### Overview
[![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/luna-lang/luna/_apis/build/status/luna.enso?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/luna-lang/luna/_build/latest?definitionId=10&branchName=master)
Visual and textual functional programming language with a focus on productivity,
collaboration and development ergonomics.
Enso is a developer’s whiteboard on steroids. Design, prototype, develop and
refactor any application simply by connecting visual elements together.
Collaborate with co-workers, interactively fine tune parameters, inspect the
results and visually profile the performance in real-time.
Visit [The Enso Website](http://www.luna-lang.org) to learn more!
This repository contains [Enso Engine](engine/) (its compiler,
interpreter, runtime, and language server). Its cloud-ready IDE can be found in
a [separate repository](https://github.com/luna/ide/).
### Enso's Design
If you would like to gain a better understanding of the principles on which Enso
is based, or just delve into the why's and what's of Enso's design, please take
a look in the [`doc/design/` folder](./doc/design).
This documentation will evolve as Enso does, both to help newcomers to the
project understand the reasoning behind the code, but also to act as a record of
the decisions that have been made through Enso's evolution.
### License
This repository is licensed under the
[Apache 2.0](https://opensource.org/licenses/apache-2.0), as specified in the
[LICENSE](https://github.com/luna/luna/blob/master/LICENSE) file.
Please be aware that, as the commercial backing for Enso,
**New Byte Order Sp. z o. o.** reserves the right under the CLA to use
contributions made to this repository as part of commercially available Enso
If these terms are unacceptable to you, please do not contribute to the
### Contributing to Enso
If you are interested in contributing to the development of Enso, please read
the [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](./CONTRIBUTING.md) file. It describes all the ways in
which you can help the project, as well as provides instructions for how to
build Enso.