = "32.0.0-jre" val jlineVersion = "3.23.0" val jgitVersion = "" val kindProjectorVersion = "0.13.2" val mockitoScalaVersion = "1.17.14" val newtypeVersion = "0.4.4" val pprintVersion = "0.8.1" val pureconfigVersion = "0.17.4" val scalacheckVersion = "1.17.0" val scalacticVersion = "3.3.0-SNAP4" val scalaLoggingVersion = "3.9.4" val scalameterVersion = "0.19" val scalatestVersion = "3.3.0-SNAP4" val shapelessVersion = "2.3.10" val slf4jVersion = JPMSUtils.slf4jVersion val sqliteVersion = "" val tikaVersion = "2.4.1" val typesafeConfigVersion = "1.4.2" val junitVersion = "4.13.2" val junitIfVersion = "0.13.2" val hamcrestVersion = "1.3" val netbeansApiVersion = "RELEASE180" val fansiVersion = "0.4.0" val httpComponentsVersion = "4.4.1" val apacheArrowVersion = "14.0.1" val snowflakeJDBCVersion = "3.15.0" val jsoniterVersion = "2.28.5" // ============================================================================ // === Utility methods ===================================================== // ============================================================================ lazy val componentModulesPaths = taskKey[Seq[File]]( "Gathers all component modules (Jar archives that should be put on module-path" + " as files" ) (ThisBuild / componentModulesPaths) := { val runnerCp = (`engine-runner` / Runtime / fullClasspath).value val runtimeCp = (LocalProject("runtime") / Runtime / fullClasspath).value val fullCp = (runnerCp ++ runtimeCp).distinct val log = streams.value.log val thirdPartyModIds = GraalVM.modules ++ GraalVM.langsPkgs ++ GraalVM.toolsPkgs ++ helidon ++ Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % logbackClassicVersion, "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-core" % logbackClassicVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-netbeans-modules-sampler" % netbeansApiVersion ) val thirdPartyMods = JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromClasspath( fullCp, thirdPartyModIds, log, shouldContainAll = true ) val thirdPartyModFiles = val arrow = (`runtime-language-arrow` / Compile / packageBin).value val syntax = (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / packageBin).value val ydoc = (`ydoc-server` / Compile / packageBin).value val profilingUtils = (`profiling-utils` / Compile / packageBin).value val runtime = (`runtime-fat-jar` / assembly / assemblyOutputPath).value val ourMods = Seq( runtime, arrow, syntax, ydoc, profilingUtils ) ourMods ++ thirdPartyModFiles } lazy val compileModuleInfo = taskKey[Unit]("Compiles ``") // ============================================================================ // === Internal Libraries ===================================================== // ============================================================================ lazy val `text-buffer` = project .in(file("lib/scala/text-buffer")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % scalacheckVersion % Test ) ) lazy val rustParserTargetDirectory = SettingKey[File]("target directory for the Rust parser") (`syntax-rust-definition` / rustParserTargetDirectory) := { // setting "debug" for release, because it isn't yet safely integrated into // the parser definition val versionName = if (BuildInfo.isReleaseMode) "debug" else "debug" target.value / "rust" / versionName } val generateRustParserLib = TaskKey[Seq[File]]("generateRustParserLib", "Generates parser native library") `syntax-rust-definition` / generateRustParserLib := { val log = state.value.log val libGlob = (`syntax-rust-definition` / rustParserTargetDirectory).value.toGlob / "" val allLibs = FileTreeView.default.list(Seq(libGlob)).map(_._1) if ( sys.env.get("CI").isDefined || allLibs.isEmpty || (`syntax-rust-definition` / generateRustParserLib).inputFileChanges.hasChanges ) { val os = System.getProperty("") val target = os.toLowerCase() match { case => Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-musl") case _ => None } target.foreach { t => Cargo.rustUp(t, log) } val baseArguments = Seq( "build", "-p", "enso-parser-jni", "-Z", "unstable-options" ) ++ => Seq("--target", t)).getOrElse(Seq()) ++ Seq( "--out-dir", (`syntax-rust-definition` / rustParserTargetDirectory).value.toString ) val adjustedArguments = baseArguments ++ (if (BuildInfo.isReleaseMode) Seq("--release") else Seq()) val envVars = target .map(_ => Seq(("RUSTFLAGS", "-C target-feature=-crt-static"))) .getOrElse(Seq()), log, envVars) } FileTreeView.default.list(Seq(libGlob)).map(_._1.toFile) } `syntax-rust-definition` / generateRustParserLib / fileInputs += (`syntax-rust-definition` / baseDirectory).value.toGlob / "jni" / "src" / "*.rs" val generateParserJavaSources = TaskKey[Seq[File]]( "generateParserJavaSources", "Generates Java sources for Rust parser" ) `syntax-rust-definition` / generateParserJavaSources := { generateRustParser( (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / sourceManaged).value, (`syntax-rust-definition` / generateParserJavaSources).inputFileChanges, state.value.log ) } `syntax-rust-definition` / generateParserJavaSources / fileInputs += (`syntax-rust-definition` / baseDirectory).value.toGlob / "generate-java" / "src" / ** / "*.rs" `syntax-rust-definition` / generateParserJavaSources / fileInputs += (`syntax-rust-definition` / baseDirectory).value.toGlob / "src" / ** / "*.rs" def generateRustParser( base: File, changes: sbt.nio.FileChanges, log: ManagedLogger ): Seq[File] = { import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import java.nio.file.Paths val syntaxPkgs = Paths.get("org", "enso", "syntax2").toString val fullPkg = Paths.get(base.toString, syntaxPkgs).toFile if (!fullPkg.exists()) { fullPkg.mkdirs() } if (changes.hasChanges) { val args = Seq( "run", "-p", "enso-parser-generate-java", "--bin", "enso-parser-generate-java", fullPkg.toString ), log) } FileUtils.listFiles(fullPkg, Array("scala", "java"), true).asScala.toSeq } lazy val `syntax-rust-definition` = project .in(file("lib/rust/parser")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .configs(Test) .settings( version := mavenUploadVersion, Compile / exportJars := true, javadocSettings, publish / skip := false, autoScalaLibrary := false, crossPaths := false, javaModuleName := "org.enso.syntax", Compile / sourceGenerators += generateParserJavaSources, Compile / resourceGenerators += generateRustParserLib, Compile / javaSource := baseDirectory.value / "generate-java" / "java", Compile / compile / javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", "11", "-target", "11") ) lazy val yaml = (project in file("lib/java/yaml")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "io.circe" %% "circe-yaml" % circeYamlVersion % "provided" ) ) lazy val pkg = (project in file("lib/scala/pkg")) .settings( Compile / run / mainClass := Some("org.enso.pkg.Main"), frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "io.circe" %% "circe-yaml" % circeYamlVersion % "provided", "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "org.apache.commons" % "commons-compress" % commonsCompressVersion ) ) .dependsOn(editions) lazy val `akka-native` = project .in(file("lib/scala/akka-native")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( akkaActor ), // Note [Native Image Workaround for GraalVM 20.2] libraryDependencies += "org.graalvm.nativeimage" % "svm" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided" ) lazy val `profiling-utils` = project .in(file("lib/scala/profiling-utils")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, compileOrder := CompileOrder.JavaThenScala, javaModuleName := "org.enso.profiling", Compile / exportJars := true, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.netbeans.api" % "org-netbeans-modules-sampler" % netbeansApiVersion exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-openide-loaders") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-openide-nodes") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-netbeans-api-progress-nb") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-netbeans-api-progress") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-openide-util-lookup") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-openide-util") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-openide-dialogs") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-openide-filesystems") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-openide-util-ui") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-openide-awt") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-openide-modules") exclude ("org.netbeans.api", "org-netbeans-api-annotations-common"), "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test ), modulePath := { JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromUpdate( update.value, Seq( "org.netbeans.api" % "org-netbeans-modules-sampler" % netbeansApiVersion, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion ), streams.value.log, shouldContainAll = true ) } ) lazy val `logging-utils` = project .in(file("lib/scala/logging-utils")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion ) ++ logbackTest ) lazy val `logging-service` = project .in(file("lib/scala/logging-service")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "com.typesafe" % "config" % typesafeConfigVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(`logging-utils`) .dependsOn(`logging-config`) lazy val `logging-config` = project .in(file("lib/scala/logging-config")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe" % "config" % typesafeConfigVersion, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion ) ) lazy val `logging-service-logback` = project .in(file("lib/scala/logging-service-logback")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "io.sentry" % "sentry-logback" % "6.28.0", "io.sentry" % "sentry" % "6.28.0", "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided" ) ++ logbackPkg ) .dependsOn(`logging-config`) .dependsOn(`logging-service`) lazy val `logging-utils-akka` = project .in(file("lib/scala/logging-utils-akka")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % akkaVersion ) ) lazy val filewatcher = project .in(file("lib/scala/filewatcher")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "io.methvin" % "directory-watcher" % directoryWatcherVersion, "commons-io" % "commons-io" % commonsIoVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ), Test / fork := true, Test / javaOptions ++= testLogProviderOptions ) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) .dependsOn(`logging-service-logback` % "test->test") lazy val `logging-truffle-connector` = project .in(file("lib/scala/logging-truffle-connector")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided" ) ) .dependsOn(`logging-utils`) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) lazy val cli = project .in(file("lib/scala/cli")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= circe ++ Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ), Test / parallelExecution := false ) lazy val `task-progress-notifications` = project .in(file("lib/scala/task-progress-notifications")) .configs(Test) .settings( version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ), Test / parallelExecution := false ) .dependsOn(cli) .dependsOn(`json-rpc-server`) lazy val `version-output` = (project in file("lib/scala/version-output")) .settings( version := "0.1" ) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, Compile / sourceGenerators += Def.task { val file = (Compile / sourceManaged).value / "buildinfo" / "Info.scala" BuildInfo .writeBuildInfoFile( file = file, log = state.value.log, defaultDevEnsoVersion = defaultDevEnsoVersion, ensoVersion = ensoVersion, scalacVersion = scalacVersion, graalVersion = graalVersion, currentEdition = currentEdition ) }.taskValue ) lazy val `refactoring-utils` = project .in(file("lib/scala/refactoring-utils")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(`runtime-parser`) .dependsOn(`text-buffer`) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) lazy val `project-manager` = (project in file("lib/scala/project-manager")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .settings( (Compile / mainClass) := Some("org.enso.projectmanager.boot.ProjectManager") ) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, (Compile / run / fork) := true, (Test / fork) := true, (Compile / run / connectInput) := true, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, libraryDependencies ++= akka ++ Seq(akkaTestkit % Test), libraryDependencies ++= circe ++ helidon, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe" % "config" % typesafeConfigVersion, "com.github.pureconfig" %% "pureconfig" % pureconfigVersion, "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "dev.zio" %% "zio" % zioVersion, "dev.zio" %% "zio-interop-cats" % zioInteropCatsVersion, "commons-cli" % "commons-cli" % commonsCliVersion, "commons-io" % "commons-io" % commonsIoVersion, "org.apache.commons" % "commons-lang3" % commonsLangVersion, "com.miguno.akka" %% "akka-mock-scheduler" % akkaMockSchedulerVersion % Test, "org.mockito" %% "mockito-scala" % mockitoScalaVersion % Test, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.hamcrest" % "hamcrest-all" % hamcrestVersion % Test, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-netbeans-modules-sampler" % netbeansApiVersion % Test ), addCompilerPlugin( "org.typelevel" %% "kind-projector" % kindProjectorVersion cross CrossVersion.full ) ) /** Fat jar assembly settings */ .settings( assembly / assemblyJarName := "project-manager.jar", assembly / test := {}, assembly / assemblyOutputPath := file("project-manager.jar"), // Exclude all the Truffle/Graal related artifacts from the fat jar assembly / assemblyExcludedJars := { val pkgsToExclude = GraalVM.modules val ourFullCp = (Runtime / fullClasspath).value JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromClasspath( ourFullCp, pkgsToExclude, streams.value.log ) }, assembly / assemblyMergeStrategy := { case PathList("META-INF", file, xs @ _*) if file.endsWith(".DSA") => MergeStrategy.discard case PathList("META-INF", file, xs @ _*) if file.endsWith(".SF") => MergeStrategy.discard case PathList("META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.discard // This fat Jar must not be an explicit module, so discard all the module-info classes case PathList(xs @ _*) if xs.last.contains("module-info") => MergeStrategy.discard case "application.conf" => MergeStrategy.concat case "reference.conf" => MergeStrategy.concat case _ => MergeStrategy.first } ) /** JPMS related settings for tests */ .settings( Test / fork := true, // These dependencies are here so that we can use them in `--module-path` later on. libraryDependencies ++= { val necessaryModules = ++ necessaryModules }, Test / addModules := Seq( (`runtime-fat-jar` / javaModuleName).value, (`syntax-rust-definition` / javaModuleName).value, (`profiling-utils` / javaModuleName).value, (`ydoc-server` / javaModuleName).value ), Test / modulePath := { val updateReport = (Test / update).value val requiredModIds = GraalVM.modules ++ GraalVM.langsPkgs ++ logbackPkg ++ helidon ++ Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-netbeans-modules-sampler" % netbeansApiVersion ) val requiredMods = JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromUpdate( updateReport, requiredModIds, streams.value.log, shouldContainAll = true ) val runtimeMod = (`runtime-fat-jar` / Compile / productDirectories).value.head val ydocMod = (`ydoc-server` / Compile / exportedProducts) val syntaxMod = (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / exportedProducts) val profilingMod = (`profiling-utils` / Compile / exportedProducts) requiredMods ++ Seq( runtimeMod, ydocMod, syntaxMod, profilingMod ) }, Test / javaOptions ++= testLogProviderOptions ) .settings( NativeImage.smallJdk := None, NativeImage.additionalCp := Seq.empty, rebuildNativeImage := NativeImage .buildNativeImage( "project-manager", staticOnLinux = true, initializeAtRuntime = Seq( "scala.util.Random", "zio.internal.ZScheduler$$anon$4", "zio.Runtime$", "zio.FiberRef$" ) ) .dependsOn( .dependsOn(assembly) .value, buildNativeImage := NativeImage .incrementalNativeImageBuild( rebuildNativeImage, "project-manager" ) .value ) .dependsOn(`akka-native`) .dependsOn(`version-output`) .dependsOn(editions) .dependsOn(`edition-updater`) .dependsOn(cli) .dependsOn(`task-progress-notifications`) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) .dependsOn(`runtime-version-manager`) .dependsOn(`library-manager`) .dependsOn(`logging-utils-akka`) .dependsOn(`logging-service`) .dependsOn(pkg) .dependsOn(`json-rpc-server`) .dependsOn(`logging-service-logback` % Runtime) .dependsOn(`json-rpc-server-test` % Test) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) .dependsOn(`runtime-version-manager-test` % Test) .dependsOn(`logging-service-logback` % "test->test") /* Note [Classpath Separation] * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Projects using the language runtime do not depend on it directly, but instead * the language runtime is put on the Truffle classpath, rather than the * standard classpath. This is the recommended way of handling this and we * strive to use such structure everywhere. * See * * * Currently the only exception to this are the tests of the runtime project * which have classpath separation disabled, because they need direct access to * the runtime's instruments. * * To ensure correct handling of dependencies by sbt, the classpath appended to * Java options, should be based on `(runtime / Compile / fullClasspath).value` * wherever possible. Using a key from the runtime project enables sbt to see * the dependency. * * Assembly tasks that build JAR files which need `runtime.jar` to run should * also add a dependency on `runtime / assembly`. */ lazy val `json-rpc-server` = project .in(file("lib/scala/json-rpc-server")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= akka ++ logbackTest, libraryDependencies ++= circe, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "io.circe" %% "circe-literal" % circeVersion, "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, akkaTestkit % Test, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.apache.httpcomponents" % "httpclient" % httpComponentsVersion % Test, "org.apache.httpcomponents" % "httpcore" % httpComponentsVersion % Test, "commons-io" % "commons-io" % commonsIoVersion % Test ) ) lazy val `json-rpc-server-test` = project .in(file("lib/scala/json-rpc-server-test")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= akka, libraryDependencies ++= circe, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "io.circe" %% "circe-literal" % circeVersion, akkaTestkit, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion, "org.gnieh" %% "diffson-circe" % diffsonVersion ) ) .dependsOn(`json-rpc-server`) lazy val testkit = project .in(file("lib/scala/testkit")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.apache.commons" % "commons-lang3" % commonsLangVersion, "commons-io" % "commons-io" % commonsIoVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion ) ) lazy val searcher = project .in(file("lib/scala/searcher")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, annotationProcSetting, libraryDependencies ++= jmh ++ Seq( "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ) ++ logbackTest ) .configs(Benchmark) .settings( inConfig(Benchmark)(Defaults.testSettings), Benchmark / fork := true ) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) lazy val `ydoc-server` = project .in(file("lib/java/ydoc-server")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, javaModuleName := "org.enso.ydoc", Compile / exportJars := true, crossPaths := false, autoScalaLibrary := false, Test / fork := true, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, // GraalVM and helidon modules (3rd party modules) modulePath := { JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromUpdate( update.value, GraalVM.modules ++ GraalVM.jsPkgs ++ GraalVM.chromeInspectorPkgs ++ helidon ++ Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % logbackClassicVersion, "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-core" % logbackClassicVersion ), streams.value.log, shouldContainAll = true ) }, // Internal project modules modulePath ++= Seq( (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / productDirectories).value.head, (`profiling-utils` / Compile / productDirectories).value.head ), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "inspect" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "runtime", "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "js" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "runtime", "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "io.helidon.webclient" % "helidon-webclient-websocket" % helidonVersion, "io.helidon.webserver" % "helidon-webserver-websocket" % helidonVersion, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-databind" % jacksonVersion % Test ) ) // `Compile/run` settings are necessary for the `run` task to work. // We add it here for convenience so that one can start ydoc-server directly // with `ydoc-server/run` task. .settings( Compile / run / fork := true, Compile / run / connectInput := true, Compile / run / javaOptions := Seq( "-ea" ), // We need to assembly the cmd line options here manually, because we need // to add path to this module, and adding that directly to the `modulePath` setting // would result in an sbt caught in an infinite recursion. // Compile / run / javaOptions ++= { val mp = modulePath.value ++ (`profiling-utils` / modulePath).value val jar = (Compile / exportedProductJars).value.head val modName = javaModuleName.value val allMp = mp ++ Seq( val mainKlazz = (Compile / mainClass).value.get val args = Seq( "--module-path", allMp.mkString(File.pathSeparator), "--module", modName + "/" + mainKlazz ) args }, Compile / resourceGenerators += Def .task( Ydoc.generateJsBundle( (ThisBuild / baseDirectory).value, baseDirectory.value, (Compile / resourceManaged).value, streams.value ) ) .taskValue ) .dependsOn(`syntax-rust-definition`) .dependsOn(`logging-service-logback`) .dependsOn(`profiling-utils`) lazy val `persistance` = (project in file("lib/java/persistance")) .settings( version := mavenUploadVersion, Test / fork := true, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, annotationProcSetting, javadocSettings, publish / skip := false, autoScalaLibrary := false, crossPaths := false, Compile / javacOptions := ((Compile / javacOptions).value), inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(`persistance-dsl` % Test) lazy val `persistance-dsl` = (project in file("lib/java/persistance-dsl")) .settings( version := mavenUploadVersion, frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, publish / skip := false, autoScalaLibrary := false, crossPaths := false, javadocSettings, Compile / compile / javacOptions := ((Compile / compile / javacOptions).value ++ // Only run ServiceProvider processor and ignore those defined in META-INF, thus // fixing incremental compilation setup Seq( "-processor", "org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.ServiceProviderProcessor" )), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided" ) ) lazy val `interpreter-dsl` = (project in file("lib/scala/interpreter-dsl")) .settings( version := "0.1", frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, Compile / javacOptions := ((Compile / javacOptions).value ++ // Only run ServiceProvider processor and ignore those defined in META-INF, thus // fixing incremental compilation setup Seq( "-processor", "org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.ServiceProviderProcessor" )), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.apache.commons" % "commons-lang3" % commonsLangVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided", "" % "guava" % guavaVersion exclude ("", "jsr305") ) ) lazy val `interpreter-dsl-test` = (project in file("engine/interpreter-dsl-test")) .configs(Test) .settings( version := "0.1", frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, annotationProcSetting, inConfig(Test)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), Test / fork := true, Test / javaOptions ++= Seq( "-Dpolyglotimpl.DisableClassPathIsolation=true" ), commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-dsl-processor" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(`interpreter-dsl`) .dependsOn(`runtime`) // ============================================================================ // === Sub-Projects =========================================================== // ============================================================================ val benchOnlyOptions = if (java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("bench.compileOnly")) { Seq( "-Dbench.compileOnly=true" ) } else { Seq( "-Dbench.compileOnly=false" ) } /** Truffle-related settings for test running. */ val truffleRunOpts = Seq( "-Dpolyglot.compiler.IterativePartialEscape=true", "-Dpolyglot.compiler.BackgroundCompilation=false" ) val truffleRunOptionsSettings = Seq( fork := true, javaOptions ++= "-ea" +: benchOnlyOptions ) /** Explicitly provide `application-test.conf` as the resource that should be used for * parsing the logging configuration. Explicitly setting `config.resource` prevents * the potential conflicts with other *.conf files. */ val testLogProviderOptions = Seq( "-Dslf4j.provider=org.enso.logger.TestLogProvider", "-Dconfig.resource=application-test.conf" ) lazy val `engine-common` = project .in(file("engine/common")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, Test / fork := true, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, Test / envVars ++= distributionEnvironmentOverrides, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided" ) ) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) lazy val `polyglot-api` = project .in(file("engine/polyglot-api")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, Test / fork := true, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, Test / envVars ++= distributionEnvironmentOverrides, Test / javaOptions ++= Seq( "-Dpolyglot.engine.WarnInterpreterOnly=false", "-Dpolyglotimpl.DisableClassPathIsolation=true" ), // Append enso language on the class-path Test / unmanagedClasspath := (LocalProject( "runtime-fat-jar" ) / Compile / fullClasspath).value, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.sdk" % "polyglot-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter-scala" %% "jsoniter-scala-macros" % jsoniterVersion, "com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter-scala" %% "jsoniter-scala-core" % jsoniterVersion, "io.circe" %% "circe-yaml" % circeYamlVersion % "provided", // as required by `pkg` and `editions` "" % "flatbuffers-java" % flatbuffersVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % scalacheckVersion % Test ), GenerateFlatbuffers.flatcVersion := flatbuffersVersion, Compile / sourceGenerators += GenerateFlatbuffers.task ) .dependsOn(`engine-common`) .dependsOn(pkg) .dependsOn(`text-buffer`) .dependsOn(`logging-utils`) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api-macros`) lazy val `polyglot-api-macros` = project .in(file("engine/polyglot-api-macros")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter-scala" %% "jsoniter-scala-core" % jsoniterVersion % "provided", "com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter-scala" %% "jsoniter-scala-macros" % jsoniterVersion % "provided" ) ) lazy val `language-server` = (project in file("engine/language-server")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .settings( commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= akka ++ circe ++ Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "io.circe" %% "circe-generic-extras" % circeGenericExtrasVersion, "io.circe" %% "circe-literal" % circeVersion, "dev.zio" %% "zio" % zioVersion, "" % "flatbuffers-java" % flatbuffersVersion, "commons-io" % "commons-io" % commonsIoVersion, "com.github.pureconfig" %% "pureconfig" % pureconfigVersion, akkaTestkit % Test, "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-http-testkit" % akkaHTTPVersion % Test, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % scalacheckVersion % Test, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.sdk" % "polyglot-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.eclipse.jgit" % "org.eclipse.jgit" % jgitVersion, "org.bouncycastle" % "bcutil-jdk18on" % "1.76" % Test, "org.bouncycastle" % "bcpkix-jdk18on" % "1.76" % Test, "org.bouncycastle" % "bcprov-jdk18on" % "1.76" % Test, "org.apache.tika" % "tika-core" % tikaVersion % Test ), Test / testOptions += Tests .Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaCheck, "-minSuccessfulTests", "1000"), Test / envVars ++= distributionEnvironmentOverrides, GenerateFlatbuffers.flatcVersion := flatbuffersVersion, Compile / sourceGenerators += GenerateFlatbuffers.task ) .configs(Benchmark) .settings( inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), inConfig(Benchmark)(Defaults.testSettings), bench := (Benchmark / test).value, libraryDependencies += "com.storm-enroute" %% "scalameter" % scalameterVersion % "bench", testFrameworks ++= List( new TestFramework("org.scalameter.ScalaMeterFramework") ) ) .settings( Test / fork := true, // These dependencies are here so that we can use them in `--module-path` later on. libraryDependencies ++= { val necessaryModules = ++ necessaryModules }, Test / addModules := Seq( (`runtime-fat-jar` / javaModuleName).value, (`syntax-rust-definition` / javaModuleName).value, (`profiling-utils` / javaModuleName).value, (`ydoc-server` / javaModuleName).value ), Test / modulePath := { val updateReport = (Test / update).value val requiredModIds = GraalVM.modules ++ GraalVM.langsPkgs ++ logbackPkg ++ helidon ++ Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-netbeans-modules-sampler" % netbeansApiVersion ) val requiredMods = JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromUpdate( updateReport, requiredModIds, streams.value.log, shouldContainAll = true ) val runtimeMod = (`runtime-fat-jar` / Compile / productDirectories).value.head val syntaxMod = (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / productDirectories).value.head val ydocMod = (`ydoc-server` / Compile / productDirectories).value.head val profilingMod = (`profiling-utils` / Compile / productDirectories).value.head requiredMods ++ Seq( runtimeMod, syntaxMod, ydocMod, profilingMod ) }, Test / javaOptions ++= testLogProviderOptions, Test / patchModules := { /** All these modules will be in --patch-module cmdline option to java, which means that * for the JVM, it will appear that all the classes contained in these sbt projects are contained * in the `org.enso.runtime` module. In this way, we do not have to assembly the `runtime.jar` * fat jar. */ val modulesToPatchIntoRuntime: Seq[File] = (LocalProject( "runtime-instrument-common" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-instrument-id-execution" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-instrument-repl-debugger" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-instrument-runtime-server" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-language-epb" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-compiler" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject("runtime-parser") / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject("persistance") / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "interpreter-dsl" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ // We have to patch the `runtime` project as well, as it contains BuiltinTypes.metadata in // runtime/target/classes/META-INF directory (LocalProject("runtime") / Compile / productDirectories).value val extraModsToPatch = JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromUpdate( (Test / update).value, Seq( "org.apache.tika" % "tika-core" % tikaVersion ), streams.value.log, shouldContainAll = true ) Map( (`runtime-fat-jar` / javaModuleName).value -> (modulesToPatchIntoRuntime ++ extraModsToPatch) ) }, Test / addReads := { Map( (`runtime-fat-jar` / javaModuleName).value -> Seq("ALL-UNNAMED") ) }, Test / addExports := { val profModName = (`profiling-utils` / javaModuleName).value Map( profModName + "/org.enso.profiling.snapshot" -> Seq("ALL-UNNAMED") ) } ) .settings( Test / compile := (Test / compile) .dependsOn(`runtime-fat-jar` / Compile / compileModuleInfo) .value, Test / envVars ++= Map( "ENSO_EDITION_PATH" -> file("distribution/editions").getCanonicalPath ) ) .dependsOn(`json-rpc-server-test` % Test) .dependsOn(`json-rpc-server`) .dependsOn(`task-progress-notifications`) .dependsOn(`library-manager`) .dependsOn(`connected-lock-manager-server`) .dependsOn(`edition-updater`) .dependsOn(`logging-utils-akka`) .dependsOn(`logging-service`) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) .dependsOn(`searcher`) .dependsOn(`text-buffer`) .dependsOn(`version-output`) .dependsOn(pkg) .dependsOn(`profiling-utils`) .dependsOn(filewatcher) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) .dependsOn(`logging-service-logback` % "test->test") .dependsOn(`library-manager-test` % Test) .dependsOn(`runtime-version-manager-test` % Test) .dependsOn(`ydoc-server`) lazy val cleanInstruments = taskKey[Unit]( "Cleans fragile class files to force a full recompilation and preserve" + "consistency of instrumentation configuration." ) /** Overrides for the environment variables related to the distribution, so that * a local installation does not interfere with runtime tests. */ val distributionEnvironmentOverrides = { val fakeDir = file("target/fake_dir").getAbsolutePath Map( "ENSO_DATA_DIRECTORY" -> fakeDir, "ENSO_CONFIG_DIRECTORY" -> fakeDir, "ENSO_RUNTIME_DIRECTORY" -> file("target/run").getAbsolutePath, "ENSO_LOG_DIRECTORY" -> file("target/logs").getAbsolutePath, "ENSO_HOME" -> fakeDir, "ENSO_EDITION_PATH" -> "", "ENSO_LIBRARY_PATH" -> "", "ENSO_AUXILIARY_LIBRARY_CACHES" -> "" ) } val frgaalSourceLevel = FrgaalJavaCompiler.sourceLevel lazy val truffleDslSuppressWarnsSetting = Seq( Compile / javacOptions ++= Seq( "-Atruffle.dsl.SuppressWarnings=truffle-inlining" ) ) /** Common settings for projects whose sources are processed by some annotation * processors. These settings ensure that the generated sources are placed under * `(Compile/sourceManaged)` directory, usually pointing to `target/classes/src_managed`. */ lazy val annotationProcSetting = Seq( Compile / compile / javacOptions ++= Seq( "-s", (Compile / compile / sourceManaged).value.getAbsolutePath, "-Xlint:unchecked" ), Compile / compile := (Compile / compile) .dependsOn(Def.task { (Compile / sourceManaged).value.mkdirs }) .value, // zinc cannot see who is generating the java files so it adds some // spurious warning messages. The following setting filters out such // spurious warnings. // See Compile / logManager := sbt.internal.util.CustomLogManager.excludeMsg( "Could not determine source for class ", Level.Warn ) ) lazy val javadocSettings = Seq( Compile / doc / javacOptions --= Seq( "-deprecation", "-g", "-Xlint:unchecked", "-proc:full" ), Compile / doc / javacOptions ++= Seq( "--snippet-path", (Test / javaSource).value.getAbsolutePath ) ) /** A setting to replace javac with Frgaal compiler, allowing to use latest Java features in the code * and still compile down to JDK 17 */ lazy val frgaalJavaCompilerSetting = customFrgaalJavaCompilerSettings(targetJavaVersion) def customFrgaalJavaCompilerSettings(targetJdk: String) = Seq( Compile / compile / compilers := FrgaalJavaCompiler.compilers( (Compile / dependencyClasspath).value, compilers.value, targetJdk ), // This dependency is needed only so that developers don't download Frgaal manually. // Sadly it cannot be placed under plugins either because meta dependencies are not easily // accessible from the non-meta build definition. libraryDependencies += FrgaalJavaCompiler.frgaal, // Ensure that our tooling uses the right Java version for checking the code. Compile / javacOptions ++= Seq( "-source", frgaalSourceLevel, "--enable-preview" ) ) lazy val instrumentationSettings = frgaalJavaCompilerSetting ++ annotationProcSetting ++ Seq( version := ensoVersion, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, Compile / javacOptions --= Seq( "-source", frgaalSourceLevel, "--enable-preview" ), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-dsl-processor" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided" ) ) lazy val `runtime-language-epb` = (project in file("engine/runtime-language-epb")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), truffleDslSuppressWarnsSetting, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, fork := true, Test / javaOptions ++= Seq(), instrumentationSettings, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-dsl-processor" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided" ) ) lazy val `runtime-language-arrow` = (project in file("engine/runtime-language-arrow")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .settings( crossPaths := false, autoScalaLibrary := false, inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), instrumentationSettings, libraryDependencies ++= GraalVM.modules ++ Seq( "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-nop" % slf4jVersion % Test, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion % Test, "org.apache.arrow" % "arrow-vector" % apacheArrowVersion % Test, "org.apache.arrow" % "arrow-memory-netty" % apacheArrowVersion % Test ), javaModuleName := "org.enso.interpreter.arrow", modulePath := { val updateReport = (Test / update).value JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromUpdate( updateReport, GraalVM.modules, streams.value.log, shouldContainAll = true ) ++ Seq( (LocalProject( "runtime-language-arrow" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value.head ) }, Test / patchModules := { val testClassesDir = (Test / productDirectories).value.head Map(javaModuleName.value -> Seq(testClassesDir)) }, Test / addModules := Seq(javaModuleName.value), Test / javaOptions ++= Seq( s"--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=${javaModuleName.value}", // DirectByteBuffer in MemoryUtil init is in-accessible "--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED" // Tests use Apache Arrow ), Test / addReads := { Map(javaModuleName.value -> Seq("ALL-UNNAMED")) } ) /** `runtime-test-instruments` project contains Truffle instruments that are used solely for testing. * It is compiled into an explicit Java module. Note that this project cannot have compile-time dependency on `runtime` * project, so if you need access to classes from `runtime`, you need to use reflection. */ lazy val `runtime-test-instruments` = (project in file("engine/runtime-test-instruments")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .settings( inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), truffleDslSuppressWarnsSetting, instrumentationSettings, javaModuleName := "org.enso.runtime.test", modulePath := { JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromUpdate( update.value, GraalVM.modules ++ Seq( "org.graalvm.sdk" % "polyglot-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck-common" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck-tests" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion ), streams.value.log, shouldContainAll = true ) }, libraryDependencies ++= GraalVM.modules, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.sdk" % "polyglot-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck-common" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck-tests" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided" ) ) lazy val runtime = (project in file("engine/runtime")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, annotationProcSetting, truffleDslSuppressWarnsSetting, version := ensoVersion, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), libraryDependencies ++= GraalVM.langsPkgs ++ Seq( "org.apache.commons" % "commons-lang3" % commonsLangVersion, "org.apache.tika" % "tika-core" % tikaVersion, "com.lihaoyi" %% "fansi" % fansiVersion, "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.sdk" % "polyglot-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-dsl-processor" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided", "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % scalacheckVersion % Test, "org.scalactic" %% "scalactic" % scalacticVersion % Test, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.hamcrest" % "hamcrest-all" % hamcrestVersion % Test, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion % Test ), // Add all GraalVM packages with Runtime scope - we don't need them for compilation, // just provide them at runtime (in module-path). libraryDependencies ++= { val necessaryModules = val langs = val tools = necessaryModules ++ langs ++ tools } ) .settings( (Runtime / compile) := (Runtime / compile) .dependsOn(`std-base` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`enso-test-java-helpers` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`benchmark-java-helpers` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`exploratory-benchmark-java-helpers` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`std-image` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`std-database` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`std-google-api` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`std-table` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`std-aws` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`std-snowflake` / Compile / packageBin) .value ) .dependsOn(`common-polyglot-core-utils`) .dependsOn(`edition-updater`) .dependsOn(`interpreter-dsl` % "provided") .dependsOn(`persistance-dsl` % "provided") .dependsOn(`library-manager`) .dependsOn(`logging-truffle-connector`) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) .dependsOn(`text-buffer`) .dependsOn(`runtime-compiler`) .dependsOn(`runtime-suggestions`) .dependsOn(`connected-lock-manager`) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) /** A project holding all the runtime integration tests. These tests require, among other things, * the `org.enso.runtime` JPMS module, so it is easier to keep them in a separate project. * For standard unit tests, use `runtime/Test`. */ lazy val `runtime-integration-tests` = (project in file("engine/runtime-integration-tests")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, annotationProcSetting, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, libraryDependencies ++= GraalVM.modules ++ GraalVM.langsPkgs ++ GraalVM.insightPkgs ++ logbackPkg ++ helidon ++ Seq( "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.sdk" % "polyglot-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-dsl-processor" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % Test, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck-common" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % Test, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck-tests" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % Test, "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % scalacheckVersion % Test, "org.scalactic" %% "scalactic" % scalacticVersion % Test, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.hamcrest" % "hamcrest-all" % hamcrestVersion % Test, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion % Test ), Test / compile := (Test / compile) .dependsOn(`runtime-fat-jar` / Compile / compileModuleInfo) .value, Test / fork := true, Test / parallelExecution := false, Test / logBuffered := false, Test / envVars ++= distributionEnvironmentOverrides ++ Map( "ENSO_TEST_DISABLE_IR_CACHE" -> "false", "ENSO_EDITION_PATH" -> file("distribution/editions").getCanonicalPath ), inConfig(Test)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), Test / javaOptions ++= Seq( "-Dtck.values=java-host,enso", "-Dtck.language=enso", "-Dtck.inlineVerifierInstrument=false", "-Dpolyglot.engine.AllowExperimentalOptions=true" ), Test / javaOptions ++= testLogProviderOptions, Test / addModules := Seq( (`runtime-test-instruments` / javaModuleName).value, (`runtime-fat-jar` / javaModuleName).value, (`syntax-rust-definition` / javaModuleName).value, (`profiling-utils` / javaModuleName).value, (`ydoc-server` / javaModuleName).value ), Test / modulePath := { val updateReport = (Test / update).value val requiredModIds = GraalVM.modules ++ GraalVM.langsPkgs ++ GraalVM.insightPkgs ++ logbackPkg ++ helidon ++ Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-netbeans-modules-sampler" % netbeansApiVersion, "org.graalvm.sdk" % "polyglot-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck-common" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-tck-tests" % graalMavenPackagesVersion ) val requiredMods = JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromUpdate( updateReport, requiredModIds, streams.value.log, shouldContainAll = true ) val runtimeTestInstrumentsMod = (`runtime-test-instruments` / Compile / exportedProducts) val runtimeMod = (`runtime-fat-jar` / Compile / exportedProducts) val ydocMod = (`ydoc-server` / Compile / exportedProducts) val syntaxMod = (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / exportedProducts) val profilingMod = (`profiling-utils` / Compile / exportedProducts) requiredMods ++ Seq( runtimeTestInstrumentsMod, runtimeMod, ydocMod, syntaxMod, profilingMod ) }, Test / patchModules := { /** All these modules will be in --patch-module cmdline option to java, which means that * for the JVM, it will appear that all the classes contained in these sbt projects are contained * in the `org.enso.runtime` module. In this way, we do not have to assembly the `runtime.jar` * fat jar. */ val modulesToPatchIntoRuntime: Seq[File] = (LocalProject( "runtime-instrument-common" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-instrument-id-execution" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-instrument-repl-debugger" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-instrument-runtime-server" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-language-epb" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-compiler" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "refactoring-utils" ) / Compile / productDirectories).value ++ (LocalProject( "runtime-instrument-common" ) / Test / productDirectories).value // Patch test-classes into the runtime module. This is standard way to deal with the // split package problem in unit tests. For example, Maven's surefire plugin does this. val testClassesDir = (Test / productDirectories).value.head Map( (`runtime-fat-jar` / javaModuleName).value -> (modulesToPatchIntoRuntime ++ Seq( testClassesDir )) ) }, Test / addReads := { val runtimeModName = (`runtime-fat-jar` / javaModuleName).value val testInstrumentsModName = (`runtime-test-instruments` / javaModuleName).value Map( // We patched the test-classes into the runtime module. These classes access some stuff from // unnamed module. Thus, let's add ALL-UNNAMED. runtimeModName -> Seq( "ALL-UNNAMED", testInstrumentsModName, "truffle.tck.tests", "org.openide.util.lookup.RELEASE180" ), testInstrumentsModName -> Seq(runtimeModName) ) } ) .dependsOn(`runtime-fat-jar`) .dependsOn(`runtime-test-instruments`) .dependsOn(`logging-service-logback` % "test->test") .dependsOn(testkit % Test) .dependsOn(`connected-lock-manager-server`) .dependsOn(`test-utils`) /** A project that holds only benchmarks for `runtime`. Unlike `runtime-integration-tests`, its execution requires * the whole `runtime-fat-jar` assembly, as we want to be as close to the enso distribution as possible. */ lazy val `runtime-benchmarks` = (project in file("engine/runtime-benchmarks")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, annotationProcSetting, // Note that withDebug command only makes sense if you use `@Fork(0)` in your benchmarks. commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, libraryDependencies ++= GraalVM.modules ++ GraalVM.langsPkgs ++ GraalVM.toolsPkgs ++ helidon ++ Seq( "org.openjdk.jmh" % "jmh-core" % jmhVersion, "org.openjdk.jmh" % "jmh-generator-annprocess" % jmhVersion, "jakarta.xml.bind" % "jakarta.xml.bind-api" % jaxbVersion, "com.sun.xml.bind" % "jaxb-impl" % jaxbVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-dsl-processor" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-nop" % slf4jVersion ), mainClass := Some("org.enso.interpreter.bench.benchmarks.RuntimeBenchmarksRunner"), javacOptions --= Seq( "-source", frgaalSourceLevel, "--enable-preview" ), Compile / compile := (Compile / compile) .dependsOn(`runtime-fat-jar` / assembly) .value, parallelExecution := false, modulePath := { val requiredModIds = GraalVM.modules ++ GraalVM.langsPkgs ++ helidon ++ Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-nop" % slf4jVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-netbeans-modules-sampler" % netbeansApiVersion ) val requiredMods = JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromUpdate( (Compile / update).value, requiredModIds, streams.value.log, shouldContainAll = true ) val runtimeMod = (`runtime-fat-jar` / assembly / assemblyOutputPath).value val ydocMod = (`ydoc-server` / Compile / exportedProducts) val syntaxMod = (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / exportedProducts) val profilingMod = (`profiling-utils` / Compile / exportedProducts) requiredMods ++ Seq( runtimeMod, ydocMod, syntaxMod, profilingMod ) }, addModules := { val runtimeModuleName = (`runtime-fat-jar` / javaModuleName).value Seq(runtimeModuleName) }, addExports := { Map("org.slf4j.nop/org.slf4j.nop" -> Seq("org.slf4j")) }, javaOptions ++= { Seq( // To enable logging in benchmarks, add ch.qos.logback module on the modulePath "-Dslf4j.provider=org.slf4j.nop.NOPServiceProvider" ) }, javaOptions ++= benchOnlyOptions, javaOptions += "-Xss16M", run / fork := true, run / connectInput := true, bench := Def .task { (Compile / run).toTask("").tag(Exclusive).value } .dependsOn( buildEngineDistribution ) .value, benchOnly := Def.inputTaskDyn { import complete.Parsers.spaceDelimited val name = spaceDelimited("").parsed match { case List(name) => name case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected one argument.") } Def.task { (Compile / run).toTask(" " + name).value } }.evaluated ) .dependsOn(`runtime-fat-jar`) .dependsOn(`benchmarks-common`) lazy val `runtime-parser` = (project in file("engine/runtime-parser")) .settings( version := mavenUploadVersion, javadocSettings, publish / skip := false, crossPaths := false, frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, annotationProcSetting, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, fork := true, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided" ) ) .dependsOn(`syntax-rust-definition`) .dependsOn(`persistance`) .dependsOn(`persistance-dsl` % "provided") lazy val `runtime-compiler` = (project in file("engine/runtime-compiler")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, annotationProcSetting, (Test / fork) := true, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % shapelessVersion % "provided", "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided" ) ) .dependsOn(`runtime-parser`) .dependsOn(pkg) .dependsOn(`engine-common`) .dependsOn(editions) .dependsOn(`persistance-dsl` % "provided") lazy val `runtime-suggestions` = (project in file("engine/runtime-suggestions")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, (Test / fork) := true, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided" ) ) .dependsOn(`runtime-compiler`) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) lazy val `runtime-instrument-common` = (project in file("engine/runtime-instrument-common")) .configs(Benchmark) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), inConfig(Benchmark)(Defaults.testSettings), instrumentationSettings, Test / javaOptions ++= Seq( "-Dpolyglotimpl.DisableClassPathIsolation=true" ), bench := (Benchmark / test).tag(Exclusive).value, Benchmark / parallelExecution := false, (Benchmark / javaOptions) := (LocalProject("std-benchmarks") / Compile / javaOptions).value, Test / fork := true, Test / envVars ++= distributionEnvironmentOverrides ++ Map( "ENSO_TEST_DISABLE_IR_CACHE" -> "false" ), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(`refactoring-utils`) .dependsOn( LocalProject( "runtime" ) % "compile->compile;runtime->runtime;bench->bench" ) lazy val `runtime-instrument-id-execution` = (project in file("engine/runtime-instrument-id-execution")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), instrumentationSettings ) .dependsOn(LocalProject("runtime")) .dependsOn(`runtime-instrument-common`) lazy val `runtime-instrument-repl-debugger` = (project in file("engine/runtime-instrument-repl-debugger")) .settings( inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), instrumentationSettings ) .dependsOn(LocalProject("runtime")) .dependsOn(`runtime-instrument-common`) lazy val `runtime-instrument-runtime-server` = (project in file("engine/runtime-instrument-runtime-server")) .settings( inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), instrumentationSettings ) .dependsOn(LocalProject("runtime")) .dependsOn(`runtime-instrument-common` % "test->test;compile->compile") /** A "meta" project that exists solely to provide logic for assembling the `runtime.jar` fat Jar. * We do not want to put this task into any other existing project, as it internally copies some * classes from other projects into the `classes` directory, therefore, pollutes the build. * There is only one Java source in this project - ``. During the assembling of the * fat jar, all the classes from the dependent projects are copied into the `classes` directory of * this project and then, a custom task is invoked to compile the ``. */ lazy val `runtime-fat-jar` = (project in file("engine/runtime-fat-jar")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .settings( // extra module path for compileModuleInfo task Compile / JPMSUtils.extraMp := { val ydocMod = (`ydoc-server` / Compile / exportedProductJars).value val syntaxMod = (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / exportedProductJars).value val profilingMod = (`profiling-utils` / Compile / exportedProductJars).value ydocMod ++ syntaxMod ++ profilingMod }, Compile / compileModuleInfo := { JPMSUtils.compileModuleInfo( copyDepsFilter = ScopeFilter( inProjects( LocalProject("runtime"), LocalProject("runtime-language-epb"), LocalProject("runtime-instrument-common"), LocalProject("runtime-instrument-id-execution"), LocalProject("runtime-instrument-repl-debugger"), LocalProject("runtime-instrument-runtime-server") ), inConfigurations(Compile) ), modulePath = JPMSUtils.componentModules ++ helidon ) } .dependsOn(Compile / compile) .value, // Filter from the compilation excludeFilter := excludeFilter.value || "", javaModuleName := "org.enso.runtime", compileOrder := CompileOrder.JavaThenScala ) /** The following libraryDependencies are provided in Runtime scope. * Later, we will collect them into --module-path option. * We don't collect them in Compile scope as it does not even make sense * to run `compile` task in this project. */ .settings( libraryDependencies ++= { val graalMods = val langMods = val logbackMods = val helidonMods = graalMods ++ langMods ++ logbackMods ++ helidonMods } ) /** Assembling Uber Jar */ .settings( assembly := assembly .dependsOn(Compile / compile) .dependsOn(Compile / compileModuleInfo) //`pakcageBin`dependencies are needed because // assemblyExcludedJars can only exclude JAR archives, not exploded // directories with classes. .dependsOn(`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`ydoc-server` / Compile / packageBin) .dependsOn(`profiling-utils` / Compile / packageBin) .value, assembly / assemblyJarName := "runtime.jar", assembly / test := {}, assembly / assemblyOutputPath := file("runtime.jar"), assembly / assemblyExcludedJars := { val pkgsToExclude = JPMSUtils.componentModules ++ helidon ++ Seq( "org.netbeans.api" % "org-netbeans-modules-sampler" % netbeansApiVersion ) val ourFullCp = (Runtime / fullClasspath).value val excludedExternalPkgs = JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromClasspath( ourFullCp, pkgsToExclude, streams.value.log ) val syntaxJar = (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / exportedProducts).value val ydocJar = (`ydoc-server` / Compile / exportedProducts).value val profilingJar = (`profiling-utils` / Compile / exportedProducts).value val excludedInternalPkgs = syntaxJar ++ ydocJar ++ profilingJar val log = streams.value.log excludedInternalPkgs.foreach { internalPkg => val isJar = &&".jar") if (!isJar) { log.error( + " is not a JAR archive." + " It might not be excluded from runtime.jar fat jar." ) } } excludedExternalPkgs ++ excludedInternalPkgs }, assembly / assemblyMergeStrategy := { case PathList("META-INF", file, xs @ _*) if file.endsWith(".DSA") => MergeStrategy.discard case PathList("META-INF", file, xs @ _*) if file.endsWith(".SF") => MergeStrategy.discard case PathList("META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.discard case PathList("META-INF", "services", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.concat case PathList("module-info.class") => MergeStrategy.preferProject // remove once gets integrated case PathList("org", "yaml", "snakeyaml", "introspector", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.preferProject case PathList(xs @ _*) if xs.last.contains("module-info.class") => MergeStrategy.discard case _ => MergeStrategy.first } ) .dependsOn(`runtime-instrument-common`) .dependsOn(`runtime-instrument-id-execution`) .dependsOn(`runtime-instrument-repl-debugger`) .dependsOn(`runtime-instrument-runtime-server`) .dependsOn(`runtime-language-epb`) .dependsOn(`ydoc-server`) .dependsOn(yaml) .dependsOn(LocalProject("runtime")) /* Note [Unmanaged Classpath] * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * As the definition of the core primitives in `core_definition` is achieved * entirely using the graph macros, this means that the IDE experience for those * using these primitives is very poor. * * To get around this, we want to treat the core definition as a .jar dependency * to force the IDE to depend on bytecode for its diagnostics, rather than the * source code (as this means it sees the macros expanded). A standard workflow * with local publishing would not recompile the definition automatically on * changes, so the `unmanagedClasspath` route allows us to get automatic * recompilation but still convince the IDE that it is a .jar dependency. */ lazy val `engine-runner` = project .in(file("engine/runner")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, truffleDslSuppressWarnsSetting, javaOptions ++= { // Note [Classpath Separation] val runtimeClasspath = (runtime / Compile / fullClasspath).value .map( .mkString(File.pathSeparator) Seq(s"-Dtruffle.class.path.append=$runtimeClasspath") }, packageOptions := Seq( // The `Multi-Release: true` comes from the `org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc` dependency. // But the current version of sbt-assembly does not allow to merge MANIFEST.MF // files this way. Package.ManifestAttributes(("Multi-Release", "true")) ), Compile / run / mainClass := Some("org.enso.runner.Main"), assembly / mainClass := (Compile / run / mainClass).value, assembly / assemblyJarName := "runner.jar", assembly / test := {}, assembly / assemblyOutputPath := file("runner.jar"), assembly / assemblyExcludedJars := { val excludedExternalPkgs = JPMSUtils.filterArtifacts( (Compile / fullClasspath).value, "graalvm", "truffle", "helidon" ) val syntaxJar = (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / exportedProducts).value val ydocJar = (`ydoc-server` / Compile / exportedProducts).value val profilingJar = (`profiling-utils` / Compile / exportedProducts).value val excludedInternalPkgs = syntaxJar ++ ydocJar ++ profilingJar val log = streams.value.log excludedInternalPkgs.foreach { internalPkg => val isJar = &&".jar") if (!isJar) { log.error( + " is not a JAR archive." + " It might not be excluded from runtime.jar fat jar." ) } } excludedInternalPkgs ++ excludedExternalPkgs }, assembly / assemblyMergeStrategy := { case PathList("META-INF", file, xs @ _*) if file.endsWith(".DSA") => MergeStrategy.discard case PathList("META-INF", file, xs @ _*) if file.endsWith(".SF") => MergeStrategy.discard case PathList("META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.discard case "application.conf" => MergeStrategy.concat case "reference.conf" => MergeStrategy.concat // remove once gets integrated case PathList("org", "yaml", "snakeyaml", "introspector", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.preferProject case PathList(xs @ _*) if xs.last.contains("module-info") => // runner.jar must not be a JPMS module MergeStrategy.discard case x => MergeStrategy.first }, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, inConfig(Compile)(truffleRunOptionsSettings), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.graalvm.sdk" % "polyglot-tck" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % Provided, "commons-cli" % "commons-cli" % commonsCliVersion, "com.monovore" %% "decline" % declineVersion, "org.jline" % "jline" % jlineVersion, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-collection-compat" % scalaCollectionCompatVersion ), run / connectInput := true ) .settings( NativeImage.smallJdk := Some(buildSmallJdk.value), NativeImage.additionalCp := { val core = Seq( "runtime.jar", "runner.jar" ) val stdLibsJars = `base-polyglot-root`.listFiles("*.jar").map(_.getAbsolutePath()) val profJar = (`profiling-utils` / Compile / exportedProductJars).value .map( val syntaxJar = (`syntax-rust-definition` / Compile / exportedProductJars).value .map( core ++ stdLibsJars ++ profJar ++ syntaxJar }, buildSmallJdk := { val smallJdkDirectory = (target.value / "jdk").getAbsoluteFile() if (smallJdkDirectory.exists()) { IO.delete(smallJdkDirectory) } val JS_MODULES = "org.graalvm.nativeimage,org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder,org.graalvm.nativeimage.base,org.graalvm.nativeimage.driver,org.graalvm.nativeimage.librarysupport,org.graalvm.nativeimage.objectfile,org.graalvm.nativeimage.pointsto,,,jdk.compiler.graal,jdk.httpserver,java.naming," val DEBUG_MODULES = "jdk.jdwp.agent" val PYTHON_MODULES = ",java.naming" val javaHome = Option(System.getProperty("java.home")).map(Paths.get(_)) val (jlink, modules, libDirs) = javaHome match { case None => throw new RuntimeException("Missing java.home variable") case Some(jh) => val exec = jh.resolve("bin").resolve("jlink") val moduleJars = List( "lib/svm/bin/../../graalvm/svm-driver.jar", "lib/svm/bin/../builder/native-image-base.jar", "lib/svm/bin/../builder/objectfile.jar", "lib/svm/bin/../builder/pointsto.jar", "lib/svm/bin/../builder/svm-enterprise.jar", "lib/svm/bin/../builder/svm.jar", "lib/svm/bin/../library-support.jar" ) val targetLibDirs = List("graalvm", "svm", "static", "truffle") ( exec, => jh.resolve(jar).toString), => jh.resolve("lib").resolve(d)) ) } val exec = s"$jlink --module-path ${modules.mkString(":")} --output $smallJdkDirectory --add-modules $JS_MODULES,$DEBUG_MODULES,$PYTHON_MODULES" val exitCode = scala.sys.process.Process(exec).! if (exitCode != 0) { throw new RuntimeException(s"Cannot execute") } libDirs.foreach(libDir => IO.copyDirectory( libDir.toFile, smallJdkDirectory.toPath .resolve("lib") .resolve(libDir.toFile.getName) .toFile ) ) assert( smallJdkDirectory.exists(), "Directory of small JDK " + smallJdkDirectory + " is not present" ) smallJdkDirectory }, assembly := assembly .dependsOn(`runtime-fat-jar` / assembly) .value, rebuildNativeImage := NativeImage .buildNativeImage( "runner", staticOnLinux = false, additionalOptions = Seq( "-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog", "-H:IncludeResources=.*Main.enso$", // useful perf & debug switches: // "-g", // "-H:+SourceLevelDebug", // "-H:-DeleteLocalSymbols", // you may need to set smallJdk := None to use following flags: // "--trace-class-initialization=org.enso.syntax2.Parser", "-Dnic=nic" ), mainClass = Some("org.enso.runner.Main"), initializeAtRuntime = Seq( "org.jline.nativ.JLineLibrary", "org.jline.terminal.impl.jna", "io.methvin.watchservice.jna.CarbonAPI", "zio.internal.ZScheduler$$anon$4", "org.enso.runner.Main$", "sun.awt", "sun.java2d", "sun.font", "java.awt", "com.sun.imageio", "com.sun.jna.internal.Cleaner", "com.sun.jna.Structure$FFIType", "akka.http" ) ) .dependsOn(NativeImage.additionalCp) .dependsOn(NativeImage.smallJdk) .dependsOn(assembly) .dependsOn( buildEngineDistribution ) .value, buildNativeImage := NativeImage .incrementalNativeImageBuild( rebuildNativeImage, "runner" ) .value ) .dependsOn(`version-output`) .dependsOn(yaml) .dependsOn(pkg) .dependsOn(cli) .dependsOn(`library-manager`) .dependsOn(`language-server`) .dependsOn(`edition-updater`) .dependsOn(`runtime-parser`) .dependsOn(`logging-service`) .dependsOn(`logging-service-logback` % Runtime) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) lazy val buildSmallJdk = taskKey[File]("Build a minimal JDK used for native image generation") lazy val launcher = project .in(file("engine/launcher")) .configs(Test) .settings( resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("gn0s1s", "releases"), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "org.apache.commons" % "commons-compress" % commonsCompressVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, akkaSLF4J ) ) .settings( NativeImage.smallJdk := None, NativeImage.additionalCp := Seq.empty, rebuildNativeImage := NativeImage .buildNativeImage( "enso", staticOnLinux = true, additionalOptions = Seq( "-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog", "-H:IncludeResources=.*Main.enso$" ), includeRuntime = false, mainClass = Some("org.enso.launcher.cli.Main") ) .dependsOn(assembly) .dependsOn( .value, buildNativeImage := NativeImage .incrementalNativeImageBuild( rebuildNativeImage, "enso" ) .value, assembly / test := {}, assembly / assemblyOutputPath := file("launcher.jar"), assembly / assemblyMergeStrategy := { case PathList("META-INF", file, xs @ _*) if file.endsWith(".DSA") => MergeStrategy.discard case PathList("META-INF", file, xs @ _*) if file.endsWith(".SF") => MergeStrategy.discard case PathList("META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.discard case "application.conf" => MergeStrategy.concat case "reference.conf" => MergeStrategy.concat // launcher.jar must not be an explicit Jar module case PathList(xs @ _*) if xs.last.contains("module-info") => MergeStrategy.discard case x => MergeStrategy.first } ) .settings( Test / fork := true, Test / javaOptions ++= testLogProviderOptions, (Test / test) := (Test / test) .dependsOn(buildNativeImage) .dependsOn(LauncherShimsForTest.prepare()) .value, (Test / testOnly) := (Test / testOnly) .dependsOn(buildNativeImage) .dependsOn(LauncherShimsForTest.prepare()) .evaluated, Test / fork := true ) .dependsOn(cli) .dependsOn(`runtime-version-manager`) .dependsOn(`version-output`) .dependsOn(pkg) .dependsOn(`logging-utils` % "test->test") .dependsOn(`logging-service`) .dependsOn(`logging-service-logback` % "test->test;runtime->runtime") .dependsOn(`distribution-manager` % Test) .dependsOn(`runtime-version-manager-test` % Test) lazy val `distribution-manager` = project .in(file("lib/scala/distribution-manager")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("gn0s1s", "releases"), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "io.circe" %% "circe-yaml" % circeYamlVersion, "commons-io" % "commons-io" % commonsIoVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(editions) .dependsOn(cli) .dependsOn(pkg) .dependsOn(`logging-utils`) lazy val `test-utils` = (project in file("lib/java/test-utils")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, annotationProcSetting, libraryDependencies ++= GraalVM.modules, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-dsl-processor" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided" ), Compile / javacOptions ++= Seq( "-s", (Compile / sourceManaged).value.getAbsolutePath ), Compile / compile := (Compile / compile) .dependsOn(Def.task { (Compile / sourceManaged).value.mkdirs }) .value ) .dependsOn(runtime) lazy val `benchmarks-common` = (project in file("lib/java/benchmarks-common")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= GraalVM.modules ++ Seq( "org.openjdk.jmh" % "jmh-core" % jmhVersion, "org.openjdk.jmh" % "jmh-generator-annprocess" % jmhVersion, "jakarta.xml.bind" % "jakarta.xml.bind-api" % jaxbVersion, "com.sun.xml.bind" % "jaxb-impl" % jaxbVersion ) ) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) lazy val `bench-processor` = (project in file("lib/scala/bench-processor")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "jakarta.xml.bind" % "jakarta.xml.bind-api" % jaxbVersion, "com.sun.xml.bind" % "jaxb-impl" % jaxbVersion, "org.openjdk.jmh" % "jmh-core" % jmhVersion % "provided", "org.openjdk.jmh" % "jmh-generator-annprocess" % jmhVersion % "provided", "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided", "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.graalvm.truffle" % "truffle-api" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % Test ), Compile / javacOptions := ((Compile / javacOptions).value ++ // Only run ServiceProvider processor and ignore those defined in META-INF, thus // fixing incremental compilation setup Seq( "-processor", "org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.ServiceProviderProcessor" )), mainClass := Some("org.enso.benchmarks.libs.LibBenchRunner"), commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, (Test / fork) := true, (Test / parallelExecution) := false, (Test / javaOptions) ++= Seq( "-Dpolyglot.engine.WarnInterpreterOnly=false", "-Dpolyglotimpl.DisableClassPathIsolation=true" ), // Append enso language on the class-path (Test / unmanagedClasspath) := (LocalProject("runtime-fat-jar") / Compile / fullClasspath).value ) .dependsOn(`benchmarks-common`) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) .dependsOn(runtime) lazy val `std-benchmarks` = (project in file("std-bits/benchmarks")) .enablePlugins(JPMSPlugin) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, annotationProcSetting, libraryDependencies ++= GraalVM.modules ++ GraalVM.langsPkgs ++ Seq( "org.openjdk.jmh" % "jmh-core" % jmhVersion, "org.openjdk.jmh" % "jmh-generator-annprocess" % jmhVersion, "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion, "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-nop" % slf4jVersion ), commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug ) .settings( parallelExecution := false, run / fork := true, run / connectInput := true, mainClass := (LocalProject("bench-processor") / mainClass).value, Compile / compile := (Compile / compile) .dependsOn(`runtime-fat-jar` / assembly) .value, Compile / javacOptions ++= Seq( "-Xlint:unchecked", "-J-Dpolyglotimpl.DisableClassPathIsolation=true", "-J-Dpolyglot.engine.WarnInterpreterOnly=false" ), modulePath := { val allRuntimeMods = componentModulesPaths.value val otherModIds = Seq( "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-nop" % slf4jVersion ) val requiredMods = JPMSUtils.filterModulesFromUpdate( (Compile / update).value, otherModIds, streams.value.log, shouldContainAll = true ) allRuntimeMods ++ requiredMods }, addModules := { val runtimeModuleName = (`runtime-fat-jar` / javaModuleName).value Seq(runtimeModuleName) }, addExports := { Map("org.slf4j.nop/org.slf4j.nop" -> Seq("org.slf4j")) }, javaOptions ++= { Seq( // To enable logging in benchmarks, add ch.qos.logback module on the modulePath "-Dslf4j.provider=org.slf4j.nop.NOPServiceProvider" ) }, javaOptions ++= benchOnlyOptions ) .settings( bench := Def .task { (Compile / run).toTask("").tag(Exclusive).value } .dependsOn( buildEngineDistribution ) .value, benchOnly := Def.inputTaskDyn { import complete.Parsers.spaceDelimited val name = spaceDelimited("").parsed match { case List(name) => name case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected one argument.") } Def.task { (Compile / run).toTask(" " + name).value } }.evaluated ) .dependsOn(`bench-processor`) .dependsOn(`runtime-fat-jar`) .dependsOn(`std-table` % "provided") .dependsOn(`std-base` % "provided") .dependsOn(`benchmark-java-helpers` % "provided") lazy val editions = project .in(file("lib/scala/editions")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "io.circe" %% "circe-yaml" % circeYamlVersion % "provided", "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ) ) .settings( (Compile / compile) := (Compile / compile) .dependsOn( Def.task { Editions.writeEditionConfig( editionsRoot = file("distribution") / "editions", ensoVersion = ensoVersion, editionName = currentEdition, libraryVersion = stdLibVersion, log = streams.value.log ) } ) .value, cleanFiles += baseDirectory.value / ".." / ".." / "distribution" / "editions" ) .dependsOn(semver) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) lazy val semver = project .in(file("lib/scala/semver")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "io.circe" %% "circe-yaml" % circeYamlVersion % "provided", "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test ) ) .settings( (Compile / compile) := (Compile / compile) .dependsOn( Def.task { Editions.writeEditionConfig( editionsRoot = file("distribution") / "editions", ensoVersion = ensoVersion, editionName = currentEdition, libraryVersion = stdLibVersion, log = streams.value.log ) } ) .value, cleanFiles += baseDirectory.value / ".." / ".." / "distribution" / "editions" ) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) lazy val downloader = (project in file("lib/scala/downloader")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, // Fork the tests to make sure that the withDebug command works (we can // attach debugger to the subprocess) (Test / fork) := true, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, version := "0.1", libraryDependencies ++= circe ++ Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "commons-io" % "commons-io" % commonsIoVersion, "org.apache.commons" % "commons-compress" % commonsCompressVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, "junit" % "junit" % junitVersion % Test, "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % junitIfVersion % Test, "org.hamcrest" % "hamcrest-all" % hamcrestVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(cli) .dependsOn(`http-test-helper` % "test->test") .dependsOn(testkit % Test) lazy val `edition-updater` = project .in(file("lib/scala/edition-updater")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, Test / test := (Test / test).tag(simpleLibraryServerTag).value, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(editions) .dependsOn(downloader) .dependsOn(`distribution-manager`) .dependsOn(`library-manager-test` % Test) lazy val `edition-uploader` = project .in(file("lib/scala/edition-uploader")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "io.circe" %% "circe-yaml" % circeYamlVersion % "provided" ) ) .dependsOn(editions) .dependsOn(`version-output`) lazy val `library-manager` = project .in(file("lib/scala/library-manager")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(`version-output`) // Note [Default Editions] .dependsOn(editions) .dependsOn(cli) .dependsOn(`distribution-manager`) .dependsOn(downloader) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) lazy val `library-manager-test` = project .in(file("lib/scala/library-manager-test")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, Test / fork := true, commands += WithDebugCommand.withDebug, Test / javaOptions ++= testLogProviderOptions, Test / test := (Test / test).tag(simpleLibraryServerTag).value, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(`library-manager`) .dependsOn(`logging-utils` % "test->test") .dependsOn(testkit) .dependsOn(`logging-service-logback` % "test->test") lazy val `connected-lock-manager` = project .in(file("lib/scala/connected-lock-manager")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(`distribution-manager`) .dependsOn(`connected-lock-manager-server` % "test->test") .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) /** Unlike `connected-lock-manager` project, has a dependency on akka. */ lazy val `connected-lock-manager-server` = project .in(file("lib/scala/connected-lock-manager-server")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, akkaActor, akkaTestkit % Test, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test ) ) .dependsOn(`distribution-manager`) .dependsOn(`polyglot-api`) .dependsOn(testkit % Test) lazy val `runtime-version-manager` = project .in(file("lib/scala/runtime-version-manager")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("gn0s1s", "releases"), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "org.apache.commons" % "commons-compress" % commonsCompressVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test, akkaHttp ) ) .dependsOn(pkg) .dependsOn(downloader) .dependsOn(cli) .dependsOn(`version-output`) .dependsOn(`edition-updater`) .dependsOn(`distribution-manager`) lazy val `runtime-version-manager-test` = project .in(file("lib/scala/runtime-version-manager-test")) .configs(Test) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion, "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion, "commons-io" % "commons-io" % commonsIoVersion ) ) .settings(Test / parallelExecution := false) .settings( (Test / test) := (Test / test) .dependsOn(`locking-test-helper` / assembly) .value ) .dependsOn(`runtime-version-manager`) .dependsOn(testkit) .dependsOn(cli) .dependsOn(`distribution-manager`) lazy val `locking-test-helper` = project .in(file("lib/scala/locking-test-helper")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, assembly / test := {}, assembly / assemblyOutputPath := file("locking-test-helper.jar") ) val `std-lib-root` = file("distribution/lib/Standard/") def stdLibComponentRoot(name: String): File = `std-lib-root` / name / stdLibVersion val `base-polyglot-root` = stdLibComponentRoot("Base") / "polyglot" / "java" val `table-polyglot-root` = stdLibComponentRoot("Table") / "polyglot" / "java" val `image-polyglot-root` = stdLibComponentRoot("Image") / "polyglot" / "java" val `google-api-polyglot-root` = stdLibComponentRoot("Google_Api") / "polyglot" / "java" val `database-polyglot-root` = stdLibComponentRoot("Database") / "polyglot" / "java" val `std-aws-polyglot-root` = stdLibComponentRoot("AWS") / "polyglot" / "java" val `std-snowflake-polyglot-root` = stdLibComponentRoot("Snowflake") / "polyglot" / "java" lazy val `std-base` = project .in(file("std-bits") / "base") .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / compile / compileInputs := (Compile / compile / compileInputs) .dependsOn(SPIHelpers.ensureSPIConsistency) .value, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := `base-polyglot-root` / "std-base.jar", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion, "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided", "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-databind" % jacksonVersion ), Compile / packageBin := Def.task { val result = (Compile / packageBin).value val _ensureCoreIsCompiled = (`common-polyglot-core-utils` / Compile / packageBin).value val _ = StdBits .copyDependencies( `base-polyglot-root`, Seq("std-base.jar", "common-polyglot-core-utils.jar"), ignoreScalaLibrary = true ) .value result }.value ) .dependsOn(`common-polyglot-core-utils`) lazy val `common-polyglot-core-utils` = project .in(file("lib/scala/common-polyglot-core-utils")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := `base-polyglot-root` / "common-polyglot-core-utils.jar", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "" % "icu4j" % icuVersion, "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided" ) ) lazy val `enso-test-java-helpers` = project .in(file("test/Base_Tests/polyglot-sources/enso-test-java-helpers")) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := file("test/Base_Tests/polyglot/java/helpers.jar"), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided" ), Compile / packageBin := Def.task { val result = (Compile / packageBin).value val primaryLocation = (Compile / packageBin / artifactPath).value val secondaryLocations = Seq( file("test/Table_Tests/polyglot/java/helpers.jar") ) secondaryLocations.foreach { target => IO.copyFile(primaryLocation, target) } result }.value ) .dependsOn(`std-base` % "provided") .dependsOn(`std-table` % "provided") lazy val `exploratory-benchmark-java-helpers` = project .in( file( "test/Exploratory_Benchmarks/polyglot-sources/exploratory-benchmark-java-helpers" ) ) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := file( "test/Exploratory_Benchmarks/polyglot/java/exploratory-benchmark-java-helpers.jar" ), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided" ) ) .dependsOn(`std-base` % "provided") .dependsOn(`std-table` % "provided") lazy val `benchmark-java-helpers` = project .in( file( "test/Benchmarks/polyglot-sources/benchmark-java-helpers" ) ) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := file( "test/Benchmarks/polyglot/java/benchmark-java-helpers.jar" ), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.sdk" % "graal-sdk" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided" ) ) .dependsOn(`std-base` % "provided") .dependsOn(`std-table` % "provided") lazy val `std-table` = project .in(file("std-bits") / "table") .enablePlugins(Antlr4Plugin) .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / compile / compileInputs := (Compile / compile / compileInputs) .dependsOn(SPIHelpers.ensureSPIConsistency) .value, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := `table-polyglot-root` / "std-table.jar", Antlr4 / antlr4PackageName := Some("org.enso.table.expressions"), Antlr4 / antlr4Version := antlrVersion, Antlr4 / antlr4GenVisitor := true, Antlr4 / antlr4TreatWarningsAsErrors := true, Compile / managedSourceDirectories += { (Antlr4 / sourceManaged).value / "main" / "antlr4" }, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided", "com.univocity" % "univocity-parsers" % univocityParsersVersion, "org.apache.poi" % "poi-ooxml" % poiOoxmlVersion, "org.apache.xmlbeans" % "xmlbeans" % xmlbeansVersion, "org.antlr" % "antlr4-runtime" % antlrVersion, "org.apache.logging.log4j" % "log4j-to-slf4j" % "2.18.0" // org.apache.poi uses log4j ), Compile / packageBin := Def.task { val result = (Compile / packageBin).value val _ = StdBits .copyDependencies( `table-polyglot-root`, Seq("std-table.jar"), ignoreScalaLibrary = true ) .value result }.value ) .dependsOn(`std-base` % "provided") lazy val `std-image` = project .in(file("std-bits") / "image") .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / compile / compileInputs := (Compile / compile / compileInputs) .dependsOn(SPIHelpers.ensureSPIConsistency) .value, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := `image-polyglot-root` / "std-image.jar", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided", "org.openpnp" % "opencv" % "4.7.0-0" ), Compile / packageBin := Def.task { val result = (Compile / packageBin).value val _ = StdBits .copyDependencies( `image-polyglot-root`, Seq("std-image.jar"), ignoreScalaLibrary = true ) .value result }.value ) .dependsOn(`std-base` % "provided") lazy val `std-google-api` = project .in(file("std-bits") / "google-api") .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / compile / compileInputs := (Compile / compile / compileInputs) .dependsOn(SPIHelpers.ensureSPIConsistency) .value, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := `google-api-polyglot-root` / "std-google-api.jar", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "" % "google-api-client" % "2.2.0" exclude ("", "jsr305"), "" % "google-api-services-sheets" % "v4-rev612-1.25.0" exclude ("", "jsr305"), "" % "google-analytics-data" % "0.44.0" exclude ("", "jsr305") ), Compile / packageBin := Def.task { val result = (Compile / packageBin).value val _ = StdBits .copyDependencies( `google-api-polyglot-root`, Seq("std-google-api.jar"), ignoreScalaLibrary = true ) .value result }.value ) lazy val `std-database` = project .in(file("std-bits") / "database") .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / compile / compileInputs := (Compile / compile / compileInputs) .dependsOn(SPIHelpers.ensureSPIConsistency) .value, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := `database-polyglot-root` / "std-database.jar", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.graalvm.polyglot" % "polyglot" % graalMavenPackagesVersion % "provided", "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided", "org.xerial" % "sqlite-jdbc" % sqliteVersion, "org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "42.4.0" ), Compile / packageBin := Def.task { val result = (Compile / packageBin).value val _ = StdBits .copyDependencies( `database-polyglot-root`, Seq("std-database.jar"), ignoreScalaLibrary = true ) .value result }.value ) .dependsOn(`std-base` % "provided") .dependsOn(`std-table` % "provided") lazy val `std-aws` = project .in(file("std-bits") / "aws") .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / compile / compileInputs := (Compile / compile / compileInputs) .dependsOn(SPIHelpers.ensureSPIConsistency) .value, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := `std-aws-polyglot-root` / "std-aws.jar", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided", "" % "redshift-jdbc42" % redshiftVersion, "com.amazonaws" % "aws-java-sdk-core" % awsJavaSdkV1Version, "com.amazonaws" % "aws-java-sdk-redshift" % awsJavaSdkV1Version, "com.amazonaws" % "aws-java-sdk-sts" % awsJavaSdkV1Version, "" % "auth" % awsJavaSdkV2Version, "" % "bom" % awsJavaSdkV2Version, "" % "s3" % awsJavaSdkV2Version, "" % "sso" % awsJavaSdkV2Version, "" % "ssooidc" % awsJavaSdkV2Version ), Compile / packageBin := Def.task { val result = (Compile / packageBin).value val _ = StdBits .copyDependencies( `std-aws-polyglot-root`, Seq("std-aws.jar"), ignoreScalaLibrary = true ) .value result }.value ) .dependsOn(`std-base` % "provided") .dependsOn(`std-table` % "provided") .dependsOn(`std-database` % "provided") lazy val `std-snowflake` = project .in(file("std-bits") / "snowflake") .settings( frgaalJavaCompilerSetting, autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / compile / compileInputs := (Compile / compile / compileInputs) .dependsOn(SPIHelpers.ensureSPIConsistency) .value, Compile / packageBin / artifactPath := `std-snowflake-polyglot-root` / "std-snowflake.jar", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.netbeans.api" % "org-openide-util-lookup" % netbeansApiVersion % "provided", "net.snowflake" % "snowflake-jdbc" % snowflakeJDBCVersion ), Compile / packageBin := Def.task { val result = (Compile / packageBin).value val _ = StdBits .copyDependencies( `std-snowflake-polyglot-root`, Seq("std-snowflake.jar"), ignoreScalaLibrary = true ) .value result }.value ) .dependsOn(`std-base` % "provided") .dependsOn(`std-table` % "provided") .dependsOn(`std-database` % "provided") /* Note [Native Image Workaround for GraalVM 20.2] * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * In GraalVM 20.2 the Native Image build of even simple Scala programs has * started to fail on a call to `Statics.releaseFence`. It has been reported as * a bug in the GraalVM repository: * * A proposed workaround for this bug is to substitute the original function * with a different implementation that does not use the problematic * MethodHandle. This is implemented in class * `org.enso.launcher.workarounds.ReplacementStatics` using * `org.enso.launcher.workarounds.Unsafe` which gives access to * `sun.misc.Unsafe` which contains a low-level function corresponding to the * required "release fence". * * To allow for that substitution, the launcher code requires annotations from * the `svm` module and that is why this additional dependency is needed as long * as that workaround is in-place. The dependency is marked as "provided" * because it is included within the native-image build. */ /* Note [WSLoggerManager Shutdown Hook] * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * As the WSLoggerManager registers a shutdown hook when its initialized to * ensure that logs are not lost in case of logging service initialization * failure, it has to be initialized at runtime, as otherwise if the * initialization was done at build time, the shutdown hook would actually also * run at build time and have no effect at runtime. */ lazy val engineDistributionRoot = settingKey[File]("Root of built engine distribution") lazy val launcherDistributionRoot = settingKey[File]("Root of built launcher distribution") lazy val projectManagerDistributionRoot = settingKey[File]("Root of built project manager distribution") engineDistributionRoot := packageBuilder.localArtifact("engine") / s"enso-$ensoVersion" launcherDistributionRoot := packageBuilder.localArtifact("launcher") / "enso" projectManagerDistributionRoot := packageBuilder.localArtifact("project-manager") / "enso" lazy val buildEngineDistribution = taskKey[Unit]("Builds the engine distribution") buildEngineDistribution := { val _ = (`engine-runner` / assembly).value updateLibraryManifests.value val modulesToCopy = componentModulesPaths.value val root = engineDistributionRoot.value val log = streams.value.log val cacheFactory = streams.value.cacheStoreFactory DistributionPackage.createEnginePackage( distributionRoot = root, cacheFactory = cacheFactory, log = log, jarModulesToCopy = modulesToCopy, graalVersion = graalMavenPackagesVersion, javaVersion = graalVersion, ensoVersion = ensoVersion, editionName = currentEdition, sourceStdlibVersion = stdLibVersion, targetStdlibVersion = targetStdlibVersion, targetDir = (`syntax-rust-definition` / rustParserTargetDirectory).value, generateIndex = true )"Engine package created at $root") } // This makes the buildEngineDistribution task usable as a dependency // of other tasks. ThisBuild / buildEngineDistribution := { buildEngineDistribution.result.value } lazy val buildEngineDistributionNoIndex = taskKey[Unit]("Builds the engine distribution without generating indexes") buildEngineDistributionNoIndex := { val _ = (`engine-runner` / assembly).value updateLibraryManifests.value val modulesToCopy = componentModulesPaths.value val root = engineDistributionRoot.value val log = streams.value.log val cacheFactory = streams.value.cacheStoreFactory DistributionPackage.createEnginePackage( distributionRoot = root, cacheFactory = cacheFactory, log = log, jarModulesToCopy = modulesToCopy, graalVersion = graalMavenPackagesVersion, javaVersion = graalVersion, ensoVersion = ensoVersion, editionName = currentEdition, sourceStdlibVersion = stdLibVersion, targetStdlibVersion = targetStdlibVersion, targetDir = (`syntax-rust-definition` / rustParserTargetDirectory).value, generateIndex = false )"Engine package created at $root") } // This makes the buildEngineDistributionNoIndex task usable as a dependency // of other tasks. ThisBuild / buildEngineDistributionNoIndex := { buildEngineDistributionNoIndex.result.value } lazy val runEngineDistribution = inputKey[Unit]("Run or --debug the engine distribution with arguments") runEngineDistribution := { buildEngineDistribution.value val args: Seq[String] = spaceDelimited("").parsed DistributionPackage.runEnginePackage( engineDistributionRoot.value, args, streams.value.log ) } lazy val runProjectManagerDistribution = inputKey[Unit]( "Run or --debug the project manager distribution with arguments" ) runProjectManagerDistribution := { buildEngineDistribution.value buildProjectManagerDistribution.value val args: Seq[String] = spaceDelimited("").parsed DistributionPackage.runProjectManagerPackage( engineDistributionRoot.value, projectManagerDistributionRoot.value, args, streams.value.log ) } val allStdBitsSuffix = List("All", "AllWithIndex") val stdBitsProjects = List( "AWS", "Base", "Database", "Google_Api", "Image", "Snowflake", "Table" ) ++ allStdBitsSuffix val allStdBits: Parser[String] = => v: Parser[String]).reduce(_ | _) lazy val `http-test-helper` = project .in(file("tools") / "http-test-helper") .settings( customFrgaalJavaCompilerSettings(targetJdk = "21"), autoScalaLibrary := false, Compile / javacOptions ++= Seq("-Xlint:all"), Compile / run / mainClass := Some("org.enso.shttp.HTTPTestHelperServer"), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.apache.commons" % "commons-text" % commonsTextVersion, "org.apache.httpcomponents" % "httpclient" % httpComponentsVersion, "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-databind" % jacksonVersion ), assembly / assemblyMergeStrategy := { case PathList("META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.discard case PathList(xs @ _*) if xs.last.contains("module-info") => MergeStrategy.discard case _ => MergeStrategy.first }, assembly / mainClass := (Compile / run / mainClass).value, (Compile / run / fork) := true, (Compile / run / connectInput) := true ) .configs(Test) lazy val buildStdLib = inputKey[Unit]("Build an individual standard library package") buildStdLib := Def.inputTaskDyn { val cmd: String = allStdBits.parsed val root: File = engineDistributionRoot.value // Ensure that a complete distribution was built at least once. // Because of `if` in the sbt task definition and usage of `streams.value` one has to // delegate to another task definition (sbt restriction). if ((root / "manifest.yaml").exists) { pkgStdLibInternal.toTask(cmd) } else buildEngineDistribution }.evaluated lazy val pkgStdLibInternal = inputKey[Unit]("Use `buildStdLib`") pkgStdLibInternal := Def.inputTask { val cmd = allStdBits.parsed val root = engineDistributionRoot.value val log: sbt.Logger = streams.value.log val cacheFactory = streams.value.cacheStoreFactory val standardNamespace = "Standard" val buildAllCmd = allStdBitsSuffix.contains(cmd) cmd match { case "Base" => (`std-base` / Compile / packageBin).value case "Database" => (`std-database` / Compile / packageBin).value case "Google_Api" => (`std-google-api` / Compile / packageBin).value case "Image" => (`std-image` / Compile / packageBin).value case "Table" => (`std-table` / Compile / packageBin).value case "TestHelpers" => (`enso-test-java-helpers` / Compile / packageBin).value (`exploratory-benchmark-java-helpers` / Compile / packageBin).value (`benchmark-java-helpers` / Compile / packageBin).value case "AWS" => (`std-aws` / Compile / packageBin).value case "Snowflake" => (`std-snowflake` / Compile / packageBin).value case _ if buildAllCmd => (`std-base` / Compile / packageBin).value (`enso-test-java-helpers` / Compile / packageBin).value (`exploratory-benchmark-java-helpers` / Compile / packageBin).value (`benchmark-java-helpers` / Compile / packageBin).value (`std-table` / Compile / packageBin).value (`std-database` / Compile / packageBin).value (`std-image` / Compile / packageBin).value (`std-google-api` / Compile / packageBin).value (`std-aws` / Compile / packageBin).value (`std-snowflake` / Compile / packageBin).value case _ => } val libs = if (!buildAllCmd) Seq(cmd) else { val prefix = s"$standardNamespace." Editions.standardLibraries .filter(_.startsWith(prefix)) .map(_.stripPrefix(prefix)) } val generateIndex = cmd.endsWith("WithIndex") libs.foreach { lib => StdBits.buildStdLibPackage( lib, root, cacheFactory, log, defaultDevEnsoVersion ) if (generateIndex) { val stdlibStandardRoot = root / "lib" / standardNamespace DistributionPackage.indexStdLib( libMajor = stdlibStandardRoot, libName = stdlibStandardRoot / lib, stdLibVersion = defaultDevEnsoVersion, ensoVersion = defaultDevEnsoVersion, ensoExecutable = root / "bin" / "enso", cacheFactory = cacheFactory.sub("stdlib"), log = log ) } } }.evaluated lazy val buildLauncherDistribution = taskKey[Unit]("Builds the launcher distribution") buildLauncherDistribution := { val _ = (launcher / buildNativeImage).value val root = launcherDistributionRoot.value val log = streams.value.log val cacheFactory = streams.value.cacheStoreFactory DistributionPackage.createLauncherPackage(root, cacheFactory)"Launcher package created at $root") } lazy val buildProjectManagerDistribution = taskKey[Unit]("Builds the project manager distribution") buildProjectManagerDistribution := { val _ = (`project-manager` / buildNativeImage).value val root = projectManagerDistributionRoot.value val log = streams.value.log val cacheFactory = streams.value.cacheStoreFactory DistributionPackage.createProjectManagerPackage(root, cacheFactory)"Project Manager package created at $root") } lazy val buildGraalDistribution = taskKey[Unit]("Builds the GraalVM distribution") buildGraalDistribution := { val log = streams.value.log val distOs = "DIST_OS" val distArch = "DIST_ARCH" val osName = "" val archName = "os.arch" val distName = sys.env.get(distOs).getOrElse { val name = sys.props(osName).takeWhile(!_.isWhitespace) if (sys.env.contains("CI")) { log.warn( s"$distOs env var is empty. Fallback to system property $osName=$name." ) } name } val arch = sys.env.get(distArch).orElse(sys.env.get(archName)) val os = DistributionPackage.OS(distName, arch).getOrElse { throw new RuntimeException(s"Failed to determine OS: $distName.") } packageBuilder.createGraalPackage( log, os, os.archs.head ) } lazy val updateLibraryManifests = taskKey[Unit]( "Recomputes dependencies to update manifests bundled with libraries." ) updateLibraryManifests := { val _ = (`engine-runner` / assembly).value val log = streams.value.log val cacheFactory = streams.value.cacheStoreFactory val libraries = => BundledLibrary(libName, stdLibVersion) ) val runnerCp = (LocalProject("engine-runner") / Runtime / fullClasspath).value val runtimeCp = (LocalProject("runtime") / Runtime / fullClasspath).value val fullCp = (runnerCp ++ runtimeCp).distinct val modulePath = componentModulesPaths.value val runnerJar = (LocalProject("engine-runner") / assembly).value val javaOpts = Seq( "-Denso.runner=" + runnerJar.getAbsolutePath, "--module-path",, "-m", "org.enso.runtime/org.enso.EngineRunnerBootLoader" ) LibraryManifestGenerator.generateManifests( libraries, file("distribution"), log, javaOpts, cacheFactory ) }