Dmitry Bushev 858e646328
Start Ydoc with the language server (#9862)
- related #7954

- update: Ydoc starts with the language server on the `localhost:1234` by default. The hostname and ports can be configured by setting environment variables `LANGUAGE_SERVER_YDOC_HOSTNAME` and `LANGUAGE_SERVER_YDOC_PORT`
- update: by default `npm dev run` uses the node Ydoc server. You can control it with `POLYGLOT_YDOC_SERVER` env variable. For example,
env POLYGLOT_YDOC_SERVER='true' npm --workspace=enso-gui2 run dev
To connect to the Ydoc server running on the 1234 port (the one started with the language server)
env POLYGLOT_YDOC_SERVER='ws://' npm --workspace=enso-gui2 run dev
To connect to the provided URL. Can be useful for debugging when you start a separate Ydoc process.
- update: run `npm install` before the engine build. It is required to create the Ydoc JS bundle.
2024-05-28 13:51:42 +00:00

653 lines
35 KiB

Copyright 2020 - 2024 New Byte Order sp. z o. o.
'logback-classic', licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/GNU_Lesser_General_Public_License`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `ch.qos.logback.logback-classic-1.3.7`.
'logback-core', licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/GNU_Lesser_General_Public_License`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `ch.qos.logback.logback-core-1.3.7`.
'enumeratum-circe_2.13', licensed under the MIT, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.beachape.enumeratum-circe_2.13-1.7.2`.
'enumeratum-macros_2.13', licensed under the MIT, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/MIT`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.beachape.enumeratum-macros_2.13-1.6.3`.
'enumeratum_2.13', licensed under the MIT, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.beachape.enumeratum_2.13-1.7.2`.
'shapeless_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.chuusai.shapeless_2.13-2.3.10`.
'jackson-annotations', licensed under the The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-annotations-2.15.2`.
'jackson-core', licensed under the The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core-2.15.2`.
'jackson-databind', licensed under the The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind-2.15.2`.
'jackson-dataformat-cbor', licensed under the The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-cbor-2.15.2`.
'jackson-module-scala_2.13', licensed under the The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.fasterxml.jackson.module.jackson-module-scala_2.13-2.15.2`.
'pureconfig-core_2.13', licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.github.pureconfig.pureconfig-core_2.13-0.17.4`.
'pureconfig-generic-base_2.13', licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.github.pureconfig.pureconfig-generic-base_2.13-0.17.4`.
'pureconfig-generic_2.13', licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.github.pureconfig.pureconfig-generic_2.13-0.17.4`.
'pureconfig_2.13', licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.html`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.github.pureconfig.pureconfig_2.13-0.17.4`.
'flatbuffers-java', licensed under the Apache License V2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.google.flatbuffers.flatbuffers-java-24.3.25`.
'JavaEWAH', licensed under the Apache 2, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.googlecode.javaewah.JavaEWAH-1.2.3`.
'icu4j', licensed under the Unicode/ICU License, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.ibm.icu.icu4j-73.1`.
'fansi_2.13', licensed under the MIT, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.lihaoyi.fansi_2.13-0.4.0`.
'sourcecode_2.13', licensed under the MIT, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.lihaoyi.sourcecode_2.13-0.3.0`.
'decline_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.monovore.decline_2.13-2.4.1`.
'paranamer', licensed under the BSD, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.thoughtworks.paranamer.paranamer-2.8`.
'akka-actor-typed_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.akka.akka-actor-typed_2.13-2.6.20`.
'akka-actor_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.akka.akka-actor_2.13-2.6.20`.
'akka-http-core_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.akka.akka-http-core_2.13-10.2.10`.
'akka-http-spray-json_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.akka.akka-http-spray-json_2.13-10.2.10`.
'akka-http_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.akka.akka-http_2.13-10.2.10`.
'akka-parsing_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.akka.akka-parsing_2.13-10.2.10`.
'akka-protobuf-v3_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.akka.akka-protobuf-v3_2.13-2.6.20`.
'akka-slf4j_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.akka.akka-slf4j_2.13-2.6.20`.
'akka-stream_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.akka.akka-stream_2.13-2.6.20`.
'config', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.config-1.4.2`.
'scala-logging_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.scala-logging.scala-logging_2.13-3.9.4`.
'ssl-config-core_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `com.typesafe.ssl-config-core_2.13-0.4.3`.
'commons-cli', licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `commons-cli.commons-cli-1.5.0`.
'commons-codec', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `commons-codec.commons-codec-1.16.0`.
'commons-codec', licensed under the The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `commons-codec.commons-codec-1.9`.
'commons-io', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `commons-io.commons-io-2.12.0`.
'commons-logging', licensed under the The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `commons-logging.commons-logging-1.2`.
'izumi-reflect-thirdparty-boopickle-shaded_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `dev.zio.izumi-reflect-thirdparty-boopickle-shaded_2.13-2.3.8`.
'izumi-reflect_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `dev.zio.izumi-reflect_2.13-2.3.8`.
'zio-internal-macros_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `dev.zio.zio-internal-macros_2.13-2.0.14`.
'zio-stacktracer_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `dev.zio.zio-stacktracer_2.13-2.0.14`.
'zio_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `dev.zio.zio_2.13-2.0.14`.
'circe-core_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.circe.circe-core_2.13-0.14.5`.
'circe-generic-extras_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.circe.circe-generic-extras_2.13-0.14.2`.
'circe-generic_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.circe.circe-generic_2.13-0.14.5`.
'circe-jawn_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.circe.circe-jawn_2.13-0.14.5`.
'circe-literal_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.circe.circe-literal_2.13-0.14.5`.
'circe-numbers_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.circe.circe-numbers_2.13-0.14.5`.
'circe-parser_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.circe.circe-parser_2.13-0.14.5`.
'circe-yaml_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.circe.circe-yaml_2.13-0.14.2`.
'helidon-builder-api', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.builder.helidon-builder-api-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-features', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.features.helidon-common-features-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-features-api', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.features.helidon-common-features-api-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-buffers', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-buffers-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-config', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-config-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-configurable', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-configurable-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-context', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-context-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-key-util', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-key-util-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-mapper', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-mapper-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-media-type', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-media-type-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-parameters', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-parameters-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-security', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-security-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-socket', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-socket-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-task', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-task-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-tls', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-tls-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-types', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-types-4.0.8`.
'helidon-common-uri', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.common.helidon-common-uri-4.0.8`.
'helidon-config', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.config.helidon-config-4.0.8`.
'helidon', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.helidon-4.0.8`.
'helidon-http-encoding', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.http.encoding.helidon-http-encoding-4.0.8`.
'helidon-http', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.http.helidon-http-4.0.8`.
'helidon-http-media', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.http.media.helidon-http-media-4.0.8`.
'helidon-inject-api', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.inject.helidon-inject-api-4.0.8`.
'helidon-logging-common', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.logging.helidon-logging-common-4.0.8`.
'helidon-webclient', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.webclient.helidon-webclient-4.0.8`.
'helidon-webclient-api', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.webclient.helidon-webclient-api-4.0.8`.
'helidon-webclient-http1', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.webclient.helidon-webclient-http1-4.0.8`.
'helidon-webclient-websocket', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.webclient.helidon-webclient-websocket-4.0.8`.
'helidon-webserver', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.webserver.helidon-webserver-4.0.8`.
'helidon-webserver-websocket', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.webserver.helidon-webserver-websocket-4.0.8`.
'helidon-websocket', licensed under the Apache 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.helidon.websocket.helidon-websocket-4.0.8`.
'directory-watcher', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.methvin.directory-watcher-0.18.0`.
'sentry', licensed under the MIT, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/MIT`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.sentry.sentry-6.28.0`.
'sentry-logback', licensed under the MIT, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/MIT`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.sentry.sentry-logback-6.28.0`.
'spray-json_2.13', licensed under the Apache 2, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `io.spray.spray-json_2.13-1.3.6`.
'jakarta.inject-api', licensed under the The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `jakarta.inject.jakarta.inject-api-2.0.1`.
'jna', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `net.java.dev.jna.jna-5.12.1`.
'commons-compress', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.apache.commons.commons-compress-1.23.0`.
'commons-lang3', licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.apache.commons.commons-lang3-3.12.0`.
'commons-text', licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.apache.commons.commons-text-1.10.0`.
'httpclient', licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient-4.4.1`.
'httpcore', licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore-4.4.1`.
'tika-core', licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.apache.tika.tika-core-2.4.1`.
'bcpkix-jdk18on', licensed under the Bouncy Castle Licence, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Bouncy_Castle_Licence.txt`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.bouncycastle.bcpkix-jdk18on-1.76`.
'bcprov-jdk18on', licensed under the Bouncy Castle Licence, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Bouncy_Castle_Licence.txt`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.bouncycastle.bcprov-jdk18on-1.76`.
'bcutil-jdk18on', licensed under the Bouncy Castle Licence, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Bouncy_Castle_Licence.txt`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.bouncycastle.bcutil-jdk18on-1.76`.
'org.eclipse.jgit', licensed under the Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License), is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Eclipse_Distribution_License_(New_BSD_License)`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.eclipse.jgit.org.eclipse.jgit-`.
'js-language', licensed under the MIT License, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/MIT`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.js.js-language-24.0.0`.
'llvm-api', licensed under the New BSD License (3-clause BSD license), is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/BSD-3-Clause`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.llvm.llvm-api-24.0.0`.
'polyglot', licensed under the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Universal_Permissive_License__Version_1.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.polyglot.polyglot-24.0.0`.
'python-language', licensed under the MIT License, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/MIT`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.python.python-language-24.0.0`.
'python-resources', licensed under the MIT License, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/MIT`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.python.python-resources-24.0.0`.
'regex', licensed under the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Universal_Permissive_License__Version_1.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.regex.regex-24.0.0`.
'collections', licensed under the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Universal_Permissive_License__Version_1.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.sdk.collections-24.0.0`.
'nativeimage', licensed under the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Universal_Permissive_License__Version_1.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.sdk.nativeimage-24.0.0`.
'word', licensed under the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Universal_Permissive_License__Version_1.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.sdk.word-24.0.0`.
'icu4j', licensed under the Unicode/ICU License, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.shadowed.icu4j-24.0.0`.
'json', licensed under the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Universal_Permissive_License__Version_1.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.shadowed.json-24.0.0`.
'xz', licensed under the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Universal_Permissive_License__Version_1.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.shadowed.xz-24.0.0`.
'profiler-tool', licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/GNU_General_Public_License__version_2__with_the_Classpath_Exception`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.tools.profiler-tool-24.0.0`.
'truffle-api', licensed under the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Universal_Permissive_License__Version_1.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.truffle.truffle-api-24.0.0`.
'truffle-nfi', licensed under the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Universal_Permissive_License__Version_1.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.truffle.truffle-nfi-24.0.0`.
'truffle-nfi-libffi', licensed under the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/Universal_Permissive_License__Version_1.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.graalvm.truffle.truffle-nfi-libffi-24.0.0`.
'jline', licensed under the The BSD License, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/BSD-3-Clause`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.jline.jline-3.23.0`.
'org-netbeans-modules-sampler', licensed under the The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.netbeans.api.org-netbeans-modules-sampler-RELEASE180`.
'org-openide-util-lookup', licensed under the The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.netbeans.api.org-openide-util-lookup-RELEASE180`.
'reactive-streams', licensed under the CC0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/CC0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.reactivestreams.reactive-streams-1.0.3`.
'scala-collection-compat_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.scala-lang.modules.scala-collection-compat_2.13-2.8.1`.
'scala-java8-compat_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.scala-lang.modules.scala-java8-compat_2.13-1.0.0`.
'scala-parser-combinators_2.13', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.scala-lang.modules.scala-parser-combinators_2.13-1.1.2`.
'scala-library', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.scala-lang.scala-library-2.13.11`.
'scala-reflect', licensed under the Apache-2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.scala-lang.scala-reflect-2.13.11`.
'slf4j-api', licensed under the MIT License, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/MIT`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.slf4j.slf4j-api-2.0.9`.
'cats-core_2.13', licensed under the MIT, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/MIT`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.typelevel.cats-core_2.13-2.9.0`.
'cats-kernel_2.13', licensed under the MIT, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/MIT`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.typelevel.cats-kernel_2.13-2.9.0`.
'jawn-parser_2.13', licensed under the MIT, is distributed with the engine.
The license information can be found along with the copyright notices.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.typelevel.jawn-parser_2.13-1.4.0`.
'snakeyaml', licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, is distributed with the engine.
The license file can be found at `licenses/APACHE2.0`.
Copyright notices related to this dependency can be found in the directory `org.yaml.snakeyaml-1.33`.