import { ObservableV2 } from 'lib0/observable' import * as random from 'lib0/random' import type { Path as LSPath } from 'shared/languageServerTypes' import { Builder, ByteBuffer, ChecksumBytesCommand, ChecksumBytesReply, EnsoUUID, Error, FileContentsReply, FileSegment, InboundMessage, InboundPayload, InitSessionCommand, None, OutboundMessage, OutboundPayload, Path, ReadBytesCommand, ReadBytesReply, ReadFileCommand, Success, VisualizationUpdate, WriteBytesCommand, WriteBytesReply, WriteFileCommand, type AnyInboundPayload, type Offset, type Table, } from './binaryProtocol' import { uuidFromBits, uuidToBits } from './uuid' import type { WebsocketClient } from './websocket' import type { Uuid } from './yjsModel' const PAYLOAD_CONSTRUCTOR = { [OutboundPayload.NONE]: None, [OutboundPayload.ERROR]: Error, [OutboundPayload.SUCCESS]: Success, [OutboundPayload.VISUALIZATION_UPDATE]: VisualizationUpdate, [OutboundPayload.FILE_CONTENTS_REPLY]: FileContentsReply, [OutboundPayload.WRITE_BYTES_REPLY]: WriteBytesReply, [OutboundPayload.READ_BYTES_REPLY]: ReadBytesReply, [OutboundPayload.CHECKSUM_BYTES_REPLY]: ChecksumBytesReply, } satisfies Record Table> export type DataServerEvents = { [K in keyof typeof PAYLOAD_CONSTRUCTOR as `${K}`]: ( payload: InstanceType<(typeof PAYLOAD_CONSTRUCTOR)[K]>, uuid: Uuid | null, ) => void } export class DataServer extends ObservableV2 { initialized = false ready: Promise clientId!: string resolveCallbacks = new Map void>() /** `websocket.binaryType` should be `ArrayBuffer`. */ constructor(public websocket: WebsocketClient) { super() if (websocket.connected) { this.ready = Promise.resolve() } else { this.ready = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { websocket.on('connect', () => resolve()) websocket.on('disconnect', reject) }) } websocket.on('message', (rawPayload) => { if (!(rawPayload instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { console.warn('Data Server: Data type was invalid:', rawPayload) // Ignore all non-binary messages. If the messages are `Blob`s instead, this is a // misconfiguration and should also be ignored. return } const binaryMessage = OutboundMessage.getRootAsOutboundMessage(new ByteBuffer(rawPayload)) const payloadType = binaryMessage.payloadType() const payload = binaryMessage.payload(new PAYLOAD_CONSTRUCTOR[payloadType]()) if (!payload) return this.emit(`${payloadType}`, [payload, null]) const id = binaryMessage.correlationId() if (id != null) { const uuid = uuidFromBits(id.leastSigBits(), id.mostSigBits()) this.emit(`${payloadType}`, [payload, uuid]) const callback = this.resolveCallbacks.get(uuid) callback?.(payload) } else if (payload instanceof VisualizationUpdate) { const id = payload.visualizationContext()?.visualizationId() if (!id) return const uuid = uuidFromBits(id.leastSigBits(), id.mostSigBits()) this.emit(`${payloadType}`, [payload, uuid]) } }) } async initialize(clientId: Uuid) { if (!this.initialized) { this.clientId = clientId await this.ready await this.initSession() } } protected send( builder: Builder, payloadType: InboundPayload, payloadOffset: Offset, ): Promise { const messageUuid = random.uuidv4() const rootTable = InboundMessage.createInboundMessage( builder, this.createUUID(messageUuid), null /* correlation id */, payloadType, payloadOffset, ) const promise = new Promise((resolve) => { this.resolveCallbacks.set(messageUuid, resolve) }) this.websocket.send(builder.finish(rootTable).toArrayBuffer()) return promise } protected createUUID(uuid: string) { const [leastSigBits, mostSigBits] = uuidToBits(uuid) return (builder: Builder) => EnsoUUID.createEnsoUUID(builder, leastSigBits, mostSigBits) } initSession(): Promise { const builder = new Builder() const commandOffset = InitSessionCommand.createInitSessionCommand( builder, this.createUUID(this.clientId), ) return this.send(builder, InboundPayload.INIT_SESSION_CMD, commandOffset) } async writeFile( path: LSPath, contents: string | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, ): Promise { const builder = new Builder() const contentsOffset = builder.createString(contents) const segmentOffsets = => builder.createString(segment)) const segmentsOffset = Path.createSegmentsVector(builder, segmentOffsets) const pathOffset = Path.createPath(builder, this.createUUID(path.rootId), segmentsOffset) const command = WriteFileCommand.createWriteFileCommand(builder, pathOffset, contentsOffset) return await this.send(builder, InboundPayload.WRITE_FILE_CMD, command) } async readFile(path: LSPath): Promise { const builder = new Builder() const segmentOffsets = => builder.createString(segment)) const segmentsOffset = Path.createSegmentsVector(builder, segmentOffsets) const pathOffset = Path.createPath(builder, this.createUUID(path.rootId), segmentsOffset) const command = ReadFileCommand.createReadFileCommand(builder, pathOffset) return await this.send(builder, InboundPayload.READ_FILE_CMD, command) } async writeBytes( path: LSPath, index: bigint, overwriteExisting: boolean, contents: string | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, ): Promise { const builder = new Builder() const bytesOffset = builder.createString(contents) const segmentOffsets = => builder.createString(segment)) const segmentsOffset = Path.createSegmentsVector(builder, segmentOffsets) const pathOffset = Path.createPath(builder, this.createUUID(path.rootId), segmentsOffset) const command = WriteBytesCommand.createWriteBytesCommand( builder, pathOffset, index, overwriteExisting, bytesOffset, ) return await this.send(builder, InboundPayload.WRITE_BYTES_CMD, command) } async readBytes(path: LSPath, index: bigint, length: bigint): Promise { const builder = new Builder() const segmentOffsets = => builder.createString(segment)) const segmentsOffset = Path.createSegmentsVector(builder, segmentOffsets) const pathOffset = Path.createPath(builder, this.createUUID(path.rootId), segmentsOffset) const segmentOffset = FileSegment.createFileSegment(builder, pathOffset, index, length) const command = ReadBytesCommand.createReadBytesCommand(builder, segmentOffset) return await this.send(builder, InboundPayload.READ_BYTES_CMD, command) } async checksumBytes( path: LSPath, index: bigint, length: bigint, ): Promise { const builder = new Builder() const segmentOffsets = => builder.createString(segment)) const segmentsOffset = Path.createSegmentsVector(builder, segmentOffsets) const pathOffset = Path.createPath(builder, this.createUUID(path.rootId), segmentsOffset) const segmentOffset = FileSegment.createFileSegment(builder, pathOffset, index, length) const command = ChecksumBytesCommand.createChecksumBytesCommand(builder, segmentOffset) return await this.send(builder, InboundPayload.WRITE_BYTES_CMD, command) } }