Paweł Grabarz b7a8909818
Vue dependency update, better selection performance, visible quotes in text inputs (#9204)
- Improved performance by batching simulatenous node edits, including metadata updates when dragging many selected nodes together.
- Updated Vue to new version, allowing us to use `defineModel`.
- Fixed #9161
- Unified all handling of auto-blur by making `useAutoBlur` cheap to register - all logic goes through a single window event handler.
- Combined all `ResizeObserver`s into one.
- Fixed the behaviour of repeated toast messages. Now only the latest compilation status is visible at any given time, and the errors disappear once compilation passes.
- Actually fixed broken interaction of node and visualization widths. There no longer is a style feedback loop and the visible node backdrop width no longer jumps or randomly fails to update.
2024-03-06 15:34:07 +00:00

47 lines
1.5 KiB

import { type Page } from '@playwright/test'
import { expect } from './customExpect'
import * as locate from './locate'
import { graphNodeByBinding } from './locate'
// =================
// === goToGraph ===
// =================
/** Perform a successful login. */
export async function goToGraph(page: Page) {
await page.goto('/')
await expect(page.locator('.App')).toBeVisible()
// Wait until nodes are loaded.
await expect(locate.graphNode(page)).toExist()
// Wait for position initialization
await expectNodePositionsInitialized(page, 64)
export async function expectNodePositionsInitialized(page: Page, yPos: number) {
// TODO: The yPos should not need to be a variable. Instead, first automatically positioned nodes
// should always have constant known position. This is a bug caused by incorrect layout after
// entering a function. To be fixed with #9255
await expect(locate.graphNode(page).first()).toHaveCSS(
`matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -16, ${yPos})`,
export async function exitFunction(page: Page, x = 300, y = 300) {
await page.mouse.dblclick(x, y, { delay: 10 })
// =================
// === Drag Node ===
// =================
/// Move node defined by the given binding by the given x and y.
export async function dragNodeByBinding(page: Page, nodeBinding: string, x: number, y: number) {
const node = graphNodeByBinding(page, nodeBinding)
const grabHandle = await node.locator('.grab-handle')
await grabHandle.dragTo(grabHandle, {
targetPosition: { x, y },
force: true,