Ilya Bogdanov a771e40002
Component browser breadcrumbs (#3686)
[ci no changelog needed]

[Task link](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/181445628).

This PR implements a Breadcrumbs panel for the new component browser.
The Breadcrumbs is a horizontal list of text labels separated by a special icon and has an optional ellipsis icon at the end.
It is implemented using the new GridView component.


Demo of adding new breadcrumbs, scrolling behavior, and selecting breadcrumbs with the mouse.


Demo of selecting breadcrumbs with keyboard shortcuts:


# Important Notes
- This PR implements an old interaction of the design of the component browser. The new design of the breadcrumbs can not be easily integrated into the current look of the component browser, so we would need to update styles later. It should be a relatively simple task. *The implementation uses color from the new design though. (but not fonts and sizes)*
- I found a bug in the grid view implementation that causes panics at runtime in some conditions. The reason is triggering FRP endpoints while constructing new entries. This issue is fixed in the PR.
2022-09-19 09:21:52 +00:00

396 lines
17 KiB

//! Language Server integration tests.
//! They are disabled by default, as there is no CI infrastructure to run them with Lanaguage
//! Server. To run tests manually, uncomment the `#[wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test(async)]`
//! attributes and use wasm-bindgen test.
//! Note that running Lanugage Server is expected at `SERVER_ENDPOINT` (by default localhost:30616).
//! To run the language server manually run in the `enso` repository e.g.
//! ```
//! sbt "runner/run --server --root-id 6f7d58dd-8ee8-44cf-9ab7-9f0454033641 --path $HOME/ensotmp --rpc-port 30616"
//! ```
// === Non-Standard Linter Configuration ===
use engine_protocol::language_server::*;
use engine_protocol::types::*;
use enso_gui::prelude::*;
use double_representation::identifier::Identifier;
use enso_gui::model::execution_context::QualifiedMethodPointer;
use enso_gui::model::execution_context::Visualization;
use enso_gui::model::module;
use enso_gui::transport::web::WebSocket;
use std::time::Duration;
use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test;
use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test_configure;
/// The endpoint at which the Language Server should be accepting WS connections.
const SERVER_ENDPOINT: &str = "ws://localhost:30616";
const PACKAGE_YAML: &str = r#"
maintainer: ''
license: ''
name: Test
version: ''
author: ''
const MAIN_CODE: &str = r#"
main =
x = 6
y = x.foo 5
z = y + 5
Number.foo = x ->
y = self + 3
z = y * x
#### METADATA ####
[[{"index": {"value": 98}, "size": {"value": 5}}, "5fc0c11d-bd83-4ca3-b847-b8e362f7658c"],[{"index": {"value": 81}, "size": {"value": 8}}, "1cda3676-bd62-41f8-b6a1-a1e1b7c73d18"],[{"index": {"value": 42}, "size": {"value": 5}}, "899a11e5-4d2b-43dc-a867-2f2ef2d2ba62"],[{"index": {"value": 26}, "size": {"value": 7}}, "37f284d4-c593-4e65-a4be-4948fbd2adfb"],[{"index": {"value": 16}, "size": {"value": 1}}, "c553533e-a2b9-4305-9f12-b8fe7781f933"]]
const VISUALISATION_CODE: &str = r#"
encode = x -> x.to_text
incAndEncode = x -> here.encode x+1
async fn ls_text_protocol_test() {
let _guard = enso_gui::initializer::setup_global_executor();
let ide = setup_ide().await;
let project = ide.current_project().expect("IDE is configured without an open project.");
let client = project.json_rpc();
let root_id = project.project_content_root_id();
let project_name = project.qualified_name();
// Initialize files.
let file = Path::new(root_id, &["src", "Main.enso"]);
let contents = MAIN_CODE.to_string();
let result = client.write_file(&file, &contents).await;
result.expect("Couldn't write main code file.");
let visualisation_file = Path::new(root_id, &["src", "Visualisation.enso"]);
let contents = VISUALISATION_CODE.to_string();
let response = client.write_file(&visualisation_file, &contents).await;
response.expect("Couldn't write visualisation file.");
let package_file = Path::new(root_id, &["package.yaml"]);
let contents = PACKAGE_YAML.to_string();
let response = client.write_file(&package_file, &contents).await;
response.expect("Couldn't write yaml file.");
// Setting execution context.
let execution_context = client.create_execution_context().await;
let execution_context = execution_context.expect("Couldn't create execution context.");
let execution_context_id = execution_context.context_id;
let module_path = module::Path::try_from(file.clone()).unwrap();
let defined_on_type = "Main".to_string();
let name = "main".to_string();
let module = module::QualifiedName::new(project_name, module_path.id());
let method_pointer = MethodPointer { module: module.into(), defined_on_type, name };
let positional_arguments_expressions = default();
let this_argument_expression = default();
let explicit_call =
ExplicitCall { method_pointer, positional_arguments_expressions, this_argument_expression };
let stack_item = StackItem::ExplicitCall(explicit_call);
let response = client.push_to_execution_context(&execution_context_id, &stack_item).await;
response.expect("Couldn't push execution context.");
let response = client.pop_from_execution_context(&execution_context_id).await;
response.expect("Couldn't pop execution context.");
// Push stackframe again for visualizations testing.
let response = client.push_to_execution_context(&execution_context_id, &stack_item).await;
response.expect("Couldn't push execution context.");
// Retrieving Database.
let response = client.get_suggestions_database().await;
response.expect("Couldn't get the suggestions database");
let response = client.get_suggestions_database_version().await;
response.expect("Couldn't get the suggestions database version");
// Setting visualization.
let visualisation_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();
let expression_id = uuid::Uuid::parse_str("c553533e-a2b9-4305-9f12-b8fe7781f933");
let expression_id = expression_id.expect("Couldn't parse expression id.");
let visualization_function = "foo".to_string();
let visualization_module = "Test.Visualisation";
let expression = MethodPointer {
module: visualization_module.to_string(),
defined_on_type: visualization_module.to_string(),
name: visualization_function,
let positional_arguments_expressions = vec!["1".to_owned()];
let visualisation_config = VisualisationConfiguration {
let response =
client.attach_visualisation(&visualisation_id, &expression_id, &visualisation_config);
response.await.expect("Couldn't attach visualisation.");
let visualization_function = "bar".to_string();
let visualization_module = "Test.Visualisation";
let expression = MethodPointer {
module: visualization_module.to_string(),
defined_on_type: visualization_module.to_string(),
name: visualization_function,
let positional_arguments_expressions = vec!["1".to_owned(), "2".to_owned()];
let visualisation_config = VisualisationConfiguration {
let response = client.modify_visualisation(&visualisation_id, &visualisation_config).await;
response.expect("Couldn't modify visualisation.");
let response =
client.detach_visualisation(&execution_context_id, &visualisation_id, &expression_id).await;
response.expect("Couldn't detach visualisation.");
let response = client.destroy_execution_context(&execution_context_id).await;
response.expect("Couldn't destroy execution context.");
// Asking for autocompletion.
//TODO[ao] Engine will fix getting suggestion method in
// https://github.com/enso-org/enso/issues/438, therefore we also should adjust our api in the
// next PR.
// let position = Position {line:4, character:4};
// let ret_type = "Number".to_string();
// let self_type = "Number".to_string();
// let response = client.completion(&,&position,&Some(self_type),&Some(ret_type),&None);
// let result = response.await.expect("Couldn't get completion suggestion list");
// assert!(!result.results.is_empty());
// Operations on file.
let path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["foo".into()] };
let name = "text.txt".into();
let object = FileSystemObject::File { name, path };
client.create_file(&object).await.expect("Couldn't create file.");
let file_path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["foo".into(), "text.txt".into()] };
let contents = "Hello world!".to_string();
let result = client.write_file(&file_path, &contents).await;
result.expect("Couldn't write file.");
let response = client.file_info(&file_path).await.expect("Couldn't get status.");
assert_eq!(response.attributes.byte_size, 12);
assert_eq!(response.attributes.kind, object);
let response = client.file_list(&Path { root_id, segments: vec!["foo".into()] }).await;
let response = response.expect("Couldn't get file list");
assert!(response.paths.iter().any(|file_system_object| object == *file_system_object));
let read = client.read_file(&file_path).await.expect("Couldn't read contents.");
assert_eq!(contents, read.contents);
let new_path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["foo".into(), "new_text.txt".into()] };
client.copy_file(&file_path, &new_path).await.expect("Couldn't copy file");
let read = client.read_file(&new_path).await.expect("Couldn't read contents.");
assert_eq!(contents, read.contents);
let move_path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["foo".into(), "moved_text.txt".into()] };
let file = client.file_exists(&move_path).await;
let file = file.expect("Couldn't check if file exists.");
if file.exists {
client.delete_file(&move_path).await.expect("Couldn't delete file");
let file = client.file_exists(&move_path).await;
let file = file.expect("Couldn't check if file exists.");
client.move_file(&new_path, &move_path).await.expect("Couldn't move file");
let read = client.read_file(&move_path).await.expect("Couldn't read contents");
assert_eq!(contents, read.contents);
let register_options = RegisterOptions::Path { path: move_path.clone() };
let method = "text/canEdit".to_string();
let capability_registration = CapabilityRegistration { method, register_options };
let response = client.open_text_file(&move_path).await;
let response = response.expect("Couldn't open text file.");
assert_eq!(response.content, "Hello world!");
assert_eq!(response.write_capability, Some(capability_registration));
let start = Position { line: 0, character: 5 };
let end = Position { line: 0, character: 5 };
let range = TextRange { start, end };
let text = ",".to_string();
let text_edit = TextEdit { range, text };
let edits = vec![text_edit];
let old_version = Sha3_224::new(b"Hello world!");
let new_version = Sha3_224::new(b"Hello, world!");
let path = move_path.clone();
let edit = FileEdit { path, edits, old_version, new_version: new_version.clone() };
client.apply_text_file_edit(&edit).await.expect("Couldn't apply edit.");
let saving_result = client.save_text_file(&move_path, &new_version).await;
saving_result.expect("Couldn't save file.");
client.close_text_file(&move_path).await.expect("Couldn't close text file.");
let read = client.read_file(&move_path).await.expect("Couldn't read contents.");
assert_eq!("Hello, world!".to_string(), read.contents);
// #[wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test(async)]
async fn file_events() {
let logger = Logger::new("test");
let ws = WebSocket::new_opened(logger, SERVER_ENDPOINT).await;
let ws = ws.expect("Couldn't connect to WebSocket server.");
let client = Client::new(ws);
let mut stream = client.events();
let _executor = enso_gui::initializer::setup_global_executor();
let client_id = uuid::Uuid::default();
let session = client.init_protocol_connection(&client_id).await;
let session = session.expect("Couldn't initialize session.");
let root_id = session.content_roots[0].id();
let path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["test.txt".into()] };
let file = client.file_exists(&path).await;
let file = file.expect("Couldn't check if file exists.");
if file.exists {
client.delete_file(&path).await.expect("Couldn't delete file");
let file = client.file_exists(&path).await;
let file = file.expect("Couldn't check if file exists.");
let path = Path { root_id, segments: vec![] };
let registration = CapabilityRegistration::create_receives_tree_updates(path);
let method = registration.method;
let options = registration.register_options;
let capability = client.acquire_capability(&method, &options).await;
capability.expect("Couldn't acquire receivesTreeUpdates capability.");
let path = Path { root_id, segments: vec![] };
let name = "test.txt".into();
let object = FileSystemObject::File { name, path: path.clone() };
client.create_file(&object).await.expect("Couldn't create file.");
let path = Path { root_id, segments: vec!["test.txt".into()] };
let kind = FileEventKind::Added;
let notification = Notification::FileEvent(FileEvent { path, kind });
let event = stream.next().await.expect("Couldn't get any notification.");
if let Event::Notification(incoming_notification) = event {
assert_eq!(incoming_notification, notification);
} else {
panic!("Incoming event isn't a notification.");
/// This procedure sets up the project, testing:
/// * using project picker to open (or create) a project
/// * establishing a binary protocol connection with Language Server
async fn setup_ide() -> controller::Ide {
let logger = Logger::new("Test");
let config = enso_gui::config::Startup::default();
info!(logger, "Setting up the project.");
let initializer = enso_gui::Initializer::new(config);
let error_msg = "Couldn't open project.";
/// This integration test covers writing and reading a file using the binary protocol
async fn file_operations_test() {
let logger = Logger::new("Test");
let _guard = enso_gui::initializer::setup_global_executor();
let ide = setup_ide().await;
let project = ide.current_project().expect("IDE is configured without an open project.");
info!(logger, "Got project: {project:?}");
// Edit file using the text protocol
let path = Path::new(project.json_rpc().project_root().id(), &["test_file.txt"]);
let contents = "Hello, 世界!".to_string();
let written = project.json_rpc().write_file(&path, &contents).await.unwrap();
info!(logger, "Written: {written:?}");
let read_back = project.json_rpc().read_file(&path).await.unwrap();
info!(logger, "Read back: {read_back:?}");
assert_eq!(contents, read_back.contents);
// Edit file using the binary protocol.
let other_contents = "Totally different treść.";
let read_back = project.binary_rpc().read_file(&path).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(contents.as_bytes(), read_back.as_slice());
project.binary_rpc().write_file(&path, other_contents.as_bytes()).await.unwrap();
let read_back = project.binary_rpc().read_file(&path).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(other_contents.as_bytes(), read_back.as_slice());
// Once again check that we read the same thing with text protocol.
let read_back = project.json_rpc().read_file(&path).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(other_contents, read_back.contents);
/// The future that tests attaching visualization and routing its updates.
async fn binary_visualization_updates_test_hlp() {
let logger = Logger::new("Test");
let ide = setup_ide().await;
let project = ide.current_project().expect("IDE is configured without an open project.");
info!(logger, "Got project: {project:?}");
use controller::project::MAIN_DEFINITION_NAME;
use ensogl::system::web::sleep;
let logger = Logger::new("Test");
let module_path = enso_gui::initial_module_path(&project).unwrap();
let method = module_path.method_pointer(project.qualified_name(), MAIN_DEFINITION_NAME);
let module_qualified_name = project.qualified_module_name(&module_path);
let module = project.module(module_path).await.unwrap();
info!(logger, "Got module: {module:?}");
let graph_executed = controller::ExecutedGraph::new(&logger, project, method).await.unwrap();
let the_node = graph_executed.graph().nodes().unwrap()[0].info.clone();
graph_executed.graph().set_expression(the_node.id(), "10+20").unwrap();
// We must yield control for a moment, so the text edit is applied.
info!(logger, "Main graph: {graph_executed:?}");
info!(logger, "The code is: {module.ast().repr():?}");
info!(logger, "Main node: {the_node:?} with {the_node.expression().repr()}");
let method_pointer = QualifiedMethodPointer::module_method(
let visualization = Visualization::new(the_node.id(), method_pointer, vec![]);
let stream = graph_executed.attach_visualization(visualization.clone()).await.unwrap();
info!(logger, "Attached the visualization {visualization.id}");
let mut stream = stream.boxed_local();
let first_event = stream.next().await.unwrap(); // await update
assert_eq!(first_event.as_ref(), "30".as_bytes());
/// This integration test covers attaching visualizations and receiving their updates.
fn binary_visualization_updates_test() {
let executor = enso_gui::executor::web::EventLoopExecutor::new_running();