import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.internal.util.ManagedLogger import scala.sys.process._ /** A wrapper for executing the command `cargo`. */ object Cargo { /** The version of rust that needs to be installed. */ val rustVersion = settingKey[String]("rustc version used in the project") private val cargoCmd = "cargo" /** Checks rust version and executes the command `cargo $args`. */ def apply(args: String): Def.Initialize[Task[Unit]] = Def.task { run(args, rustVersion.value, state.value.log) } /** Checks rust version and executes the command `cargo $args`. * * @param args arguments to pass to cargo * @param rustVersion Rust version that should be used * @param log a logger instance for diagnostics * @param extraEnv additional environment variables that should be set for * the cargo process */ def run( args: String, rustVersion: String, log: ManagedLogger, extraEnv: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq() ): Unit = { val cmd = s"$cargoCmd $args" if (!cargoOk(log)) throw new RuntimeException("Cargo isn't installed!") if (!EnvironmentCheck.rustVersionOk(rustVersion, log)) throw new RuntimeException("Rust version mismatch!") val exitCode = try Process(cmd, None, extraEnv: _*).! catch { case _: RuntimeException => throw new RuntimeException("Cargo command failed to run.") } if (exitCode != 0) { throw new RuntimeException( s"Cargo command returned a non-zero exit code: $exitCode." ) } } /** Checks that cargo is installed. Logs an error and returns false if not. */ def cargoOk(log: ManagedLogger): Boolean = { try s"$cargoCmd version".!! catch { case _: RuntimeException => log.error(s"The command `cargo` isn't on path. Did you install cargo?") return false } true } }