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import JPMSPlugin.autoImport.javaModuleName
import sbt.*
import sbt.Keys.*
import sbt.internal.inc.{CompileOutput, PlainVirtualFile}
import sbt.util.CacheStore
import sbtassembly.Assembly.{Dependency, JarEntry, Project}
import sbtassembly.{CustomMergeStrategy, MergeStrategy}
import xsbti.compile.IncToolOptionsUtil
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
import java.nio.file.{
import scala.collection.mutable
/** Collection of utility methods dealing with JPMS modules.
* The motivation comes from the update of GraalVM to
* [Truffle unchained](https://medium.com/graalvm/truffle-unchained-13887b77b62c) -
* we need to add Truffle and Graal related Jars on module-path.
* We also need to convert our runtime projects to *explicit modules*, and thus,
* all our other projects to *automatic modules*.
* @see
object JPMSUtils {
val slf4jVersion = "2.0.9"
val logbackClassicVersion = "1.3.7"
/** The list of modules that are included in the `component` directory in engine distribution.
* When invoking the `java` command, these modules need to be put on the module-path.
val componentModules: Seq[ModuleID] =
GraalVM.modules ++ GraalVM.langsPkgs ++ GraalVM.toolsPkgs ++ Seq(
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion,
"ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % logbackClassicVersion,
"ch.qos.logback" % "logback-core" % logbackClassicVersion
/** Filters modules by their IDs from the given classpath.
* @param cp The classpath to filter
* @param modules These modules are looked for in the class path, can be duplicated.
* @param shouldContainAll If true, the method will throw an exception if not all modules were found
* in the classpath.
* @return The classpath with only the provided modules searched by their IDs.
def filterModulesFromClasspath(
cp: Def.Classpath,
modules: Seq[ModuleID],
log: sbt.util.Logger,
shouldContainAll: Boolean = false
): Def.Classpath = {
val distinctModules = modules.distinct
def shouldFilterModule(module: ModuleID): Boolean = {
distinctModules.exists(m =>
m.organization == module.organization &&
m.name == module.name &&
m.revision == module.revision
val ret = cp.filter(dep => {
val moduleID = dep.metadata.get(AttributeKey[ModuleID]("moduleID")).get
if (shouldContainAll) {
if (ret.size < distinctModules.size) {
log.error("Not all modules from classpath were found")
log.error(s"Returned (${ret.size}): $ret")
log.error(s"Expected: (${distinctModules.size}): $distinctModules")
/** Filters all the requested modules from the given [[UpdateReport]].
* @param updateReport The update report to filter. This is the result of `update.value`.
* @param modules The modules to filter from the update report. Can be duplicated.
* @param log The logger to use for logging.
* @param shouldContainAll If true, the method will log an error if not all modules were found.
* @return The list of files (Jar archives, directories, etc.) that were found in the update report.
def filterModulesFromUpdate(
updateReport: UpdateReport,
modules: Seq[ModuleID],
log: sbt.util.Logger,
shouldContainAll: Boolean = false
): Seq[File] = {
val distinctModules = modules.distinct
def shouldFilterModule(module: ModuleID): Boolean = {
distinctModules.exists(m =>
m.organization == module.organization &&
m.name == module.name &&
m.revision == module.revision
val foundFiles = updateReport.select(
module = shouldFilterModule
if (shouldContainAll) {
if (foundFiles.size < distinctModules.size) {
log.error("Not all modules from update were found")
log.error(s"Returned (${foundFiles.size}): $foundFiles")
log.error(s"Expected: (${distinctModules.size}): $distinctModules")
def filterTruffleAndGraalArtifacts(
classPath: Def.Classpath
): Def.Classpath = {
val truffleRelatedArtifacts = classPath
.filter(file =>
file.data.getPath.contains("graalvm") || file.data.getPath.contains(
/** Compiles a single `module-info.java` source file with the default java compiler (
* the one that is defined for the project). Before the module-info is compiled, all the
* class files from `scopeFilter` are copied into the `target` directory of the current project.
* This is because we want the `module-info.java` to be an *Uber module-info* that is defined for
* multiple sbt projects, like `runtime` and `runtime-with-instruments`, so before the `module-info.java`
* is passed to the compiler, we need to copy all the classes from the sbt projects into a single directory
* so that the compiler has an illusion that all these projects are in fact a single project.
* Note that sbt is not able to correctly handle `module-info.java` files when
* compilation order is defined to mixed order.
* Compilation of `module-info.java` is skipped iff none of all the classes from all the dependencies
* changed and if the `module-info.java` itself have not changed.
* @param copyDepsFilter The filter of scopes of the projects from which the class files are first
* copied into the `target` directory before `module-info.java` is compiled.
* @param modulePath IDs of dependencies that should be put on the module path. The modules
* put into `modulePath` are filtered away from class-path, so that module-path
* and class-path passed to the `javac` are exclusive.
* @param modulePathExtra More directories that should be added on `--module-path`. This parameter is of
* type [[File]], because this is how inter project dependencies are gathered.
* @see https://users.scala-lang.org/t/scala-jdk-11-and-jpms/6102/19
def compileModuleInfo(
copyDepsFilter: ScopeFilter,
modulePath: Seq[ModuleID] = Seq(),
modulePathExtra: Seq[File] = Seq()
): Def.Initialize[Task[Unit]] =
.task {
val moduleInfo = (Compile / javaSource).value / "module-info.java"
val log = streams.value.log
val incToolOpts = IncToolOptionsUtil.defaultIncToolOptions()
val reporter = (Compile / compile / bspReporter).value
val output = CompileOutput((Compile / classDirectory).value.toPath)
// Target directory where all the classes from all the dependencies will be
// copied to.
val outputPath: Path = output.getSingleOutputAsPath
// Class directories of all the dependencies.
val sourceProducts =
val moduleName = javaModuleName.value
val cacheStore = streams.value.cacheStoreFactory
val repoRootDir = (LocalProject("enso") / baseDirectory).value
var someDepChanged = false
sourceProducts.foreach(sourceProduct => {
if (!sourceProduct.exists()) {
log.error(s"Source product ${sourceProduct} does not exist")
"This means that the Compile/compile task was probably not run in " +
"the corresponding project"
log.error("Run Compile/compile before this task")
val relPath = repoRootDir.toPath.relativize(sourceProduct.toPath)
val cache = cacheStore.make("cache-" + relPath.toString)
val depChanged = copyClasses(sourceProduct, output, cache, log)
if (depChanged) {
someDepChanged = true
val baseJavacOpts = (Compile / javacOptions).value
val fullCp = (Compile / fullClasspath).value
val javaCompiler =
(Compile / compile / compilers).value.javaTools.javac()
// Skip module-info.java compilation if the source have not changed
// Force the compilation if some class file from one of the dependencies changed,
// just to be sure that we don't cause any weird compilation errors.
val moduleInfoCache = cacheStore.make("cache-module-info-" + moduleName)
Tracked.diffInputs(moduleInfoCache, FileInfo.lastModified)(
) { changeReport =>
if (
someDepChanged || changeReport.modified.nonEmpty || changeReport.added.nonEmpty
) {
log.info(s"Compiling $moduleInfo with javac")
val (mp, cp) = fullCp.partition(file => {
val moduleID =
modulePath.exists(mod => {
mod.organization == moduleID.organization &&
mod.name == moduleID.name &&
mod.revision == moduleID.revision
val allDirsOnMp = mp.map(_.data) ++ modulePathExtra
val allOpts = baseJavacOpts ++ Seq(
log.debug(s"javac options: $allOpts")
val succ = javaCompiler.run(
if (!succ) {
log.error(s"Compilation of ${moduleInfo} failed")
/** Copies all classes from all the dependencies `classes` directories into the target directory.
* @param sourceClassesDir Directory from where the classes will be copied.
* @param output Target directory where all the classes from all the dependencies
* will be copied to.
* @param log
* @return True iff some of the dependencies changed, i.e., if there is a modified class file, or
* some class file was added, or removed
private def copyClasses(
sourceClassesDir: File,
output: xsbti.compile.Output,
cache: CacheStore,
log: Logger
): Boolean = {
val outputPath: Path = output.getSingleOutputAsPath.get()
val outputDir = outputPath.toFile
val filesToCopy = mutable.HashSet.empty[File]
val fileVisitor = new SimpleFileVisitor[Path] {
override def visitFile(
path: Path,
attrs: BasicFileAttributes
): FileVisitResult = {
if (!path.toFile.isDirectory) {
override def preVisitDirectory(
dir: Path,
attrs: BasicFileAttributes
): FileVisitResult = {
// We do not care about files in META-INF directory. Everything should be described
// in the `module-info.java`.
if (dir.getFileName.toString == "META-INF") {
} else {
Files.walkFileTree(sourceClassesDir.toPath, fileVisitor)
if (!outputDir.exists()) {
var someDependencyChanged = false
Tracked.diffInputs(cache, FileInfo.lastModified)(filesToCopy.toSet) {
changeReport =>
for (f <- changeReport.removed) {
val relPath = sourceClassesDir.toPath.relativize(f.toPath)
val dest = outputDir.toPath.resolve(relPath)
someDependencyChanged = true
for (f <- changeReport.modified -- changeReport.removed) {
val relPath = sourceClassesDir.toPath.relativize(f.toPath)
val dest = outputDir.toPath.resolve(relPath)
IO.copyFile(f, dest.toFile)
someDependencyChanged = true
for (f <- changeReport.unmodified) {
val relPath = sourceClassesDir.toPath.relativize(f.toPath)
val dest = outputDir.toPath.resolve(relPath)
if (!dest.toFile.exists()) {
IO.copyFile(f, dest.toFile)
someDependencyChanged = true