somebody1234 079b1eed9d
Fix some dashboard issues (#6668)
Fixes some of #6662

Issues addressed:
- `ide watch` and `gui watch` should now use the desktop platform
- error screen should now be shown when passing invalid options
- password (both creating password when registering, and resetting password) should now warn on invalid input

# Important Notes
Instead of checking whether `location.hostname === 'localhost'`, I've opted to use a constant defined by the build tool instead. This is to make it easier to merge the cloud IDE and desktop IDE entrypoints in the future, since it would be able to simply set `platform: Platform.cloud` in the build config.
2023-05-26 10:17:03 +00:00

198 lines
8.2 KiB

/** @file Configuration for the esbuild bundler and build/watch commands.
* The bundler processes each entry point into a single file, each with no external dependencies and
* minified. This primarily involves resolving all imports, along with some other transformations
* (like TypeScript compilation).
* See the bundlers documentation for more information:
* https://esbuild.github.io/getting-started/#bundling-for-node. */
import * as childProcess from 'node:child_process'
import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import * as fsSync from 'node:fs'
import * as pathModule from 'node:path'
import * as url from 'node:url'
import * as esbuild from 'esbuild'
import * as esbuildPluginNodeGlobals from '@esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill'
import * as esbuildPluginNodeModules from '@esbuild-plugins/node-modules-polyfill'
import esbuildPluginAlias from 'esbuild-plugin-alias'
import esbuildPluginCopyDirectories from 'esbuild-plugin-copy-directories'
import esbuildPluginTime from 'esbuild-plugin-time'
import esbuildPluginYaml from 'esbuild-plugin-yaml'
import * as utils from '../../utils'
import BUILD_INFO from '../../build.json' assert { type: 'json' }
// =================
// === Constants ===
// =================
const THIS_PATH = pathModule.resolve(pathModule.dirname(url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)))
// =============================
// === Environment variables ===
// =============================
/** Arguments that must always be supplied, because they are not defined as
* environment variables. */
export interface PassthroughArguments {
/** `true` if in development mode (live-reload), `false` if in production mode. */
devMode: boolean
/** Whether the application may have the local backend running. */
supportsLocalBackend: boolean
/** Whether the application supports deep links. This is only true when using
* the installed app on macOS and Windows. */
supportsDeepLinks: boolean
/** Mandatory build options. */
export interface Arguments extends PassthroughArguments {
/** List of files to be copied from WASM artifacts. */
wasmArtifacts: string
/** Directory with assets. Its contents are to be copied. */
assetsPath: string
/** Path where bundled files are output. */
outputPath: string
/** The main JS bundle to load WASM and JS wasm-pack bundles. */
ensoglAppPath: string
/** Get arguments from the environment. */
export function argumentsFromEnv(passthroughArguments: PassthroughArguments): Arguments {
const wasmArtifacts = utils.requireEnv('ENSO_BUILD_GUI_WASM_ARTIFACTS')
const assetsPath = utils.requireEnv('ENSO_BUILD_GUI_ASSETS')
const outputPath = pathModule.resolve(utils.requireEnv('ENSO_BUILD_GUI'), 'assets')
const ensoglAppPath = utils.requireEnv('ENSO_BUILD_GUI_ENSOGL_APP')
return { ...passthroughArguments, wasmArtifacts, assetsPath, outputPath, ensoglAppPath }
// ===================
// === Git process ===
// ===================
/** Get output of a git command.
* @param command - Command line following the `git` program.
* @returns Output of the command. */
function git(command: string): string {
// TODO [mwu] Eventually this should be removed, data should be provided by the build script
// through `BUILD_INFO`. The bundler configuration should not invoke git,
// it is not its responsibility.
return childProcess.execSync(`git ${command}`, { encoding: 'utf8' }).trim()
// ================
// === Bundling ===
// ================
/** Generate the builder options. */
export function bundlerOptions(args: Arguments) {
const {
} = args
const buildOptions = {
// Disabling naming convention because these are third-party options.
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
absWorkingDir: THIS_PATH,
bundle: true,
loader: {
'.html': 'copy',
'.css': 'copy',
'.map': 'copy',
'.wasm': 'copy',
'.svg': 'copy',
'.png': 'copy',
'.ttf': 'copy',
entryPoints: [
pathModule.resolve(THIS_PATH, 'src', 'index.ts'),
pathModule.resolve(THIS_PATH, 'src', 'index.html'),
pathModule.resolve(THIS_PATH, 'src', 'run.js'),
pathModule.resolve(THIS_PATH, 'src', 'style.css'),
pathModule.resolve(THIS_PATH, 'src', 'docsStyle.css'),
.map(fileName => pathModule.resolve(assetsPath, fileName)),
].map(path => ({ in: path, out: pathModule.basename(path, pathModule.extname(path)) })),
outdir: outputPath,
outbase: 'src',
plugins: [
// This file MUST be in CommonJS format because it is loaded using `Function()`
// in `ensogl/pack/js/src/runner/index.ts`.
// All other files are ESM because of `"type": "module"` in `package.json`.
name: 'pkg-js-is-cjs',
setup: build => {
build.onLoad({ filter: /[/\\]pkg.js$/ }, async info => {
const { path } = info
return {
contents: await fs.readFile(path),
loader: 'copy',
esbuildPluginNodeGlobals.NodeGlobalsPolyfillPlugin({ buffer: true, process: true }),
esbuildPluginAlias({ ensogl_app: ensoglAppPath }),
define: {
GIT_HASH: JSON.stringify(git('rev-parse HEAD')),
GIT_STATUS: JSON.stringify(git('status --short --porcelain')),
/** Whether the application is being run locally. This enables a service worker that
* properly serves `/index.html` to client-side routes like `/login`. */
IS_DEV_MODE: JSON.stringify(devMode),
/** Overrides the redirect URL for OAuth logins in the production environment.
* This is needed for logins to work correctly under `./run gui watch`. */
SUPPORTS_LOCAL_BACKEND: JSON.stringify(supportsLocalBackend),
SUPPORTS_DEEP_LINKS: JSON.stringify(supportsDeepLinks),
sourcemap: true,
minify: true,
metafile: true,
format: 'esm',
platform: 'browser',
color: true,
logOverride: {
// Happens in Emscripten-generated MSDF (msdfgen_wasm.js):
// 1 │ ...typeof module!=="undefined"){module["exports"]=Module}process["o...
'commonjs-variable-in-esm': 'silent',
// Happens in Emscripten-generated MSDF (msdfgen_wasm.js):
// 1 │ ...y{table.grow(1)}catch(err){if(!err instanceof RangeError){throw ...
'suspicious-boolean-not': 'silent',
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
} satisfies esbuild.BuildOptions
// The narrower type is required to avoid non-null assertions elsewhere.
// The intersection with `esbuild.BuildOptions` is required to allow mutation.
const correctlyTypedBuildOptions: esbuild.BuildOptions & typeof buildOptions = buildOptions
return correctlyTypedBuildOptions
/** The basic, common settings for the bundler, based on the environment variables.
* Note that they should be further customized as per the needs of the specific workflow
* (e.g. watch vs. build). */
export function bundlerOptionsFromEnv(passthroughArguments: PassthroughArguments) {
return bundlerOptions(argumentsFromEnv(passthroughArguments))
/** esbuild options for bundling the package for a one-off build.
* Relies on the environment variables to be set. */
export function bundleOptions(passthroughArguments: PassthroughArguments) {
return bundlerOptionsFromEnv(passthroughArguments)