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synced 2024-12-18 08:11:58 +03:00
- Closes #11821 by updating the upgrade logic to the new executable name - Re-enables the long disabled `UpgradeSpec` to make sure this remains tested. - If the tests were enabled we would have caught the regression in #10535 - The tests have been heavily outdated due to being disabled, many small details changed and had to be amended. - The tests are still marked as Flaky - they were known to be problematic on CI so their failures will not stop CI for now. But at least they are run and we can see if they succeed or not. Plus when running tests locally they will fail (as all tests marked as Flaky - the failure is only ignored on CI). - Fixes another issue with an infinite cycle when no upgrade path can be found and adds a test for this case. - If running a development build, the minimum version check can be ignored, as the check does not really make sense for `0.0.0-dev` build. - Thus it closes #11831 also. - Makes sure that `GithubAPI` caches the list of releases as fetching it can take time.
475 lines
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475 lines
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import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt.internal.util.ManagedLogger
import sbtassembly.AssemblyKeys.assembly
import sbtassembly.AssemblyPlugin.autoImport.assemblyOutputPath
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths}
import scala.sys.process._
object NativeImage {
/** Specifies whether the build executable should include debug symbols.
* Should be set to false for production builds. May work only on Linux.
private val includeDebugInfo: Boolean = false
lazy val smallJdk = taskKey[Option[File]]("Location of a minimal JDK")
lazy val additionalCp =
"Additional class-path entries to be added to the native image"
/** List of classes that should be initialized at build time by the native image.
* Note that we strive to initialize as much classes during the native image build
* time as possible, as this reduces the time needed to start the native image.
* One wildcard could theoretically be used instead of the list, but to make things
* more explicit, we use the list.
private val defaultBuildTimeInitClasses = Seq(
val NATIVE_IMAGE_ARG_FILE = "native-image-args.txt"
/** Tag limiting the concurrent access to `native-image` subprocess spawning, i.e.,
* there should be just a single such subprocess. This should ensure that we do
* not run out of memory.
val nativeImageBuildTag = Tags.Tag("native-image-build")
/** Creates a task that builds a native image for the current project.
* This task must be setup in such a way that the assembly JAR is built
* before it starts, as it uses this JAR for the build. Usually this can be
* done by appending `.dependsOn(LocalProject("project-name") / assembly)`.
* Additional Native Image configuration can be set for each project by
* editing configuration files in subdirectories of `META-INF/native-image`
* of its resources directory. More information can be found at
* [[https://github.com/oracle/graal/blob/master/substratevm/BuildConfiguration.md]].
* @param artifactName name of the artifact to create
* @param staticOnLinux specifies whether to link statically (applies only
* on Linux)
* @param additionalOptions additional options for the Native Image build
* tool
* @param buildMemoryLimitMegabytes a memory limit for the build tool, in
* megabytes; it is good to set this limit to
* make GC more aggressive thus allowing it to
* build successfully even with limited memory
* @param runtimeThreadStackMegabytes the runtime thread stack size; the
* minimum for ZIO to work is higher than the
* default value on some systems
* @param initializeAtRuntime a list of classes that should be initialized at
* run time - useful to set exceptions if build
* time initialization is set to default
* @param initializeAtBuildtime a list of classes that should be initialized at
* build time.
* @param verbose whether to print verbose output from the native image.
def buildNativeImage(
name: String,
staticOnLinux: Boolean,
targetDir: File = null,
additionalOptions: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
buildMemoryLimitMegabytes: Option[Int] = Some(15608),
runtimeThreadStackMegabytes: Option[Int] = Some(2),
initializeAtRuntime: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
initializeAtBuildtime: Seq[String] = defaultBuildTimeInitClasses,
mainClass: Option[String] = None,
verbose: Boolean = false
): Def.Initialize[Task[Unit]] = Def
.task {
val log = state.value.log
val targetLoc = artifactFile(targetDir, name, withExtension = false)
def nativeImagePath(prefix: Path)(path: Path): Path = {
val base = path.resolve(prefix)
if (Platform.isWindows)
else base.resolve("native-image")
val (javaHome: Path, nativeImagePathResolver) =
.map(f =>
(f.toPath(), nativeImagePath(Path.of("lib", "svm", "bin")) _)
.filter { case (p, resolver) => resolver(p).toFile.exists() }
nativeImagePath(Path.of("bin")) _
log.info("Native image JAVA_HOME: " + javaHome)
val subProjectRoot = baseDirectory.value
if (!nativeImagePathResolver(javaHome).toFile.exists()) {
"Unexpected: Native Image component not found in the JVM distribution: " + javaHome
log.error("Is this a GraalVM distribution?")
"On older distributions, you can install Native Image with `gu install native-image`."
throw new RuntimeException(
"Native Image build failed, " +
"because native-image binary was not found."
if (additionalOptions.contains("--language:java")) {
s"Building ${targetLoc} image with experimental Espresso support!"
val debugParameters =
if (includeDebugInfo) Seq("-H:GenerateDebugInfo=1") else Seq()
val (staticParameters, pathExts) =
if (staticOnLinux && Platform.isLinux) {
// Note [Static Build On Linux]
val buildCache =
subProjectRoot / "build-cache"
val path = ensureMuslIsInstalled(buildCache, log)
(Seq("--static", "--libc=musl"), Seq(path.toString))
} else (Seq(), Seq())
val configLocation =
subProjectRoot / "native-image-config"
val configs =
if (configLocation.exists()) {
val path = configLocation.toPath.toAbsolutePath
log.debug(s"Picking up Native Image configuration from `$path`.")
} else {
"No Native Image configuration found, proceeding without it."
val quickBuildOption =
if (BuildInfo.isReleaseMode) Seq() else Seq("-Ob")
val buildMemoryLimitOptions =
buildMemoryLimitMegabytes.map(megs => s"-J-Xmx${megs}M").toSeq
val runtimeMemoryOptions =
runtimeThreadStackMegabytes.map(megs => s"-R:StackSize=${megs}M").toSeq
val initializeAtBuildtimeOptions =
if (initializeAtBuildtime.isEmpty) Seq()
else {
val classes = initializeAtBuildtime.mkString(",")
val initializeAtRuntimeOptions =
if (initializeAtRuntime.isEmpty) Seq()
else {
val classes = initializeAtRuntime.mkString(",")
val ourCp = (Runtime / fullClasspath).value
val auxCp = additionalCp.value
val fullCp = ourCp.map(_.data.getAbsolutePath) ++ auxCp
val cpStr = fullCp.mkString(File.pathSeparator)
log.debug("Class-path: " + cpStr)
val verboseOpt = if (verbose) Seq("--verbose") else Seq()
var args: Seq[String] =
Seq("-cp", cpStr) ++
quickBuildOption ++
debugParameters ++ staticParameters ++ configs ++
Seq("--no-fallback", "--no-server") ++
Seq("-march=compatibility") ++
initializeAtBuildtimeOptions ++
initializeAtRuntimeOptions ++
buildMemoryLimitOptions ++
runtimeMemoryOptions ++
additionalOptions ++
Seq("-o", targetLoc.toString)
args = mainClass match {
case Some(main) =>
args ++
case None =>
val pathToJAR =
(assembly / assemblyOutputPath).value.toPath.toAbsolutePath.normalize
args ++
Seq("-jar", pathToJAR.toString)
val targetDirValue = (Compile / target).value
val argFile = targetDirValue.toPath.resolve(NATIVE_IMAGE_ARG_FILE)
IO.writeLines(argFile.toFile, args, append = false)
val pathParts = pathExts ++ Option(System.getenv("PATH")).toSeq
val newPath = pathParts.mkString(File.pathSeparator)
val cmd =
Seq(nativeImagePathResolver(javaHome).toString) ++
verboseOpt ++
Seq("@" + argFile.toAbsolutePath.toString)
log.debug(s"""PATH="$newPath" ${cmd.mkString(" ")}""")
val process =
Process(cmd, None, "PATH" -> newPath)
// All the output from native-image is redirected into a StringBuilder, and printed
// at the end of the build. This mitigates the problem when there are multiple sbt
// commands running in parallel and the output is intertwined.
val sb = new StringBuilder
val processLogger = ProcessLogger(str => {
sb.append(str + System.lineSeparator())
s"Started building $targetLoc native image. The output is captured."
val retCode = process.!(processLogger)
val targetFile = artifactFile(targetDir, name)
if (retCode != 0 || !targetFile.exists()) {
log.error(s"Native Image build of $targetFile failed, with output: ")
throw new RuntimeException("Native Image build failed")
log.info(s"$targetLoc native image build successful.")
.dependsOn(Compile / compile)
/** Creates a task which watches for changes of any compiled files or
* dependencies and triggers a rebuild if and only if there are any changes.
* @param actualBuild reference to the task doing the actual Native Image
* build, usually one returned by [[buildNativeImage]]
* @param artifactName name of the artifact that is expected to be created
* by the native image build
* @return
def incrementalNativeImageBuild(
actualBuild: TaskKey[Unit],
name: String,
targetDir: File = null
): Def.Initialize[Task[Unit]] =
Def.taskDyn {
def rebuild(reason: String) = {
s"$reason, forcing a rebuild."
val artifact = artifactFile(targetDir, name)
if (artifact.exists()) {
Def.task {
val classpath = (Compile / fullClasspath).value
val filesSet = classpath.flatMap(f => f.data.allPaths.get()).toSet
val store =
Tracked.diffInputs(store, FileInfo.hash)(filesSet) {
sourcesDiff: ChangeReport[File] =>
if (sourcesDiff.modified.nonEmpty)
rebuild("Native Image is not up to date")
else if (!artifactFile(targetDir, name).exists())
rebuild("Native Image does not exist")
Def.task {
s"No source changes, $artifactName Native Image is up to date."
/** [[File]] representing the artifact called `name` built with the Native
* Image.
def artifactFile(
targetDir: File,
name: String,
withExtension: Boolean = true
): File = {
val artifactName =
if (withExtension && Platform.isWindows) name + ".exe"
else name
if (targetDir == null) {
new File(artifactName).getAbsoluteFile()
} else {
if (!targetDir.exists()) {
new File(targetDir, artifactName)
private val muslBundleUrl =
"https://github.com/gradinac/musl-bundle-example/releases/download/" +
/** Ensures that the `musl` bundle is installed.
* Checks for existence of its directory and if it does not exist, downloads
* and extracts the bundle. After extracting it does the required
* initialization (renaming paths to be absolute and creating a shell script
* called `x86_64-linux-musl-gcc`).
* `musl` is needed for static builds on Linux.
* @param buildCache build-cache directory for the current project
* @param log a logger instance
* @return path to the `musl` bundle binary directory which should be added
* to PATH of the launched native-image
private def ensureMuslIsInstalled(
buildCache: File,
log: ManagedLogger
): Path = {
val muslRoot = buildCache / "musl-1.2.0"
val bundleLocation = muslRoot / "bundle"
val binaryLocation = bundleLocation / "bin"
val gccLocation = binaryLocation / "x86_64-linux-musl-gcc"
def isMuslInstalled =
gccLocation.exists() && gccLocation.isOwnerExecutable
if (!isMuslInstalled) {
"`musl` is required for a static build, but it is not installed for " +
"this subproject."
try {
log.info("A `musl` bundle will be downloaded.")
val bundle = buildCache / "musl-bundle.tar.gz"
val downloadExitCode = (url(muslBundleUrl) #> bundle).!
if (downloadExitCode != 0) {
log.error("Cannot download `musl` bundle.")
throw new RuntimeException(s"Cannot download `$muslBundleUrl`.")
val tarExitCode = Seq(
if (tarExitCode != 0) {
"An error occurred when extracting the `musl` library bundle."
throw new RuntimeException(s"Cannot extract $bundle.")
bundleLocation / "lib" / "musl-gcc.specs",
log.info("Installed `musl`.")
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
throw new RuntimeException(
"`musl` installation failed. Cannot proceed with a static " +
"Native Image build.",
/** Replaces paths in `musl-gcc.specs` with absolute paths to the bundle.
* The paths in `musl-gcc.specs` start with `/build/bundle` which is not a
* valid path by default. Instead, these prefixes are replaced with an
* absolute path to the bundle.
* @param specs reference to `musl-gcc.specs` file
* @param bundleLocation location of the bundle root
private def replacePathsInSpecs(specs: File, bundleLocation: File): Unit = {
val content = IO.read(specs)
val bundlePath = bundleLocation.toPath.toAbsolutePath.normalize.toString
val replaced = content.replace("/build/bundle", bundlePath)
IO.write(specs, replaced)
/** Creates a simple shell script called `musl-gcc` which calls the original
* `gcc` and ensures the bundle's configuration (`musl-gcc.specs`) is loaded.
private def createGCCWrapper(bundleLocation: File): Unit = {
val bundlePath = bundleLocation.toPath.toAbsolutePath.normalize.toString
val content =
|exec "$${REALGCC:-gcc}" "$$@" -specs "$bundlePath/lib/musl-gcc.specs"
val wrapper = bundleLocation / "bin" / "x86_64-linux-musl-gcc"
IO.write(wrapper, content)
/* Note [Static Build On Linux]
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* The default `glibc` contains a bug that would cause crashes when downloading
* files form the internet, which is a crucial Launcher functionality. Instead,
* `musl` is suggested by Graal as an alternative libc. The sbt task
* automatically downloads a bundle containing all requirements for a static
* build with `musl`.
* The `musl` bundle that we use is not guaranteed to be maintained, so if in
* the future a new version of `musl` comes out and we need to upgrade, we may
* need to create our own infrastructure (a repository with CI jobs for creating
* such bundles). It is especially important to note that the libstdc++ that is
* included in this bundle should also be built using `musl` as otherwise linker
* errors may arise.
* Currently, to use `musl`, the `--libc=musl` option has to be added to the
* build and `x86_64-linux-musl-gcc` must be available in the system PATH for the
* native-image. In the future it is possible that a different option will be
* used or that the bundle will not be required anymore if it became
* prepackaged. This task may thus need an update when moving to a newer version
* of Graal.
* Currently to make the bundle work correctly with GraalVM 20.2, a shell script
* called `x86_64-linux-musl-gcc` which loads the bundle's configuration is created by the
* task and the paths starting with `/build/bundle` in `musl-gcc.specs` are
* replaced with absolute paths to the bundle location.