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synced 2025-01-07 08:07:00 +03:00
Implements #10484, also fixed an issue with dropdown arrow icon being pointed in the wrong direction. Changed the way we handle spacing around ports and other rounded widgets. Now it is the innermost token element that actually pads itself when appropriate, allowing rounded widgets to stay tightly nested together. This cleans up an issue we've had with an unnecessary padding at the end of node, and makes margins easier to control in general. <img width="371" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/4aa2ae0f-06f6-45fd-b7a1-1b7c0f60d395">
119 lines
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119 lines
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import { test, type Page } from '@playwright/test'
import * as actions from './actions'
import { expect } from './customExpect'
import * as locate from './locate'
import { edgesToNodeWithBinding, graphNodeByBinding, outputPortCoordinates } from './locate'
* Prepare the graph for the tests. We drag the `ten` node to the right of the `sum` node for better access
* to the edges.
async function initGraph(page: Page) {
await actions.goToGraph(page)
await actions.dragNodeByBinding(page, 'ten', 400, 0)
await actions.dragNodeByBinding(page, 'sum', -400, 0)
// For each outgoing edge we expect two elements: an element for io and an element for the rendered edge itself.
const EDGE_PARTS = 2
Scenario: We disconnect the `sum` parameter in the `prod` node by clicking on the edge and clicking on the background.
test('Disconnect an edge from a port', async ({ page }) => {
await initGraph(page)
await expect(await edgesToNodeWithBinding(page, 'sum')).toHaveCount(2 * EDGE_PARTS)
const targetEdge = page.locator('svg.behindNodes g:nth-child(2) path.edge.visible')
// Hover over edge to the right of node with binding `ten`.
await targetEdge.click({
position: { x: 250, y: 5.0 },
force: true,
await page.mouse.click(500, -500)
await expect(await edgesToNodeWithBinding(page, 'sum')).toHaveCount(EDGE_PARTS)
* Scenario: We replace the `sum` parameter in the `prod` node` with the `ten` node.
test('Connect an node to a port', async ({ page }) => {
await initGraph(page)
await expect(await edgesToNodeWithBinding(page, 'sum')).toHaveCount(2 * EDGE_PARTS)
const targetEdge = page.locator('svg.behindNodes g:nth-child(2) path.edge.visible')
// Hover over edge to the left of node with binding `ten`.
await targetEdge.click({
position: { x: 450, y: 5.0 },
force: true,
// Click the target port in the `prod` node.
const targetPort = page.locator('span').filter({ hasText: /^sum$/ })
// We need `force: true` because edge connecting is handled in capture phase and may result
// in port change, what confuses playwright's actionability checks.
await targetPort.click({ force: true, noWaitAfter: true })
await expect(graphNodeByBinding(page, 'prod')).toContainText('ten')
* As above, but by dragging edge instead of clicking source and target separately.
test('Connect an node to a port via dragging the edge', async ({ page }) => {
await initGraph(page)
await expect(await edgesToNodeWithBinding(page, 'sum')).toHaveCount(2 * EDGE_PARTS)
const targetEdge = page.locator('svg.behindNodes g:nth-child(2) path.edge.visible')
const targetPort = page.locator('span').filter({ hasText: /^sum$/ })
// Hover over edge to the left of node with binding `ten`.
await targetEdge.dragTo(targetPort, {
sourcePosition: { x: 450, y: 5.0 },
force: true,
await expect(graphNodeByBinding(page, 'prod')).toContainText('ten')
test('Conditional ports: Disabled', async ({ page }) => {
await actions.goToGraph(page)
const node = graphNodeByBinding(page, 'filtered')
const conditionalPort = node.locator('.WidgetPort').filter({ hasText: /^filter$/ })
// Check that the `enabled` CSS class is not set on disabled `WidgetPort`s.
await expect(node.locator('.WidgetIcon')).toBeVisible()
await expect(conditionalPort).not.toHaveClass(/enabled/)
// When a port is disabled, it doesn't react to hovering with a disconnected edge,
// and any attempt to connect to it should open the CB.
const outputPort = await outputPortCoordinates(graphNodeByBinding(page, 'final'))
await page.mouse.click(outputPort.x, outputPort.y)
await conditionalPort.hover()
await expect(conditionalPort).not.toHaveClass(/isTarget/)
// We need `force: true` because ComponentBrowser appears in event's capture phase, what
// confuses playwright's actionability checks.
await conditionalPort.click({ force: true })
await expect(locate.componentBrowser(page)).toExist()
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
test('Conditional ports: Enabled', async ({ page }) => {
await actions.goToGraph(page)
const node = graphNodeByBinding(page, 'filtered')
const conditionalPort = node.locator('.WidgetPort').filter({ hasText: /^filter$/ })
await page.keyboard.down('Meta')
await page.keyboard.down('Control')
await expect(conditionalPort).toHaveClass(/enabled/)
const outputPort = await outputPortCoordinates(graphNodeByBinding(page, 'final'))
await page.mouse.click(outputPort.x, outputPort.y)
await conditionalPort.hover()
await expect(conditionalPort).toHaveClass(/isTarget/)
// We need to force port clicks; see comment in 'Connect an node to a port via dragging the edge'
await conditionalPort.click({ force: true })
await expect(node.locator('.WidgetToken')).toHaveText(['final'])
await page.keyboard.up('Meta')
await page.keyboard.up('Control')