import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtLicenseReport.autoImportImpl.{ licenseOverrides, licenseSelection } import com.typesafe.sbt.license import sbt.Keys.{ivyModule, streams, update, updateClassifiers} import sbt.{File, Project} import src.main.scala.licenses.{ DistributionDescription, SBTDistributionComponent } import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox object Distribution { /** Creates a [[DistributionDescription]]. */ def apply( name: String, packageDestination: File, sbtComponents: Seq[SBTDistributionComponent] ): DistributionDescription = DistributionDescription(name, packageDestination, sbtComponents) /** A macro that creates [[SBTDistributionComponent]] descriptions from a list * of project references. */ def sbtProjects(projects: Project*): Seq[SBTDistributionComponent] = macro sbtProjectsImpl /** Implementation of the [[sbtProjects]] macro. * * It triggers execution of the tasks that are used to get information from * SBT on each project. */ def sbtProjectsImpl(c: blackbox.Context)( projects: c.Expr[Project]* ): c.Expr[Seq[SBTDistributionComponent]] = { import c.universe._ val gathered = { => reify { val deliberatelyTriggerAndIgnore = (p.splice / update).value val configs = GatherLicenses.licenseConfigurations.value val ivyMod = (p.splice / ivyModule).value val overrides = (p.splice / licenseOverrides).value.lift val report = license.LicenseReport.makeReport( ivyMod, configs, (p.splice / licenseSelection).value, overrides, (p.splice / streams).value.log ) SBTDistributionComponent(, report, (p.splice / updateClassifiers).value ) } ) } c.Expr[Seq[SBTDistributionComponent]]( Apply(reify(Seq).tree, ) } }