/** @file Available actions for the login page. */ import * as test from '@playwright/test' import { TEXT, VALID_EMAIL } from '.' import BaseActions, { type LocatorCallback } from './BaseActions' import LoginPageActions from './LoginPageActions' // ================================= // === ForgotPasswordPageActions === // ================================= /** Available actions for the login page. */ export default class ForgotPasswordPageActions extends BaseActions { /** Actions for navigating to another page. */ get goToPage() { return { login: (): LoginPageActions => this.step("Go to 'login' page", async (page) => page.getByRole('link', { name: TEXT.goBackToLogin, exact: true }).click(), ).into(LoginPageActions), } } /** Perform a successful login. */ forgotPassword(email = VALID_EMAIL) { return this.step('Forgot password', () => this.forgotPasswordInternal(email)).into( LoginPageActions, ) } /** Fill the email input. */ fillEmail(email: string) { return this.step(`Fill email with '${email}'`, (page) => page.getByPlaceholder(TEXT.emailPlaceholder).fill(email), ) } /** Interact with the email input. */ withEmailInput(callback: LocatorCallback) { return this.step('Interact with email input', async (page) => { await callback(page.getByPlaceholder(TEXT.emailPlaceholder)) }) } /** Internal login logic shared between all public methods. */ private async forgotPasswordInternal(email: string) { await this.page.getByPlaceholder(TEXT.emailPlaceholder).fill(email) await this.page .getByRole('button', { name: TEXT.login, exact: true }) .getByText(TEXT.login) .click() await test.expect(this.page.getByText(TEXT.loadingAppMessage)).not.toBeVisible() } }