/** @file The mock API. */
import * as test from '@playwright/test'
import * as backend from '#/services/Backend'
import type * as remoteBackend from '#/services/RemoteBackend'
import * as remoteBackendPaths from '#/services/remoteBackendPaths'
import * as dateTime from '#/utilities/dateTime'
import * as object from '#/utilities/object'
import * as permissions from '#/utilities/permissions'
import * as uniqueString from 'enso-common/src/utilities/uniqueString'
import * as actions from '.'
import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs'
import { dirname, join } from 'node:path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
const MOCK_SVG = `
/** The HTTP status code representing a response with an empty body. */
/** The HTTP status code representing a bad request. */
/** The HTTP status code representing a URL that does not exist. */
/** A user id that is a path glob. */
const GLOB_USER_ID = backend.UserId('*')
/** An asset ID that is a path glob. */
const GLOB_ASSET_ID: backend.AssetId = backend.DirectoryId('*')
/** A directory ID that is a path glob. */
const GLOB_DIRECTORY_ID = backend.DirectoryId('*')
/** A project ID that is a path glob. */
const GLOB_PROJECT_ID = backend.ProjectId('*')
/** A tag ID that is a path glob. */
const GLOB_TAG_ID = backend.TagId('*')
/** A checkout session ID that is a path glob. */
const GLOB_CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID = backend.CheckoutSessionId('*')
const BASE_URL = 'https://mock/'
const MOCK_S3_BUCKET_URL = 'https://mock-s3-bucket.com/'
function array(): Readonly[] {
return []
changePassword: array<{ oldPassword: string; newPassword: string }>(),
listDirectory: array<{
parent_id?: string
filter_by?: backend.FilterBy
labels?: backend.LabelName[]
recent_projects?: boolean
listFiles: array(),
listProjects: array(),
listSecrets: array(),
listTags: array(),
listUsers: array(),
listUserGroups: array(),
getProjectDetails: array<{ projectId: backend.ProjectId }>(),
copyAsset: array<{ assetId: backend.AssetId; parentId: backend.DirectoryId }>(),
listInvitations: array(),
inviteUser: array(),
createPermission: array(),
closeProject: array<{ projectId: backend.ProjectId }>(),
openProject: array<{ projectId: backend.ProjectId }>(),
deleteTag: array<{ tagId: backend.TagId }>(),
postLogEvent: array(),
uploadUserPicture: array<{ content: string }>(),
uploadOrganizationPicture: array<{ content: string }>(),
s3Put: array(),
uploadFileStart: array<{ uploadId: backend.FileId }>(),
uploadFileEnd: array(),
createSecret: array(),
createCheckoutSession: array(),
getCheckoutSession: array<{
body: backend.CreateCheckoutSessionRequestBody
status: backend.CheckoutSessionStatus
updateAsset: array<{ assetId: backend.AssetId } & backend.UpdateAssetRequestBody>(),
associateTag: array<{ assetId: backend.AssetId; labels: readonly backend.LabelName[] }>(),
updateDirectory: array<
{ directoryId: backend.DirectoryId } & backend.UpdateDirectoryRequestBody
deleteAsset: array<{ assetId: backend.AssetId }>(),
undoDeleteAsset: array<{ assetId: backend.AssetId }>(),
createUser: array(),
createUserGroup: array(),
changeUserGroup: array<{ userId: backend.UserId } & backend.ChangeUserGroupRequestBody>(),
updateCurrentUser: array(),
usersMe: array(),
updateOrganization: array(),
getOrganization: array(),
createTag: array(),
createProject: array(),
createDirectory: array(),
getProjectContent: array<{ projectId: backend.ProjectId }>(),
getProjectAsset: array<{ projectId: backend.ProjectId }>(),
type TrackedCallsInternal = {
[K in keyof typeof INITIAL_CALLS_OBJECT]: Readonly<(typeof INITIAL_CALLS_OBJECT)[K]>
export interface TrackedCalls extends TrackedCallsInternal {}
/** Parameters for {@link mockApi}. */
export interface MockParams {
readonly page: test.Page
readonly setupAPI?: SetupAPI | null | undefined
* Setup function for the mock API.
* use it to setup the mock API with custom handlers.
export interface SetupAPI {
(api: Awaited>): Promise | void
/** The return type of {@link mockApi}. */
export interface MockApi extends Awaited> {}
export const mockApi: (params: MockParams) => Promise = mockApiInternal
/** Add route handlers for the mock API to a page. */
async function mockApiInternal({ page, setupAPI }: MockParams) {
const defaultEmail = 'email@example.com' as backend.EmailAddress
const defaultUsername = 'user name'
const defaultPassword = actions.VALID_PASSWORD
const defaultOrganizationId = backend.OrganizationId('organization-placeholder id')
const defaultOrganizationName = 'organization name'
const defaultUserId = backend.UserId('user-placeholder id')
const defaultDirectoryId = backend.DirectoryId('directory-placeholder id')
const defaultUser: backend.User = {
email: defaultEmail,
name: defaultUsername,
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
userId: defaultUserId,
isEnabled: true,
rootDirectoryId: defaultDirectoryId,
userGroups: null,
plan: backend.Plan.solo,
isOrganizationAdmin: true,
const defaultOrganization: backend.OrganizationInfo = {
id: defaultOrganizationId,
name: defaultOrganizationName,
address: null,
email: null,
picture: null,
website: null,
subscription: {},
const callsObjects = new Set()
let totalSeats = 1
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
let subscriptionDuration = 0
let isOnline = true
let currentUser: backend.User | null = defaultUser
let currentProfilePicture: string | null = null
let currentPassword = defaultPassword
let currentOrganization: backend.OrganizationInfo | null = defaultOrganization
let currentOrganizationProfilePicture: string | null = null
const assetMap = new Map()
const deletedAssets = new Set()
const assets: backend.AnyAsset[] = []
const labels: backend.Label[] = []
const labelsByValue = new Map()
const labelMap = new Map()
const users: backend.User[] = [defaultUser]
const usersMap = new Map()
const userGroups: backend.UserGroupInfo[] = [
id: backend.UserGroupId('usergroup-1'),
groupName: 'User Group 1',
organizationId: currentOrganization.id,
const checkoutSessionsMap = new Map<
readonly body: backend.CreateCheckoutSessionRequestBody
readonly status: backend.CheckoutSessionStatus
usersMap.set(defaultUser.userId, defaultUser)
function trackCalls() {
const calls = structuredClone(INITIAL_CALLS_OBJECT)
return calls
function pushToKey, Key extends keyof Object>(
object: Object,
key: Key,
item: Object[Key][number],
) {
function called(
key: Key,
args: (typeof INITIAL_CALLS_OBJECT)[Key][number],
) {
for (const callsObject of callsObjects) {
pushToKey(callsObject, key, args)
const addAsset = (asset: T) => {
assetMap.set(asset.id, asset)
return asset
const deleteAsset = (assetId: backend.AssetId) => {
const alreadyDeleted = deletedAssets.has(assetId)
return !alreadyDeleted
const undeleteAsset = (assetId: backend.AssetId) => {
const wasDeleted = deletedAssets.has(assetId)
return wasDeleted
const createDirectory = (rest: Partial = {}): backend.DirectoryAsset => {
const directoryTitles = new Set(
.filter((asset) => asset.type === backend.AssetType.directory)
.map((asset) => asset.title),
const title = rest.title ?? `New Folder ${directoryTitles.size + 1}`
return object.merge(
type: backend.AssetType.directory,
id: backend.DirectoryId('directory-' + uniqueString.uniqueString()),
projectState: null,
extension: null,
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
description: rest.description ?? '',
labels: [],
parentId: defaultDirectoryId,
permissions: [
user: {
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
userId: defaultUserId,
name: defaultUsername,
email: defaultEmail,
permission: permissions.PermissionAction.own,
parentsPath: '',
virtualParentsPath: '',
const createProject = (rest: Partial = {}): backend.ProjectAsset => {
const projectNames = new Set(
.filter((asset) => asset.type === backend.AssetType.project)
.map((asset) => asset.title),
const title = rest.title ?? `New Project ${projectNames.size + 1}`
return object.merge(
type: backend.AssetType.project,
id: backend.ProjectId('project-' + uniqueString.uniqueString()),
projectState: {
type: backend.ProjectState.closed,
volumeId: '',
extension: null,
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
description: rest.description ?? '',
labels: [],
parentId: defaultDirectoryId,
permissions: [],
parentsPath: '',
virtualParentsPath: '',
const createFile = (rest: Partial = {}): backend.FileAsset =>
type: backend.AssetType.file,
id: backend.FileId('file-' + uniqueString.uniqueString()),
projectState: null,
extension: '',
title: rest.title ?? '',
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
description: rest.description ?? '',
labels: [],
parentId: defaultDirectoryId,
permissions: [],
parentsPath: '',
virtualParentsPath: '',
const createSecret = (rest: Partial): backend.SecretAsset =>
type: backend.AssetType.secret,
id: backend.SecretId('secret-' + uniqueString.uniqueString()),
projectState: null,
extension: null,
title: rest.title ?? '',
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
description: rest.description ?? '',
labels: [],
parentId: defaultDirectoryId,
permissions: [],
parentsPath: '',
virtualParentsPath: '',
const createLabel = (value: string, color: backend.LChColor): backend.Label => ({
id: backend.TagId('tag-' + uniqueString.uniqueString()),
value: backend.LabelName(value),
const addDirectory = (rest: Partial) => {
return addAsset(createDirectory(rest))
const addProject = (rest: Partial) => {
return addAsset(createProject(rest))
const addFile = (rest: Partial) => {
return addAsset(createFile(rest))
const addSecret = (rest: Partial) => {
return addAsset(createSecret(rest))
const addLabel = (value: string, color: backend.LChColor) => {
const label = createLabel(value, color)
labelsByValue.set(label.value, label)
labelMap.set(label.id, label)
return label
const setLabels = (id: backend.AssetId, newLabels: readonly backend.LabelName[]) => {
const ids = new Set([id])
for (const [innerId, asset] of assetMap) {
if (ids.has(asset.parentId)) {
for (const innerId of ids) {
const asset = assetMap.get(innerId)
if (asset != null) {
object.unsafeMutable(asset).labels = newLabels
const createCheckoutSession = (
body: backend.CreateCheckoutSessionRequestBody,
rest: Partial = {},
) => {
const id = backend.CheckoutSessionId(`checkoutsession-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`)
const status = rest.status ?? 'trialing'
const paymentStatus = status === 'trialing' ? 'no_payment_needed' : 'unpaid'
const checkoutSessionStatus = {
} satisfies backend.CheckoutSessionStatus
checkoutSessionsMap.set(id, { body, status: checkoutSessionStatus })
return {
clientSecret: '',
} satisfies backend.CheckoutSession
const addUser = (name: string, rest: Partial = {}) => {
const organizationId = currentOrganization?.id ?? defaultOrganizationId
const user: backend.User = {
userId: backend.UserId(`user-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`),
email: backend.EmailAddress(`${name}@example.org`),
rootDirectoryId: backend.DirectoryId(organizationId.replace(/^organization-/, 'directory-')),
isEnabled: true,
userGroups: null,
plan: backend.Plan.enterprise,
isOrganizationAdmin: true,
usersMap.set(user.userId, user)
return user
const deleteUser = (userId: backend.UserId) => {
const index = users.findIndex((user) => user.userId === userId)
if (index === -1) {
return false
} else {
users.splice(index, 1)
return true
const addUserGroup = (name: string, rest?: Partial) => {
const userGroup: backend.UserGroupInfo = {
id: backend.UserGroupId(`usergroup-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`),
groupName: name,
organizationId: currentOrganization?.id ?? defaultOrganizationId,
return userGroup
const deleteUserGroup = (userGroupId: backend.UserGroupId) => {
const index = userGroups.findIndex((userGroup) => userGroup.id === userGroupId)
if (index === -1) {
return false
} else {
users.splice(index, 1)
return true
// FIXME[sb]: Add missing endpoints:
// addPermission,
// deletePermission,
const addUserGroupToUser = (userId: backend.UserId, userGroupId: backend.UserGroupId) => {
const user = usersMap.get(userId)
if (user == null || user.userGroups?.includes(userGroupId) === true) {
// The user does not exist, or they are already in this group.
return false
} else {
const newUserGroups = object.unsafeMutable(user.userGroups ?? [])
object.unsafeMutable(user).userGroups = newUserGroups
return true
const removeUserGroupFromUser = (userId: backend.UserId, userGroupId: backend.UserGroupId) => {
const user = usersMap.get(userId)
if (user?.userGroups?.includes(userGroupId) !== true) {
// The user does not exist, or they are already not in this group.
return false
} else {
object.unsafeMutable(user.userGroups).splice(user.userGroups.indexOf(userGroupId), 1)
return true
await test.test.step('Mock API', async () => {
const method =
(theMethod: string) =>
async (url: string, callback: (route: test.Route, request: test.Request) => unknown) => {
await page.route(BASE_URL + url, async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() !== theMethod) {
await route.fallback()
} else {
const result = await callback(route, request)
// `null` counts as a JSON value that we will want to return.
if (result !== undefined) {
await route.fulfill({ json: result })
const get = method('GET')
const put = method('PUT')
const post = method('POST')
const patch = method('PATCH')
const delete_ = method('DELETE')
await page.route(BASE_URL + '**', (_route, request) => {
throw new Error(
`Missing route handler for '${request.method()} ${request.url().replace(BASE_URL, '')}'.`,
// === Mock Cognito endpoints ===
await page.route('https://mock-cognito.com/change-password', async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() !== 'POST') {
await route.fallback()
} else {
/** The type for the JSON request payload for this endpoint. */
interface Body {
readonly oldPassword: string
readonly newPassword: string
const body: Body = await request.postDataJSON()
called('changePassword', body)
if (body.oldPassword === currentPassword) {
currentPassword = body.newPassword
await route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT })
} else {
await route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST })
// === Endpoints returning arrays ===
await get(remoteBackendPaths.LIST_DIRECTORY_PATH + '*', (_route, request) => {
/** The type for the search query for this endpoint. */
interface Query {
readonly parent_id?: string
readonly filter_by?: backend.FilterBy
readonly labels?: backend.LabelName[]
readonly recent_projects?: boolean
const query = Object.fromEntries(
new URL(request.url()).searchParams.entries(),
) as unknown as Query
called('listDirectory', query)
const parentId = query.parent_id ?? defaultDirectoryId
let filteredAssets = assets.filter((asset) => asset.parentId === parentId)
// This lint rule is broken; there is clearly a case for `undefined` below.
switch (query.filter_by) {
case backend.FilterBy.active: {
filteredAssets = filteredAssets.filter((asset) => !deletedAssets.has(asset.id))
case backend.FilterBy.trashed: {
filteredAssets = filteredAssets.filter((asset) => deletedAssets.has(asset.id))
case backend.FilterBy.recent: {
filteredAssets = assets.filter((asset) => !deletedAssets.has(asset.id)).slice(0, 10)
case backend.FilterBy.all:
case null: {
// do nothing
case undefined: {
// do nothing
(a, b) => backend.ASSET_TYPE_ORDER[a.type] - backend.ASSET_TYPE_ORDER[b.type],
const json: remoteBackend.ListDirectoryResponseBody = { assets: filteredAssets }
return json
await get(remoteBackendPaths.LIST_FILES_PATH + '*', () => {
called('listFiles', {})
return { files: [] } satisfies remoteBackend.ListFilesResponseBody
await get(remoteBackendPaths.LIST_PROJECTS_PATH + '*', () => {
called('listProjects', {})
return { projects: [] } satisfies remoteBackend.ListProjectsResponseBody
await get(remoteBackendPaths.LIST_SECRETS_PATH + '*', () => {
called('listSecrets', {})
return { secrets: [] } satisfies remoteBackend.ListSecretsResponseBody
await get(remoteBackendPaths.LIST_TAGS_PATH + '*', () => {
called('listTags', {})
return { tags: labels } satisfies remoteBackend.ListTagsResponseBody
await get(remoteBackendPaths.LIST_USERS_PATH + '*', async (route) => {
called('listUsers', {})
if (currentUser != null) {
return { users } satisfies remoteBackend.ListUsersResponseBody
} else {
await route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST })
await get(remoteBackendPaths.LIST_USER_GROUPS_PATH + '*', async (route) => {
called('listUserGroups', {})
await route.fulfill({ json: userGroups })
// === Endpoints with dummy implementations ===
await get(remoteBackendPaths.getProjectDetailsPath(GLOB_PROJECT_ID), (_route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]projects[/]([^?/]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
const projectId = backend.ProjectId(maybeId)
called('getProjectDetails', { projectId })
const project = assetMap.get(projectId)
if (!project) {
throw new Error(`Cannot get details for a project that does not exist. Project ID: ${projectId} \n
Please make sure that you've created the project before opening it.
Existing projects: ${Array.from(assetMap.values())
.filter((asset) => asset.type === backend.AssetType.project)
.map((asset) => asset.id)
.join(', ')}`)
if (!project.projectState) {
throw new Error(`Attempting to get a project that does not have a state. Usually it is a bug in the application.
Tried to get: \n ${JSON.stringify(project, null, 2)}`)
return {
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
projectId: projectId,
name: 'example project name',
state: project.projectState,
packageName: 'Project_root',
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
ide_version: null,
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
engine_version: {
value: '2023.2.1-nightly.2023.9.29',
lifecycle: backend.VersionLifecycle.development,
address: backend.Address('ws://localhost/'),
} satisfies backend.ProjectRaw
// === Endpoints returning `void` ===
await post(remoteBackendPaths.copyAssetPath(GLOB_ASSET_ID), async (route, request) => {
/** The type for the JSON request payload for this endpoint. */
interface Body {
readonly parentDirectoryId: backend.DirectoryId
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]assets[/]([^?/]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
const assetId = maybeId != null ? backend.DirectoryId(decodeURIComponent(maybeId)) : null
// This could be an id for an arbitrary asset, but pretend it's a
// `DirectoryId` to make TypeScript happy.
const asset = assetId != null ? assetMap.get(assetId) : null
if (asset == null) {
if (assetId == null) {
await route.fulfill({
json: { message: 'Invalid Asset ID' },
} else {
await route.fulfill({
json: { message: 'Asset does not exist' },
} else {
const body: Body = request.postDataJSON()
const parentId = body.parentDirectoryId
called('copyAsset', { assetId: assetId!, parentId })
// Can be any asset ID.
const id = backend.DirectoryId(`${assetId?.split('-')[0]}-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`)
const json: backend.CopyAssetResponse = {
asset: {
title: asset.title + ' (copy)',
const newAsset = { ...asset }
newAsset.id = id
newAsset.parentId = parentId
newAsset.title += ' (copy)'
return json
await get(remoteBackendPaths.INVITATION_PATH + '*', (): backend.ListInvitationsResponseBody => {
called('listInvitations', {})
return {
invitations: [],
availableLicenses: totalSeats - usersMap.size,
await post(remoteBackendPaths.INVITE_USER_PATH + '*', async (route) => {
called('inviteUser', {})
await route.fulfill()
await post(remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_PERMISSION_PATH + '*', async (route) => {
called('createPermission', {})
await route.fulfill()
await post(remoteBackendPaths.closeProjectPath(GLOB_PROJECT_ID), async (route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]projects[/]([^?/]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
const projectId = backend.ProjectId(maybeId)
called('closeProject', { projectId })
const project = assetMap.get(projectId)
if (project?.projectState) {
object.unsafeMutable(project.projectState).type = backend.ProjectState.closed
await route.fulfill()
await post(remoteBackendPaths.openProjectPath(GLOB_PROJECT_ID), async (route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]projects[/]([^?/]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
const projectId = backend.ProjectId(maybeId)
called('openProject', { projectId })
const project = assetMap.get(projectId)
if (!project) {
throw new Error(
`Tried to open a project that does not exist. Project ID: ${projectId} \n Please make sure that you've created the project before opening it.`,
if (project?.projectState) {
object.unsafeMutable(project.projectState).type = backend.ProjectState.opened
await delete_(remoteBackendPaths.deleteTagPath(GLOB_TAG_ID), async (route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]projects[/]([^?/]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
const tagId = backend.TagId(maybeId)
called('deleteTag', { tagId })
await route.fulfill()
await post(remoteBackendPaths.POST_LOG_EVENT_PATH, async (route) => {
called('postLogEvent', {})
await route.fulfill()
// === Entity creation endpoints ===
await put(remoteBackendPaths.UPLOAD_USER_PICTURE_PATH + '*', async (route, request) => {
const content = request.postData()
if (content != null) {
called('uploadUserPicture', { content })
currentProfilePicture = content
return null
} else {
await route.fallback()
await put(remoteBackendPaths.UPLOAD_ORGANIZATION_PICTURE_PATH + '*', async (route, request) => {
const content = request.postData()
if (content != null) {
called('uploadOrganizationPicture', { content })
currentOrganizationProfilePicture = content
return null
} else {
await route.fallback()
await page.route(MOCK_S3_BUCKET_URL + '**', async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() !== 'PUT') {
called('s3Put', {})
await route.fallback()
} else {
await route.fulfill({
headers: {
'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'ETag',
ETag: uniqueString.uniqueString(),
await post(remoteBackendPaths.UPLOAD_FILE_START_PATH + '*', () => {
const uploadId = backend.FileId('file-' + uniqueString.uniqueString())
called('uploadFileStart', { uploadId })
return {
sourcePath: backend.S3FilePath(''),
presignedUrls: Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>
} satisfies backend.UploadLargeFileMetadata
await post(remoteBackendPaths.UPLOAD_FILE_END_PATH + '*', (_route, request) => {
const body: backend.UploadFileEndRequestBody = request.postDataJSON()
called('uploadFileEnd', body)
const file = addFile({
id: backend.FileId(body.uploadId),
title: body.fileName,
...(body.parentDirectoryId != null ? { parentId: body.parentDirectoryId } : {}),
return { id: file.id, project: null } satisfies backend.UploadedLargeAsset
await post(remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_SECRET_PATH + '*', async (_route, request) => {
const body: backend.CreateSecretRequestBody = await request.postDataJSON()
called('createSecret', body)
const secret = addSecret({ title: body.name })
return secret.id
// === Other endpoints ===
await post(remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_CHECKOUT_SESSION_PATH + '*', async (_route, request) => {
const body: backend.CreateCheckoutSessionRequestBody = await request.postDataJSON()
called('createCheckoutSession', body)
return createCheckoutSession(body)
await get(
remoteBackendPaths.getCheckoutSessionPath(GLOB_CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID) + '*',
(_route, request) => {
const checkoutSessionId = request.url().match(/[/]payments[/]subscriptions[/]([^/?]+)/)?.[1]
if (checkoutSessionId == null) {
throw new Error('GetCheckoutSession: Missing checkout session ID in path')
} else {
const result = checkoutSessionsMap.get(backend.CheckoutSessionId(checkoutSessionId))
if (result) {
called('getCheckoutSession', result)
if (currentUser) {
object.unsafeMutable(currentUser).plan = result.body.plan
totalSeats = result.body.quantity
subscriptionDuration = result.body.interval
return result.status
} else {
throw new Error('GetCheckoutSession: Unknown checkout session ID')
await patch(remoteBackendPaths.updateAssetPath(GLOB_ASSET_ID), (_route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]assets[/]([^?]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
// This could be an id for an arbitrary asset, but pretend it's a
// `DirectoryId` to make TypeScript happy.
const assetId = backend.DirectoryId(maybeId)
const body: backend.UpdateAssetRequestBody = request.postDataJSON()
called('updateAsset', { ...body, assetId })
const asset = assetMap.get(assetId)
if (asset != null) {
if (body.description != null) {
object.unsafeMutable(asset).description = body.description
if (body.parentDirectoryId != null) {
object.unsafeMutable(asset).parentId = body.parentDirectoryId
await patch(remoteBackendPaths.associateTagPath(GLOB_ASSET_ID), async (_route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]assets[/]([^/?]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
// This could be an id for an arbitrary asset, but pretend it's a
// `DirectoryId` to make TypeScript happy.
const assetId = backend.DirectoryId(maybeId)
/** The type for the JSON request payload for this endpoint. */
interface Body {
readonly labels: readonly backend.LabelName[]
/** The type for the JSON response payload for this endpoint. */
interface Response {
readonly tags: readonly backend.Label[]
const body: Body = await request.postDataJSON()
called('associateTag', { ...body, assetId })
setLabels(assetId, body.labels)
const json: Response = {
tags: body.labels.flatMap((value) => {
const label = labelsByValue.get(value)
return label != null ? [label] : []
return json
await put(remoteBackendPaths.updateDirectoryPath(GLOB_DIRECTORY_ID), async (route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]directories[/]([^?]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
const directoryId = backend.DirectoryId(maybeId)
const body: backend.UpdateDirectoryRequestBody = request.postDataJSON()
called('updateDirectory', { ...body, directoryId })
const asset = assetMap.get(directoryId)
if (asset == null) {
await route.abort()
} else {
object.unsafeMutable(asset).title = body.title
await route.fulfill({
json: {
id: directoryId,
parentId: asset.parentId,
title: body.title,
} satisfies backend.UpdatedDirectory,
await delete_(remoteBackendPaths.deleteAssetPath(GLOB_ASSET_ID), async (route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]assets[/]([^?]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
// This could be an id for an arbitrary asset, but pretend it's a
// `DirectoryId` to make TypeScript happy.
const assetId = backend.DirectoryId(decodeURIComponent(maybeId))
called('deleteAsset', { assetId })
await route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT })
await patch(remoteBackendPaths.UNDO_DELETE_ASSET_PATH, async (route, request) => {
/** The type for the JSON request payload for this endpoint. */
interface Body {
readonly assetId: backend.AssetId
const body: Body = await request.postDataJSON()
called('undoDeleteAsset', body)
await route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT })
await post(remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_USER_PATH + '*', async (_route, request) => {
const body: backend.CreateUserRequestBody = await request.postDataJSON()
const organizationId = body.organizationId ?? defaultUser.organizationId
const rootDirectoryId = backend.DirectoryId(
organizationId.replace(/^organization-/, 'directory-'),
called('createUser', body)
currentUser = {
email: body.userEmail,
name: body.userName,
userId: backend.UserId(`user-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`),
isEnabled: true,
userGroups: null,
isOrganizationAdmin: true,
return currentUser
await post(remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_USER_GROUP_PATH + '*', async (_route, request) => {
const body: backend.CreateUserGroupRequestBody = await request.postDataJSON()
called('createUserGroup', body)
const userGroup = addUserGroup(body.name)
return userGroup
await put(
remoteBackendPaths.changeUserGroupPath(GLOB_USER_ID) + '*',
async (route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]users[/]([^?/]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
const userId = backend.UserId(decodeURIComponent(maybeId))
// The type of the body sent by this app is statically known.
const body: backend.ChangeUserGroupRequestBody = await request.postDataJSON()
called('changeUserGroup', { userId, ...body })
const user = usersMap.get(userId)
if (!user) {
await route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST })
} else {
object.unsafeMutable(user).userGroups = body.userGroups
return user
await put(remoteBackendPaths.UPDATE_CURRENT_USER_PATH + '*', async (_route, request) => {
const body: backend.UpdateUserRequestBody = await request.postDataJSON()
called('updateCurrentUser', body)
if (currentUser && body.username != null) {
currentUser = { ...currentUser, name: body.username }
await get(remoteBackendPaths.USERS_ME_PATH + '*', (route) => {
called('usersMe', {})
if (currentUser == null) {
return route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND })
} else {
return currentUser
await patch(remoteBackendPaths.UPDATE_ORGANIZATION_PATH + '*', async (route, request) => {
const body: backend.UpdateOrganizationRequestBody = await request.postDataJSON()
called('updateOrganization', body)
if (body.name === '') {
await route.fulfill({
json: { message: 'Organization name must not be empty' },
} else if (currentOrganization) {
currentOrganization = { ...currentOrganization, ...body }
return currentOrganization satisfies backend.OrganizationInfo
} else {
await route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND })
await get(remoteBackendPaths.GET_ORGANIZATION_PATH + '*', async (route) => {
called('getOrganization', {})
await route.fulfill({
json: currentOrganization,
status: currentOrganization == null ? 404 : 200,
await post(remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_TAG_PATH + '*', (route) => {
const body: backend.CreateTagRequestBody = route.request().postDataJSON()
called('createTag', body)
return addLabel(body.value, body.color)
await post(remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_PROJECT_PATH + '*', (_route, request) => {
const body: backend.CreateProjectRequestBody = request.postDataJSON()
called('createProject', body)
const id = backend.ProjectId(`project-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`)
const parentId =
body.parentDirectoryId ?? backend.DirectoryId(`directory-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`)
const state = { type: backend.ProjectState.closed, volumeId: '' }
const project = addProject({
description: null,
labels: [],
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
permissions: [
user: {
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
userId: defaultUserId,
name: defaultUsername,
email: defaultEmail,
permission: permissions.PermissionAction.own,
projectState: state,
return {
title: project.title,
id: project.id,
parentId: project.parentId,
state: project.projectState,
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
packageName: 'Project_root',
projectId: id,
await post(remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_DIRECTORY_PATH + '*', (_route, request) => {
const body: backend.CreateDirectoryRequestBody = request.postDataJSON()
called('createDirectory', body)
const id = backend.DirectoryId(`directory-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`)
const parentId = body.parentId ?? defaultDirectoryId
const directory = addDirectory({
description: null,
labels: [],
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
permissions: [
user: {
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
userId: defaultUserId,
name: defaultUsername,
email: defaultEmail,
permission: permissions.PermissionAction.own,
projectState: null,
return {
title: directory.title,
id: directory.id,
parentId: directory.parentId,
await get(remoteBackendPaths.getProjectContentPath(GLOB_PROJECT_ID), (route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]projects[/]([^?/]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
const projectId = backend.ProjectId(maybeId)
called('getProjectContent', { projectId })
const content = readFileSync(join(__dirname, '../mock/enso-demo.main'), 'utf8')
return route.fulfill({
body: content,
contentType: 'text/plain',
await get(remoteBackendPaths.getProjectAssetPath(GLOB_PROJECT_ID, '*'), (route, request) => {
const maybeId = request.url().match(/[/]projects[/]([^?/]+)/)?.[1]
if (!maybeId) return
const projectId = backend.ProjectId(maybeId)
called('getProjectAsset', { projectId })
return route.fulfill({
// This is a mock SVG image. Just a square with a black background.
body: '/mock/svg.svg',
contentType: 'text/plain',
await page.route('mock/svg.svg', (route) => {
return route.fulfill({ body: MOCK_SVG, contentType: 'image/svg+xml' })
await page.route('**/assets/*.svg', (route) => {
return route.fulfill({ body: MOCK_SVG, contentType: 'image/svg+xml' })
await page.route('*', async (route) => {
if (!isOnline) {
await route.abort('connectionfailed')
const api = {
defaultName: defaultUsername,
rootDirectoryId: defaultDirectoryId,
goOffline: () => {
isOnline = false
goOnline: () => {
isOnline = true
setPlan: (plan: backend.Plan) => {
if (currentUser) {
object.unsafeMutable(currentUser).plan = plan
currentUser: () => currentUser,
setCurrentUser: (user: backend.User | null) => {
currentUser = user
currentPassword: () => currentPassword,
currentProfilePicture: () => currentProfilePicture,
currentOrganization: () => currentOrganization,
setCurrentOrganization: (organization: backend.OrganizationInfo | null) => {
currentOrganization = organization
currentOrganizationProfilePicture: () => currentOrganizationProfilePicture,
// TODO:
// addPermission,
// deletePermission,
} as const
if (setupAPI) {
await setupAPI(api)
return api