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synced 2025-01-05 12:53:11 +03:00
Fixes the issue that prevents project edits from being committed.
288 lines
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288 lines
11 KiB
* @file A module responsible for translating file edits between the Yjs document updates and the
* Language server protocol structures.
import diff from 'fast-diff'
import type { ModuleUpdate } from '../shared/ast'
import { MutableModule, print, spanMapToIdMap } from '../shared/ast'
import { EnsoFileParts } from '../shared/ensoFile'
import { TextEdit } from '../shared/languageServerTypes'
import { assert } from '../shared/util/assert'
import { IdMap, ModuleDoc, type VisualizationMetadata } from '../shared/yjsModel'
import * as fileFormat from './fileFormat'
* The simulated metadata of this size takes c.a. 1 second on my machine. It should be quite
* bearable, even on slower machines.
* Full benchmark results (from edits.bench.ts):
* name hz min max mean p75 p99 p995 p999 rme samples
* · Diffing 10000 8.7370 108.66 132.93 114.46 111.73 132.93 132.93 132.93 ±11.28% 5
* · Diffing 15000 4.0483 239.82 257.99 247.02 257.99 257.99 257.99 257.99 ±9.71% 3
* · Diffing 20000 2.1577 462.40 464.52 463.46 464.52 464.52 464.52 464.52 ±2.90% 2
* · Diffing 25000 1.3744 727.61 727.61 727.61 727.61 727.61 727.61 727.61 ±0.00% 1
* · Diffing 30000 0.9850 1,015.25 1,015.25 1,015.25 1,015.25 1,015.25 1,015.25 1,015.25 ±0.00% 1
* · Diffing 35000 0.6934 1,442.27 1,442.27 1,442.27 1,442.27 1,442.27 1,442.27 1,442.27 ±0.00% 1
* · Diffing 40000 0.5141 1,945.24 1,945.24 1,945.24 1,945.24 1,945.24 1,945.24 1,945.24 ±0.00% 1
* · Diffing 50000 0.3315 3,016.59 3,016.59 3,016.59 3,016.59 3,016.59 3,016.59 3,016.59 ±0.00% 1
* · Diffing 60000 0.2270 4,405.46 4,405.46 4,405.46 4,405.46 4,405.46 4,405.46 4,405.46 ±0.00% 1
* · Diffing 70000 0.1602 6,240.52 6,240.52 6,240.52 6,240.52 6,240.52 6,240.52 6,240.52 ±0.00% 1
* · Diffing 80000 0.1233 8,110.54 8,110.54 8,110.54 8,110.54 8,110.54 8,110.54 8,110.54 ±0.00% 1
* · Diffing 90000 0.0954 10,481.47 10,481.47 10,481.47 10,481.47 10,481.47 10,481.47 10,481.47 ±0.00% 1
* · Diffing 100000 0.0788 12,683.46 12,683.46 12,683.46 12,683.46 12,683.46 12,683.46 12,683.46 ±0.00% 1
* · Diffing 250000 0.0107 93,253.97 93,253.97 93,253.97 93,253.97 93,253.97 93,253.97 93,253.97 ±0.00% 1
interface AppliedUpdates {
newCode: string | undefined
newIdMap: IdMap | undefined
newMetadata: fileFormat.IdeMetadata['node'] | undefined
export function applyDocumentUpdates(
doc: ModuleDoc,
synced: EnsoFileParts,
update: ModuleUpdate,
): AppliedUpdates {
const codeChanged = update.nodesUpdated.size || update.nodesAdded.size || update.nodesDeleted.size
let idsChanged = false
let metadataChanged = false
for (const { changes } of update.metadataUpdated) {
for (const [key] of changes) {
if (key === 'externalId') {
idsChanged = true
} else {
metadataChanged = true
if (idsChanged && metadataChanged) break
let newIdMap = undefined
let newCode = undefined
let newMetadata = undefined
const syncModule = new MutableModule(doc.ydoc)
const root = syncModule.root()
assert(root != null)
if (codeChanged || idsChanged || synced.idMapJson == null) {
const { code, info } = print(root)
if (codeChanged) newCode = code
newIdMap = spanMapToIdMap(info)
if (codeChanged || idsChanged || metadataChanged) {
// Update the metadata object.
// Depth-first key order keeps diffs small.
newMetadata = {} satisfies fileFormat.IdeMetadata['node']
root.visitRecursiveAst((ast) => {
let pos = ast.nodeMetadata.get('position')
const vis = ast.nodeMetadata.get('visualization')
const colorOverride = ast.nodeMetadata.get('colorOverride')
if (vis && !pos) pos = { x: 0, y: 0 }
if (pos) {
newMetadata![ast.externalId] = {
position: { vector: [Math.round(pos.x), Math.round(-pos.y)] },
visualization: vis && translateVisualizationToFile(vis),
return { newCode, newIdMap, newMetadata }
function translateVisualizationToFile(
vis: VisualizationMetadata,
): fileFormat.VisualizationMetadata | undefined {
let project = undefined
switch (vis.identifier?.module.kind) {
case 'Builtin':
project = { project: 'Builtin' } as const
case 'CurrentProject':
project = { project: 'CurrentProject' } as const
case 'Library':
project = { project: 'Library', contents: vis.identifier.module.name } as const
return {
show: vis.visible,
fullscreen: vis.fullscreen,
width: vis.width ?? undefined,
...(project == null || vis.identifier == null ?
: {
project: project,
name: vis.identifier.name,
export function translateVisualizationFromFile(
vis: fileFormat.VisualizationMetadata,
): VisualizationMetadata | undefined {
let module
switch (vis.project?.project) {
case 'Builtin':
module = { kind: 'Builtin' } as const
case 'CurrentProject':
module = { kind: 'CurrentProject' } as const
case 'Library':
module = { kind: 'Library', name: vis.project.contents } as const
module = null
return {
identifier: module && vis.name ? { name: vis.name, module } : null,
visible: vis.show,
fullscreen: vis.fullscreen ?? false,
width: vis.width ?? null,
* A simplified diff algorithm.
* The `fast-diff` package uses Myers' https://neil.fraser.name/writing/diff/myers.pdf with some
* optimizations to generate minimal diff. Unfortunately, event this algorithm is still to slow
* for our metadata. Therefore we need to use faster algorithm which will not produce theoretically
* minimal diff.
* This is quick implementation making diff which just replaces entire string except common prefix
* and suffix.
export function stupidFastDiff(oldString: string, newString: string): diff.Diff[] {
const minLength = Math.min(oldString.length, newString.length)
let commonPrefixLen, commonSuffixLen
for (commonPrefixLen = 0; commonPrefixLen < minLength; ++commonPrefixLen)
if (oldString[commonPrefixLen] !== newString[commonPrefixLen]) break
if (oldString.length === newString.length && oldString.length === commonPrefixLen)
return [[0, oldString]]
for (commonSuffixLen = 0; commonSuffixLen < minLength - commonPrefixLen; ++commonSuffixLen)
if (oldString.at(-1 - commonSuffixLen) !== newString.at(-1 - commonSuffixLen)) break
const commonPrefix = oldString.substring(0, commonPrefixLen)
const removed = oldString.substring(commonPrefixLen, oldString.length - commonSuffixLen)
const added = newString.substring(commonPrefixLen, newString.length - commonSuffixLen)
const commonSuffix = oldString.substring(oldString.length - commonSuffixLen, oldString.length)
return (commonPrefix ? ([[0, commonPrefix]] as diff.Diff[]) : [])
.concat(removed ? [[-1, removed]] : [])
.concat(added ? [[1, added]] : [])
.concat(commonSuffix ? [[0, commonSuffix]] : [])
export function applyDiffAsTextEdits(
lineOffset: number,
oldString: string,
newString: string,
): TextEdit[] {
const changes =
oldString.length + newString.length > MAX_SIZE_FOR_NORMAL_DIFF ?
stupidFastDiff(oldString, newString)
: diff(oldString, newString)
let newIndex = 0
let lineNum = lineOffset
let lineStartIdx = 0
const edits = []
for (const [op, text] of changes) {
if (op === 1) {
const pos = {
character: newIndex - lineStartIdx,
line: lineNum,
edits.push({ range: { start: pos, end: pos }, text })
const numLineBreaks = (text.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
if (numLineBreaks > 0) {
lineNum += numLineBreaks
lineStartIdx = newIndex + text.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1
newIndex += text.length
} else if (op === -1) {
const start = {
character: newIndex - lineStartIdx,
line: lineNum,
const numLineBreaks = (text.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
const character =
numLineBreaks > 0 ?
text.length - (text.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1)
: newIndex - lineStartIdx + text.length
const end = {
line: lineNum + numLineBreaks,
edits.push({ range: { start, end }, text: '' })
} else if (op === 0) {
const numLineBreaks = (text.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
lineNum += numLineBreaks
if (numLineBreaks > 0) {
lineStartIdx = newIndex + text.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1
newIndex += text.length
return edits
export function prettyPrintDiff(from: string, to: string): string {
const colReset = '\x1b[0m'
const colRed = '\x1b[31m'
const colGreen = '\x1b[32m'
const diffs =
from.length + to.length > MAX_SIZE_FOR_NORMAL_DIFF ? stupidFastDiff(from, to) : diff(from, to)
if (diffs.length === 1 && diffs[0]![0] === 0) return 'No changes'
let content = ''
for (let i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++) {
const [op, text] = diffs[i]!
if (op === 1) {
content += colGreen + text
} else if (op === -1) {
content += colRed + text
} else if (op === 0) {
content += colReset
const numNewlines = (text.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
if (numNewlines < 2) {
content += text
} else {
const firstNewline = text.indexOf('\n')
const lastNewline = text.lastIndexOf('\n')
const firstLine = text.slice(0, firstNewline + 1)
const lastLine = text.slice(lastNewline + 1)
const isFirst = i === 0
const isLast = i === diffs.length - 1
if (!isFirst) content += firstLine
if (!isFirst && !isLast) content += '...\n'
if (!isLast) content += lastLine
content += colReset
return content
if (import.meta.vitest) {
const { test, expect } = import.meta.vitest
oldStr | newStr | expected
${''} | ${'foo'} | ${[[1, 'foo']]}
${'foo'} | ${''} | ${[[-1, 'foo']]}
${'foo'} | ${'foo'} | ${[[0, 'foo']]}
${'foo'} | ${'bar'} | ${[[-1, 'foo'], [1, 'bar']]}
${'ababx'} | ${'acacx'} | ${[[0, 'a'], [-1, 'bab'], [1, 'cac'], [0, 'x']]}
${'ax'} | ${'acacx'} | ${[[0, 'a'], [1, 'cac'], [0, 'x']]}
${'ababx'} | ${'ax'} | ${[[0, 'a'], [-1, 'bab'], [0, 'x']]}
${'ababx'} | ${'abacax'} | ${[[0, 'aba'], [-1, 'b'], [1, 'ca'], [0, 'x']]}
${'axxxa'} | ${'a'} | ${[[0, 'a'], [-1, 'xxxa']]}
`('Stupid diff of $oldStr and $newStr', ({ oldStr, newStr, expected }) => {
expect(stupidFastDiff(oldStr, newStr)).toEqual(expected)