mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 20:21:36 +03:00
fixes #9730 Added a `logEvent` method to remote backend implementation in dashboard. Added an always-present remote backend instance that can be used for logging even when running a local project (intentional behavior). # Important Notes Because the backend implementation requires access to always fresh session token, the logger needs to be periodically updated on GUI side, so it can continue to function. To accomplish that, I simplified the app loading logic to treat GUI as an ordinary react component, so its props can be updated with normal react rendering flow. That refactor also removed the dynamic GUI asset loading code that was only needed for Rust GUI.
735 lines
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735 lines
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/** @file The mock API. */
import * as test from '@playwright/test'
import * as backend from '#/services/Backend'
import type * as remoteBackend from '#/services/RemoteBackend'
import * as remoteBackendPaths from '#/services/remoteBackendPaths'
import * as dateTime from '#/utilities/dateTime'
import * as object from '#/utilities/object'
import * as permissions from '#/utilities/permissions'
import * as uniqueString from '#/utilities/uniqueString'
// =================
// === Constants ===
// =================
/** The HTTP status code representing a response with an empty body. */
/** The HTTP status code representing a bad request. */
/** The HTTP status code representing a URL that does not exist. */
/** An asset ID that is a path glob. */
const GLOB_ASSET_ID: backend.AssetId = backend.DirectoryId('*')
/** A directory ID that is a path glob. */
const GLOB_DIRECTORY_ID = backend.DirectoryId('*')
/** A project ID that is a path glob. */
const GLOB_PROJECT_ID = backend.ProjectId('*')
/** A tag ID that is a path glob. */
const GLOB_TAG_ID = backend.TagId('*')
/* eslint-enable no-restricted-syntax */
const BASE_URL = 'https://mock/'
// ===============
// === mockApi ===
// ===============
/** Parameters for {@link mockApi}. */
interface MockParams {
readonly page: test.Page
/** Add route handlers for the mock API to a page. */
// This syntax is required for Playwright to work properly.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
export async function mockApi({ page }: MockParams) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
const defaultEmail = 'email@example.com' as backend.EmailAddress
const defaultUsername = 'user name'
const defaultOrganizationId = backend.OrganizationId('organization-placeholder id')
const defaultUserId = backend.UserId('user-placeholder id')
const defaultDirectoryId = backend.DirectoryId('directory-placeholder id')
const defaultUser: backend.User = {
email: defaultEmail,
name: defaultUsername,
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
userId: defaultUserId,
isEnabled: true,
rootDirectoryId: defaultDirectoryId,
userGroups: null,
let currentUser: backend.User | null = defaultUser
let currentOrganization: backend.OrganizationInfo | null = null
const assetMap = new Map<backend.AssetId, backend.AnyAsset>()
const deletedAssets = new Set<backend.AssetId>()
const assets: backend.AnyAsset[] = []
const labels: backend.Label[] = []
const labelsByValue = new Map<backend.LabelName, backend.Label>()
const labelMap = new Map<backend.TagId, backend.Label>()
const addAsset = <T extends backend.AnyAsset>(asset: T) => {
assetMap.set(asset.id, asset)
return asset
const deleteAsset = (assetId: backend.AssetId) => {
const undeleteAsset = (assetId: backend.AssetId) => {
const createDirectory = (
title: string,
rest: Partial<backend.DirectoryAsset> = {}
): backend.DirectoryAsset =>
type: backend.AssetType.directory,
id: backend.DirectoryId('directory-' + uniqueString.uniqueString()),
projectState: null,
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
description: null,
labels: [],
parentId: defaultDirectoryId,
permissions: [],
const createProject = (
title: string,
rest: Partial<backend.ProjectAsset> = {}
): backend.ProjectAsset =>
type: backend.AssetType.project,
id: backend.ProjectId('project-' + uniqueString.uniqueString()),
projectState: {
type: backend.ProjectState.opened,
volumeId: '',
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
description: null,
labels: [],
parentId: defaultDirectoryId,
permissions: [],
const createFile = (title: string, rest: Partial<backend.FileAsset> = {}): backend.FileAsset =>
type: backend.AssetType.file,
id: backend.FileId('file-' + uniqueString.uniqueString()),
projectState: null,
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
description: null,
labels: [],
parentId: defaultDirectoryId,
permissions: [],
const createSecret = (
title: string,
rest: Partial<backend.SecretAsset> = {}
): backend.SecretAsset =>
type: backend.AssetType.secret,
id: backend.SecretId('secret-' + uniqueString.uniqueString()),
projectState: null,
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
description: null,
labels: [],
parentId: defaultDirectoryId,
permissions: [],
const createLabel = (value: string, color: backend.LChColor): backend.Label => ({
id: backend.TagId('tag-' + uniqueString.uniqueString()),
value: backend.LabelName(value),
const addDirectory = (title: string, rest?: Partial<backend.DirectoryAsset>) => {
return addAsset(createDirectory(title, rest))
const addProject = (title: string, rest?: Partial<backend.ProjectAsset>) => {
return addAsset(createProject(title, rest))
const addFile = (title: string, rest?: Partial<backend.FileAsset>) => {
return addAsset(createFile(title, rest))
const addSecret = (title: string, rest?: Partial<backend.SecretAsset>) => {
return addAsset(createSecret(title, rest))
const addLabel = (value: string, color: backend.LChColor) => {
const label = createLabel(value, color)
labelsByValue.set(label.value, label)
labelMap.set(label.id, label)
return label
const setLabels = (id: backend.AssetId, newLabels: backend.LabelName[]) => {
const ids = new Set<backend.AssetId>([id])
for (const [innerId, asset] of assetMap) {
if (ids.has(asset.parentId)) {
for (const innerId of ids) {
const asset = assetMap.get(innerId)
if (asset != null) {
object.unsafeMutable(asset).labels = newLabels
await test.test.step('Mock API', async () => {
await page.route('https://cdn.enso.org/**', async route => {
await route.fulfill()
await page.route('https://www.google-analytics.com/**', async route => {
await route.fulfill()
await page.route('https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js*', async route => {
await route.fulfill({
contentType: 'text/javascript',
body: 'export {};',
const isOnline = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.onLine)
if (!isOnline) {
await page.route('https://fonts.googleapis.com/*', async route => {
await route.abort()
await page.route(BASE_URL + '**', (_route, request) => {
throw new Error(`Missing route handler for '${request.url().replace(BASE_URL, '')}'.`)
// === Endpoints returning arrays ===
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.LIST_DIRECTORY_PATH + '*',
async (route, request) => {
/** The type for the search query for this endpoint. */
interface Query {
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
readonly parent_id?: string
readonly filter_by?: backend.FilterBy
readonly labels?: backend.LabelName[]
readonly recent_projects?: boolean
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
// The type of the body sent by this app is statically known.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
const body = Object.fromEntries(
new URL(request.url()).searchParams.entries()
) as unknown as Query
const parentId = body.parent_id ?? defaultDirectoryId
let filteredAssets = assets.filter(asset => asset.parentId === parentId)
// This lint rule is broken; there is clearly a case for `undefined` below.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check
switch (body.filter_by) {
case backend.FilterBy.active: {
filteredAssets = filteredAssets.filter(asset => !deletedAssets.has(asset.id))
case backend.FilterBy.trashed: {
filteredAssets = filteredAssets.filter(asset => deletedAssets.has(asset.id))
case backend.FilterBy.recent: {
filteredAssets = assets
.filter(asset => !deletedAssets.has(asset.id))
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
.slice(0, 10)
case backend.FilterBy.all:
case null: {
// do nothing
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
case undefined: {
// do nothing
(a, b) => backend.ASSET_TYPE_ORDER[a.type] - backend.ASSET_TYPE_ORDER[b.type]
await route.fulfill({
json: {
assets: filteredAssets,
} satisfies remoteBackend.ListDirectoryResponseBody,
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.LIST_FILES_PATH + '*', async route => {
await route.fulfill({
json: { files: [] } satisfies remoteBackend.ListFilesResponseBody,
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.LIST_PROJECTS_PATH + '*', async route => {
await route.fulfill({
json: { projects: [] } satisfies remoteBackend.ListProjectsResponseBody,
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.LIST_SECRETS_PATH + '*', async route => {
await route.fulfill({
json: { secrets: [] } satisfies remoteBackend.ListSecretsResponseBody,
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.LIST_TAGS_PATH + '*', async route => {
await route.fulfill({
json: { tags: labels } satisfies remoteBackend.ListTagsResponseBody,
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.LIST_USERS_PATH + '*', async route => {
await route.fulfill({
json: { users: [] } satisfies remoteBackend.ListUsersResponseBody,
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.LIST_VERSIONS_PATH + '*',
async (route, request) => {
await route.fulfill({
json: {
versions: [
ami: null,
created: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
number: {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
'Development' satisfies `${backend.VersionLifecycle.development}` as backend.VersionLifecycle.development,
value: '2023.2.1-dev',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention, no-restricted-syntax
version_type: (new URL(request.url()).searchParams.get('version_type') ??
'') as backend.VersionType,
} satisfies backend.Version,
// === Unimplemented endpoints ===
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.getProjectDetailsPath(GLOB_PROJECT_ID),
async (route, request) => {
const projectId = request.url().match(/[/]projects[/](.+?)[/]copy/)?.[1] ?? ''
await route.fulfill({
json: {
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
projectId: backend.ProjectId(projectId),
name: 'example project name',
state: {
type: backend.ProjectState.opened,
volumeId: '',
openedBy: defaultEmail,
packageName: 'Project_root',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
ide_version: null,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
engine_version: {
value: '2023.2.1-nightly.2023.9.29',
lifecycle: backend.VersionLifecycle.development,
address: backend.Address('ws://example.com/'),
} satisfies backend.ProjectRaw,
// === Endpoints returning `void` ===
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.copyAssetPath(GLOB_ASSET_ID),
async (route, request) => {
/** The type for the JSON request payload for this endpoint. */
interface Body {
readonly parentDirectoryId: backend.DirectoryId
const assetId = request.url().match(/[/]assets[/](.+?)[/]copy/)?.[1]
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
const asset = assetId != null ? assetMap.get(assetId as backend.AssetId) : null
if (asset == null) {
if (assetId == null) {
await route.fulfill({
json: { error: 'Invalid Asset ID' },
} else {
await route.fulfill({
json: { error: 'Asset does not exist' },
} else {
// The type of the body sent by this app is statically known.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const body: Body = await request.postDataJSON()
const parentId = body.parentDirectoryId
// Can be any asset ID.
const id = backend.DirectoryId(uniqueString.uniqueString())
const json: backend.CopyAssetResponse = {
asset: {
title: asset.title + ' (copy)',
const newAsset = { ...asset }
newAsset.id = id
newAsset.parentId = parentId
newAsset.title += ' (copy)'
await route.fulfill({ json })
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.INVITE_USER_PATH + '*', async route => {
await route.fulfill()
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_PERMISSION_PATH + '*', async route => {
await route.fulfill()
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.deleteAssetPath(GLOB_ASSET_ID), async route => {
await route.fulfill()
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.closeProjectPath(GLOB_PROJECT_ID),
async route => {
await route.fulfill()
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.openProjectPath(GLOB_PROJECT_ID),
async route => {
await route.fulfill()
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.deleteTagPath(GLOB_TAG_ID), async route => {
await route.fulfill()
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.POST_LOG_EVENT_PATH, async route => {
await route.fulfill()
// === Other endpoints ===
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.updateAssetPath(GLOB_ASSET_ID),
async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() === 'PATCH') {
const assetId = request.url().match(/[/]assets[/]([^?]+)/)?.[1] ?? ''
// The type of the body sent by this app is statically known.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const body: backend.UpdateAssetRequestBody = request.postDataJSON()
// This could be an id for an arbitrary asset, but pretend it's a
// `DirectoryId` to make TypeScript happy.
const asset = assetMap.get(backend.DirectoryId(assetId))
if (asset != null) {
if (body.description != null) {
object.unsafeMutable(asset).description = body.description
} else {
await route.fallback()
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.associateTagPath(GLOB_ASSET_ID),
async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() === 'PATCH') {
const assetId = request.url().match(/[/]assets[/]([^/?]+)/)?.[1] ?? ''
/** The type for the JSON request payload for this endpoint. */
interface Body {
readonly labels: backend.LabelName[]
/** The type for the JSON response payload for this endpoint. */
interface Response {
readonly tags: backend.Label[]
// The type of the body sent by this app is statically known.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const body: Body = await request.postDataJSON()
// This could be an id for an arbitrary asset, but pretend it's a
// `DirectoryId` to make TypeScript happy.
setLabels(backend.DirectoryId(assetId), body.labels)
const json: Response = {
tags: body.labels.flatMap(value => {
const label = labelsByValue.get(value)
return label != null ? [label] : []
await route.fulfill({ json })
} else {
await route.fallback()
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.updateDirectoryPath(GLOB_DIRECTORY_ID),
async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() === 'PUT') {
const directoryId = request.url().match(/[/]directories[/]([^?]+)/)?.[1] ?? ''
// The type of the body sent by this app is statically known.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const body: backend.UpdateDirectoryRequestBody = request.postDataJSON()
const asset = assetMap.get(backend.DirectoryId(directoryId))
if (asset == null) {
await route.abort()
} else {
object.unsafeMutable(asset).title = body.title
await route.fulfill({
json: {
id: backend.DirectoryId(directoryId),
parentId: asset.parentId,
title: body.title,
} satisfies backend.UpdatedDirectory,
} else {
await route.fallback()
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.deleteAssetPath(GLOB_ASSET_ID),
async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() === 'DELETE') {
const assetId = request.url().match(/[/]assets[/]([^?]+)/)?.[1] ?? ''
// This could be an id for an arbitrary asset, but pretend it's a
// `DirectoryId` to make TypeScript happy.
await route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT })
} else {
await route.fallback()
await page.route(
async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() === 'PATCH') {
/** The type for the JSON request payload for this endpoint. */
interface Body {
readonly assetId: backend.AssetId
// The type of the body sent by this app is statically known.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const body: Body = await request.postDataJSON()
await route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT })
} else {
await route.fallback()
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_USER_PATH + '*',
async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() === 'POST') {
// The type of the body sent by this app is statically known.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const body: backend.CreateUserRequestBody = await request.postDataJSON()
const organizationId = body.organizationId ?? defaultUser.organizationId
const rootDirectoryId = backend.DirectoryId(
organizationId.replace(/^organization-/, 'directory-')
currentUser = {
email: body.userEmail,
name: body.userName,
userId: backend.UserId(`user-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`),
isEnabled: false,
userGroups: null,
await route.fulfill({ json: currentUser })
} else if (request.method() === 'GET') {
if (currentUser != null) {
await route.fulfill({ json: [] })
} else {
await route.fulfill({ status: HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST })
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.USERS_ME_PATH + '*', async route => {
await route.fulfill({ json: currentUser })
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.GET_ORGANIZATION_PATH + '*', async route => {
await route.fulfill({
json: currentOrganization,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
status: currentOrganization == null ? 404 : 200,
await page.route(BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_TAG_PATH + '*', async route => {
if (route.request().method() === 'POST') {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const body: backend.CreateTagRequestBody = route.request().postDataJSON()
const json: backend.Label = {
id: backend.TagId(`tag-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`),
value: backend.LabelName(body.value),
color: body.color,
await route.fulfill({ json })
} else {
await route.fallback()
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_PROJECT_PATH + '*',
async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() === 'POST') {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const body: backend.CreateProjectRequestBody = request.postDataJSON()
const title = body.projectName
const id = backend.ProjectId(`project-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`)
const parentId =
body.parentDirectoryId ??
const json: backend.CreatedProject = {
name: title,
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
packageName: 'Project_root',
projectId: id,
state: { type: backend.ProjectState.opened, volumeId: '' },
addProject(title, {
description: null,
labels: [],
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
permissions: [
user: {
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
userId: defaultUserId,
name: defaultUsername,
email: defaultEmail,
permission: permissions.PermissionAction.own,
projectState: json.state,
await route.fulfill({ json })
} else {
await route.fallback()
await page.route(
BASE_URL + remoteBackendPaths.CREATE_DIRECTORY_PATH + '*',
async (route, request) => {
if (request.method() === 'POST') {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
const body: backend.CreateDirectoryRequestBody = request.postDataJSON()
const title = body.title
const id = backend.DirectoryId(`directory-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`)
const parentId =
body.parentId ?? backend.DirectoryId(`directory-${uniqueString.uniqueString()}`)
const json: backend.CreatedDirectory = { title, id, parentId }
addDirectory(title, {
description: null,
labels: [],
modifiedAt: dateTime.toRfc3339(new Date()),
permissions: [
user: {
organizationId: defaultOrganizationId,
userId: defaultUserId,
name: defaultUsername,
email: defaultEmail,
permission: permissions.PermissionAction.own,
projectState: null,
await route.fulfill({ json })
} else {
await route.fallback()
return {
defaultName: defaultUsername,
rootDirectoryId: defaultDirectoryId,
/** Returns the current value of `currentUser`. This is a getter, so its return value
* SHOULD NOT be cached. */
get currentUser() {
return currentUser
setCurrentUser: (user: backend.User | null) => {
currentUser = user
/** Returns the current value of `currentUser`. This is a getter, so its return value
* SHOULD NOT be cached. */
get currentOrganization() {
return currentOrganization
setCurrentOrganization: (user: backend.OrganizationInfo | null) => {
currentOrganization = user