Paweł Grabarz 1b59744660
cleanup GUI entrypoints and mocking (#9403)
This is a set of split off changes made as a side effect while working on engine reconnection handling.

Cleaned up GUI e2e setup, unified as much of the entrypoint code as possible. Currently the only real difference between the real and testing entrypoint is mocking of all network calls and not loading through dashboard.

I've managed to completely get rid of `MockApp`, and remove tricky mocking of pinia stores.
2024-03-14 17:05:26 +00:00

77 lines
2.2 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue'
import GraphEditor from '@/components/GraphEditor.vue'
import { useSuggestionDbStore } from '@/stores/suggestionDatabase'
import { ToastContainer } from 'react-toastify'
import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css'
import { createReactWrapper } from 'vue-react-wrapper'
import MockProjectStoreWrapper from '../mock/MockProjectStoreWrapper.vue'
import HstCode from './histoire/HstCode.vue'
const text = ref(`\
from Standard.Base import all
from Standard.Base.Runtime.Ref import Ref
from Standard.Test import Bench
options = Bench.options . set_warmup (Bench.phase_conf 1 2) . set_measure (Bench.phase_conf 3 2)
collect_benches = Bench.build builder->
range_size = 100000000
data = 0.up_to range_size
builder.group "Range" options group_builder->
group_builder.specify "iterate" <|
cell = Ref.new 0
data . each _->
x = cell.get
cell.put x+1
cell.get . should_equal range_size
main =
benches = collect_benches
result = run_main benches
third_node = 2 + 2
* Note: These props should be synced with the props in
* `app/ide-desktop/lib/dashboard/src/authentication/src/components/app.tsx`.
* We need this here, as the react component is not part of the dashboard and not usually available in the demo scenes.
* Using this wrapper enables us to see toasts in the absence of the dashboard/React.
const toastProps = reactive({
position: 'top-center',
theme: 'light',
closeOnClick: false,
draggable: false,
toastClassName: 'text-sm leading-170 bg-frame-selected rounded-2xl backdrop-blur-3xl',
limit: 3,
const WrappedToastContainer = createReactWrapper(ToastContainer, toastProps)
:layout="{ type: 'single', iframe: false }"
() => {
<WrappedToastContainer />t
<MockProjectStoreWrapper v-model="text">
<Suspense><GraphEditor /></Suspense>
<template #controls><HstCode v-model="text" title="code" /></template>