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/** @file The base class from which all `Actions` classes are derived. */
import * as test from '@playwright/test'
import type * as inputBindings from '#/utilities/inputBindings'
import { modModifier } from '../actions'
// ====================
// === PageCallback ===
// ====================
/** A callback that performs actions on a {@link test.Page}. */
export interface PageCallback {
(input: test.Page): Promise<void> | void
// =======================
// === LocatorCallback ===
// =======================
/** A callback that performs actions on a {@link test.Locator}. */
export interface LocatorCallback {
(input: test.Locator): Promise<void> | void
// ===================
// === BaseActions ===
// ===================
/** The base class from which all `Actions` classes are derived.
* It contains method common to all `Actions` subclasses.
* This is a [`thenable`], so it can be used as if it was a {@link Promise}.
* [`thenable`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise#thenables
export default class BaseActions implements Promise<void> {
/** Create a {@link BaseActions}. */
protected readonly page: test.Page,
private readonly promise = Promise.resolve(),
) {}
/** Get the string name of the class of this instance. Required for this class to implement
* {@link Promise}. */
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return this.constructor.name
/** Press a key, replacing the text `Mod` with `Meta` (`Cmd`) on macOS, and `Control`
* on all other platforms. */
static press(page: test.Page, keyOrShortcut: string): Promise<void> {
return test.test.step(`Press '${keyOrShortcut}'`, async () => {
if (/\bMod\b|\bDelete\b/.test(keyOrShortcut)) {
let userAgent = ''
await test.test.step('Detect browser OS', async () => {
userAgent = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent)
const isMacOS = /\bMac OS\b/i.test(userAgent)
const ctrlKey = isMacOS ? 'Meta' : 'Control'
const deleteKey = isMacOS ? 'Backspace' : 'Delete'
const shortcut = keyOrShortcut.replace(/\bMod\b/, ctrlKey).replace(/\bDelete\b/, deleteKey)
await page.keyboard.press(shortcut)
} else {
await page.keyboard.press(keyOrShortcut)
/** Proxies the `then` method of the internal {@link Promise}. */
async then<T, E>(
// The following types are copied almost verbatim from the type definitions for `Promise`.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
onfulfilled?: (() => PromiseLike<T> | T) | null | undefined,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
onrejected?: ((reason: unknown) => E | PromiseLike<E>) | null | undefined,
) {
return await this.promise.then(onfulfilled, onrejected)
/** Proxies the `catch` method of the internal {@link Promise}.
* This method is not required for this to be a `thenable`, but it is still useful
* to treat this class as a {@link Promise}. */
// The following types are copied almost verbatim from the type definitions for `Promise`.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
async catch<T>(onrejected?: ((reason: unknown) => PromiseLike<T> | T) | null | undefined) {
return await this.promise.catch(onrejected)
/** Proxies the `catch` method of the internal {@link Promise}.
* This method is not required for this to be a `thenable`, but it is still useful
* to treat this class as a {@link Promise}. */
async finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | null | undefined): Promise<void> {
await this.promise.finally(onfinally)
/** Return a {@link BaseActions} with the same {@link Promise} but a different type. */
T extends new (page: test.Page, promise: Promise<void>, ...args: Args) => InstanceType<T>,
Args extends readonly unknown[],
>(clazz: T, ...args: Args): InstanceType<T> {
return new clazz(this.page, this.promise, ...args)
/** Perform an action on the current page. This should generally be avoided in favor of using
* specific methods; this is more or less an escape hatch used ONLY when the methods do not
* support desired functionality. */
do(callback: PageCallback): this {
// @ts-expect-error This is SAFE, but only when the constructor of this class has the exact
// same parameters as `BaseActions`.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return
return new this.constructor(
this.then(() => callback(this.page)),
/** Perform an action on the current page. */
step(name: string, callback: PageCallback) {
return this.do(() => test.test.step(name, () => callback(this.page)))
/** Press a key, replacing the text `Mod` with `Meta` (`Cmd`) on macOS, and `Control`
* on all other platforms. */
press<Key extends string>(keyOrShortcut: inputBindings.AutocompleteKeybind<Key>) {
return this.do((page) => BaseActions.press(page, keyOrShortcut))
/** Perform actions until a predicate passes. */
callback: (actions: this) => this,
predicate: (page: test.Page) => Promise<boolean>,
options: { retries?: number; delay?: number } = {},
) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
const { retries = 3, delay = 1_000 } = options
return this.step('Perform actions with retries', async (thePage) => {
for (let i = 0; i < retries; i += 1) {
await callback(this)
if (await predicate(thePage)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
await thePage.waitForTimeout(delay)
throw new Error('This action did not succeed.')
/** Perform actions with the "Mod" modifier key pressed. */
withModPressed<R extends BaseActions>(callback: (actions: this) => R) {
return callback(
this.step('Press "Mod"', async (page) => {
await page.keyboard.down(await modModifier(page))
).step('Release "Mod"', async (page) => {
await page.keyboard.up(await modModifier(page))
/** Expect an input to have an error (or no error if the expected value is `null`).
* If the expected value is `undefined`, the assertion is skipped. */
expectInputError(testId: string, description: string, expected: string | null | undefined) {
if (expected === undefined) {
return this
} else if (expected != null) {
return this.step(`Expect ${description} error to be '${expected}'`, async (page) => {
await test.expect(page.getByTestId(testId).getByTestId('error')).toHaveText(expected)
} else {
return this.step(`Expect no ${description} error`, async (page) => {
await test.expect(page.getByTestId(testId).getByTestId('error')).not.toBeVisible()