somebody1234 6f7a51470d
Directory management on Local (Project Manager) backend (#9353)
- Implement https://github.com/enso-org/cloud-v2/issues/961
- Allow directory management on Local backend
- Setting a custom root directory is currently *out of scope* of this PR.
- Listing directories
- Deleting directories and files
- Adjust project-related APIs to accept parent directory path (as required by PM when not interacting with root directory)
- QoL improvements related to testing this PR
- New watch script (`npm run watch2`, `npm run watch:linux`) in `app/ide-desktop/lib/client/`) for testing IDE2 on Electron without having to build the entire app
- Adjustments to `gui2`'s `vite.config.ts` to allow React HMR when doing dev in Electron

# Important Notes
- Support for deleting files and folders uses the API introduced by #9359 - so it will not work until that PR is merged in.
- Support for uploading files uses the API specified by #9360 - so it will not work until that issue is closed.
2024-03-27 14:42:23 +00:00

37 lines
1.5 KiB

/** @file Test the drive view. */
import * as test from '@playwright/test'
import * as actions from './actions'
test.test('drive view', async ({ page }) => {
const assetRows = actions.locateAssetRows(page)
// Drive view
await test.expect(actions.locateDriveView(page)).toBeVisible()
await actions.expectPlaceholderRow(page)
// Assets table with one asset
await actions.locateNewProjectButton(page).click()
await test.expect(actions.locateEditor(page)).toBeVisible()
await actions.locateDrivePageIcon(page).click()
// The placeholder row becomes hidden.
await test.expect(assetRows).toHaveCount(1)
await test.expect(actions.locateAssetsTable(page)).toBeVisible()
await actions.locateNewProjectButton(page).click()
await test.expect(assetRows).toHaveCount(2)
await test.expect(actions.locateEditor(page)).toBeVisible()
await actions.locateDrivePageIcon(page).click()
await test.expect(assetRows).toHaveCount(2)
// The last opened project needs to be stopped, to remove the toast notification notifying the
// user that project creation may take a while. Previously opened projects are stopped when the
// new project is created.
await actions.locateStopProjectButton(assetRows.nth(0)).click()
// Project context menu
await assetRows.nth(0).click({ button: 'right' })
const contextMenu = actions.locateContextMenus(page)
await test.expect(contextMenu).toBeVisible()
await actions.locateMoveToTrashButton(contextMenu).click()
await test.expect(assetRows).toHaveCount(1)