mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 11:58:37 +03:00
- Closes #8386 - Attempts to execute `<expr>.default_visualization` to query the engine for the *correct* fallback type - If that is not possible, falls back to checking `inputType` - first for an exact match, then falling back to `Any` (i.e. the text/JSON visualization) - Does not decide fallback based on the shape of the returned JSON # Important Notes Contains pretty significant refactors of `VisualizationMetadata` to allow it to be unset.
352 lines
10 KiB
352 lines
10 KiB
* @file A module responsible for translating file edits between the Yjs document updates and the
* Language server protocol structures.
import diff from 'fast-diff'
import * as json from 'lib0/json'
import * as Y from 'yjs'
import { TextEdit } from '../shared/languageServerTypes'
import {
type NodeMetadata,
type VisualizationMetadata,
} from '../shared/yjsModel'
import * as fileFormat from './fileFormat'
interface AppliedUpdates {
edits: TextEdit[]
newContent: string
newMetadata: fileFormat.Metadata
const META_TAG = '\n\n\n#### METADATA ####'
export function applyDocumentUpdates(
doc: ModuleDoc,
syncedMeta: fileFormat.Metadata,
syncedContent: string,
contentDelta: Y.YTextEvent['delta'] | null,
idMapKeys: Y.YMapEvent<Uint8Array>['keys'] | null,
metadataKeys: Y.YMapEvent<NodeMetadata>['keys'] | null,
): AppliedUpdates {
const synced = preParseContent(syncedContent)
let newContent = ''
const allEdits: TextEdit[] = []
if (contentDelta && contentDelta.length > 0) {
const { code, edits } = convertDeltaToTextEdits(synced.code, contentDelta)
newContent += code
} else {
newContent += synced.code
const metaStartLine = (newContent.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
let metaContent = META_TAG + '\n'
if (idMapKeys != null || synced.idMapJson == null || (contentDelta && contentDelta.length > 0)) {
const idMapJson = json.stringify(idMapToArray(doc.idMap))
metaContent += idMapJson + '\n'
} else {
metaContent += (synced.idMapJson ?? '[]') + '\n'
let newMetadata = syncedMeta
if (metadataKeys != null) {
const nodeMetadata = { ...syncedMeta.ide.node }
for (const [key, op] of metadataKeys) {
switch (op.action) {
case 'delete':
delete nodeMetadata[key]
case 'add':
case 'update': {
const updatedMeta = doc.metadata.get(key)
const oldMeta = nodeMetadata[key] ?? {}
if (updatedMeta == null) continue
nodeMetadata[key] = {
position: {
vector: [updatedMeta.x, updatedMeta.y],
visualization: updatedMeta.vis
? translateVisualizationToFile(updatedMeta.vis)
: undefined,
// Update the metadata object without changing the original order of keys.
newMetadata = { ...syncedMeta }
newMetadata.ide = { ...syncedMeta.ide }
newMetadata.ide.node = nodeMetadata
const metadataJson = json.stringify(newMetadata)
metaContent += metadataJson
} else {
metaContent += synced.metadataJson ?? '{}'
const oldMetaContent = syncedContent.slice(synced.code.length)
allEdits.push(...applyDiffAsTextEdits(metaStartLine, oldMetaContent, metaContent))
newContent += metaContent
return {
edits: allEdits,
newMetadata: newMetadata,
function translateVisualizationToFile(
vis: VisualizationMetadata,
): fileFormat.VisualizationMetadata | undefined {
let project = undefined
switch (vis.identifier?.module.kind) {
case 'Builtin':
project = { project: 'Builtin' } as const
case 'CurrentProject':
project = { project: 'CurrentProject' } as const
case 'Library':
project = { project: 'Library', contents: vis.identifier.module.name } as const
return { show: vis.visible }
return {
name: vis.identifier.name,
show: vis.visible,
export function translateVisualizationFromFile(
vis: fileFormat.VisualizationMetadata,
): VisualizationMetadata | undefined {
let module
switch (vis.project?.project) {
case 'Builtin':
module = { kind: 'Builtin' } as const
case 'CurrentProject':
module = { kind: 'CurrentProject' } as const
case 'Library':
module = { kind: 'Library', name: vis.project.contents } as const
module = null
return {
identifier: module && vis.name ? { name: vis.name, module } : null,
visible: vis.show,
export function convertDeltaToTextEdits(
prevText: string,
contentDelta: Y.YTextEvent['delta'],
): { code: string; edits: TextEdit[] } {
const edits = []
let index = 0
let newIndex = 0
let lineNum = 0
let lineStartIdx = 0
let code = ''
for (const op of contentDelta) {
if (op.insert != null && typeof op.insert === 'string') {
const pos = {
character: newIndex - lineStartIdx,
line: lineNum,
// if the last edit was a delete on the same position, we can merge the insert into it
const lastEdit = edits[edits.length - 1]
if (
lastEdit &&
lastEdit.text.length === 0 &&
lastEdit.range.start.line === pos.line &&
lastEdit.range.start.character === pos.character
) {
lastEdit.text = op.insert
} else {
edits.push({ range: { start: pos, end: pos }, text: op.insert })
const numLineBreaks = (op.insert.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
if (numLineBreaks > 0) {
lineNum += numLineBreaks
lineStartIdx = newIndex + op.insert.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1
code += op.insert
newIndex += op.insert.length
} else if (op.delete != null) {
const start = {
character: newIndex - lineStartIdx,
line: lineNum,
const deleted = prevText.slice(index, index + op.delete)
const numLineBreaks = (deleted.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
const character =
numLineBreaks > 0
? deleted.length - (deleted.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1)
: newIndex - lineStartIdx + op.delete
const end = {
line: lineNum + numLineBreaks,
edits.push({ range: { start, end }, text: '' })
index += op.delete
} else if (op.retain != null) {
const retained = prevText.slice(index, index + op.retain)
const numLineBreaks = (retained.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
lineNum += numLineBreaks
if (numLineBreaks > 0) {
lineStartIdx = newIndex + retained.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1
code += retained
index += op.retain
newIndex += op.retain
code += prevText.slice(index)
return { code, edits }
interface PreParsedContent {
code: string
idMapJson: string | null
metadataJson: string | null
export function preParseContent(content: string): PreParsedContent {
const splitPoint = content.lastIndexOf(META_TAG)
if (splitPoint < 0) {
return {
code: content,
idMapJson: null,
metadataJson: null,
const code = content.slice(0, splitPoint)
const metadataString = content.slice(splitPoint + META_TAG.length)
const metaLines = metadataString.trim().split('\n')
const idMapJson = metaLines[0] ?? null
const metadataJson = metaLines[1] ?? null
return { code, idMapJson, metadataJson }
function idMapToArray(map: Y.Map<Uint8Array>): fileFormat.IdMapEntry[] {
const entries: fileFormat.IdMapEntry[] = []
const doc = map.doc!
map.forEach((rangeBuffer, id) => {
const decoded = decodeRange(rangeBuffer)
const index = Y.createAbsolutePositionFromRelativePosition(decoded[0], doc)?.index
const endIndex = Y.createAbsolutePositionFromRelativePosition(decoded[1], doc)?.index
if (index == null || endIndex == null) return
const size = endIndex - index
entries.push([{ index: { value: index }, size: { value: size } }, id])
return entries
function idMapCmp(a: fileFormat.IdMapEntry, b: fileFormat.IdMapEntry) {
const val1 = a[0]?.index?.value ?? 0
const val2 = b[0]?.index?.value ?? 0
if (val1 === val2) {
const size1 = a[0]?.size.value ?? 0
const size2 = b[0]?.size.value ?? 0
return size1 - size2
return val1 - val2
export function applyDiffAsTextEdits(
lineOffset: number,
oldString: string,
newString: string,
): TextEdit[] {
const changes = diff(oldString, newString)
let newIndex = 0
let lineNum = lineOffset
let lineStartIdx = 0
const edits = []
for (const [op, text] of changes) {
if (op === 1) {
const pos = {
character: newIndex - lineStartIdx,
line: lineNum,
edits.push({ range: { start: pos, end: pos }, text })
const numLineBreaks = (text.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
if (numLineBreaks > 0) {
lineNum += numLineBreaks
lineStartIdx = newIndex + text.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1
newIndex += text.length
} else if (op === -1) {
const start = {
character: newIndex - lineStartIdx,
line: lineNum,
const numLineBreaks = (text.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
const character =
numLineBreaks > 0
? text.length - (text.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1)
: newIndex - lineStartIdx + text.length
const end = {
line: lineNum + numLineBreaks,
edits.push({ range: { start, end }, text: '' })
} else if (op === 0) {
const numLineBreaks = (text.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
lineNum += numLineBreaks
if (numLineBreaks > 0) {
lineStartIdx = newIndex + text.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1
newIndex += text.length
return edits
export function prettyPrintDiff(from: string, to: string): string {
const colReset = '\x1b[0m'
const colRed = '\x1b[31m'
const colGreen = '\x1b[32m'
const diffs = diff(from, to)
if (diffs.length === 1 && diffs[0]![0] === 0) return 'No changes'
let content = ''
for (let i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++) {
const [op, text] = diffs[i]!
if (op === 1) {
content += colGreen + text
} else if (op === -1) {
content += colRed + text
} else if (op === 0) {
content += colReset
const numNewlines = (text.match(/\n/g) ?? []).length
if (numNewlines < 2) {
content += text
} else {
const firstNewline = text.indexOf('\n')
const lastNewline = text.lastIndexOf('\n')
const firstLine = text.slice(0, firstNewline + 1)
const lastLine = text.slice(lastNewline + 1)
const isFirst = i === 0
const isLast = i === diffs.length - 1
if (!isFirst) content += firstLine
if (!isFirst && !isLast) content += '...\n'
if (!isLast) content += lastLine
content += colReset
return content