//! This module defines several useful string variants, including copy-on-write and immutable //! implementations. use derive_more::*; use enso_shapely::clone_ref::*; use itertools::*; use crate::impls; #[cfg(feature = "serde")] use serde::Deserialize; #[cfg(feature = "serde")] use serde::Serialize; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::ops::Deref; use std::rc::Rc; // ================= // === StringOps === // ================= pub trait StringOps { fn is_enclosed(&self, first_char: char, last_char: char) -> bool; } impl> StringOps for T { /// Check if given string starts and ends with given characters. /// /// Optimized to be O(1) if both characters are within ASCII range. fn is_enclosed(&self, first_char: char, last_char: char) -> bool { let text = self.as_ref(); if first_char.is_ascii() && last_char.is_ascii() { let bytes = text.as_bytes(); bytes.first() == Some(&(first_char as u8)) && bytes.last() == Some(&(last_char as u8)) } else { let mut chars = text.chars(); let first = chars.next(); let last = chars.last().or(first); first == Some(first_char) && last == Some(last_char) } } } // =========== // === Str === // =========== /// Abstraction for any kind of string as an argument. Functions defined as /// `fn test(s: Str) { ... }` can be called with `String`, `&String`, and `&str` without /// requiring caller to know the implementation details. Moreover, the definition can decide if it /// needs allocation or not. Calling `s.as_ref()` will never allocate, while `s.into()` will /// allocate only when necessary. pub trait Str = Into + AsRef; // ================= // === CowString === // ================= // === Definition === /// A copy-on-write String implementation. It is a newtype wrapper for `Cow<'static,str>` and /// provides many useful impls for efficient workflow. Use it whenever you want to store a string /// but you are not sure if the string will be allocated or not. This way you can store a static /// slice as long as you can and switch to allocated String on demand. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Display)] pub struct CowString(Cow<'static, str>); // === Conversions From CowString === impls! { From <&CowString> for String { |t| t.clone().into() } } impls! { From for String { |t| t.0.into() } } // === Conversions To CowString === impls! { From > for CowString { |t| Self(t) } } impls! { From <&Cow<'static,str>> for CowString { |t| Self(t.clone()) } } impls! { From <&'static str> for CowString { |t| Self(t.into()) } } impls! { From for CowString { |t| Self(t.into()) } } impls! { From <&String> for CowString { |t| t.to_string().into() } } impls! { From <&CowString> for CowString { |t| t.clone() } } // === Instances === impl Deref for CowString { type Target = str; fn deref(&self) -> &str { self.0.deref() } } impl AsRef for CowString { fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { self.deref() } } // ================ // === ImString === // ================ /// Immutable string implementation with a fast clone implementation. #[derive(Clone, CloneRef, Default, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))] pub struct ImString { content: Rc, } impl ImString { /// Constructor. pub fn new(content: impl Into) -> Self { let content = Rc::new(content.into()); Self { content } } /// Extract a string slice containing the entire string. pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { &self.content } } impl std::fmt::Display for ImString { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { std::fmt::Display::fmt(&self.content, f) } } impl std::fmt::Debug for ImString { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { std::fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.content, f) } } impl Deref for ImString { type Target = str; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.content } } impl AsRef for ImString { fn as_ref(&self) -> &ImString { self } } impl AsRef for ImString { fn as_ref(&self) -> &String { self.content.as_ref() } } impl AsRef for ImString { fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { self.content.as_ref() } } impl From for ImString { fn from(t: String) -> Self { Self::new(t) } } impl From<&String> for ImString { fn from(t: &String) -> Self { Self::new(t) } } impl From<&&String> for ImString { fn from(t: &&String) -> Self { Self::new(*t) } } impl From<&str> for ImString { fn from(t: &str) -> Self { Self::new(t) } } impl From<&&str> for ImString { fn from(t: &&str) -> Self { Self::new(*t) } } impl From for String { fn from(value: ImString) -> Self { match Rc::try_unwrap(value.content) { Ok(str) => str, Err(rc) => rc.deref().clone(), } } } impl PartialEq<&str> for ImString { fn eq(&self, other: &&str) -> bool { self.content.as_ref().eq(other) } } impl PartialEq for ImString { fn eq(&self, other: &str) -> bool { self.content.as_ref().eq(other) } } impl PartialEq for &str { fn eq(&self, other: &ImString) -> bool { self.eq(other.content.as_ref()) } } impl PartialEq for str { fn eq(&self, other: &ImString) -> bool { self.eq(other.content.as_ref()) } } impl PartialEq for ImString { fn eq(&self, other: &String) -> bool { self.content.as_ref().eq(other) } } impl PartialEq for String { fn eq(&self, other: &ImString) -> bool { self.eq(other.content.as_ref()) } } // ================== // === ToImString === // ================== /// Conversion of a value to [`ImString`]. #[allow(missing_docs)] pub trait ToImString { fn to_im_string(&self) -> ImString; } impl ToImString for T { default fn to_im_string(&self) -> ImString { format!("{}", self).into() } } impl ToImString for ImString { fn to_im_string(&self) -> ImString { self.clone() } } impl ToImString for String { fn to_im_string(&self) -> ImString { self.into() } } impl ToImString for &String { fn to_im_string(&self) -> ImString { self.into() } } impl ToImString for str { fn to_im_string(&self) -> ImString { self.into() } } impl ToImString for &str { fn to_im_string(&self) -> ImString { self.into() } } // === Macros === /// Defines a newtype for `ImString`. #[cfg(not(feature = "serde"))] #[macro_export] macro_rules! im_string_newtype { ($($(#$meta:tt)* $name:ident),* $(,)?) => { im_string_newtype_without_serde!{ $($(#$meta)* $name),* } }; } /// Defines a newtype for `ImString`. #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[macro_export] macro_rules! im_string_newtype { ($($(#$meta:tt)* $name:ident),* $(,)?) => { im_string_newtype_without_serde!{ $( #[derive($crate::serde_reexports::Serialize,$crate::serde_reexports::Deserialize)] $(#$meta)* $name ),* } }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! im_string_newtype_without_serde { ($($(#$meta:tt)* $name:ident),* $(,)?) => {$( $(#$meta)* #[derive(Clone,CloneRef,Debug,Default,Eq,Hash,PartialEq)] pub struct $name { content : ImString } impl $name { /// Constructor. pub fn new(content:impl Into) -> Self { let content = content.into(); Self {content} } } impl Deref for $name { type Target = str; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.content } } impl AsRef<$name> for $name { fn as_ref(&self) -> &$name { self } } impl AsRef for $name { fn as_ref(&self) -> &ImString { self.content.as_ref() } } impl AsRef for $name { fn as_ref(&self) -> &String { self.content.as_ref() } } impl AsRef for $name { fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { self.content.as_ref() } } impl From for $name { fn from(t:String) -> Self { Self::new(t) } } impl From<&String> for $name { fn from(t:&String) -> Self { Self::new(t) } } impl From<&&String> for $name { fn from(t:&&String) -> Self { Self::new(t) } } impl From for $name { fn from(t:ImString) -> Self { Self::new(t) } } impl From<&str> for $name { fn from(t:&str) -> Self { Self::new(t) } } impl From<&&str> for $name { fn from(t:&&str) -> Self { Self::new(t) } } impl From<&$name> for String { fn from(t:&$name) -> Self { t.content.to_string() } } )*}; } // =============================== // === Common Pre- and Postfix === // =============================== /// Return the length of the longest common prefix of the two strings. If they are completely /// different this will be zero. /// /// Example: /// ``` /// # use enso_prelude::*; /// let a = "🐁hospital"; /// let b = "🐁host"; /// let c = "πŸ‡bunnyπŸ‡"; /// /// assert_eq!(common_prefix_length(a, b), 4); /// assert_eq!(common_prefix_length(a, c), 0); /// assert_eq!(common_prefix_length(a, a), 9); /// ``` pub fn common_prefix_length(source_a: &str, source_b: &str) -> usize { let shortest = source_a.chars().count().min(source_b.chars().count()); let chars_a = source_a.chars(); let chars_b = source_b.chars(); let mut zipped = chars_a.zip(chars_b); let mismatch = zipped.find_position(|(a, b)| *a != *b); mismatch.map(|(ix, _)| ix).unwrap_or(shortest) } /// Return the length of the longest common postfix of the two strings. If they are completely /// different this will be zero. /// /// Example: /// ``` /// # use enso_prelude::*; /// let a = "sunnyπŸ‡yard"; /// let b = "πŸ‡yard"; /// let c = "πŸ‡"; /// /// assert_eq!(common_postfix_length(a, b), 5); /// assert_eq!(common_postfix_length(a, c), 0); /// assert_eq!(common_postfix_length(a, a), 10); /// ``` pub fn common_postfix_length(source_a: &str, source_b: &str) -> usize { let shortest = source_a.chars().count().min(source_b.chars().count()); let chars_a = source_a.chars().rev(); let chars_b = source_b.chars().rev(); let mut zipped = chars_a.zip(chars_b); let mismatch = zipped.find_position(|(a, b)| *a != *b); mismatch.map(|(ix, _)| ix).unwrap_or(shortest) } // ============= // === Tests === // ============= #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_string_ops() { // === Matching against ascii === assert!("{}".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!("{ }".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!(!"{".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!(!"{a".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!(!"a}".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!(!"}".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!(!"".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!("{a}".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!("{ε­—}".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!(!"{".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!(!"{ε­—".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!(!"ε­—}".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!(!"}".is_enclosed('{', '}')); assert!(!"".is_enclosed('{', '}')); // === Matching against non-ascii === assert!("【】".is_enclosed('【', '】')); assert!("【 】".is_enclosed('【', '】')); assert!("【 a】".is_enclosed('【', '】')); assert!(!"【".is_enclosed('【', '】')); assert!(!"【a".is_enclosed('【', '】')); assert!(!"a】".is_enclosed('【', '】')); assert!(!"】".is_enclosed('【', '】')); assert!(!"".is_enclosed('【', '】')); // === Edge case of matching single char string === assert!("{".is_enclosed('{', '{')); assert!("【".is_enclosed('【', '【')); } }