Dmitry Bushev 858e646328
Start Ydoc with the language server (#9862)
- related #7954

- update: Ydoc starts with the language server on the `localhost:1234` by default. The hostname and ports can be configured by setting environment variables `LANGUAGE_SERVER_YDOC_HOSTNAME` and `LANGUAGE_SERVER_YDOC_PORT`
- update: by default `npm dev run` uses the node Ydoc server. You can control it with `POLYGLOT_YDOC_SERVER` env variable. For example,
env POLYGLOT_YDOC_SERVER='true' npm --workspace=enso-gui2 run dev
To connect to the Ydoc server running on the 1234 port (the one started with the language server)
env POLYGLOT_YDOC_SERVER='ws://' npm --workspace=enso-gui2 run dev
To connect to the provided URL. Can be useful for debugging when you start a separate Ydoc process.
- update: run `npm install` before the engine build. It is required to create the Ydoc JS bundle.
2024-05-28 13:51:42 +00:00

1.0 KiB

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