layout: developer-doc
title: Team Process
category: contributing
tags: [contributing]

# Enso IDE Team Process

This document specify our core team workflow, described as a lifecycle of a task:

* A newly created task should be appropriately described, but not estimated yet - it will be during
 Backlog Refinement meeting. The task is put in "New Tasks" column. 
* At the beginning of the sprint team leads put to the "To Refine" column all tasks which will be 
 refined during the next Backlog refinement.
* Each team member should read the descriptions of tasks in "To Refine" column and ask questions
 and raise all concerns. All the conversation should be recorded in the issue's comments.  
* During Backlog Refinement we confirm that the task description is clear and estimate it. The
 estimate is expressed in work days of one person, and should include the review process. The task 
 is then moved to the "Backlog" column. If it turns out that there is no agreement about the task's
 scope and estimation, it may be postponed to the next Backlog Refinement.
* During Planning meeting the team decides which tasks are took into next sprint and assign them.